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Is Steel Path the normal chart now?! Way too squishy!

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The enemies in SP, are way too squishy now! They do not feel rewarding to kill anymore. The whole reason people run Steel Path, is because enemeis there felt actually good to kill. Felt like worthy enough enemies, getting killed by either your skill, or builds. Not they are extremely squishy! Feels like I can slap on whatever build and stuff I want, and it doesnt have any kind of issues killing them in masses. This new enemy scaling is much too weak! If this is the new norm, I dont know what I'm going to do.. They were a huge part why I still played this game..

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I disagree, any reasonable frame/build was melting stuff on the steel path and all it was is they died very slightly slower outside the odd unique mob types. Now ALL frames and wepaons are reasonable and you don't need to micro manage the weaker ones as much and stuff requires less investment, its only a good thing to get more players doing it and not such a hurdle for new players.

Edited by ShakariPsy
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57 minutes ago, Turboameeba said:

If this is the new norm, I dont know what I'm going to do..

You could try optimizing your builds less.  Put on more QoL mods, use some weapons or abilities that you find more fun than powerful, use a dragon key, etc.


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So far in my experience Grineer are definitely squishier than before when you aren't armor stripping, which is to be expected. Armor strip still feels signifigant, and Corpus enemies are much tankier. Overall I think this is a good change.

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I felt that the enemies are way easyer now... Could at least we have more endless missions with circuit growth? 

I do not have time to play for 10 hrs having to work in 2 jobs... And rn the game is way too easy

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On 2024-06-18 at 1:06 PM, Rawbeard said:

when did they ever feel rewarding to kill? what a strange take.

There's a big chasm between this now, and SP when it first came out where you at least needed a real build and some awareness in mission. Suddenly I don't even need to look at my elements in the arsenal, don't even need to look at where I'm shooting or swinging, everything is gone before I can blink. WTB higher TTK.

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Crazy that any of you feel any change.

all my weapons melt through everything the same as they did last week

Again, these changes were to help improve the new player experience. If you think enemies are too squishy now, they were too squishy before the update as well

Edited by Mr.Holyroller
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26 minutes ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

Crazy that any of you feel any change.

all my weapons melt through everything the same as they did last week

Again, these changes were to help improve the new player experience. If you think enemies are too squishy now, they were too squishy before the update as well

I felt the change because i like to play with non meta weapons, SP was already very easy to me...

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3 minutes ago, OrionSincoat said:

I felt the change because i like to play with non meta weapons, SP was already very easy to me...

what even is a "non meta" weapon in 2024? like the castanas?
You have prime mods, Rivens, galvanized mods, primary/secondary arcanes, subsumes, kuva/tenet variants, icarnon adapters, etc to take any weapon to level cap already

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23 minutes ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

what even is a "non meta" weapon in 2024? like the castanas?
You have prime mods, Rivens, galvanized mods, primary/secondary arcanes, subsumes, kuva/tenet variants, icarnon adapters, etc to take any weapon to level cap already

I Like to play with Dera, Trumna, Magnum, Gram, Plasma sword, between others...
And YES, i am moved by nostalgia, like when the max MR was lv 4 and Gram was the max level melee weapon.

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Just now, OrionSincoat said:

I Like to play with Dera, Trumna, Magnum, Gram, Plasma sword, between others...
And YES, i am moved by nostalgia, like when the max MR was lv 4 and Gram was the max level melee weapon.

Based. Gram does have some very good nostalgia. 

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18 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

a real build and some awareness in mission

I can't even with this. "full armor strip and forced slash" was pretty much all you needed before viral became the fun amplifier that made full armor strip almost obsolete. beyond that I don't see what kind of awareness you need that is different from normal versions. currently the only real thing that comes to mind is the dumb lock puzzle on orowyrms, but somehow I don't think that is something many people worry about.

please stop pretending SP was anything but number go up. I am a lazy, lazy player, so maybe I over tune my builds, but... if you view SP fights as something rewarding but fail to make it trivial, I have no idea what kind of "I want challenge, but I avoid any effort to get better at it" mindset you need to have. I am sorry that you are now no longer able to avoid rofl stomping something that has been stomping grounds for so long it depresses me to check how long ago it was introduced. 

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2 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

please stop pretending SP was anything but number go up.

Why yes I would like the numbers to go up. That's literally all I'm asking for. If you've been stomping the game so hard for so long, what keeps you coming back? Maybe I'm just not the gamer god you are, but I was having fun on SP before they turned all the enemies into the same wet toilet paper that the basic star chart is made out of. 

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I agree with the OP. For example, fully-armoured level 150 grineer now die in the Steel Path from a single melee slam attack, while not even having viral procs. It's not challenging at all.

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11 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

Why yes I would like the numbers to go up.

it's not a challenge, it's not difficulty, it's a spreadsheet. if that excite you, may I introduce you to excel? 

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i tried killing lv120 SP heavy gunner with a gas-elec rifle and they barely took damage, but with corrosive they melt.

I used to melt them with slash procs anyway so now i have the option of melting them with slash or with a corrosive rifle. Nice to break the meta a bit i guess. Blast corrosive is a nice alternative for rifles

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Am 18.6.2024 um 18:14 schrieb Turboameeba:

The enemies in SP, are way too squishy now! They do not feel rewarding to kill anymore. The whole reason people run Steel Path, is because enemeis there felt actually good to kill. Felt like worthy enough enemies, getting killed by either your skill, or builds. Not they are extremely squishy! Feels like I can slap on whatever build and stuff I want, and it doesnt have any kind of issues killing them in masses. This new enemy scaling is much too weak! If this is the new norm, I dont know what I'm going to do.. They were a huge part why I still played this game..

that's not true at all.
with shards, certain warframe skills and top weapons you can do a lot...

but do you like playing sp circuit??? because that's where obvious problems quickly come to light.
and most people don't have the best gear either. or not every leg4 account has pimped all weapons with max formas.

...because then you can understand that people without best gear have a lot of problems in normal sp missions....

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4 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

...because then you can understand that people without best gear have a lot of problems in normal sp missions....

Its build issue or skill issue. 

You can get amazing weapon for SP even if you are low MR (kuva/tenet) or old incarnons from zariman (mr 14). Also weapon need to be completely sh*t if you can't kill normal SP lvl 100-150 (stug)


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11 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

it's not a challenge, it's not difficulty, it's a spreadsheet. if that excite you, may I introduce you to excel? 

Oh I love Excel! Done lots of it for IRL work. Warframe being a spreadsheet with pretty fashion and guns that shoot numbers is awesome! Really fits my style. Why are you here though? Shouldn't you be tearing up esports tournaments or setting new kaizo speedrun records?

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