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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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8 hours ago, (XBOX)ArcaneShadow869 said:

150 bucks for a weapon in a video game is stupid and comparing the two doesn't make it right or better.

150 bucks is groceries for the week for a two person home.

That's almost 7 tanks of gasoline in small cars.

It has no value whatsoever outside of the game. It's simply a piece of coding and pixels that cost you $150 because the people selling made that the price.

You are also a victim.

Id argue comparing two cosmetic items makes more sense than comparing it with groceries. I hear your point but value has and always will be subjective. There’s $20 purses and $5000 purses. That’s gas for two years. These are optional cosmetic purchases, the market determines their value, if no one buys it they lower the price or don’t sell them. We can’t demand a price reduction when the DEMAND is there, it will never work that way. I will always have a larger issue with the NECESSARY in-game spending e.g. warframe slots, foundry time-gating, etc. That is predatory. Cosmetics are completely subjective, and I don’t think DE did anything here that undermines the current cosmetic market

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vor 11 Minuten schrieb Slainn_:

Id argue comparing two cosmetic items makes more sense than comparing it with groceries. I hear your point but value has and always will be subjective. There’s $20 purses and $5000 purses. That’s gas for two years. These are optional cosmetic purchases, the market determines their value, if no one buys it they lower the price or don’t sell them. We can’t demand a price reduction when the DEMAND is there, it will never work that way. I will always have a larger issue with the NECESSARY in-game spending e.g. warframe slots, foundry time-gating, etc. That is predatory. Cosmetics are completely subjective, and I don’t think DE did anything here that undermines the current cosmetic market

Well, besides damaging trust in DE, the value and role of platinum, the heirloom packs DO undermine the cosmetic market in two ways:
1) there have been a whole new cosmetic slot added that curently can only be used by buyers of these packs
2) these packs may be the beginning of new, 'progressive' pricing models for the cosmetics skins to come

I find that this is or threatens to be quite disruptive for the cosmetic part of the game.

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It's a start. But it still has the FOMO and it still has the regal ayas that nobody wants. Just sell the mag skin stuff as a pack for $15, and sell the frost skin stuff as a different pack for $15. It's that simple. Are these skins supposed to be part of a celebration? Or a forever reminder of the moment DE inexplicably decided to jump the shark? Buldar's Gate 3 is out (and is apparently the new posterchild of how not to gouge your customers). Starfield is coming out. Is now really the time you want to start driving away players?

Edited by Lepris4848
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12 hours ago, TheDecembrist said:

Zenith owner here, this is a good change. Personally i'm fine with a small number of skins being expensive and time limited as long as the bundle is correctly priced.

Same I got the Zenith before the changes but refer to this below quote which I think is a good idea.

11 hours ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Why though? People hate exclusivity, sure make the 10 year profile badge and the 10 year sigil/glyph only available this year but don't make the skins a one time only thing. 

You guys put effort into making these skins make them permanent and you'll always profit from them at least.

Good idea, this sounds fair. imo


12 hours ago, BowserNC said:

FOMO or not, this is a good change to reflect the price. I already bought mine cause Warframe is my #1 fav game ever and I want to support the devs. Ty Megan for the heads up! ❤️

I liked the change to the extras, which are a bonus from the original pack.

12 hours ago, BowserNC said:

Prime accesories mainly (in my case)

Same here couple I like the look of, it saves me buying Regal Aya.

12 hours ago, GreyKestrel said:

I thought the value was already pretty decent (it was a day one purchase for me) but I won't say no to more platinum. Thank you, DE. You're awesome, as always.

I thought it was a bit overpriced but my main concern is when they release the next lot of skins for similar real prices instead of being a market plat buyable skin.


Edited by Slayer-.
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8 minutes ago, BlackAce said:

The "Tencent will ruin this game" crowd was right!?

lonely depression GIF

We aren't quite there yet, but this doesn't exactly set the best precedent. If anything, now is the time to course correct. If they choose to go speeding toward an iceberg instead then, well...

Edited by Lionsheart89
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11 hours ago, Gladehart said:

Bungie have done much worse. And are pigs. Literal dirt. They worked with activision, broke away from activision and are still using their tactics anyways.
I don't see DE as far down the hole as Bungie yet. That's a looooong way down to go yet.

The point is that people dont want DE to become like Bungie, Mihoyo, EA, Blizzard etc.

Letting them do a pack like this MEANS THE WILL DO MORE LIKE THIS.

People want DE to keep Warframe as the best F2P, not make the monetization as blatant a rip off as Genshin and Overwatch 2. Just because it isn't "As bad as XYZ" doesn't mean you should let it slide, because you let S#&$ like this slide enough? You will be calling DE's name in the "At least they're not as bad as XYZ" lists.

It's disheartening that DE would do something this bad, like this when they've been doing perfectly fine without using tactics like this to profit. They tried it with Raya (and did the exact same thing instead of decreasing the price/giving more Raya per purchase, had another excuse too)

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22 minutes ago, BlackAce said:

The "Tencent will ruin this game" crowd was right!?

lonely depression GIF

We were never wrong, to begin with, it was just the "others" to realise that

14 minutes ago, Lionsheart89 said:

We aren't quite there yet, but this doesn't exactly set the best precedent. If anything, now is the time to course correct. If they choose to go speeding toward an iceberg instead then, well...

This is a fair statement however ^

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13 hours ago, Gladehart said:

Plus, The Regal Aya is for the people that do not own the frames. Because they are both in prime resurgence currently.

You're pretty much explaining why so many people doesn't care about regal aya.

Both prime frames have been aroun since the era of void keys, before DE started vaulting stuff and then have also been unvaulted a couple of times which also makes them available for free by cracking relics.

The bundles seem definitely aimed at getting the money of new players while those who have actually been around and supporting the game for a long time get no value from regal aya and may also have more plat than they'll ever use.

A cheaper bundle with only the skins and tiaras but no clutter are all what was being requested, yet DE <<<listened>>> and  increased the clutter instead to "justify" the high prices.

No thanks.

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I'm still extremely disappointed. The 10th anniversary collection should have been an amazing memory but this is, while it is alot better now, still bad.

Have we been so bad as a community that you felt like this was justified? Seriously DE what the hell is going on.

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I bought the most expensive pack, I bought it because I'm a loser, the pack is not worth that price, I'm okay with using FOMO for skins and even battle passes (Nightwave is boring), but the price is ridiculous, keep going with FOMO if you want, but adjust that price and stop selling only in packs, let players choose if they want to buy the pack or just the skin.

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6 minutes ago, Zouna said:

I'm still extremely disappointed. The 10th anniversary collection should have been an amazing memory but this is, while it is alot better now, still bad.

Have we been so bad as a community that you felt like this was justified? Seriously DE what the hell is going on.

They literally took a gamble with this packs or they did it on purpose because they knew after some people bought it already, they can't do nothing to change them like the limitation or removing the plat or regal. Us gonna remember this greedy moment from them and hope they not gonna do something like that in the future. They should be ashamed of themselves but it is what it is right now :).       

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Why would i buy an overpriced pack filled with unwanted clutter in a free game when i can get a lot more value for less money.

I mean, Armored Core 6 is 60USD, cheaper than the Celestial bundle at 70USD (which is not even the most expensive bundle containing the skins) and it's a brand new game released a week ago.

Seriously, what in the hell, DE.

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1 minute ago, Luckianm said:

I bought the most expensive pack, I bought it because I'm a loser, the pack is not worth that price, I'm okay with using FOMO for skins and even battle passes (Nightwave is boring), but the price is ridiculous, keep going with FOMO if you want, but adjust that price and stop selling only in packs, let players choose if they want to buy the pack or just the skin.

FOMO is still bad, they said in the past they will never do that again but right now they can't do nothing and with the let the player choose I fully agree + next time they should add only the skins or cosmetics not the plat or other things that will boost the price for the packs. 

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13 hours ago, --TL--Wisp.ES said:

Still not enough to make me consider the packs over a fully developed AAA game

Lmao, that's funny; implying AAA games are "fully" developed and you aren't paying full price for 30-50% of a game.


Not supporting it, but let's be real here, you're getting more "game" out of this pack than you are buying a AAA game these days. Of course there are exceptions, but you get the point.

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8 hours ago, AlphaOmega_ResNovae said:

"Be grateful for DE releasing so much stuff frequently and stop whining". One thing doesn't invalidate another, a good action doesn't and shouldn't cover FOMO and bad practices. Sure, DE makes a good job with the updates, most of the time, but it doesn't erase the bad things and we should not just eat it up. Such "mentalities" (if they have a mind behind that are all) are so dull and seem just like puppets

I absolutely agree to what you've said, and this argument is extremely stupid, f2p games make so much money, acting like DE are such nice guys because they're releasing stuff is hilariously ignorant. If DE would struggle they wouldn't be able to donate 200k or have over 500 employees, with even enough to develop another game. DE isn't releasing stuff because they're just nice.

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1 minute ago, Jun-Mai said:

I absolutely agree to what you've said, and this argument is extremely stupid, f2p games make so much money, acting like DE are such nice guys because they're releasing stuff is hilariously ignorant. If DE would struggle they wouldn't be able to donate 200k or have over 500 employees, with even enough to develop another game. DE isn't releasing stuff because they're just nice.

Welcome to the Warframe community. Unfortunately just like they're doing now and with the past couple updates and changes; DE can do stuff the community doesn't like or go back on their word and as long as they even slightly act like "oh no guys we hear you" the vocal DE bootlickers will go back to doing what they do best, licking the boot.

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16 minutes ago, Zouna said:

I'm still extremely disappointed. The 10th anniversary collection should have been an amazing memory but this is, while it is alot better now, still bad.

Oh this is gonna go down in the history books

Remember the saying, once something is on the net, it stays forever, even if they try to hide this or sweep it under the rug, someone out there has screen capped this all, the time back website (thingy). Just to prove "You did this, remember?"

For the first time, I think Tennocon and the 10th anniversary is a stain, not a golden shine.

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Still FOMO bullS#&amp;&#036;

Still cash only

Still no separate bundles for those who only want 1 of the 2 skins and don't care about the other

Still sticking with inflating the price via Regal Aya, which is useless for most players who actually stuck with you through the copter melee META and Corrosive nerf to this day

Stop pretending you didn't know that the backlash would happen. People tolerate the Founder exclusives (despite Founders themselves telling you for years now to make these items accessible to all players) for one reason - there would be no Warframe, at least as we know it, without their contribution. This, however, is just straight up moneygrab bullS#&amp;&#036;. Is this Warframe or #*!%ing WoW? What's the next step, DE? How low are you willing to go?

Oh, and let's not forget about the "10 years supporter" badge of shame the buyers are forced to wear. I sure hope you don't make it optional, DE, because when the game hits rock #*!%ing bottom and dies in microtransaction Hell like Destiny then we can all point fingers at them for selling "10 more years of Warframe we all actually liked" for 2 skins and a #*!%ing whale badge to flex on noobs. 

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3 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Oh this is gonna go down in the history books

Remember the saying, once something is on the net, it stays forever, even if they try to hide this or sweep it under the rug, someone out there has screen capped this all, the time back website (thingy). Just to prove "You did this, remember?"

For the first time, I think Tennocon and the 10th anniversary is a stain, not a golden shine.

The "10" in 10th Anniversary stands for 10cent!?!?!?!?!?

Tim And Eric Omg GIF

Jokes aside, this pretty much killed any trust I have with DE. I went so far as to buy my cousins some starter packs and other bundles just to support DE. I guess some good things never last.

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