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Endo's good now, can we get something to farm Void Traces?

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For the first time in two years I'm actually getting enough Endo incidentally that I don't find myself anymore having to stop and farm it specifically for a Mod I want to max out. Getting thousands here and there from content I'm already planning on doing anyway is quite nice. Thank you for that.

So... next time you make some new levels or faction or what-have-you, could you make some rewards that give a decent amount of Void Traces?

Without anything extra a mission averages 18 Void Traces
With a Resource Booster that goes up to 36 per mission
With Smeeta (on a good day) it will be 47.34 per mission

With missions averaging out at around 5 minutes apiece (probably less for non-Switch users who have quick load times), that means it takes about 160 minutes for me to max out on Void Traces.

I'm asking for a game mode that can give me roughly 1500 Void Traces in 60 minutes without the use of a Resource Booster and Smeeta's Charm.
It would need to average out to 25 Void Traces per Minute
So if it's quick missions (~5mins) then it should reward an average of 125 Void Traces per mission
Or if it's longer missions (~10mins) then it would naturally be 250 Void Traces averaged per mission

And I'd be fine with this being a Bounty Reward, like an Uncommon that grants 500 or something. Just as long as after an hour of grinding I've filled my tank and can go back to Relic Farming.


In case you're worried, I will still buy Resource Boosters. If I can fill my tank in an hour, then of course I'd want to fill it in half that time if it's optional.

OR, alternately, if you could make a shot that lets me purchase Void Traces with something I can already farm at a comparable rate. Say, 10 Endo per Void Trace or something like that.

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Better option! How about keeping the Void Trace grind just the same grindiness as it's always been, but make them more useful.

For example:
Let Void Traces be used to exclude rewards from a Void Relic

  • Common Rewards can be excluded for 200 Void Traces each
  • Uncommon Rewards can be excluded for 100 Void Traces each
  • The Rare Reward can be excluded for 50 Void Traces
  • Relics that are already irradiated (like from ESO rewards) lower the cost of exclusion to 150, 50, and 0 respectively
    • (And yes I know that would make it more worth it to Radiate them because you spend 100 to save 250 for singling out rare)
    • Just let people figure this out so they'll feel smart, everyone needs a confidence boost now and then

I swear I have to go through something like 10 to 20 Radiant Void Relics to get a rare reward. This would cut that down to the Void Trace equivalent of only 8 relics, which isn't a huge savings from 10, but merely having the guarantee of the reward would make the grind far less stressful.

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A less tedious way to obtain Void Traces would certainly be nice.

With that said:
* Endless fissures, when available, give you boosters for each Relic cracked, up to +200% on the 18th Relic (after which you don't need to use any more relics).
* You can trade 1 Aya for 5 Void Traces with Varzia. This doesn't even pretend to be worthwhile, but it's an option that exists.
Hell, it's worse than I remembered, I thought you could trade any relic for Void Traces, which, while still bad, is slightly less bad an option.

When I'm low on traces, I generally wait for a Kuva Surv or -preferably- a Lith Disruption fissure and run them for an hour or so.


14 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

And I'd be fine with this being a Bounty Reward, like an Uncommon that grants 500 or something. Just as long as after an hour of grinding I've filled my tank and can go back to Relic Farming.

If only.
Speaking of bad options that exist, you get iirc 6-12 Traces from inside a Cambion Drift vault.


14 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

With missions averaging out at around 5 minutes apiece (probably less for non-Switch users who have quick load times),

Honestly, load times is less an issue than getting the damned Reactants, imo.

Edited by Chroia
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9 minutes ago, Chroia said:
  1. I don't disagree.
    With that said:
    * Endless fissures, when available, give you boosters for each Relic cracked, up to +200% on the 18th Relic (after which you don't need to use any more relics).
  2. * You can trade 1 Aya for 5 Void Traces with Varzia. This doesn't even pretend to be worthwhile, but it's an option that exists.
  3. Hell, it's worse than I remembered, I thought you could trade any relic for Void Traces, which, while still bad, is slightly less bad an option.
  4. When I'm low on traces, I generally wait for a Kuva Surv or -preferably- a Lith Disruption fissure and run them for an hour or so.
  5. Honestly, load times is less an issue than getting the damned Reactants, imo.
  1. That's a good callout
  2. Haha! Love this phrasing
  3. I wouldn't mind this if they brought it back. I've obtained most of what I need from Baro and some relics have components to weapons I've already farmed so I'm sure I'd have some to sacrifice for this.
  4. I'll keep an eye out for these. I tend to look for smaller missions because I have it in my head that, if I can restart the mission quicker, then I'll be able to cycle through and get more loot, But...
  5. This can be very true. I'll often see something like a Capture mission and think: "Sweet! I can run this in under two minutes!" Then the reality sets in...
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They need to fix a lot of things about the void trace system and relic cracking, and this is definitely one of them. I think it would be healthy to have both more ways of getting traces and more ways to spend them.

I wouldn't mind a dedicated mission or game mode for it. We kinda need the same thing for rare materials like neurodes, orokin cells, tellurium. When you need these things, there's no one place to go for them, you just have to derp around in the right sector for X amount of time, which is frustrating.

I think the main worry and the main reason they make traces so hard to get is that they're trying to prevent endless radiant relic cracking and preserve the rarity scale of the rewards. However, I think if the way that you collected void traces, like a dedicated mission that rewards more than usual - as long as that was not a fissure itself, it should be perfectly fine, since it would actually be less efficient than running continuous fissures (assuming the collection rate was only slightly boosted), but it sure would feel better.

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On 2024-02-01 at 11:46 PM, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

OR, alternately, if you could make a shot that lets me purchase Void Traces with something I can already farm at a comparable rate. Say, 10 Endo per Void Trace or something like that.

Let us just extract void traces from relics. Each relic gives you 5/10/15/20 for Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi + 1/2 of their refinement (13/25/50).

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3 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

I think the main worry and the main reason they make traces so hard to get is that they're trying to prevent endless radiant relic cracking and preserve the rarity scale of the rewards.

Exactly.  Even more, it's why there's a cap.

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On 2024-02-04 at 11:37 AM, CrownOfShadows said:

you just have to derp around in the right sector for X amount of time

For some reason I find this phrase hilarious. I'm just imagining googly/cross-eyed Warframes stumbling around the area like drunken bobbleheads.

On 2024-02-04 at 11:37 AM, CrownOfShadows said:

since it would actually be less efficient than running continuous fissures (assuming the collection rate was only slightly boosted), but it sure would feel better.

I can agree with the sentiment of just making it feel better at the very least. I've discovered recently that Relic farming is pretty stressful. Maybe it's just me, but when there's a gamble mechanic involved I find myself feeling let down all the time. Like I'm only there to get Void Traces, nothing else; it should not matter to me if I'm getting common rewards on throwaway Relics that I have more than 3 dozen of. Yet it does. The countdown initiates, and POOF: 15 Ducats. And instantly I'm feeling like the last 5 minutes of my life was a waste. But I'm not even there for it! It's still something that I wasn't asking for in the first place. But it was the lame "something" rather than the rare "something." Maybe I'm alone in this, but when I'm farming Void Traces I always feel like the game is calling me a loser once every 5 minutes.

On 2024-02-04 at 2:28 PM, quxier said:

Let us just extract void traces from relics. Each relic gives you 5/10/15/20 for Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi + 1/2 of their refinement (13/25/50).

Quxier! (I'll capitalize your name even if you don't; you're a proper noun in my book)

This would be perfect for me. I just finally got all the components for Acceltra Prime (I'm still trying to get to MR30 with my Mag-only handicap), and I swear it took me 30 tries.
Wait actually let me fact-check that...
26 tries. Two dozen trips to Apollo, Lua. Well over 500 conduits activated. I am full to the brim with Axi Relics that mean nothing to me. I ended up getting rank 11 in the Leaderboards for this mission just from running it non stop since last Thursday. And the beeping! I still hear the Demolisher's incessant beeping!

And now what do I do with these!? I got about 5 duds for every Axi-A18 I was aiming for. I've got 255 Axi relics now (I think I doubled my stock from this ordeal). I don't want to crack all of these. I would love if I could melt them down into something useful.

Especially because I know that in April I'm just going to have to do this all over again with the next Prime Access. Even when I mute my TV I still hear the beeping...


(I think my reply sort of got off the rails a bit, sorry)

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On 2024-02-04 at 3:24 PM, Tiltskillet said:

Exactly.  Even more, it's why there's a cap.

I haven't tested this, but are the Void Traces available to you between rounds? My gut is telling me you can only use Void Traces you had from before the mission started, and you won't have any from the current mission until you extract.

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4 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

And the beeping! I still hear the Demolisher's incessant beeping!

Haha! I can empathize with this. I was running so many disruptions at one point I was starting to dream about the beeping.

4 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

And now what do I do with these!? I got about 5 duds for every Axi-A18 I was aiming for. I've got 255 Axi relics now (I think I doubled my stock from this ordeal). I don't want to crack all of these. I would love if I could melt them down into something useful.

Yeah, my stockpiles of relics are large. I've tried to burn through them sometimes, just to see if I could clear my inventory, but since you get more in the very process it never works. So the mountains grow. It definitely would be nice if there was something else useful to do with them - I mean ducats and Baro I guess - but I've got everything Baro offers now so that's no longer a valid sink.

4 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

Maybe I'm alone in this, but when I'm farming Void Traces I always feel like the game is calling me a loser once every 5 minutes.

You're not alone in this. RNG is great at making everyone feel like losers, even when they're winning. Even when a magical rare 100 ducat item sparkles through you have a sinking feeling in your heart because you know it will be the last one you see for a long time (solo that is, but it's true even in groups to some extent too).

4 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

I haven't tested this, but are the Void Traces available to you between rounds? My gut is telling me you can only use Void Traces you had from before the mission started, and you won't have any from the current mission until you extract.

This is unfortunately true, it does not update. I've never liked this, they might've done it on purpose, but it actually doesn't serve much of one since you can dip out and come back instantly recharged with what you earned.

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Void Traces are weird. Either I have more than I know what to do with or I have none at all and can't seem to gather any.

I'd like some way to gather them outside of Relic runs where I also spend them. They're Void Traces so they could drop from all enemies in the Void as well as from the Murmur and some Zariman enemies - basically from anything that's related to the Void in some way.

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10 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

26 tries. Two dozen trips to Apollo, Lua. Well over 500 conduits activated. I am full to the brim with Axi Relics that mean nothing to me. I ended up getting rank 11 in the Leaderboards for this mission just from running it non stop since last Thursday. And the beeping! I still hear the Demolisher's incessant beeping!

I remember old days in Zariman, looking for Accolade. I kept hearing that sounds for some time after sessions.


10 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:
On 2024-02-05 at 1:24 AM, Tiltskillet said:

Exactly.  Even more, it's why there's a cap.

I haven't tested this, but are the Void Traces available to you between rounds? My gut is telling me you can only use Void Traces you had from before the mission started, and you won't have any from the current mission until you extract.

5 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:
10 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

I haven't tested this, but are the Void Traces available to you between rounds? My gut is telling me you can only use Void Traces you had from before the mission started, and you won't have any from the current mission until you extract.

This is unfortunately true, it does not update. I've never liked this, they might've done it on purpose, but it actually doesn't serve much of one since you can dip out and come back instantly recharged with what you earned.

I think most things are not saved between waves. Pathos clamps, Kullervo's bane are not.


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Oops! I saw everyone's replies and then only thought about responding without actually doing it.


On 2024-02-05 at 8:59 PM, CrownOfShadows said:

Yeah, my stockpiles of relics are large. I've tried to burn through them sometimes, just to see if I could clear my inventory, but since you get more in the very process it never works. So the mountains grow. It definitely would be nice if there was something else useful to do with them - I mean ducats and Baro I guess - but I've got everything Baro offers now so that's no longer a valid sink.

Exactly my thoughts.

On 2024-02-05 at 8:59 PM, CrownOfShadows said:

Even when a magical rare 100 ducat item sparkles through you have a sinking feeling in your heart because you know it will be the last one you see for a long time (solo that is, but it's true even in groups to some extent too).

I also feel somewhat sad when I do get a 100 item and realize I could have benefited 3 other players. I only ever play solo and I like the solo journey, but I do feel a twinge of guilt when I get a rare drop and know someone out there might still be grinding for days to get it.

On 2024-02-05 at 9:59 PM, (PSN)Sentiel said:

They're Void Traces so they could drop from all enemies in the Void as well as from the Murmur and some Zariman enemies - basically from anything that's related to the Void in some way.

I like this concept. Even if it was something on the drop rate of Nav Coordinates, they'd still add up to ease the grind.

On 2024-02-06 at 2:54 AM, quxier said:

I remember old days in Zariman, looking for Accolade. I kept hearing that sounds for some time after sessions.

This also started to happen for me from the Decree Fragments in SP Circuit. That scraping metal sound. Although the Disruption beeps top my list of annoyance for some reason. The cadence of it just seems to stick in my head.

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Le 05/02/2024 à 00:28, quxier a dit :

Let us just extract void traces from relics. Each relic gives you 5/10/15/20 for Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi + 1/2 of their refinement (13/25/50).

I'm buying this one suggestion. Even with a less advantageous ratio, i got so many junk relics it is getting ridiculous (My orbiter is now a big dirty void-bomb to be).

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On 2024-02-05 at 7:39 PM, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

And now what do I do with these!? I got about 5 duds for every Axi-A18 I was aiming for. I've got 255 Axi relics now (I think I doubled my stock from this ordeal). I don't want to crack all of these. I would love if I could melt them down into something useful.

"When game gives you Relics, don't make Relicade. Make game take the Relics back! Get MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN RELICS! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?! Demand to see game's MANAGER! Make game RUE THE DAY it decided to give Probably_Asleep Relics! Do you know who I am?! I'm the player who's gonna BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN! With the Relics! I'm gonna get Ordis to invent a combustible Relic, and BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN!"


Okay, ancient memes aside, I totally agree that we need a more viable way to farm Voice Traces en masse.

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On 2024-02-20 at 10:38 AM, Syrdhar said:

I'm buying this one suggestion. Even with a less advantageous ratio, i got so many junk relics it is getting ridiculous (My orbiter is now a big dirty void-bomb to be).

I'm not sure about you but I've even go for something like being able to stack relics on a Void Fissure mission. (As in stacking 5 of the same relic) Each stacked relic could add something like 0.75x additional Void Traces (So if your first Relic gave you 20, the next would give you 15, then 11.25, then 8.4375, and finally 6.328125, or 61 total Void Traces for all 5). It'd be nice if it also affected the reward pool somehow, but even without that I'd still like a feature like this just for the sake of cleaning my inventory.


20 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

"When game gives you Relics, don't make Relicade. Make game take the Relics back! Get MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN RELICS! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?! Demand to see game's MANAGER! Make game RUE THE DAY it decided to give Probably_Asleep Relics! Do you know who I am?! I'm the player who's gonna BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN! With the Relics! I'm gonna get Ordis to invent a combustible Relic, and BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN!"


Okay, ancient memes aside, I totally agree that we need a more viable way to farm Voice Traces en masse.

HA! Well translated.

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