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Why Bane of Corrupted?

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So I only have one answer to why Bane of corrupted is the most used and sought after of all bane/faction mods (with their other counterparts too) 

and that's because the Corrupted have the most diverse set of enemies each with their own health type and damage vulnerabilities.

We have grineer health (corrupted heavy gunners, corrupted bombard) Corpus (crewmen and nullifier crewmen) and infested (ancients) 

but really they're no more of a threat than the other factions...Grineer are always strong with their massive armor, Deimos infested are too tanky and immune to most status...and some steel path corpus units can be so annoying to deal with if you don't use toxin. 

Me personally, If I had a weapon that doesn't need a lot of mods to be strong (like felarx for example) I'd use all faction mods...but if I have the amount of resources to get all bane mods on one of the most powerful weapons, then I can probably just use Raor...

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Its mainly because it hasn't been in Baro's regular wares for YEARS. So its price has slowly rocketed up over time slowly representing its increased scarcity not for its usefulness.

You can get by without using Bane mods. They exist for those that truly want to min-max but you can get by without using them and many people prefer to do that instead of trying to account for another 16-capacity mod you have to constantly swap in and out of in your loadouts.

The most used bane mod would probably be the Corpus bane mods because of Profit Taker then Bane Grineer since people think that is the easiest faction to lvl cap with and the one with the most amount of EHP so if you have a spare mod slot that's the faction you want to dedicate it to.

E:Corrupted probably isn't far behind on the EHP charts and could probably see a bunch of play in the new Omni fissures

Edited by Numerounius
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Bane mods in general are popular since most people dont realize that the damage they see is overkill damage. In reality, in order to get any real use out of bane mods you need to go to extreme long runs. Bane of the Corrupted in specific is likely mostly sought after because it works versus most mobs in Circuit, since they are corrupted iirc. Where thing scale quickly to reach those levels of an extremely long endless elsewhere.

But for now I wont bother using them. When I go for long SP farm runs I tend to stay for 20-25 relic cracks, which is around 2 hours. And even in Mot the mobs still die instantly with "regular" mods equipped. The thing that starts to get noticable at that point is the increased damage from high tier void nodes, but bane mods wont counter that.

edit: Also I'm an 'ol lazy bastard, so having to switch weapon modding based on faction to squeeze a bit more damage potential is too much of a fuzz when it really isnt needed for what I plan to ever do most likely.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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I dont use bane mods, but if I did, I would use the corrupted for sure, specifically because it targets all factions at once and because its pretty easy to have 1 loadout for general gameplay and another for relic runs. Regardless, I cant think of anything I would exchange for any bane mod. Like would I get rid of crit chance? No. Would I get rid of hunter munitions? No. Theres just no way  I cant fit a bane mod in any of my configs.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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4 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

people dont realize that the damage they see is overkill damage

This is the reason i hate hearing about them every two seconds as ppl sing their praise.

5 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

in order to get any real use out of bane mods you need to go to extreme long runs

And this as stated in another thread about these mods. This applies to 0.x % of players who engage in endurance runs.

The remaining 99% of players -have- no use for bane mods but are indoctrinated by streamers singing their praise and to a point prevent users of said mod from learning to mod as they rwly on bane mods like a crutch compareable to revenants mesmer skin. But they dont see it.

Using a simple phantasma prime modded for corrosive+heat with some archon shards for additional corrosive stacks melts anything regardless of faction cleanly to above level 500 enemies in under 2 seconds.

Bane mods are a toxin and a crutch.

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Because players either believe others saying that're "good" or even "mandatory" and/or only care about big numbers. Really all the faction mods are massive overkill unless your goal is endurance runs. Though out of all the faction mods the Corrupted ones technically have the most use cases between Fissures, Conjunction Survival, and Duviri/Circuit. But even then the mods are still overkill in all those places unless you're planning on multi-hour runs.

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It's likely because SP Circuit is 70% Corrupted which is the only time players shoot something over 300 and it hasn't show up on Baro recently.

I still find it odd the DoT double dip bug was never fixed. I loved Primed Bane mods to avoid all the "While Aiming" stuff.
Rivens and the enemy defense scaling has massively diminished their use value though IMO.

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5 hours ago, Qorvex99 said:

So I only have one answer to why Bane of corrupted is the most used and sought after of all bane/faction mods (with their other counterparts too) 

If you're basing that assumption on its absurd price, it's more than anything else about how long it's been since the last time Baro brought it.  Before today, 3 years that it was only available from trading or with a Tennocon ticket.  While the mod is genuinely useful and powerful, you can see similar patterns with a few mods that are close to endo fodder.

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19 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

It's likely because SP Circuit is 70% Corrupted which is the only time players shoot something over 300 and it hasn't show up on Baro recently.

Forgot about that! I knew there had to be some content that wasn't just Mot void 20 minute steel path sessions that caused people to gravitate towards the mod. So a 300+ level corrupted piece of content makes sense to use this mod especially when you consider how dedicating one loadout slot for it is worth it since you can take that time to pick it instead of the constant swapping for regular missions.


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6 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

I dont use bane mods, but if I did, I would use the corrupted for sure, specifically because it targets all factions at once and because its pretty easy to have 1 loadout for general gameplay and another for relic runs. Regardless, I cant think of anything I would exchange for any bane mod. Like would I get rid of crit chance? No. Would I get rid of hunter munitions? No. Theres just no way  I cant fit a bane mod in any of my configs.

You would normally drop Serration due to diminishing returns with Merciless, IF that was the route you were to go

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Its the most used? Is this to do with the year in review stats or something?

If thats the case, then its my fault, sorry. See I really like Relic runs in the Void, especially Survival. Since its a pretty passive and chill way to get Relics. You open one, you get a new one, and depending on how long you stay, you actually walk away with more Relics than you use. Not only that, but the way that work, is that you keep getting boosters that stack with your other boosters, so you are incentivised to stay long. So... if you are staying long, and up to an hour, then its not actually that big a deal to do a little extra prep in the modding screen before or after, to make your build a little stronger for an enemy you know you will definitely be fighting for a while.

As opposed to having to constantly change.... So its the one time I actually do use Faction mods. 

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10 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

I would use the corrupted for sure, specifically because it targets all factions at once

No, it doesn't. It only targets members of the Corrupted faction. Regular Grineer, Corpus and Infested units are not part of the Corrupted faction, only their Corrupted counterparts are.

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It took three years to rotate back into circulation, no one predicted that turn of events so supply only came from the people that brought tickets to Baro once a year.

Even then it recently topped out at 290 Plat on WF market so the mod is clearly not as desired as Primed Bane of Grineer which reached nigh 600 Plat after a sorter time out of circulation.

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11 hours ago, zThulsaDoomz said:

You would normally drop Serration due to diminishing returns with Merciless, IF that was the route you were to go

I have no idea why people keep saying this. I dont use serration and I dont know anyone who does (except for statsticks). Everything I use is focused on criticals, multishot and viral slash (+ sure footed for AOE). And I still dont have any room for bane mods. And even if I had room for more, I would go viral slash heat, and not bane. And I really dont know why everyone assumes people use serration whenever they say they dont have room for bane mods.

7 hours ago, Thorham said:

No, it doesn't. It only targets members of the Corrupted faction. Regular Grineer, Corpus and Infested units are not part of the Corrupted faction, only their Corrupted counterparts are.

Duh and facepalm.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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37 minutes ago, Thorham said:

You're the one who said it targets all factions at once, and I'm the idiot? Just wow 🙄

Literally everyone else understood what I said, AKA that you can find grineer, corpus and infested within the corrupted faction, which you can and you said it yourself in your captain obvious quote before. And just by the way, this whole thing wouldnt have happened if you hadnt assumed I was a complete moron who talks about bane mods and at the same time assumes they work against all factions at once, which is the opposite of how bane mods work. I suggest paying more attention to context of the topic next time. Or maybe just read the post more carefully, you know.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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12 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

this whole thing wouldnt have happened if you hadnt assumed I was a complete moron

Someone making a mistake doesn't make them a moron.

17 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Or maybe just read the post more carefully, you know.

Or maybe you should just be more clear. Writing that you'd choose Corrupted because it targets all factions has a pretty clear meaning because of what it implies.

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14 minutes ago, Thorham said:

Writing that you'd choose Corrupted because it targets all factions has a pretty clear meaning because of what it implies.

Yes, exactly. It means that the topic of the coversation is bane corrupted, which only works against corrupted faction, and in that topic (that means INSIDE OF BANE CORRUPTED) I say it has all 3 factions. which it does. With bane corrupted I can easily kill grineer, corpus and infested as long as they are corrupted. Do you realise how absurd it would be for someone to say "bane corrupted" and then contradict themselves by saying it targets all "normal" factions? Thats why you shouldnt have even had the thought in the first place, because it makes no sense whatsoever. Especially after seeing the link with relic runs (guess what enemies you fight in relic runs?). And if such a person existed, I think it would be safe to say its a person who knows nothing about it, which has several other 1-word names. Now I hope we can finally move on and back to the topic.

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6 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

It means that the topic of the coversation is bane corrupted, which only works against corrupted faction, and in that topic (that means INSIDE OF BANE CORRUPTED) I say it has all 3 factions. which it does.

That's what you meant, but not what you said. Because of how you worded your post, I assumed you made a simple mistake.


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11 minutes ago, Thorham said:

That's what you meant, but not what you said. Because of how you worded your post, I assumed you made a simple mistake.

Its what I meant and also what I said, but you didnt understand it. You and nobody else. But this is going back and forth again so lets just agree to disagree and move on. Nobody came to this topic to see 2 random guys bickering over nonsense.

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8 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

I have no idea why people keep saying this.


They're saying this because they assume you are speaking in terms of min/maxing damage.  Which is also why I said IF you are going that route.

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3 hours ago, zThulsaDoomz said:

They're saying this because they assume you are speaking in terms of min/maxing damage.  Which is also why I said IF you are going that route.

Does min maxing damage need serration though? As far as I remember you never get good damage with serration, its the dumbest, most hated mod only used for statsticks, where pure damage without any multipliers is worth something. Unless of course you mean exactly this (statsticks), in which case you are right.

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1 hour ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Does min maxing damage need serration though? As far as I remember you never get good damage with serration, its the dumbest, most hated mod only used for statsticks, where pure damage without any multipliers is worth something. Unless of course you mean exactly this (statsticks), in which case you are right.

Nah, which is why the combination is Merciless + Bane.  Serration is mostly used for those without Merciless, or at least supposed to anyway lol

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