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Qorvex ideas and synergy.


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Alright so after watching the devstream I was pleasantly suprised with a lot of things but the most awesome of them all was the new warframe qorvex. I loved how they looked and their abilitys where great but have a few caviots imo. The 2cnd ability where you use concrete to smash opponents should strip armor so qorvexs other abilitys will do good damage against enemy's, (This will also stop people from subsuming other armor strip abilitys on qorvex on release.) And their 3rd ability should also heal qorvex for either a set amount or a percentage based on power strength, (Their 3rd ability sounds good on paper but only cleaning satus effects and not healing yourself will not be good as a survivability tool despite their large health pool and armor value.)

Those are the changes I wish to see when qorvex releases and honestly I wouldn't mind if the healing became a exilus augment mod. Also please fix kaithe energy colors I cannot color the wing energy and ability energy of my kaithe (this has been happening since the launch of duviri)

With much love for the dev team and the community.


Edited by (PSN)Ethan_M69
Concerns for the new warframe and a ongoing bug.
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1 hour ago, (PSN)Ethan_M69 said:

The 2nd ability where you use concrete to smash opponents should strip armor so qorvexs other abilitys will do good damage against enemy's, (This will also stop people from subsuming other armor strip abilitys on qorvex on release.)

Or the devs could make an actual attempt to balance armour, so that we don't need to expect every warframe to have a reliable armour bypass just for the sake of remaining competitive

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4 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:


His 4 is a beam that bounces off enemies that have Radiation on them to spread to others...

Wisp Sol Gate buff when?

Wisp 4 buff would be cool but why I suggested armor strip for qorvex is because abilitys that don't deal corrosive or viral against enemy's tend to do miniscule damage and that your weapon would deal more damage. Now with armor strip qorvex would probably do adequate damage as intended.

10 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

Slightly disappointed that the Chyrinka Pillars didn't shoot lasers when Qorvex himself was blasting fools with his fourth.

Still waiting on the website to be fixed to read juicy concrete details.

Yea, pulse is nice for aoe but laser pillars would've been nice 

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He would synergize with Oberon since both do rad damage. 

15 hours ago, (PSN)Ethan_M69 said:

abilitys that don't deal corrosive or viral against enemy's tend to do miniscule damage and that your weapon would deal more damage.

From what I saw he is primarily a cc warframe making him more gun than ability focused. And the 4th ability seemed to do ok damage against the lvl 100+ enemies if he was unmodded/light modded.

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On 2023-11-24 at 11:53 PM, Pakaku said:

Or the devs could make an actual attempt to balance armour, so that we don't need to expect every warframe to have a reliable armour bypass just for the sake of remaining competitive

Agreed. Both enemy armor and enemy damage could use another look. (The latter because HP healing frames are becoming obsolete on SP compared to support frames which give DR or shields.)

On 2023-11-24 at 10:33 PM, (PSN)Ethan_M69 said:

The 2cnd ability where you use concrete to smash opponents should strip armor so qorvexs other abilitys will do good damage against enemy's, (This will also stop people from subsuming other armor strip abilitys on qorvex on release.)

I was thinking the same thing. Rad damage might work well on some armor types because it ignores a certain percentage, but on the ones where it doesn't work well? I could see it fall off in a very poor fashion.

On 2023-11-24 at 10:33 PM, (PSN)Ethan_M69 said:

(Their 3rd ability sounds good on paper but only cleaning satus effects and not healing yourself will not be good as a survivability tool despite their large health pool and armor value.)

This and the armor strip problem makes it feel like the warframe is being shipped in an unfinished state.

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Regarding armor strip. People should consider that with the release of Qorvex we'll get access to new shards and we just got Barrage updated with Hydroid. So if the shards will include some of the bonuses that were leaked in the Devstream, all frames will have several reliable armor strip options through Helminth, or by going back to the old and grab it on our weapons while grabbing viral from Helminth (or both if you grab Barrage+Augment). And since he is very likely a high hp and high armor frame there shouldnt be much problem slotting 2 corrosive shards on him along with whatever else he might want like cast speed, some duration or wee strength to hit some cap etc.

If his status immunity skill does only that, grant status immunity, I will have no problem ditching it for a defense strip of some kind or Nourish. And if his 1 has no real synergy aside from pulsing more often if hit by the walls I'll have no problem replacing that skill either since it is a stationairy in a game where we constantly move. Plus a stationary that inflicts radiation either through itself or through his passive is not really something I wanna leave behind either since it #*!%s up mob spawn flow etc.

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Regarding armor strip. People should consider that with the release of Qorvex we'll get access to new shards and we just got Barrage updated with Hydroid. So if the shards will include some of the bonuses that were leaked in the Devstream, all frames will have several reliable armor strip options through Helminth, or by going back to the old and grab it on our weapons while grabbing viral from Helminth (or both if you grab Barrage+Augment). And since he is very likely a high hp and high armor frame there shouldnt be much problem slotting 2 corrosive shards on him along with whatever else he might want like cast speed, some duration or wee strength to hit some cap etc.

If his status immunity skill does only that, grant status immunity, I will have no problem ditching it for a defense strip of some kind or Nourish. And if his 1 has no real synergy aside from pulsing more often if hit by the walls I'll have no problem replacing that skill either since it is a stationairy in a game where we constantly move. Plus a stationary that inflicts radiation either through itself or through his passive is not really something I wanna leave behind either since it #*!%s up mob spawn flow etc.

True but if I subsume an armor strip then what would heal qorvex 

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On 2023-11-24 at 10:53 PM, Pakaku said:

Or the devs could make an actual attempt to balance armour, so that we don't need to expect every warframe to have a reliable armour bypass just for the sake of remaining competitive

For that matter maybe also a mod-scaling overhaul so that all the different weapon types, Warframes and Operators aren't operating on completely different maths either.

To expand: Weapons scale through damage, elemental damage, multishot, critical hits existing as well as crit scaling and status effects, and any properties innate to the weapon too.

Warframes scale through power strength and the ability's properties if they're lucky.

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Okay, to put in a relevant comment on here.

I personally really like his 1 and making it his subsume. That ability will work absolute wonders on any endless Infestation mission, but also in the more mob-happy ones like Mobile Defense. Why? Because two pylons that you can place on the main pathways towards you that literally disable all of the stacking Ancient buffs.

Any mission where you want the Infestation to stop charging you or an objective, this as a Helminth will be gold. Possibly more useful than Octavia's 2.

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On 2023-11-24 at 10:38 PM, Birdframe_Prime said:

Wisp Sol Gate buff when?

also Caliban rework when? his 4 is also a beam that has the benefit of armor strip, arguably his only truly viable ability, but it could still use a buff IMO.

honestly, his kit didn't look that bad to me. essentially he's a zone defender that specializes in keeping enemies occupied fighting each other. basically, he's Nyx but actually good. 

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19 hours ago, (PSN)Ethan_M69 said:

True but if I subsume an armor strip then what would heal qorvex 

I'll use what I use now, an arcane (Grace or Reaper) or a companion with synth deconstruct and/or hunter recovery. But it depends on his actual stats. Plus he has passive radiation on everything, so enemies should fight eachother mostly since they'll be closer to eachother compared to you.

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