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Is it just me, or is piloting a pregnant corpse an upsetting if not somewhat disturbing concept? I get we deal in disturbing usually, but this feels too far. 

  I am interested in others feedback. I'd settle for them toggling the creepy glowing stomach so can decide if it's for you. They did it for nipple tassels on Styanax, I don't feel this is asking much... 

Thank you all.

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I don't find it disturbing much in the same light that murdering thousands of lifeforms a day isn't.  I find it pointless, weird, completely irrelevant to the plot path to fighting the man in the wall, and woefully a waste of waiting a few months for an update.  I didn't get a chance to pilot her yet to see what redundant niche she fills between equinox and stalker.  

Edited by Boghadir
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i find it strange too, i don't like it tbh. a shame because the frame is fun.

i just don't understand the point to make her playable version pregnant, did we recreate the child too with her blueprint? that's #*!%ed up and kinda disgusting in my eyes

Edit: also now i think of the helminth, if i give her to the helminth does it means i'm also giving in her child since she's pregnant? that's very disturbing too


Edited by Petergeist00
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29 minutes ago, Sifernos said:

Is it just me, or is piloting a pregnant corpse an upsetting if not somewhat disturbing concept? I get we deal in disturbing usually, but this feels too far. 

  I am interested in others feedback. I'd settle for them toggling the creepy glowing stomach so can decide if it's for you. They did it for nipple tassels on Styanax, I don't feel this is asking much... 

Thank you all.

Yes. It is.

I really... REALLY don't want to use Jade because of this. It's disturbing and makes me highly uncomfortable.

DE really should of re-considered Jades actual WF usage design, or at least added a free skin for people to use who don't find it acceptable.

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So I personally don't mind it, but that's mostly because it's a video game and pregnant women can be combat goddesses too.  Then again, maybe it's because I just have a far easier time refraining from overly personalizing pixels in video games.

It also helps that she does seem to self-identify more as a fighter jet.

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I was having fun until i knew that she is pregnant. Turned back and now i'm playing something else...

As a healer main this is sad because i wanted her so much, but this is so disturbing and strange for me.

Edited by Vortex
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Why is it strange that something of a love like Belric and Rannia manifests itself through a semblance of continuity/tranference, void energy into that which produces the only thing powerful enough to seep into and melt the hate, anguish and despair of the stalker. 

A man's meaning is restored when he has something other than himself to strive for, to live for, to be better for. This is no different. 

I found it to be a great story insomuch as these concepts were illustrated in a artful and cinematic way. But I am also a father among other things. I get it.  

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As a stories creator, you need to understand, what is your audience wants and waits from you and give it to them. But, still, sometimes you just have to bring up uncomfortable topics, that are important for your plot to develop. And for me it seems that last uncomfortable topics that DE brought up lately aren't really relevant to the lore of warframe - they just put in something, that concerns them personally, or what's currently popular, just for it to be there, not for some purpose 

First, you had to transfer into giant robot to comfort manifestation of gay person being frustrated with how thier partner treated them in the past. Which really doesn't connect with the whole aminals-were-given-self-awerness-and- enhanced-intelligence-against-their-will theme.

Now this - pregnancy of bio-mechanical robot.

Feels like next cinematic quest will be about long-married warframe couple, who goes to therapy to save their marriage.

If I'm not mistaken, Rebecca got married not so long ago, and it's all just my speculation, but she may be concerned about pregnancy and all around it now. And, as any creator, she is making her stories about what is she concerned about.I think like that because I'm over 30 now, and creating a family and having children is a common topic for me now. And I've spoken to quite a few women about it, and I was quite surprised, how many of them were afraid of dying while giving a child birth. And stories about pregnancy is not bad at all, but for warframe - it strongly feels out of place. I would expect more stories about corpus being greedy, and greener being rotting ruthless conquers

2 hours ago, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

I don't understand, why do they throw so much hate at Jade? Have you never seen a pregnant woman in your life or what?

I red quite a lot if feedback, and I can't say people express hate. Yeah, some of them express disgust, which I don't sympathise with, but most are just confused, disturbed, and feel uncomfortable. It's like DE could add a warframe, who would ride a wheelchair, which is not bad at all, but it would feel strange at least, and strongly out of place


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I love Jade and the story was nice. They did an excellent job framing all the promotional images in a way that entirely obscured the plot twist.

However pregnancy is a personal squick of mine, so I'm very enthusiastically seconding the request for a toggle/skin that doesn't have the glowing belly. I adore the seraphim theming and definitely understand how they're tying it into the life theme, but it makes me super uncomfortable. I tried to get around it by making her energy super dark so it wasn't as obvious, but that has made her more difficult to play because I can't actually see any of my Judgements due to the dark color :')

I played her enough to Max rank her but unless a toggle or something is added, I don't know how much I'll be able to keep using her due to the discomfort, which is extra disappointing since I purchased her instead of waiting for the drops to get fixed. :'D I'm happy to support the devs and I love all their hard work, but I had hoped it was only part of the cinematics and not the Warframe herself and honestly would've reconsidered paying money up front if I'd known.

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On 2024-06-18 at 7:22 PM, NeDesitVirtus said:

Why is it strange that something of a love like Belric and Rannia manifests itself through a semblance of continuity/tranference, void energy into that which produces the only thing powerful enough to seep into and melt the hate, anguish and despair of the stalker. 

A man's meaning is restored when he has something other than himself to strive for, to live for, to be better for. This is no different. 

I found it to be a great story insomuch as these concepts were illustrated in a artful and cinematic way. But I am also a father among other things. I get it.  

I don't feel like the story is the issue, in fact it fits nicely. It could use a little work to make it fit better maybe, but over all its fine. it makes sense enough.

What i don't like is the warframe being pregnant and for the stalker to become the Mandalorian with a rip off baby yoda.

There was a limit I didn't know I had to my tolerance, and I discovered it with this update.

I lost a lot of confidence in this game today


EDIT: on letting it stew a while I think I'm ok with the story and it's direction with stalker and the babyframe. 

While I still feel uncomfortable with the pregnant warframe. I can let it go, hope for a deluxe skin, and just not play her.

I'm glad de is still willing to experiment with this games unique story telling and take it to unimaginable places.

Just no more super uncomfortable designs please. 

Edited by Tabot_Soule
I felt a little differently after sleeping on it
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The pregnancy theme is completely handwaved and feels shoehorned here. Like... why is Jade still pregnant after so much time? And why is Jade still pregnant when we rebuild her? It... it was necessary at all? As its treated doesnt add anything to the frame in itself...

All that makes me feel like they are just designing some WFs around fetishes and then half-think some bs explanation to add them into the game.


And with the new quest they made sure to have access to a child-frame, do whatever you want with that info now.

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9 hours ago, TheOlright said:

First, you had to transfer into giant robot to comfort manifestation of gay person being frustrated with how thier partner treated them in the past. Which really doesn't connect with the whole aminals-were-given-self-awerness-and- enhanced-intelligence-against-their-will theme.

As you know, gay people are not normal and any story about love that involves them makes no sense and is off topic, unlike with the hets where it is just part of the story and super normal.

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Let me say this slowly for you to fully understand:


The belly she has is just holding her power like an energy source almost. Why are these forums being flooded with crybaby men?? You can't get pregnant. Why is this such a sensitive topic to yall??? Its so weird to me how laser focused you guys are on her being pregnant but you literally ignore how Stalker was HOLDING THE BABY IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIREFIGHT and even bullet jumping around with said baby in their arms.

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Y'all mfers are soft.... 

Considering all the atrocities throughout the entire storyline of Warframe, a pregnant Warframe (that isn't pregnant anymore once we get access to her) is the line that shouldn't be crossed? Really? Dissected children, experimented on, and psychologically tortured weaponized soldiers. People kidnapped and fed to the Helmyth strain for more weapons, also brutally tortured. Genocide on mass scales across the solar system. Brutal slavery that steals your body parts, gives you replacements on loan for even more brutal slavery. But, no, pregnant warframe is the ick?

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On 2024-06-18 at 11:50 PM, TheOlright said:

First, you had to transfer into giant robot to comfort manifestation of gay person being frustrated with how thier partner treated them in the past. Which really doesn't connect with the whole aminals-were-given-self-awerness-and- enhanced-intelligence-against-their-will theme.

What? Warframes are people turned into biomachines. Not some dog turned into one. They had intelligence and self-awareness from the get-go unless you're claiming people do not have this?

On 2024-06-18 at 11:50 PM, TheOlright said:

And stories about pregnancy is not bad at all, but for warframe - it strongly feels out of place. I would expect more stories about corpus being greedy, and greener being rotting ruthless conquers.

Not really? We are talking about Ballas here, who enjoyed messing and experimenting on people. What an experiment to see what happens when you infect a pregnant host with the Helminth Strain. It's that simple. 

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2 hours ago, Raziel589 said:

What? Warframes are people turned into biomachines. Not some dog turned into one. They had intelligence and self-awareness from the get-go unless you're claiming people do not have this?

I ment Cavia. Albrecht enchanted their intelligence with void

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)AnnabelleNewell said:


The belly she has is just holding her power like an energy source almost.

Her idle animation has her rubbing the belly, and the appearance of her invoking the idea of pregnancy is what makes some people uncomfortable.  The fact that she isn't actually carrying a child in there is even more reason why her playable model should have been made without the contentious pregnant belly. 

And you can argue that she was made into a frame whilst pregnant so the frame blueprint we have is therefore also pregnant shaped... but there's also the question over the fact we don't know what point in her pregnancy she was converted into a frame.  If it wasn't late into her pregnancy then her belly wouldn't be as big (and that means the baby would have continued to grow over the 1000+ years), or did Ballas not notice their relationship until her belly was that big and then made her into a warframe, or was the relationship discovered earlier in the pregnancy and he waited for her pregnancy to progress before converting her -- we don't know.     So depending on that, the frame blueprint we have could easily have been made to not have a visible pregnant belly. 

It was a choice they made, which sits uneasily with a good many of the players. (for different reasons).  A non-pregnant looking frame would have been a better choice.


9 hours ago, (XBOX)AnnabelleNewell said:

Why are these forums being flooded with crybaby men?? You can't get pregnant. Why is this such a sensitive topic to yall???

I'm a woman, who has been pregnant and had a child.  I have nothing against the concept of pregancy, other than if it's used in a way that feels wrong.  I do have issues with the idea of piloting a frame that appears to be pregnant into battle...  Just like I would feel uncomfortable piloting a child into battle. 

I have an issue with the fact that her role in the quest was nothing more than a "fridge" for furthering the Stalker's story... so her as a frame in that pregnant state is a further reminder that she has very little purpose (in the quest named for her) other than being a womb and to die. 

I have an issue with the fact that it is well known that many people sexualise warframes to the point that pregnant warframes is a thing people fantasise about. Is making a pregnant looking frame for a game that is known for it's "gemussy", Mesa's chaps, Styanax's nipple tassles, "Thicc Hildryn" etc. memes really something we should feel comfortable about?

Then there's also the issue that for some people, pregnancy means loss.  Not just women... there have been men here in the forums who have spoken of the loss of their unborn children.  Not to mention the issues of infertility and the inability to have children for other reasons (which makes it particularly disappointing this was bought out during pride month, when childbirth can be an upsetting topic for both transmen and transwomen).  It's the very reason they included the trigger warning (for whatever worth that was) - because it's known to be emotionally triggering... YET THEY DID IT ANYWAY!

There are many reasons why a pregnant looking frame isn't appropriate for a game such as Warframe.

9 hours ago, (XBOX)AnnabelleNewell said:

Stalker was HOLDING THE BABY IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIREFIGHT and even bullet jumping around with said baby in their arms.

Stalker was trying to escape with the baby when he was fired upon, which is VERY different to consciously going into battle with a frame that appears pregnant.

The very fact that Xeto calls a ceasefire when she notices he's carrying a baby tells how even the quest shows it's not good to take a baby into a battleground...  He's carrying something that the Corpus would definitely want to have (Imagine how much they would like to have reasearched it or sold it off) - they have him down on his knee, under fire - yet she lets him leave with his precious cargo.  Why?  BECAUSE YOU DON'T SHOOT AT BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet those of us who feel uncomfortable with the idea of taking a pregnant (appearing) frame into battle are somehow being stupid?

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On 2024-06-18 at 11:40 PM, Sifernos said:

Is it just me, or is piloting a pregnant corpse an upsetting if not somewhat disturbing concept? I get we deal in disturbing usually, but this feels too far. 

  I am interested in others feedback. I'd settle for them toggling the creepy glowing stomach so can decide if it's for you. They did it for nipple tassels on Styanax, I don't feel this is asking much... 

Thank you all.

Absolutely, you are not alone. My point of view is being protective of my Operator and her part in the story, since my warframe carried her from the dream pod in Second Dream. Now she had to endure the childbearing through Transference into Jade, someone so young is being subjected giving birth. Its a line i probably was not expecting the DE to cross. 

Edited by Bearssi
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8 hours ago, Bearssi said:

Absolutely, you are not alone. My point of view is being protective of my Operator and her part in the story, since my warframe carried her from the dream pod in Second Dream. Now she had to endure the childbearing through Transference into Jade, someone so young is being subjected giving birth. Its a line i probably was not expecting the DE to cross. 

Do people forget the Sentient War was a few centuries long, the Operators came at the tail end and fought for decades? Our Space Children aren't young even when ignoring the time skip. They are, bare minimum, over 20 but stunted because they aren't real flesh and blood people but the Void mimicking their body and their personality/will controlling the energy. 

Frankly, they are murdering thousands, and have been for a very long time. They are far from children. They are not innocent. They are wolves in sheep clothing. Just dealing with Ballas when they came back to the Sol system had them dealing with worse than childbirth. 

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