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Nuke Builds Are Ruining Gameplay Enjoyment


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1 minute ago, Merkranire said:

How ‘bout you not try and sound all wise while telling me that multiplayer’s not the place to go for multiplayer. I’ve been doing solo a long time because there’s literally nothing in multiplayer since your freedom of agency has taken away mine, I think it’s about time the status quo changed.

Though I’d be fine with a filter

Im not trying to sound "all wise", But unlike you I at least try to be respectful and tell you that options exist and that if your playstyle is causing frustrations for you it may not be the way to go. You still have freedom its just you are so set on a certain way of playing that you are actually just limiting yourself.

And while you can do that no problem, It unfortunately will clash with other people who want to play a different way from you.

People aren't taking away your freedom to play, But just as you want a certain freedom you at the same time want to take away theirs.
Does that sound fair?

And while I can understand its frustrating on whats happening, thats kinda how the game fundamentally works. Watch the funny numbers go up and murder stuff without a care.

You might need to reconsider some things, But at the same time you are free to play the way you currently are. But also dont scrutinize others for not wanting to adhere to your playstyle. That would not be fair to anyone in any game really.

I at least tried to be considerate and tell you your options and to be respectful of others. But its up to you to keep that up not me.

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1 minute ago, darklord122 said:

Im not trying to sound "all wise", But unlike you I at least try to be respectful and tell you that options exist and that if your playstyle is causing frustrations for you it may not be the way to go. You still have freedom its just you are so set on a certain way of playing that you are actually just limiting yourself.

And while you can do that no problem, It unfortunately will clash with other people who want to play a different way from you.

People aren't taking away your freedom to play, But just as you want a certain freedom you at the same time want to take away theirs.
Does that sound fair?

And while I can understand its frustrating on whats happening, thats kinda how the game fundamentally works. Watch the funny numbers go up and murder stuff without a care.

You might need to reconsider some things, But at the same time you are free to play the way you currently are. But also dont scrutinize others for not wanting to adhere to your playstyle. That would not be fair to anyone in any game really.

I at least tried to be considerate and tell you your options and to be respectful of others. But its up to you to keep that up not me.

You left consideration at the door when you jumped into the mission and killed everything and did everything yourself and then shrugged and told me that’s just the way it is when I know there’s more to this game.

Let’s say I build like you and jump into that same mission; there’s no reason I can’t, it’s not like I’m lacking in options. Even before I did, I was made redundant, and now you and I are at the same level, both too big for one mission.

Now what?

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55 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

Swing and a miss for like, most of this. Some of it pointing out things that I already addressed in the very post being half-quoted. And I’m back to wondering how many times I’m going to repeat myself and… just can’t. Though the bit about sticking it out in multiplayer seems to be coming from a different perspective than my own; we’re fighting together, I’ve got things I can do to help even if my build starts lagging, and I’m pretty sure I already said I typically do a few rounds so… that’s solved for as well.

Nevermind that you building for "engaging" arbitrations also brings you to a point of more likely going down, which puts pressure on your fellow players since they cant refuse to pick up resurrection gems. Which in turn reduces their defenses and increases the risk that they'll go down aswell. You are in the end extremely selfish in this situation since you are effectively negarively impacting everyone else in your group. A player building for fast clearing doesnt, since in the end you will get the loot and the drawback was simply you couldnt participate as much as you like. But here you are straight up aiming to make it harder for up to 3 other people all in order for your personal fun, which might result in everyone losing their loot. That to me is bordering to griefing or trolling territory. And this is before considering that you might actually be the host. Given your wording in your previous post you also arent a fan of people built to go long, so chances are you'll ditch when you get to the bored point even if they can carry the rest of the match. So you suddenly end up forcing a host migration, which might result in the others straight up failing, all because of your opinion of "fun".

And yet here I though you were advocating consideration towards other players through builds, while your own ideas and actions are the ones that can actually hurt others the most in PuGs.

55 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

WF is a good game, endlessly rewarding and plenty of fun, and I easily see myself playing for years more. Until I switch to Public and jump into a mission and what once was a fun game is kind of… gone. Replaced by players trying to escape monotony and repetition by doubling down on what makes the game monotonous and repetitive-feeling, when I already tried that approach on my own and burnt out bad, nevermind inflicting it on others.

So again, you are of the mind that it is your way or the highway. Just because you dont enjoy efficiency others are actually not enjoying efficiency and somehow only make themselves sufffer. Is it a man? Is it a bird? Is it a rock? No! It's Savior Complex Man! I very much enjoy efficiency in farming, hence why I havent burnt out after soon 7 years and thousands of hours spent on the game. Others (you including) might not enjoy it, and that is your full right. But dont go an expect that you are the norm and see everyone else as in the wrong. There are options for all of us if we dont want to take the chance, and that is going solo or inviting likeminded people in order to always end up with what we want when we play. I for instance wouldnt join a pre-made you make, since your idea of fun isnt the same as mine, so I wouldnt enjoy it and I wouldnt want to ruin it by doing things my way in your pre-made either. But the moment you set foot in a PuG you are saying "I'm OK with whatever", same as me. If I were to end up in a Arbi PuG with you I couldnt hold it against you if you cant pull your weight or I need to res you, since I freely joined a PuG where that might happen. Do I think your approach is correct? No. Would I tell you in that PuG and yell at you? No. Because I decided to jump into a PuG so the fault is fully on me in that case.

55 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

WF’s exactly my type of game to the point I wish other games pulled some key pages out of its book, buildcrafting and gameplay customisation and a sense that I can find a use for near anything I earn (Warm Coat needs a look-at) and so much freedom that I’m like “Man, games that take the whole ‘Given the chance players will optimise the fun out of a game’ to heart are missing out”, though I’m perpetually reminded in topics like these why that trust that games could have for their players would be misplaced

Pretty much all RPG have those options since no game forces you to do the highest levels. You can play Diablo, Grim Dawn, PoE, Borderlands etc. at the difficulty you want where you can use as little items as possible and kill mobs. Same lack of progress as here when doing so. I mean there are very few games that dont allow it when they have replay value, since nearly all will have a low level option.

29 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

Let’s see, Kullervo….

I’m just short of building him so I’ve no experience with how he works just yet, but I’m sitting here wondering if you’re sure that there’s no kind of limit or something to the guy? You’re talking completely modless, all slots free, no Arcanes, no school chosen yet, no particular companion, a wooden butterknife (also completely modless), against… enemies standing still in the Simulacrum?

Modless isnt a build. You are at that point asking me to do what I asked you if you asked from me i.e not playing the frame at all. Since you are not improving or building around anything he provides or improving any style he plays. My point is I could build him without strength or true offensive stats and still practically 1HK everything, the exception possibly being Demolysts on the SC.

Skill 1 = guaranteed orange crits.

Skill 2 = guaranteed bleeds, overguard, immunity some direct damage and combo.

Skill 3 = spreads 50% of all damage inflicted on affected targets, damage to health ignores armor, damage to shields damages shields.

Skill 4 = AoE damage hotspot that inflicts slash, spreads the slash overtime and damage to enemies linked to the target hit through his 3.

Even when not making use of his #1 he annihilated SP with a ranged +100% build. And that strength was only there to cap his curse. So expecting anything on SC or even in arbitrations to stand to his damage is not really realistic. So a build could easily be based around efficiency to allow him to use his skill as the caster frame he has the potential to be, while likely also extending their range for that playstyle. Simply to make farming more efficient by killing more mobs at a time.

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1 minute ago, Merkranire said:

Modless isn’t a build, it’s the starting point.

But it isnt, since it includes no building blocks, it is an empty space. Or do you see an empty lot as a building IRL too? Or the bin with unassembled Lego pieces?

The frame, the weapon(s) are simply the foundation.

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11 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

You left consideration at the door when you jumped into the mission and killed everything and did everything yourself and then shrugged and told me that’s just the way it is when I know there’s more to this game.

Let’s say I build like you and jump into that same mission; there’s no reason I can’t, it’s not like I’m lacking in options. Even before I did, I was made redundant, and now you and I are at the same level, both too big for one mission.

Now what?

You have more options to play that don't include that only one big person can exist at a given time. If that's the case you are probably playing too lower end modes and should kick it up a notch. To answer it however, If there are two high end players in one low end mission, Just play the game. Could it be boring? Maybe, Is it too easy to kill things? Probably. Will that change any outcome. No.

And while Ive never said you don't have the means to build higher all you have done is complain about other people doing so rather than you doing anything else to help your own situation.

So feel free to keep that going. But with the way your mindset is going and how you approach on how other people should play nothing will change for you and all that will lead you to is frustration. And if you choose to keep acting this way that's on you, Not me nor anyone else.

And unfortunately, That's your problem to fix, Not anyone else's. We are not responsible for how you play the game. And we are not responsible for the consequences of said choice.

Live with it or don't. Not my problem. Nor anyone else's in the game.

Edited by darklord122
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2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

But it isnt, since it includes no building blocks, it is an empty space. Or do you see an empty lot as a building IRL too? Or the bin with unassembled Lego pieces?

The frame, the weapon(s) are simply the foundation.


They’re weapons that behave certain ways and do certain damage types and Warframes that cast abilities limited by energy economy, have different attributes, and move like nothing else. Even from the start there’s synergies that can happen and some gear is better suited for certain situations than others.

From the start we have the core ingredients for a magic space pirate ninja third person shooter, and we’re only ever upgrading them regardless of the mods and Arcanes we equip, but they are fundamentally designed modless and modless is the broadest canvas for building for whatever content we do.

So again, when you’re talking about Kullervo, I’m asking if he’s really all that before the customisations you’ve applied to him or anything else that could be changed. On his own merit with that modless butterknife

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19 minutes ago, darklord122 said:

You have more options to play that don't include that only one big person can exist at a given time. If that's the case you are probably playing too lower end modes and should kick it up a notch. To answer it however, If there are two high end players in one low end mission, Just play the game. Could it be boring? Maybe, Is it too easy to kill things? Probably. Will that change any outcome. No.

And while Ive never said you don't have the means to build higher all you have done is complain about other people doing so rather than you doing anything else to help your own situation.

So feel free to keep that going. But with the way your mindset is going and how you approach on how other people should play nothing will change for you and all that will lead you to is frustration. And if you choose to keep acting this way that's on you, Not me nor anyone else.

And unfortunately, That's your problem to fix, Not anyone else's. We are not responsible for how you play the game. And we are not responsible for the consequences of said choice.

Live with it or don't. Not my problem. Nor anyone else's in the game.

Got it

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28 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

Warframes that cast abilities limited by energy economy

We have an energy economy? Impossible

Unless you’re Equinox with gloom, you should never believe we have an energy economy. 

Edited by Aruquae
/j I think some people took it literally
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Just now, Aruquae said:

We have an energy economy? Impossible

Unless you’re Equinox with gloom, you should never believe we have an energy economy. 

I’m lookin’ at an energy economy in the blueprints here. Most players build it away and ensure that whatever they’re doing, they don’t run out (whatever it takes in terms of school or Arcane or mods or whatever), but far as I can tell it’s right there, with plenty of options to manipulate it that aren’t set in stone

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27 minutes ago, Merkranire said:


They’re weapons that behave certain ways and do certain damage types and Warframes that cast abilities limited by energy economy, have different attributes, and move like nothing else. Even from the start there’s synergies that can happen and some gear is better suited for certain situations than others.

From the start we have the core ingredients for a magic space pirate ninja third person shooter, and we’re only ever upgrading them regardless of the mods and Arcanes we equip, but they are fundamentally designed modless and modless is the broadest canvas for building for whatever content we do.

So again, when you’re talking about Kullervo, I’m asking if he’s really all that before the customisations you’ve applied to him or anything else that could be changed. On his own merit with that modless butterknife

They are just the foundation. since you cannot go fully without equipment since we have no naked base.

And yes, Kullervo would be able to do that. The only limitation would be energy management. But at that point you ask the player to not play the frame if you ask them to not enable his kit. We also have other frames that could do it and still be fairly OP. Hildryn, Lavos, Styanax, Octavia, Citrine, Voruna and any other frame with either high damage, passive energy management and methods to survival. Styanax would probably be the most OP choice since his 4 is already dealing respectable damage versus SP grineer with little investments and he is self sustaining regarding shields and energy. Just that you are obsessed with no mods (for some reason even though it doesnt add to the diversity you preached earlier) Styanax would be OP, since he'd have so much unspent capacity for starting energy that he'd be able to use his 3 right out the door and never have to worry about death or energy.

15 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

I’m lookin’ at an energy economy in the blueprints here. Most players build it away and ensure that whatever they’re doing, they don’t run out (whatever it takes in terms of school or Arcane or mods or whatever), but far as I can tell it’s right there, with plenty of options to manipulate it that aren’t set in stone

Since something is now also wrong with enjoying the caster frame playstyles? Ah so everyone that doesnt enjoy just weapons are playing wrong now? Wonder where you will move your goalpost of entitlement next.

edit: It is quite odd how your crusade and proclamation for "diverse" builds have turned the exact opposite direction. "All this is OP cause I say so!" is the new gospel while removing anything that is diversity, since suddenly building for anything is just "more power!" even when it uhm isnt.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

They are just the foundation. since you cannot go fully without equipment since we have no naked base.

And yes, Kullervo would be able to do that. The only limitation would be energy management. But at that point you ask the player to not play the frame if you ask them to not enable his kit. We also have other frames that could do it and still be fairly OP. Hildryn, Lavos, Styanax, Octavia, Citrine, Voruna and any other frame with either high damage, passive energy management and methods to survival. Styanax would probably be the most OP choice since his 4 is already dealing respectable damage versus SP grineer with little investments and he is self sustaining regarding shields and energy. Just that you are obsessed with no mods (for some reason even though it doesnt add to the diversity you preached earlier) Styanax would be OP, since he'd have so much unspent capacity for starting energy that he'd be able to use his 3 right out the door and never have to worry about death or energy.

Seriously, and you aren’t the first one to posit that endless energy is what makes a frame, briefly running out of energy isn’t the end of the world, it means you need to stop sucking at energy management and timing your abilities, and even if it ends up with a mission failure maybe you were living on borrowed time anyways.

But I digress; I’ve got a frame to build and test with a hypothesis

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11 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Since something is now also wrong with enjoying the caster frame playstyles? Ah so everyone that doesnt enjoy just weapons are playing wrong now? Wonder where you will move your goalpost of entitlement next.

edit: It is quite odd how your crusade and proclamation for "diverse" builds have turned the exact opposite direction. "All this is OP cause I say so!" is the new gospel while removing anything that is diversity, since suddenly building for anything is just "more power!" even when it uhm isnt.

For christ’s sake Ervin, shut up.

This is why I stopped talking to you, you have no idea what you’re talking about but insist that you do, and all it leads to is me wondering just how much of a novel to explain the finer points of nuance to write then tossing it to you for you to bungle its meaning once more because you’ve got some kind of hangup on what makes a build or not or engaging gameplay 

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A lot of the conflict and points of contention here just seem like a framing issue, and around communication of players agency and willingness to accomodate others, and to what extent they could and or should.

Like lets take my hypothetical friend Jeff. Jeffs preferred way of playing, when in public, is that at the beginning of the mission, the 4 players should let the enemies swarm them, and kill them. To Jeff? Life, has no meaning without death and so now actual consequences and stakes are established. Everyone has to die until all the self revives are exhausted. See? Now, if anyone dies, the team has to revive them or risk losing them permanently. Also means, no one can use Last Gasp. As it betrays the concept. Also means, you should have a healer like Trinity, tank to draw aggro, and a CC and a DPS. For the unity of team work and jolly cooperation. The mission is more meaningful that way, the way Jeff likes it. Jeff's play style is engaging, classy, team work focused, refined, some might say elegant and sincere. However then some &%^ face with no manners, no class, and obnoxious, rude behaviour, joins and just starts killing enemies with their Daikyu. Jeez, way to ruin the stakes and atmosphere selfish, entitled, Daikyu user. You are killing the enemies that Jeff needs to use up all his lives. You think by shooting the enemies attacking Jeff, you are doing them a favour, but its the opposite. You are disrespecting Jeffs play style. Then another player joins and is even worse than the Daikyu user, because they are using the Soma Prime, which is an automatic rifle, and they are killing everything, ruining Jeffs mission and preferred play style completely. Do you see Jeff ruining their gameplay style? No, because he can't, and therefore, you can't its the same, because its literally not, therefore Jeff has the moral edge and is the good guy in the situation, since his literal play style doesn't negatively impact other peoples, but theirs ruin his. Therefore any attitude from Jeff is warranted and justified. 

All those other players are just examples of whats wrong with todays societies, they just load in the mission and just mindlessly start killing everything and everyone. Makes you really wonder hmm? No consideration on their parts, no class, no respect, they just shoot and ruin, again mindlessly, and thus Jeff's attitude is justified. Also Jeff doesn't like this characterisation of him, because its clearly mocking and antagonistic, which therefore just justifies Jeff's behaviour even more. Someone could say, "Hey Jeff, your play style is valid... just you know, some of those other players play styles is too, and yeah it sucks, that some of them prefer faster paced wide spread destruction, and you might prefer something else, but... thats just the game. It allows for multiple types of set ups and play styles and to many of those players, there is no intent to disrupt or invalidate your preference and play style, its just a natural consequence of the game, and then not necessarily knowing your style or preferences in order to potentially accommodate it better. Especially if they usually come across people that are more like themselves in that regard" but will Jeff take that persons comment at face value? Or will Jeff view it as antagonism instead, like some sort of patronising insult, that just further reinforces their beliefs. 

Also, plot twist, I am Jeff. Thats sort of my preference in games. I like to go slower, I like balanced difficulty, I like, if in team settings (as opposed to going solo and playing solo games), that we struggle a little bit more, and require team work. That also being said, I know I can't often get that from Warframe most of the time, depending on what missions I plan on doing. Its just the way the game is designed. Its FTP model baked into the game. It wants to appeal to a lot of different people, because thats perceived as a way they can make money. Its going to attract people for different reasons, ideally that will compliment each other, but sometimes they clash too.

Sometimes its not so personal as far as clashes of preferences and play styles. Many people will often try to be accomodating, but often, you can only be as accommodating as your knowledge and understanding of what the other people want. Which means more niche and rare play styles may not necessarily be as accommodated generally speaking (would even slow and team work orientated players who prefer single target weapons, agree to one persons idea to let the enemies kill them over and over to use up self revives? Or is that too odd even for them?) Should a person with a semi automatic weapon, feel bad if a person with a Daikyu with a slow fire rate, is struggling to maintain KPM pace? Personally? I try to be as accomodating as I can, based on context clues in any given situation, but that can also be tricky when its the other people in the team with conflicting styles, (compare someone who wants to find every Voca to someone who wants to go fast and focus on objectives). 

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13 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

Seriously, and you aren’t the first one to posit that endless energy is what makes a frame, briefly running out of energy isn’t the end of the world, it means you need to stop sucking at energy management and timing your abilities, and even if it ends up with a mission failure maybe you were living on borrowed time anyways.

But I digress; I’ve got a frame to build and test with a hypothesis

But no one is sayng it is what makes the frame. It is what enables certain playstyles/builds. With 55+ frames it is kinda boring to not run a pure caster on some of them atleast. Which is what energy allows. If I couldnt build certain frames as pure casters I would have never played them, since gun platforms and hybrids are in a plenty already. Which is why I play Kullervo these days as Caster+melee, Dagath as a pure caster and Atlas/Khora as pure pseudo exalted casters.

So me building Kullervo for say SC without the option to enable his casting playstyle (which is the part I enjoy), then I wouldnt play him since I'd be back to using guns. Same deal if I were to run a Dagath experiment, caster or go home for me. I might aswell just play Citrine, Wisp or any other frame that relies more on weapons already if I cant make the frames I enjoy as casters a caster due to your scewed limitations.

I've not seen anyone speak so much "do as I say not as I do" like a priest and now you.

5 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

For christ’s sake Ervin, shut up.

This is why I stopped talking to you, you have no idea what you’re talking about but insist that you do, and all it leads to is me wondering just how much of a novel to explain the finer points of nuance to write then tossing it to you for you to bungle its meaning once more because you’ve got some kind of hangup on what makes a build or not or engaging gameplay 

You're the one that speaks of diversity but only when it suits you. I guess you had to change your rules when you realised that people arent building for "power" to do things in SP and that diversity is already wide there. Now anything that doesnt fall inline with your exact and most recent opinion of the moment is dismissed.

edit: Well off for me to the store now and then some cooking. Smell you later Merky!

Edited by SneakyErvin
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2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

But no one is sayng it is what makes the frame. It is what enables certain playstyles/builds. With 55+ frames it is kinda boring to not run a pure caster on some of them atleast. Which is what energy allows. If I couldnt build certain frames as pure casters I would have never played them, since gun platforms and hybrids are in a plenty already. Which is why I play Kullervo these days as Caster+melee, Dagath as a pure caster and Atlas/Khora as pure pseudo exalted casters.

So me building Kullervo for say SC without the option to enable his casting playstyle (which is the part I enjoy), then I wouldnt play him since I'd be back to using guns. Same deal if I were to run a Dagath experiment, caster or go home for me. I might aswell just play Citrine, Wisp or any other frame that relies more on weapons already if I cant make the frames I enjoy as casters a caster due to your scewed limitations.

I've not seen anyone speak so much "do as I say not as I do" like a priest and now you.

Then make your #*!%ing caster, starting from the modless baseline.

Are you stealing all the game?

No? Good!

Yes? Can you not? I’d like to do something too

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On 2024-01-19 at 11:38 AM, Zinxori- said:

will bring some ridiculous "nuke build"

If you want all the kills for yourself, you have the option to solo. I like it when people bring nuke builds so I can just collect loot and finish missions faster.

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Sometimes it's actually nice to lean back a bit and chill with a Tauforged minmaxed build and only go 20%, and enjoy other players as they do their thing. 

Missions aren't always a race to get the most damage or the most kills or the quickest time to finish. Monopolizing the tileset doesn't make people envy you, honestly it can be annoying for many and let be real...it can make others feel inadequate who aren't where you are in progression.  To those of us who do know...some people just look like try-hards. 

You should have the maturity to know when to go full force slay and when to chill a little.

Maybe drop an Orokin Eye air support for ayatans and shineys along the way, maybe maybe use Zenurik for others to gain energy, maybe drop a WP if a player is struggling to navigate. 

This type of consideration goes a long way and I'd posit requires being observant and is mission dependent. 

I'd suppose this is a learned approach. Some people will get some will not. It's just my humble perspective. 

TLDR: Can you nuke? Yes Should you? Not always. 

Edited by NeDesitVirtus
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5 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

It really amuses me how effectively this thread is exposing people as being leeches.

What's really being exposed is a genuine lack of comprehension when it comes to random lobbies and teammates and the overall selfish and spoiled nature of this game's community. 

Also a certain immature individual who throws temper tantrums when their point is countered by logic.

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33 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

It really amuses me how effectively this thread is exposing people as being leeches.


22 minutes ago, (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz said:

What's really being exposed is a genuine lack of comprehension when it comes to random lobbies and teammates and the overall selfish and spoiled nature of this game's community. 

Also a certain immature individual who throws temper tantrums when their point is countered by logic.

To me, it's more like it always is - a bunch of gamers trying so very hard to act like the teenager who has smoked pot one more time than the teenager they are speaking to about it, and longs to be seen as some sort of expert over something that is all just opinions and a lack of emotional maturity to understand and empathize with the simple fact not everyone is going to play a game by your 'rules'.

This game and this forum seem to be the literal 'poster-child' for this over-aggressive idea that 'all' players have to follow some kind of 'unwritten rules' to appease the 'better gamers'.

We just had another thread go by about vote-kicking as well.

It remains hilarious and amusing, and sad, so many people simply cannot abide seeing other people not follow their little "house rules".

But, it's the world we live in, no one gives these people with too much aggression the tools to deal with it in a healthy manner, so they PvP on Internet forums...

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