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I use Warframe as my coping mechanism after my ex cheated on me, but....


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Good day Tenno. i hope this post get the attention of the dev team because im planning to quit the game until something VERY VERY minor changed on the game.

I've been playing Warframe a lot after my ex cheated on me as my coping mechanism. i still love her. and i still am. it frustrating but Warframe help me overcome those feelings. but few weeks of playing it, i just noticed that there is one node in the Void named "Ani". when i realized that, i started to shed tears, i start to lose myself again. i even start to curse the game. the game that i really really in love with compared to other video games. 

my only concern is the node name. i want it to be changed. i know i am being emotional and irrational over a single node name, but i am desperate. why? I use warframe to fricking cope w my sadness after that girl i love the most and put my all trust viciously cheated on me. Warframe is only thing that able to entertain and distract me. nothing else. going to gym make it worse as it also reminds me of her. i hope the community notice this thread. because i am planning to quit the game forever. idk what im going to do with my life anymore. im pointless. sorry for being emotional

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That would have a much bigger impact than you're imagining it would. Guides, Codex Entries, a few hundred pages on the Wiki. A lot of stuff would become outdated and need changes.

If game devs changed stuff like this every time a single player had an emotional issue, nothing would ever keep the same name for more than a few years at a time, and it would quickly become an incomprehensible nightmare.

Not to sound heartless. But it's not gonna happen. Your options are quit or deal with it.

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Well, I can understand your bad feeling, as I had a similar problem : a specific warframe used to make me relive a trauma : the simple fact of having that frame on my squad was enough to make me burst into tears, cry, and explode with anger.

Time passed, a lot of work was done about that trauma, and today I can even play that warframe (I love it, by the way) with no problem at all. The frame wasn't a problem : my trauma was the problem.

The Void node name you metioned is in the game for a very long time and the devs just can't change the game following some players own personal problems.

I'm sorry to say, but it's up to you to overcome this horrible situation.

I wish you the best.

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6 hours ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

It was Harrow. 



I for one can't imagine what kind of Trauma Harrow could trigger.

Like, I could see Hydroid triggering a trauma about the sea or something. But Harrow? Yeah, I got nothing.

Edited by o0Despair0o
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I'm sorry to hear you're in a rough place right now, Tenno.  I know it might not feel like it, but over time it will get easier.

When you're in the tail at the end of a relationship, it can be really hard.  The smallest things can remind you of that person and crush you under the emotional weight; a single note played by an instrument in a song that played during a moment you shared, the smell of a particular coffee blend on a frigid morning, the feeling on your fingertips of a specific fabric they used to wear.  And it sucks, because all you want to do is move on, to not be reminded of the pain and the loss.

Unfortunately, there's no realistic way to rid the world of all these reminders.  That may mean that you need to take a break from Warframe.  Or maybe it just means putting the Void itself in quarantine for awhile.  You're the expert on what you need right now and what works for you, so take care of yourself.

I know you don't know what you're going to do with your life anymore, and I want you to know that that's okay; that's an incredibly normal thing to feel after a relationship ends, something I've felt numerous times throughout my life.  The best advice I can give, the advice that has served me well in the past, is that you don't need to figure out the answers to that question right away.  When you're back on your feet, you can start figuring that out.  But for now, while you're still a mess, just take it one day at a time.  Focus on what you need to do to get through the next day, the next hour, the next minute.  Treat yourself with kindness and compassion.  It's probably impossible to see it right now, but you won't feel this way forever.  You're sailing through a storm that will someday pass.  As long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other, you'll eventually make it out.

Wishing you the best, Tenno.

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On 2023-12-15 at 1:42 AM, _SLOVER_ said:

because i am planning to quit the game forever. idk what im going to do with my life anymore. im pointless. sorry for being emotional

If this is your reaction to a single mission name that has been around for a very long time then I suggest you to really re-evaluate your life, the problem is not the mission name, but rather your state of being. I've experienced the same deal you have but nothing sharing her name gets me this upset. Please seek comfort in those close to you and work towards becoming a better version of yourself.

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Some very fine words spoken here. I've only just begun checking out the forums, but its nice to see there are supportive people here that can be on the level and kind about it.

If I were to say anything more, it would be this. The amount of control that we actually have in our lives is almost non existent. Try as we might to control our environment and the things that happen to us. There isn't a great deal we honestly can control. But what we CAN control is our perception of them and ourselves. Our mind is the only thing we have any true control over. Keeping your mind in the past will rob you of your present. There is no future in that. The best way I have found for myself is by finding acceptance, acknowledging my inability to change it, and keeping my mind centered on what is within my control.  

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Lmao! This reminds me of the green text I saw on 4chan about a guy who was stressed out that a cartoon character they like was getting along with another character they didn't like instead of him. Honestly dude, man tf up. That's so sensitive and such a ridiculous reaction to what is realistically nothing. The devs aren't gonna change the name of a node just because one guy can't get it together.

Edited by (PSN)ErydisTheLucario
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