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A consumable RNG remover for duviri


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As most of you probably know since duviri is one of the first things available in the game, duviri has an rng system for loadouts that reduces your equipment choices to a randomly selected few frames and weapons, while a lot of people dislike this (or at least I got that impresion from all the comments I saw in the forums) I came to appreciate it, I found it rewarding to have a whole arsenal of equipment that could do the job rather than depending on a select few. But even I must say that that the options can sometimes really screw with you, not only that, but some frames are rarely usable since (at least for me) they don't perform their best if its not with a specific set of weapons that go hand and hand with their kit, what is Khora without a stat stick, Yarely without a good crit secondary, or Ash without high finisher damage dagger, etc, not to mention that when a new frame comes out it can take a while before you get to try your new toys there. I don't want DE to get rid of the rng as a whole in duviri but I figured there could be some middle ground, that middle ground being a consumable item that allows you to enter the cave with whatever equipment you have at the moment (or maybe choosing your equipment inside the cave itself, idk) that way the rng can still give duviri it's spice, you are still rewarded for having a whole arsenal of SP capable equipment but at the same time you can sometimes bring some loadouts that rng makes so hard to get, you can try out new equipment faster and you can have an alternative for when the choices you are given are just not that powerfull (or even just something you don't feel like using)

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hace 8 minutos, Corvid dijo:

It's worth noting that even if RNG completely screws you over and gives you nothing good to use, you can load into Duviri, earn a single decree, then quit out. That will completely reroll your offerings.

True, but you can also reroll riven stats without getting anything good, granted, the duviri RNG is not a quarter as bad as rivens but you get the idea, plus there is still the fact that sometimes I want to take my Khora with her stats stick or the new Hydroid with an amprex to melt armors and those combinations are harder to get with RNG

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5 hours ago, Kegnor97 said:

True, but you can also reroll riven stats without getting anything good, granted, the duviri RNG is not a quarter as bad as rivens but you get the idea, plus there is still the fact that sometimes I want to take my Khora with her stats stick or the new Hydroid with an amprex to melt armors and those combinations are harder to get with RNG

That's why you're encouraged to broaden your available equipment that is viable. It's by design that you don't get the exact loadout you want to use, you get pushed to use other combinations. Granted, I perfectly understand that this pushes alot of people out of their comfort zone, but it does reward players for not just deeming anything non-meta or non-favorite as fodder, and actually punishes the players who do (in a way). I can see the pros and cons. I'm personally one of the players that is heavily rewarded by the randomized loadout system, so it never really bothers me.

Edited by Voltage
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But the random nature of it is pretty much the whole point of the mode. A way to remove that at all just turns it into more of a snooze fest than any regular endless mode. And due to that any such consumable would have to either be difficult/random to get and/or be expensive to craft and either way results in more issues. Like imagine if such a thing cost 10-20 Pathos Clamps per use which is probably in line with how DE would price such an item.

Personally I feel like the best way to (attempt to) appease both crowds is to put cave rerolls somewhere in the Intrinsic tree. Basically giving you the option to reroll your frame and/or weapon selection once at the start of a run.

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hace 1 hora, trst dijo:

any such consumable would have to either be difficult/random to get and/or be expensive to craft and either way results in more issues.

It can also be somewhat timegated, that way you'd be guaranteed to get some while not being able to hoard too many to abuse


hace 1 hora, trst dijo:

A way to remove that at all just turns it into more of a snooze fest than any regular endless mode.

I would agree if the level scaling was as slow as the regular starchart, but I think the faster scaling of things like the circuit can more than make up for it, and when it comes to the landscape, well, your drifter is way more relevant there anyways


hace 1 hora, trst dijo:

Basically giving you the option to reroll your frame and/or weapon selection once at the start of a run.

technically we already have a way to reroll equipment choices as @Corvid pointed out


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hace 1 hora, Voltage dijo:

That's why you're encouraged to broaden your available equipment that is viable. It's by design that you don't get the exact loadout you want to use, you get pushed to use other combinations. Granted, I perfectly understand that this pushes alot of people out of their comfort zone, but it does reward players for not just deeming anything non-meta or non-favorite as fodder, and actually punishes the players who do (in a way). I can see the pros and cons. I'm personally one of the players that is heavily rewarded by the randomized loadout system, so it never really bothers me.

I do get that, but a consumable does not remove the need to broaden your equipment if implemented correctly, if its aquisition is paced correctly you would still benefit from having a lot of choices since the consumable would not be common enough to spam endlessly

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If you don't want RNG, then play regular stuff so you can choose all of your equipment and what type of missions you're playing.

I enjoy the randomness. Do I often pick the same frames I play most in regular missions? Sure. But I've also come to appreciate a few more by having my options limited and being steered towards them. It's also made me play with more people because of SP circuit runs. Forcing me to mix it up a little is nice.

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hace 13 horas, Hobie-wan dijo:

If you don't want RNG, then play regular stuff so you can choose all of your equipment and what type of missions you're playing.

I enjoy the randomness. Do I often pick the same frames I play most in regular missions? Sure. But I've also come to appreciate a few more by having my options limited and being steered towards them. It's also made me play with more people because of SP circuit runs. Forcing me to mix it up a little is nice.

I enjoy the randomness too, as I said in the post, it feels rewarding to have a bunch of sp capable equipment rather than rely on a few weapons, I just think it would be nice to have the choice from time to time, and yes, there are a ton of missions that do nit have RNG, but none of them have the thrils of the rapid level scaling circuit or have the duviri arcanes as reward

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I don't mind the RNG at all, but I'll be all for this if it means people will stop taking 10 minutes to choose their arsenal. People act like it's a life decision. 

It kills them mode more than anything else for me. Waiting for people and quitting after 1 or 2 rounds. 

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I don't mind the RNG at all, but I'll be all for this if it means people will stop taking 10 minutes to choose their arsenal. People act like it's a life decision. 

It kills them mode more than anything else for me. Waiting for people and quitting after 1 or 2 rounds. 

People need to realize that you can check what's going to be available before you even go to the cave. So annoying for people to pop in, see what they've got to choose from and then leave because they didn't look first. Also people, go to the dormizone for your cosmetics and drifter intrisics. Don't make people wait 5 minutes while you do that stuff.

At most people should be running over to pick their daily plants along with their equipment for the run when they are running a pub in Duviri.

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hace 16 minutos, Hobie-wan dijo:

you can check what's going to be available before you even go to the cave.

To be fair, this is unlocked through an intrinsic, so people who are not maxed out have to go through the cave

hace 18 minutos, Hobie-wan dijo:

Also people, go to the dormizone for your cosmetics and drifter intrisics.

You do need the angels of the zariman quest to use the dormizone, although, to be fair I have no idea if there is a meassure for new players to visit it before

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hace 4 horas, Skoomaseller dijo:

think it would've been better as one of the rank 10 drifter intrinsics tbh

Either rank 10 intrinsics or being able to farm it once you're maxed out, I remember the dissapointment I felt when doing stuff in duviri had no benefit to replace the intrinsic points it used to give

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2 minutes ago, Kegnor97 said:

To be fair, this is unlocked through an intrinsic, so people who are not maxed out have to go through the cave

Ah, forgot that. I already had everything unlocked before it was added. Seems silly since it ends up affecting others and is a QOL that doesn't affect power.

4 minutes ago, Kegnor97 said:

You do need the angels of the zariman quest to use the dormizone, although, to be fair I have no idea if there is a meassure for new players to visit it before

There's a button for Dormizone in the bottom right, I think on the screen where you pick circuit/full run/lone story. Is it not there for everyone, just not letting people without Zariman access go into the elevator? Even if that's not a thing, people could enter the cave solo to do those things. I wouldn't mind if people were quick, but it feels like it happens pretty often where someone goes over to the intrinsic area in the cave and all 3 other players are standing by the portal waiting on them.

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