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Everything posted by ECCHOSIERRA

  1. This has been going on for awhile. Every prime access it seems like the weapons are almost always meh. Look I dont expect every new weapon to be top tier meta defining OP power creep monster cheese fest room delete weapons but between incarnon weapons and kuva weapons and tenet weapons and whatever else it just feels.. eh. Maybe it's wishful thinking but I wish prime access weapons would get incarnon adaptors somehow or.. something. That might seem like a big ask but if its 2 weapons every 3 months maybe it wouldnt be too unreasonable.
  2. The coolest part of the ephemera is almost never visible while youre actually playing. I really wish theyd change it
  3. Roar dante. You can get viral from other means but. My boi roar dante can kill pretty much everything without viral.
  4. Its not that they're terrible in their own right, its that literally every melee weapon in the game got a huge buff and now they're essentially outclassed. Theres no compelling reason to use them over say, venka prime. If they're gonna be part of her kit they should be worth using. This. Also this.
  5. That's the neat part. You dont.
  6. They cant use an arcane but every melee weapon in the game can. Yes, the base stats are still decent but it theyre not so great it makes up for not being able to use something like melee influence or melee duplicate. I can think of one and only one situation right now where it actually makes sense to use garuda's talons over something else and thats if A) shes a pick in the circuit AND B) all the melee options are MR fodder tier. Which, feels like an oof because when she got released (and later primed) it seemed like the intention was for her talons to be comparable to some of the best weapons in the game like venka prime or nikana prime. Yet those same weapons her talons used to compete with effectively got massively buffed.
  7. The sad thing is with the current state of exalted weapons they would just be worse than they are now. And they're already irrelevant now because of not being able to use arcanes.
  8. It feels like DE had this noble intention of a unified combo system with melee 3.0 and over the months/years since then a lot of stances just havent felt.. right. And probably one of the biggest annoyances of mine has been that theres so many things that can increase melee attack speed (usually wisp or volt) and actively make your melee weapon feel *worse*. Because entering inputs with the wrong timing would just kinda make you stop awkwardly. I don't hate the auto melee, I'm actually grateful it exists because it solves that problem, and i appreciate that it is optional. I just cant help but feel like its a little bit of an oof that the "combo" mechanic of actually doing well, combos feels completely dead now. To me anyway.
  9. My thoughts exactly. We dont know to what extent health is getting buffed. Presumably enough to "feel similar" like they said and if thats the case viral is gonna be even more important than it already is. I dont know if i *want* "the "optimal" damage types per faction to be pushed down our throats. Micromanaging 3 different weapons per mission is annoying. It seems like they wanna nerf slash procs without causing a huge backlash.
  10. Cold helstrum is slept on. A little rad sprinkled in there can make the cc even more stupid because enemies will not only be slowed but generally busy shooting eachother ie not you. Nautilus can group a bunch of enemies and basically bringing them to a complete stop. Shivering contagion is a thing. Im surprised that set up hasnt been nerfed already and im waiting for this change to cause a nerf wave somehow.
  11. Agreed with unless health is buffed by ALOT theres still gonna a narrow meta of useful elements. And even if it is, its arguably just gonna make viral even more meta than it already is. Because what other element effectively reduces enemy health by what 2 thirds?
  12. Meanwhile they have zero % accuracy if they're dead. And even cold or shock or radiation would be better CC.
  13. I hope thats what they mean. I stopped using burst/semi auto weapons entirely for that reason.
  14. What gets me about the randomization controversy is that people defending it, invariably point to "but muh challenge". The thing id, it doesnt freaking matter. If I'm playing circuit I can literally pick any three weapons and do absolutely *nothing* to attack enemies with them and 99.999% of the time whomever I get matched with is gonna naturally drag me across the finish line to at least a few rounds. And decrees being so powerful killshots any remaining argument for "but its supposed to be harder that way". The only real question is how annoying is the run gonna be. And if DE wants to stick to their guns fine i'll just continue to not touch the mode unless god forbid theres a new incarnon i care about then i'll go back to not caring.
  15. The eidolons originally were very difficult for me but not in a fun way. First there was the bugs. Then there were issues like players randomly not wanting to put the shards where they go or something silly like that. Then there was the toxicity. The toxicity was one issue but the general try-hard-sweatiness was another. Like bruh I'm not expecting every little thing to be frame perfect trying to get 900 try caps in one night. Then there was the fact that I work full time and it always seemed like I was at odds with the day/night cycle unless I wanted to set alarms and or use an external service like a discord server or website just to keep track of the time. But, aside from all that, keeping the lures alive, the coordination it took, someone keeping lures alive someone taking limbs someone downing shields, and learning what weapons and what builds were effective was a struggle at first.
  16. >extremely poor joh of explaining to DE what "difficult" actually is. Its not that I or anyone else cant "explain" what difficulty is, its that nobody can ever agree on what "difficulty" means and even if they could, not everyone *wants* their experience to be super difficult. At the very least I think people would generally agree that a "difficult videogame" should be *fair*. That winning or losing should be up to the player somehow. That it is inherantly beatable *somehow*. And if thats the case, sooner or later its just not gonna feel that hard after awhile.
  17. Lets start with the fact that pretty much every player learns pretty quick to save plat/forma/potatoes for weapons that they actually like, and or are actually good. Because hey, if blue potatoes are a limited resource that are either slow to come by or cost plat, you should invest them carefully right? But wait! Between The Circuit and now archimedia, theres all of a sudden a reason to "invest" in weapons you would normally never use. People defending the randomizer usually point to "but muh challenge". A) you cant tell me the circuit's random loadouts are meant to provide challenge when decrees exist and even a mid weapon with enough decrees piled on top of it, is gonna be more "overpowered" than anything in the game outside of that mode. You can also get carried. B) All you really "need" in deep archimedia is to first of all not die, and second have at least one viable weapon that can kill enemies in at least a semi reasonable amount of time. And pretty much every frame is survivable enough if built right and you can effectively ignore at least one personal modifier per week. Or just get carried. If DE actually "stuck to their guns" and didnt give us ways to "get around" the "challenge" or having to use randomized loadouts then i could at least say "well its them attempting to make challenging content", but that isnt the case so it really just feels like a cash grab more than anything.
  18. Ah yes, the ol' antics with semantics instead of an actual point.
  19. No. Because all randomization does is decide how tedious the activity is going to be. It isnt "challenging" to use outdated or trash equipment, just annoying.
  20. I wouldnt. Because its a *monumental* grind to get to the max MR especially for a new player, even by gaming standards.
  21. I get what he's saying. I bought the big version of the pack but i dont like the "promise" of exclusivity time gate fomo. I would be more than happy to let them out of that "contract" since the fomo angle isnt something i wanted them to do to begin with.
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