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How would you make Mastery Rank more relevant in Warframe?


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Since it's a topic that gets brought up every so often. Most seem to agree on making Mastery Rank more interesting or relevant besides Weapon Restrictions (which I personally feel should be removed.)

Basically, make it mean something or that you gain something from increasing it. A lot of opposition seems to stem from the idea that Mastery Rank could become something alienating that could create a divide between Low and High MR players.

I'm Legendary Rank 2 (or MR32 if you don't know what Legendary ranks are)

For me personally, I'd like more systems that reward you per level, rather than being a "You reached MR 5, now you have unlocked X"


Basically, something all players benefit from innately, but the higher your MR is, the more you benefit from those things.

Up until recently when I was informed of it in a Forum post, I ended up believing in a lie about Mastery Rank.

I had assumed that Login Rewards (Such as Boosters) were tied to your MR, where it would increase the yield or duration of boosters.

Turns out, I was completely wrong, instead Login Reward boosters scale off of your Total days logged in, for boosters specifically, increasing for every 100 days logged. And this system is capped out at 3000 days. (Personally, not a fan of it being capped it but it is what it is I guess.)


I would like to see my misunderstanding be turned into a feature though. You ever come across Rare/Reinforced Containers in missions? The ones that glow and produce a distinctive sound similar to the Sabotage Cabinets?

Yeah, they only have a 1% chance of spawning in a mission, and even if they do spawn. You might not notice it, or it's tucked in a corner of the map you won't travel to. On top of that, for such a rare chance to appear alone, their drops aren't exactly valuable. A few thousand credits, landing craft parts and...30 to 60 minute boosters.

Which sounds good, but the Boosters activate the moment you pick them up in a mission, and you might be in a mission that takes longer to finish. The boosters obtained here don't have any reliability to them. By the time you're out of the mission you've probably already wasted most of the time, and don't have enough time left to plan out something.

So, something I'd like to suggest, would be to either

  1. Make these specific Booster Durations scale with Mastery Rank
  2. Increase the chance of spawning with Mastery Rank (In public missions, the highest MR player is used, making everyone win instead of creating division)
  3. Both
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I'd say its relevant enough with the main thing being tied to standing, there are ways of using that as an incentive. At the earlier MR ranks it becomes a real struggle. In the later MRs the target becomes get to MR30.

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The least they could do is make MR restrictions actually apply to things that it ignores, like Kuva/Tenet weapons

Apart from that, it's hard to say what it should do, because it's not really an indicator of anything besides how much stuff you've levelled up and potentially sold off as mastery fodder. Cosmetic stuff is easy, since you don't need that stuff to play the game.

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50 minutes ago, Lord_Drod said:

Haha but why worry about some random scaling container you never see.  These only exist to time gate codex completionists.  You have 3 hr blessings daily..

They're actually weaker than ordinary boosters, only providing about a 25% increase that doesn't scale its duration with Legendary Ranks.

They also only have a Resource drop chance blessing, rather than a Resource blessing.

So while you can increase the chances of drops, you can't double drops like you can with boosters.

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When I found out that auto-installation of Ayatan Star is MR-locked (...for some reason), I implemented a list of quality-of-life changes tied to MR inspired by this. Made it so you receive a new QoL spaceship segment in your inbox every 5 MRs:

  • MR5 - Orbiter Improvements Segment that comes with an Ayatan Star Auto Installer and Foundry Item Tracker 
    • With the tracker, clicking on a resource in a specific Blueprint will cause missions that drop said resource to showcase how much more of it you need for that blueprint’s recipe.
  • MR10 - Adds a Foundry Queue to the Orbiter Improvements Segment, and a Void Cooler
    • This Queue allows up to 5 of the same item to be set to built automatically once one finishes. The Queue capacity increases by 1 for every 2 MRs afterward.
    • The Void Cooler ensures that up to 10 Argon Crystals can exist within the player’s inventory without decaying timers. The Cooler capacity increases by 2 for every MR afterward.  
  • MR15 - Void Relic Improvements Segment and adds a Extractor Queue to the Orbiter Improvements Segment
    • With the Void Relic segment comes a Multi-Relic Select Mode where you can select which relics to Radiate all at once if you possess enough Void Traces. This Select Mode may also be used in the pre-mission Relic selection screen.
    • With the Extractor Queue, you’re allowed two additional planets to drop Extractors onto, and you can select up to two planets to continuously pull out and drop in Extractors for resources to and fro. 
  • MR20 - Helminth Bulk Feeder Segment 
    • With the Bulk Feeder, you have the ability to select which resources to Auto-Feed Helminth if you try subsuming an ability you don't have enough Helminth-byproducts for 
  • MR25 - Boost Staller
    • Once a month, you can apply the Staller to a Resource/Mod/Credit/Affinity Booster (Relay Blessings/Event Boosters do not count) to pause its timer when offline for up to two weeks.
  • MR30 - Arsenal Advancement Segment
    • As well as the other perks that come with maxing out your Mastery Rank, you are also rewarded the Advancement Segment, which allows your Loadouts to equip three of ANY type of weapon in each arsenal slot (three primaries, three melees, three secondaries, or two-and-one!). 


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I am not sure we need more than we have ,

Extra starting mod points , more standing , access to later areas is decent enough.

What would be interesting is a boost to others around you , like an aura for the thing that is most relevant to mastery - XP/affinity.

So if you are in a squad , the lower mastery players gets an XP boost equal to the difference between his mastery and the highest mastery in the mission.

Edited by 0_The_F00l
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- Weapons

- Blessing

- Standing per day

Adding anything to that would be deemed Pay2Win. I'm not sure we "need" to make Mastery Rank more relevant - it would just put pressure on people doing thing they dislike or pushing them to buy/rush weapons for :platinum: .

As it stands today, the MR is an incentive, but without being absolutely mandatory for anything. It's good as it is.

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1 hour ago, Zakkhar said:

It is fine as is. Getting multiple items and ranking them up to max is not a feat that needs any more rewards than it currently has.

I agree with this, seeing legendary 4s with 50 days in game makes me laugh (boosted accounts), but the level up rewards are a great incentive.

Edited by (PSN)FrDiabloFr
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I actually sort of prefer it as is. Like I don't think it needs to be more relevant, the minor and small incentives should remain minor and small. I am not really fond of the idea that people feel like they have to keep grinding MR to get such incentives. 

Like I understand the thinking? I am also LR4 and the type of player that will almost always be at max LR, but thats just the kind of player I am. I would benefit but I wouldn't really want others to feel more reasons/pressure to grinding/levelling. 

Also regarding boosters and scaling, well there is already a limit to that regarding boosters and logins, so the scaling isn't likely to add much, and the type from special containers.. boosting those would be nice, but the are kind of designed to be short, likely to not cut into peoples purchasing habits (my assumption). 

Also tying it to mastery could potentially create situations where people try to exploit that. Some people were already trying to sell their blessing boosts which is lame, but now lower MR's may be told that a higher MR player will play with them, in order to help them get boosts, yadda yadda. 

I think as is is fine. I appreciate the creative thinking though. 

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8 hours ago, Zahnny said:

Since it's a topic that gets brought up every so often. Most seem to agree on making Mastery Rank more interesting or relevant besides Weapon Restrictions (which I personally feel should be removed.)

Basically, make it mean something or that you gain something from increasing it. A lot of opposition seems to stem from the idea that Mastery Rank could become something alienating that could create a divide between Low and High MR players.

I'm Legendary Rank 2 (or MR32 if you don't know what Legendary ranks are)

For me personally, I'd like more systems that reward you per level, rather than being a "You reached MR 5, now you have unlocked X"


Basically, something all players benefit from innately, but the higher your MR is, the more you benefit from those things.

Up until recently when I was informed of it in a Forum post, I ended up believing in a lie about Mastery Rank.

I had assumed that Login Rewards (Such as Boosters) were tied to your MR, where it would increase the yield or duration of boosters.

Turns out, I was completely wrong, instead Login Reward boosters scale off of your Total days logged in, for boosters specifically, increasing for every 100 days logged. And this system is capped out at 3000 days. (Personally, not a fan of it being capped it but it is what it is I guess.)


I would like to see my misunderstanding be turned into a feature though. You ever come across Rare/Reinforced Containers in missions? The ones that glow and produce a distinctive sound similar to the Sabotage Cabinets?

Yeah, they only have a 1% chance of spawning in a mission, and even if they do spawn. You might not notice it, or it's tucked in a corner of the map you won't travel to. On top of that, for such a rare chance to appear alone, their drops aren't exactly valuable. A few thousand credits, landing craft parts and...30 to 60 minute boosters.

Which sounds good, but the Boosters activate the moment you pick them up in a mission, and you might be in a mission that takes longer to finish. The boosters obtained here don't have any reliability to them. By the time you're out of the mission you've probably already wasted most of the time, and don't have enough time left to plan out something.

So, something I'd like to suggest, would be to either

  1. Make these specific Booster Durations scale with Mastery Rank
  2. Increase the chance of spawning with Mastery Rank (In public missions, the highest MR player is used, making everyone win instead of creating division)
  3. Both

I wouldnt. 


Because its a *monumental* grind to get to the max MR especially for a new player, even by gaming standards. 

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9 hours ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

I agree with this, seeing legendary 4s with 50 days in game makes me laugh (boosted accounts), but the level up rewards are a great incentive.

Account boosting is against Warframes rules btw.

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16 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

Fully aware of that, was there a point to your message or…?

I thought you were aware of people doing it but weren't aware it was against the rules.

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