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Dante Unbound: Known Issues ×

I will not play Dante until he is returned to his pre nerfed state.

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I mean come on. Really? The first launch perfect frame in FOREVER and he gets killed in less than a week? I'm not touching him until he is un-nerfed. The new line of sight rule on his tragedy isn't even restricted to line of site, but if there is a knee high environmental object between you and an enemy, that enemy isn't affected by tragedy. Guess magic can get stopped be a desk. 


If you loved Dante, don't play him until this "fix" gets fixed.

Edit: Upon further reflection, I realized that I bought Dante for real world currency, with specific expectations of his performance. Now, after having bought the product, the product has been tampered with or changed so that it no longer fits or satisfies my expectations. This is a terrible bait and switch and I am strongly reconsidering how I spend money with regards to warframe. 

Edited by RivaAurelius
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Us not playing him means zip. DE does not care, they got the $ they laughed to the bank and nerfed a frame that didn't need anything altered he was fine.  

Your on PC, get a refund. At least you can, I already dumpstered my 5 forna former main into the big hole in the wall and am done for a while. I see no reason to even play if "fun" is subject to nerfs at any point due to 1% of the end game meta slaves crying. 

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Well, back in the day we bought things to support the developers, rather than to have a commercial product with expectations. It's an online game, these will keep changing, it's not a product that sits offline on the shelf.

The problem is not Dante's nerf, it's that other things are unbalanced as well and require a general rebalance. This includes newer warframes and in general enemies that rely on artificial difficulty (too many levels, too much armour, too much damage). There will always be a 'new strong' if things keep heading this way, so best to defeat the hydra in its current state than let further heads to grow - the 'tech debt' will be real at some point.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Thanatos-Prime said:

Cute. Been around since psn launch. Nice try tho. 

If you're playing for that long you should've known the game is still in the beta phase and never left it.
It's obvious that games in beta phases still change stuff even if it's released to the public/community.

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1 hour ago, 0phiuchus said:

If you're playing for that long you should've known the game is still in the beta phase and never left it.
It's obvious that games in beta phases still change stuff even if it's released to the public/community.

Oh please. Do stop hiding behind that sorry excuse. It's been in beta forever. At some point yall gotta accept its a live service in full release. Which it is. 

They only leave that tag there so guys like you can cover fir their screw ups and rush in to defend. Not buying it. 

It's a live service in full release has been for decades. Them not wanting to or being capable of fixing bugs is just that. If their code is bad, consider fixing it. Put maybe all the $ they grabbed from us these past years from access and skins back into the game a bit. 

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3 hours ago, 0bsi said:

You guys must be new....

Been around since 2015. Not new, just tired.

2 hours ago, 0phiuchus said:

If you're playing for that long you should've known the game is still in the beta phase and never left it.
It's obvious that games in beta phases still change stuff even if it's released to the public/community.

Tell me, what does boot leather taste like?

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Sorry in advance for (maybe?) hurting people with what i'm about to say, i do not mean any harm.

If you really believe in - And tell me - Warframe is still in 'beta' ...
You are either a fool and should leave the room for your insolence.
Or you are a troll and should leave for the very same reason, only more ashamed.

Really, who would be thinking such a nonsense?
The whole Alpha-Beta-Early stuff is just a lazy excuse for developers for unfinished garbage - Mostly with a full pricetag attached to it.
People believing in - And actually agreeing with that - Are the reasons why the market is flooded by this trash.
The gaming industry already suffered greatly from it, the players and consumers even more so.
And it will turn even worse, with people defending this BS.

Just my 2 cents, y'know?

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1 hour ago, VoyrenTV said:

If you really believe in - And tell me - Warframe is still in 'beta' ...
You are either a fool and should leave the room for your insolence.
Or you are a troll and should leave for the very same reason, only more ashamed.

This. "Beta" is not an excuse they get to use and hasn't been for literal years. This is Star Citizen levels of "beta" at this point. It's very obvious they are treating this game like it's fully released. They hold cons for it! They spend money to make trailers for UPDATES and new characters.

This game is not a "beta." Stop saying it. You don't actually add any value to the discussion when you chuck this into the ring. You just mark yourself as someone too willing to give DE too much of a pass on garbage decisions like nerfing Dante into the ground after only a WEEK of play.

The only "beta" thing here, apparently is DE's ability to figure out a fun/power balance. Despite continually regurgitating the idea of not wanting any frames to be "dominant" they seem to fight very hard at times like this to maintain a status quo and NOT let new frames into the spotlight. And it takes them years to make useless things into playable things (see Revenant).

The game isn't a "beta" and these kinds of "balance" changes aren't fun.

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2 hours ago, RivaAurelius said:

Tell me, what does boot leather taste like?

About 200 bucks, going by the icon

6 hours ago, (PSN)Thanatos-Prime said:

Us not playing him means zip. DE does not care, they got the $ they laughed to the bank and nerfed a frame that didn't need anything altered he was fine.  

This.  Don't just not play Dante. Get off the game, do not log in. Make the numbers go down so our displeasure is known

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DE doesn't care about balance. Any attempt by DE to "balance the game" is a farce since they almost never touch things that have been in the game for too long be it weak or strong. The only thing they care about is if too many people use the warframe/weapon/combo, or a large portion of people are complaining about the setup. It's their usual shtick. Either complain as much as you can now, and hope they revert some of the nerfs due to outcry. Or Dante will be trash until his prime comes out, maybe not ever.

Who remembers Revenant on release when everyone thought Danse Macabre was a funny ability that fell off pretty hard, and DE nerfed it anyways since a lot of people were using it in Hydron. Who remember Ember's old World on Fire which was only good on starchart, but since it killed enemies "too quickly" it was gutted. Who remembers that Gauss can do all of this in starchart and even faster and still hasn't been nerfed when it's his subsumed ability. Or what about Saryn, or how Octavia can infinitely kill enemies while being fully immune to damage and her entire team can be by teabagging the ground near her. What about Mesa who is nigh unkillable while killing nearly everything in her sightline. Dante is only better than Gauss since his damage scales better (but barely), but he isn't better than the other three. Yet none of them are going to be touched. Saryn isn't going to get LoS nerf.

Yeah, it's a small balance adjustment. Sure DE, sure. Revert Dante's unjustified nerfs or balance the other frames. Don't do a half-ass job like you always do.

Edited by PainTako
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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven’t even been playing Warframe since they nerfed Dante tbh I have been waiting for a new frame to play and I really enjoyed Dante until they messed him up I play mostly solo and had a lot of fun playing him for the few days he was good they pushed me away with that decision 

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On 4/5/2024 at 2:48 AM, RivaAurelius said:

I mean come on. Really? The first launch perfect frame in FOREVER and he gets killed in less than a week? I'm not touching him until he is un-nerfed. The new line of sight rule on his tragedy isn't even restricted to line of site, but if there is a knee high environmental object between you and an enemy, that enemy isn't affected by tragedy. Guess magic can get stopped be a desk. 


If you loved Dante, don't play him until this "fix" gets fixed.

Edit: Upon further reflection, I realized that I bought Dante for real world currency, with specific expectations of his performance. Now, after having bought the product, the product has been tampered with or changed so that it no longer fits or satisfies my expectations. This is a terrible bait and switch and I am strongly reconsidering how I spend money with regards to warframe. 

I already commented about this. Not only I have put my Dante to dust, I also ask players who are as unsatisfied as I am, to abort missions with Dante in squad. I have been doing this since the nerf. When I get into a mission and see Dante, I politely explain that as a peaceful protest, I won't take part in that mission with that frame. Wish all good luck, and leave. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

DE is always doing things like this. They just have thrown away their initial hearts, and have been a reaper who keep making money from us, making packs and announcing new frames then nerfing them. What I want to say, no matter who you are, is that DO NOT POUR YOUR MUCH MONEY INTO THIS GAME FOREVER.

Edited by End_nether
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Posted (edited)

To me, Dante is dead. It's just not fun to use anymore.

And it seems that for a lot of people is dead too, barely i've seeing any Dante player in-game since the nerf.

Edited by Gaxxian
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23 minutes ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

Dante is still pretty good, I don't really understand all these complaints, it seems like a lot of people just like to dramatize.

He's my new main, yes it sucks that his OG got nerfed but eh

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It has been standardized that games get updates, patches, and DLCs. These always change things. It doesn't matter whether the game is labeled as beta or not. However, if a game is a live service one, these changes should be expected to happen rather often, as is the case with Warframe.

If you decide to buy the game or just a part of it's content, they have no commitment to keep the purchased content in the same state you purchased it in.

I'm not defending the changes to Dante, I hate them, but it seems some people here need to understand the deal they have became a part of here. If you don't like changes like this, all you can do is leave a negative review, stop supporting the game (this includes participating in discussion about it), and ask for a refund (if applicable). Refusing to play the particular part of the game that was changed will have no effect on the game whatsoever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dante provides so much Overshield that the entire squad becomes effectively invulnerable, he still hits masses of enemies without needing to aim, and his 334 still clears out entire rooms. I am at an utter loss what more would be needed.

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, voidctrl said:

Dante provides so much Overshield that the entire squad becomes effectively invulnerable, he still hits masses of enemies without needing to aim, and his 334 still clears out entire rooms. I am at an utter loss what more would be needed.

I think the main problem is he just isn't as fun to play anymore, yeah you can clear entire rooms so long as nothing is in the way of the enemies and with LoS he just feels worse to play if the room you're in is full of clutter or map geometry.

Didn't help how they ignored all the feedback and other possible solutions people gave instead of LoS and how they themselves basically said the problem with tragedy is the range so why just not lower it then.

I personally stopped playing because of how they handled this whole situation and I originally started playing again in preparation for Dante because he sounded fun and when he released that week was the most fun I had in Warframe I think ever.

Sadly Dante will probably keep LoS forever the only reason we got 'better' LoS was because people were complaining and most people didn't want better LoS, they wanted it removed and that they either remove base damage from Tragedy or lower range, so it's not like they fixed the problem but that's how we get comments like yours (this isn't an personal attack or anything).

Dante theoretically still makes the same damage und can still clear rooms but all the damage in the world is useless if you can't hit anything or hit reliably and I want to play my funny magicman as a mage (so mainly abilities) and not as a weapon platform.

I personally check the forum in hopes that they changed their minds but they probably never will for whatever reason.


TLDR; Dante isn't as fun to play anymore and their fixes didn't really fix the problem people had with the nerf, so the only thing that would be needed it is too remove LoS from Tragedy again (and nerf range or something instead)

Edited by David-5959
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Finally built and leveled Dante, never got to play him pre-nerf. Definitely a fun unique playstyle with a powerful unique survival gimmick, but Tragedy is definitely underwhelming as a nuke (I'm a Saryn main). If I had paid money for Dante to play him as a nuke frame, only for them to nerf my nuke into Fire Blast, yes I would want my money back. That said, it's not like he's bad or anything, he's an awesome support frame and a fun tanky spellcaster who can conditionally nuke.

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On 2024-05-19 at 1:17 AM, voidctrl said:

Dante provides so much Overshield that the entire squad becomes effectively invulnerable, he still hits masses of enemies without needing to aim, and his 334 still clears out entire rooms. I am at an utter loss what more would be needed.

Maybe they could make him be minimally affected by most of the Deep Archimeda modifiers while getting to effectively ignore the weapon selection requirements?

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hace 3 horas, jothki dijo:

Maybe they could make him be minimally affected by most of the Deep Archimeda modifiers while getting to effectively ignore the weapon selection requirements?

He already does. Thats not his problem. The problem is, if you played him before the nerf, you know how much more fun he was before, and how miserable and inconsistent he feels to play now.

Thats all, thats the problem and what he needs. He is just not fun to play compared with before (he is also not less powerful, so the nerf effectively just trimmed his fun for no real reason).

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