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When does DE grow up?


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The game is FULL of 100% pointless menial tasks. Just one of these is the Duviri puzzle power orb searching. Why? There simply can not be a reason for it other than to make things unnecessarily tedious. The puzzles are fine but this thing makes it the equivalent of someone taking one piece of a puzzle and hiding it somewhere for no reason other than to be annoying. 

the game has many, many such things that hold exactly no value what so ever yet the player is forced to jump through these hoops to get access to the actual game. These things are fun to exactly no one and every single content update has at least one of them.

So, when do we get these things removed permanently? How many people have leave the game because some dev has to be a D to feel good about him or her self?

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I get the whole not liking puzzles thing, I myself prefer my in-game problems to be solvable with copious amounts of shooting and slicing, but there has to be SOME other stuff to do in order to break up what would otherwise be a pretty monotonous experience: plus when it's time to fight things again it's enjoyable, like an extra reward in itself sometimes, especially if you're getting those sweet, sweet red crits... mmm.. red crits..

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🤔 Never really struck me as particularly egregious. In most games that employ a minor scavenger hunt, I tend to like poking around a level; helps force me to slow down and pay attention and learn the environment a little more (I was the one of our group who liked searching for hidden Ghosts in Destiny)

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12 minutes ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

So, when do we get these things removed permanently? How many people have leave the game because some dev has to be a D to feel good about him or her self?

Sounds like you're in denial of wanting to leave the game yourself. Don't play content you don't find fun, so if all you care about is shooting, just play the shooty content. It is also okay to take breaks, so be the adult here and just take a break, instead of being a baby on the forums and acting as if the devs are out to get you or something

Edited by Pakaku
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30 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

I get the whole not liking puzzles thing, I myself prefer my in-game problems to be solvable with copious amounts of shooting and slicing, but there has to be SOME other stuff to do in order to break up what would otherwise be a pretty monotonous experience: plus when it's time to fight things again it's enjoyable, like an extra reward in itself sometimes, especially if you're getting those sweet, sweet red crits... mmm.. red crits..

Absolutely true. There is nothing wrong with having options. My point was not that puzzles are bad because they are not. My point was that FOR EXAMPLE the Duviri puzzles have a part that is nothing but the devs trying to make the gamers hate the thing. The orb that is used for powering up the parts of the puzzle, those being hidden is just pointless and makes the experience bad. Other than that the puzzles are fine. 
the point is that there are ridiculously many things like that in the game. Actually the one thing that has none of that is the basic mission grinding which makes pretty much everything else pure torture. 

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The enigma puzzles were truly a horrible mistake.  Having to do them to get cool decorations is INSANE.   What truly makes them horrible though is that they are static and always the same.  So even if you got some amount of joy from it the first time... the 50th time not so much,  its just a waste of time. 

I wish the Own flying gave enigma.  That's not fun or challenging but atleast its relaxing!!   After I got the Cinta all the enigma puzzles can go $%&# themselves.  


I wish the good Duviri arcanes would have been in NORMAL mode Duviri.   I would have kept going back there for as long as I needed those arcanes.  For right now the place is dead to me lol.  I got all the Inc adapters and drifter melee's I wanted,  maxed my drifter intrinsics.   Have no reason to bother gaining more intrinsics as you cant use them to buy stuff like enigma decorations/good arcanes...

I'm not going on stupid scavenger hunts for resources to buy arcanes and or captura scenes....  


There needs to be another circuit path for Duviri resources and Another kind of story mode that rewards enigma stones from fighting and do anything other than puzzles lol.  

When do the songs we mastered in Duviri become available to play on shawzins back on our ships??  

When will getting fish (for our tanks) become easier.

When will get a little thing in the HUD that tells us what lost island fragment area we are in and how many pieces we have for it)

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35 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

🤔 Never really struck me as particularly egregious. In most games that employ a minor scavenger hunt, I tend to like poking around a level; helps force me to slow down and pay attention and learn the environment a little more (I was the one of our group who liked searching for hidden Ghosts in Destiny)

Yes, true, that is done through resource grinding. These things do not do that. These are just 100% pointless hoops that do not offer any benefit to the gamer or help the experience at all. 

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37 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

Sounds like you're in denial of wanting to leave the game yourself. Don't play content you don't find fun, so if all you care about is shooting, just play the shooty content. It is also okay to take breaks, so be the adult here and just take a break, instead of being a baby on the forums and acting as if the devs are out to get you or something

That is not what the post is about and you know it. Maybe instead of trying to gaslight people you could just not participate in the discussion next time?

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29 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

You can go sir. Seriously what it's the point of this post?

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Well, if you had read it to understand instead of reading it to comment you would know. I was not vague about it, in fact I used a lot more words to make the point than I thought was necessary  just so that I could make sure that everyone understood what I meant. Apparently I didn’t use enough. 

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What do you expect? u throw a tantrum about a side objective for a decoration and a Mediocre Weapon that u dont even have to farm?! 

U dont seem to play other games as well... I mean side quests and searching for stuff is not exactly new... Exept if u only playing suff like fortnite or other games like that. I just dont get whats the problem here tbh...

Edited by Cr4zyDoc
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13 minutes ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

That is not what the post is about and you know it. Maybe instead of trying to gaslight people you could just not participate in the discussion next time?

Your thread can be summed up as you not liking some parts of the game, and disliking them enough to think that makes the devs childish. That makes zero sense.

Like I already said, don't play things you don't like. And you don't speak for everyone. There are people who like the parts of the game you don't like.

Edited by Pakaku
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15 minutes ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

Yes, true, that is done through resource grinding. These things do not do that. These are just 100% pointless hoops that do not offer any benefit to the gamer or help the experience at all. 

? Resource grinding? Normally that happens in the course of gameplay and can occur in the breathing room between fight clusters when I’m reloading everything and readying myself for the next encounter. The little hunts around a localised area is a little different in that I’m searching for something in particular versus whatever I find in a corner or whatever.

I’d be hard pressed to say what benefits scavenger hunts offer to a player aside from forcing them to slow down and poke around, true. But I think their impact is a little harder to pin down (though sometimes forcing someone to slow down is undoubtedly a good thing), but when it’s gone people will feel it and wonder what it is that they’re missing. In my case it can add to the experience since I’m jumping around buildings and looking at the level design and in general being a little more immersed into the world of Duviri, and am rewarded with stuff for doing so (though I wouldn’t want to be inundated in scavenger hunts or want them to be too hidden)

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7 minutes ago, Cr4zyDoc said:

What do you expect? u throw a tantrum about a side objective for a decoration and a Mediocre Weapon that u dont even have to farm?! 

U dont seem to play other games as well... I mean side quests and searching for stuff is not exactly new... Exept if u only playing suff like fortnite or other games like that. I just dont get whats the problem here tbh...

I don’t think we look at this from the same perspective. I don’t think that side quest as a thing is of value unless it’s worth going through and if it’s ruined by a bad design then its design should be adjusted. 

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8 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

Your thread can be summed up as you not liking some parts of the game, in which case, like I already said, don't play things you don't like. And you don't speak for everyone. There are people who like the parts of the game you don't like.

If you want to go there then literally every thread and post could be summed up as someone liking or disliking something.

Obviously everything is liked by someone. That does not make things good in design. You could spit on a carpet, call it art and someone somewhere would think you’re a genius despite you just having a filthy carpet. 

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10 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

? Resource grinding? Normally that happens in the course of gameplay and can occur in the breathing room between fight clusters when I’m reloading everything and readying myself for the next encounter. The little hunts around a localised area is a little different in that I’m searching for something in particular versus whatever I find in a corner or whatever.

I’d be hard pressed to say what benefits scavenger hunts offer to a player aside from forcing them to slow down and poke around, true. But I think their impact is a little harder to pin down (though sometimes forcing someone to slow down is undoubtedly a good thing), but when it’s gone people will feel it and wonder what it is that they’re missing. In my case it can add to the experience since I’m jumping around buildings and looking at the level design and in general being a little more immersed into the world of Duviri, and am rewarded with stuff for doing so (though I wouldn’t want to be inundated in scavenger hunts or want them to be too hidden)

True, but we are talking about Warframe and not games in general. Your points work perfectly with other titles like the Horizon series and CP77. Warframe does those things through forcing resource grinding for weapons and frames. 

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb (PSN)shiwan8:

I don’t think we look at this from the same perspective. I don’t think that side quest as a thing is of value unless it’s worth going through and if it’s ruined by a bad design then its design should be adjusted. 

These puzzles are easy af... even a nice change from the usual do mission X 100 times to grind all parts for a Weapon. 

Look at it from the perspective you want. still does not change the fact that no one forces you to grind the stuff and that its not needed to achive anything in the game. You can do everything in the game after hitting MR16. Everything else is just for completion. 

Having to do a few tasks some ppl dont like for completion you will find in every game. except games like i mentioned before... so what? whats the problem?

Tbh u should consider thinking about this thread title for yourself. 



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4 minutes ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

True, but we are talking about Warframe and not games in general. Your points work perfectly with other titles like the Horizon series and CP77. Warframe does those things through forcing resource grinding for weapons and frames. 

I’m… a little lost. The points I was making about scavenger hunting like with the Duviri puzzles was in regards to Warframe as it works right now.

When you say “Resource grinding”, are you referring to stuff like Argon Crystals, which could be considered scavenger hunting?

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Dont like games that literally only exist to kill time with menial stuff?

touch grass - Imgflip

Cause youre probably describing like 99.99% of games that exist. Not a single game will give you a "do this" mission and you get 100$ irl. for finishing it in under 5 minutes

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22 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

I’m… a little lost. The points I was making about scavenger hunting like with the Duviri puzzles was in regards to Warframe as it works right now.

When you say “Resource grinding”, are you referring to stuff like Argon Crystals, which could be considered scavenger hunting?

Generally in Warframe getting to know the environment is done by mining, gathering plants etc. for building tools  These puzzles are not that. These are extra for interior cosmetics. These are done for fun and nothing else. The fun is ruined by bad design.

26 minutes ago, rawr1254 said:

Dont like games that literally only exist to kill time with menial stuff?

touch grass - Imgflip

Cause youre probably describing like 99.99% of games that exist. Not a single game will give you a "do this" mission and you get 100$ irl. for finishing it in under 5 minutes

I get it. You did not get the point. That’s fine.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)shiwan8 said:

The game is FULL of 100% pointless menial tasks. Just one of these is the Duviri puzzle power orb searching. Why? There simply can not be a reason for it other than to make things unnecessarily tedious. The puzzles are fine but this thing makes it the equivalent of someone taking one piece of a puzzle and hiding it somewhere for no reason other than to be annoying. 

the game has many, many such things that hold exactly no value what so ever yet the player is forced to jump through these hoops to get access to the actual game. These things are fun to exactly no one and every single content update has at least one of them.

So, when do we get these things removed permanently? How many people have leave the game because some dev has to be a D to feel good about him or her self?

As someone who still likes to do survival endurance as opposed to some of the newer quarky jobs, I think you're in the wrong headspace. You're not at work where the boss is telling you that you gotta go collect all the pointless nothings. Just do what you want. Grind for what you want. Ignore content that isn't for you. It's a game where you can do that most of the time. 

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24 minutes ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

Oh that one.  Not a massive detriment to skip it, so I just skip it.

A scavenger hunt is much like the real world one, you get a clue go to the location where you think the clue leads.  If correct you find either another clue, or the treasure.

True and I will. 

There’s no clues in these. This is not about the puzzle itself. The point is that the game has many pointless hoops players have to jump through that are explicitly detrimental to the fun. 

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6 minutes ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

As someone who still likes to do survival endurance as opposed to some of the newer quarky jobs, I think you're in the wrong headspace. You're not at work where the boss is telling you that you gotta go collect all the pointless nothings. Just do what you want. Grind for what you want. Ignore content that isn't for you. It's a game where you can do that most of the time. 

True. That’s not the point either. Like I said, the game has a lot of things you have to endure before you get to do the fun parts and none of these are useful or fun. I used the 1 part of the puzzle just as an example. 

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Just to put it in perspective, try the Protea grind.  Trying to get a spare for the helminth, 17 tries so far to get neuroptics.  Nada.

12 for systems. Got that one.

10 for chassis. Got that one.

Sevagoth is almost as bad.  Not going into the forma cost to get him up and running properly.

My point being, there's worse things than puzzles in the game.  F2Pitis in full flow.

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