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Did the quest, now I'm left asking...

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This whole thing feels like it's a hastily written DeviantArt fanfic with some visual design to match.

Okay, so we got "Pregnant Warframe". I'm sure the community will be very well-adjusted adults about that, given the notorious background the community has.
Expectations of degeneracy aside, I have to ask again: "Why?"... no, really. Why? Why did Jade have to be obviously pregnant?

Was it a "theme of life" thing? I'll sure feel "life" as it escapes my enemy ala orbital missile barrage.
Was it just a fetish thing? Did we learn nothing from Citrine? I already feel uncomfortable playing Citrine, but this is something else.
Was it some fluke design choice? Just a cosmic result of DE-brand canabis? The ye olde weed dens getting to ya?

... and that's just Jade herself. The quest in of itself is a glorified baby shower announcement. As if it to say "Oh yeah, Stalker is a dad" with no real further explanation.
"Why doesn't Stalker just get the Tenno?" is a question I framed for myself because I thought this Quest would've explored that topic more.
NOPE, in fact-- it's kinda just glossed over. Why did he choose now of all times? She was close to death, sure-- but she was said to have ALWAYS been.

Better yet, what does the Tenno he so hate say to him? "Oh yeah, just grab some spare parts from over here in this derelict" as if she's loose brakes needing fixing.
Here I was expecting a point towards Helminth and we bring Jade to the Orbiter for assistance there. "Nope! Just grab some flesh sac from a big boi and that'll fix ya right up."
Does it even matter though? No, she dies anyway. What does the Stalker do? Do- what I assume- would be the same thing he did even IF he hasn't gotten involved with the Tenno.
Take the kid and move on. Not that my Operator seemed to have anything decent to say about that. Also, why the Operator?! I thought-- no I KNOW I had Drifter on! If you're gonna force it anyway, why even bother?!

Speaking of "the child", what was with that extremely strange minigame? Not only did it break ANY tension I could've had in the scene, but it just... felt like padding.
It's not even some Quick-Time Event or even some other reused asset. There was GENUINE time to spend on coding a minigame for a glorified birth scene.
... in a game called "Warframe" where we commit genocide on the regular as space ninjas. Don't even get me started on how we're "Space Mercenaries" at this point.


You have SO many plot holes to fill and plot lines to tie up already. Do we really need another one?

So far, we have as far as I can tell...

  • Tau, the distant Sentient threat.
    • We stopped the invasion, not the source.
  • Narmer and Pazuul, who still is at large.
    • Did we just collectively forget Narmer is STILL out there?
  • Alad, because we all know he NEVER dies.
    • Frohd Bek and Lech Kril can be included, because they are not confirmed to be dead. 
  • The entire lost parts of Duviri that were speculated to be a thing, but never were.
    • What happened between all that metaphorical time between the Operator awakening and Drifter being in Duviri?
      Are we to assume they just play the Duviri cycle until New War yoinks them out by SOME unexplained force?
    • There's also the lost islands as per the codex too.
      You mean to tell me that out aaaaaall those locations, only Kullervo's Hold shows up to be lumped in with the other cycle-based islands?
  • The Zariman and it's relation to the bit behind it.
    • I am just going to guess this is going to be elaborated on with upcoming updates ala "1999".
  • Whatever the Lotus is going to do now, considering she's been taking a back seat for most of the game. (Not that I'm complaining.)
  • The Entrati, whomst are said to be "put to complete denial of Albrecht's existence" which sounds to me like a glorified workaround.
  • The exact reason Stalker hates our guts.
    • This was barely touched upon if it even WAS in the quest. We're to assume we did... something, but god knows what exactly.
  • The Infested Strain of Arlo.
  • The rest of the Seven Executors. 
    • Ballas was sent to a portal. (As in "not dead because that's how plot works.")
    • Tuvul is... allegedly dead, but given the circumstances he was killed in and the artifacts he carried? It's likely that's not permenant.
    • Karishh is most likely dead, given the story of Grendel.
      • This is 3 of the 7. Not even halfway...
  • And MANY, MANY more. This list is long enough as is.


My point is, for a less than 15 minute quest where literally nothing was lost and nothing was gained? You have so much plot to cover, yet you only add more.
No wonder Warframe's story is all over the place-- I doubt the devs can even keep track of it anymore!

Why did we need to make a big update to make Stalker into a dad? Is that just another fetish to add to the pile?
If some dev wants to keep the libido high, I don't care-- just keep the game going is all I ask. You don't need to add MORE degeneracy to the pile!
Seriously! We're at like what... how many at this point? I could list each one off if I didn't think the Forums were gonna auto-censor it... but eh, whatevs I guess.

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look at the real world, the chaos is spreading but he is just a newborn, would you in the real world forgive the son of your greatest war enemy?!?!?!

offtopic: P.T. was an unreleased game that tried to scare any male player through the perspective related to main character, the player could be scared by the character's story because the game insisted on saying that the player could be the character himself, basically you couldn't finish the game before remembering the whole incident so there was a paradoxical looping simulating that the player was trying to wake up from the nightmare by running to the room where he was lying drunk, if you didn't remember the game would loop keeping you hours and hours inside the game.

Sometimes art tries to tell us something in the real world.🤷‍♂️

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18 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

Why? Why did Jade have to be obviously pregnant?

Was it just a fetish thing? Did we learn nothing from Citrine? I already feel uncomfortable playing Citrine, but this is something else.

Why did we need to make a big update to make Stalker into a dad? Is that just another fetish to add to the pile?

(...)You don't need to add MORE degeneracy to the pile!

This feels like a YOU problem.

You're the one already talking about "fetishes" and "degeneracy"... The quest was just about life and death (topics that are both beautiful and painful). The fact that you used words like those says A LOT about you. 

PS. If you feel "uncomfortable" playing Citrine (a warframe which has a very simple "outline" of a female body) I dread to think what you might say if you ever see a more complete depiction of the human anatomy (visiting an Art or Science Museum must be the equivalent of watching adult content for you). :facepalm:

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10 minutes ago, Famecans said:

look at the real world, the chaos is spreading but he is just a newborn, would you in the real world forgive the son of your greatest war enemy?!?!?!

If you're trying to tell me that this quest is something deep about "Forgiveness", it's not.

It's a glorified excuse to indirectly answer the question of "Can Warframe pregnant?" in the most obtuse way possible.
Which while on brand for DE's usual logic, is certainly not good.


2 minutes ago, -CRONO- said:

This feels like a YOU problem.

You're the one already talking about "fetishes" and "degeneracy"... The quest was just about life and death (topics that are both beautiful and painful). The fact that you used words like those says A LOT about you. 

I know the quest was about "Life and Death", I'm not blind.
I can see motifs and tropes, this isn't my first rodeo with story-telling. (Though, if it was? Pity on my poor soul... good lord.)

My problem is more "If you're going to introduce these things, ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING WITH IT."
As far as I'm aware, this did nothing to progress the story nor affect any of the myriad plot points we have already.
It feels like it's there for the sake of it, which feels ESPECIALLY bad given the context of well... JADE.


Did nobody on the team think "Hey, maybe we should make like... a model that isn't her belly with a kid in it?" for situations like... oh, I don't know...

Call me crazy all you want, but this?


Citrine was a "Okay, you know what? Fine, it's awkward and attracts weirdos. I'll deal with it though much to my annoyance." sorta deal.
I won't actively play her, but if push comes to shove? I can grit my teeth and go.

This? This feels bad. Actively bad, the kinda bad that makes you uncomfortable.
Not in scary horror game way kinda uncomfortable where jump scares get you.
Like rotting roadkill kinda bad. Like you witnessed a friend taking up drugs kinda feeling.
The "I can't really do much about this because it's not my choice, but it doesn't make it any better" kinda vibe.

I play Video Games to be stylish and kick butt doing so. It's why I can still even tolerate Warframe after all this time.
THIS IS NOT THAT. This feels like the result of some bad fanfiction not being contained to it's own bubble!

The quest is one thing, I didn't care for that. If they kept a separate FOR the quest and left it at that?
Fine, I'd just consider DE's usual questionable story-telling... but this isn't the usual and it's awful.
It just feels like they made the plot for this Pre-Nut Clarity and got too far in before they could cancel the consequences of their actions.


... and even outside of all that, it's just weird to begin with.
If I had to utter the phrase "Yeah, let's bring the pregnant lady to combat"-- people are going to assume I'm SUPER well-adjusted, truly.

14 minutes ago, -CRONO- said:

If you feel "uncomfortable" playing Citrine (a warframe which has a very simple "outline" of a female body) I dread to think what you might say if you ever see a more complete depiction of the human anatomy (visiting an Art or Science Museum must be the equivalent of watching adult content for you).

It's more the people it brings versus actually playing it with Citrine.
It's also why I prefer having openly nude characters in multiplayer games reserved for games that make it their focus.
Also why I usually don't play such games. It's not for me, so I leave it be.

As I've said to many people before. "What happens in the 34, STAYS in the 34."
I recognize that people enjoy these things. Keep it to their respective zones though, because some of us don't like having "the writers barely disguised fetish" trope show up any more than it already has.
Honestly, the fact that this is considered "normal" is just... I'm still in shell-shock with that info.
I shouldn't be considering it's the Internet, but just... wow. That really the world we live in, huh?

If I wanted to find out what happens when a Warframe gets pregnant? We have plenty of artists going by some 34 rules to remedy that.
... but in the game? I'm playing Warframe. The game about Space Ninjas blowing entire colony-sized ships for some funky plastic bottles.

There's also the implications of what Jade is in combat. A pregnant mother in a GOD DAMN WARZONE.
Please tell me I don't have to explain why that would cause people to be uncomfortable.
If we've really gotten to that point on the Internet where I'd have to explain, it's safe to say I'm pretty low on the priority list for "needing to touch grass".

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12 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

Please tell me I don't have to explain why that would cause people to be uncomfortable.
If we've really gotten to that point on the Internet where I'd have to explain, it's safe to say I'm pretty low on the priority list for "needing to touch grass".

Or you could just take it at face value and not think so much into it. You're really only freaking yourself out imo.

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3 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

It's a glorified excuse to indirectly answer the question of "Can Warframe pregnant?" in the most obtuse way possible.
Which while on brand for DE's usual logic, is certainly not good.

you touched on the right topic, i think the developers were too quick in the introduction, the introduction of grineers and corpus allied to the tennos is predictably pleasant but the stawker and sentients still seem distant from the alliance.

to me warframes is an empty shell, dead body, empty vessel, like a necramech, but stawker is a different body kind of warframe, it's a living being divided into several omnipresent omnicient bodies, this is the characteristic of the sentient faction. sentient is the only truly alien race in the game, it's not human, it wasn't manufactured by humans and it didn't come from the void.

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4 minutes ago, Famecans said:

you touched on the right topic, i think the developers were too quick in the introduction, the introduction of grineers and corpus allied to the tennos is predictably pleasant but the stawker and sentients still seem distant from the alliance.

to me warframes is an empty shell, dead body, empty vessel, like a necramech, but stawker is a different body kind of warframe, it's a living being divided into several omnipresent omnicient bodies, this is the characteristic of the sentient faction. sentient is the only truly alien race in the game, it's not human, it wasn't manufactured by humans and it didn't come from the void.

Warframes aren't a dead body. They're a type of infested. Not all empty either, see Umbra. Also, Sentients were made by humans.

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2 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Better yet, what does the Tenno he so hate say to him? "Oh yeah, just grab some spare parts from over here in this derelict" as if she's loose brakes needing fixing.

Even worse is that the Tenno are children, not some form of biologist/doctor. Why do they know what Cortichrome is or why it would help? Why does the Corpus captain immediately know what it is the Stalker is after and why? Must be common knowledge so the Stalker must be dumb as a brick.

Only thing I liked about the quest is that they introduced a new character (Captain Xeto) that was ruined in the second mission by going Karen ( A DErELiCt) and will promtly be forgotten about even though she basically defied Parvos orders.

Edited by L3512
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9 minutes ago, Feneroe said:

Warframes aren't a dead body. They're a type of infested. Not all empty either, see Umbra. Also, Sentients were made by humans.

anything that crosses the void that is not tenno/sentient becomes evil, crazy, sick. warframes is an empty shell, dead, without a soul, this is the only way to cross the void without being dominated by corruption, ambition, madness. those infested have no soul, they are animals, they can be good or evil because they have always attacked with a single purpose, to infest any space to unify existence without any rational proposal.

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22 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

this did nothing to progress the story nor affect any of the myriad plot points we have already.

I disagree it added some additional depth to stalker, maybe even sort of a redemption to him? warframe is very episodic how do you know that don't have big plans to do something with this new first of its kind "born" warframe? you don't?

I find it an really interesting concept, who knows how fast it might grow? maybe this will even be a playable character down the line, maybe it even has a conciseness like umbra? could be a collectable frame? what other story intricacies it might have or what factions might be interested in fighting over it, capturing studying controling even pulling apart this warframe for their own evil deeds?

24 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

Call me crazy all you want, but this?

"like the thing I did, much outrage!!! "

I don't care about your stupid screenshot you already fed 50 other warframes into the meatgrinder and they are supposed to come from real people but studdenly you have a conscience? you didn't HAVE to feed her into helminth if you didn't want, but you don't want to play her? delete, but you want the ability? have your cake and eat it much?

canonically I assume the Jade we have is just a copy and has no conciseness (like most other warframes) nor an actual baby in her infested bump, just some infested 1:1 completly non-sentient copy

tbh I feel like you might be projecting too, the game gave you a warning you could have canceled out of it if you really wanted


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18 minutes ago, Feneroe said:

Not all empty either, see Umbra. Also, Sentients were made by humans.

i have no affinity with umbra history and i know that there is something inside excalibur umbra. the only thing i'm convinced of is that sentient and tennos are truly innocent, adults are guilty and sentient is an alien race existing and adapted with the universe without getting involved with the void's ambitious problems.

the void is also a human product, the universe has bowed to the power of man and delivered the last unknown god to him, himself against it. the void is the last thing humans need to study because everything has been studied except the unknown of themselves.

sentients are the most peaceful alien form in the game, sentients have no ambition for the void, they are all united and adaptive to problems around them, sentients recognize that tennos are also innocent in the human war, the war of humans who have forgotten to be children.

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I agree, the writing is genuinely sloppy and intolerable. I think they might be suffering from a JJ Abrams style "Mystery Box" addiction. As long as they keep padding out the run time with new questions they never have to resolve anything. You can string an audience along for a long time with this method.

And yes, the quest definitely feels like it bungles pregnancy as a topic and fridges Jade.

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25 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Or you could just take it at face value and not think so much into it.

You really take being able to not think about something for granted, don't you?
It's not something I can really do much about. It's not exactly subtle so I can't exactly just blur it out of my head.

Some people can't visualize objects in their head. Some can, but with minimal detail. Others can visualize objects really well.
There's even videos about this, "Aphantasia" it's called.

... but all of this extra explanation falls flat when you can just say "But why did they have to do any of this?"
There's a dozen other ways they could've gone about this. A lot would probably be a lot less uncomfortable.

Hell, I think the only reason this is getting as much of a pass as it is... is because Warframe is full of degenerates who thrive on the word "fetish".
Which- as I've said in prior replies- is fine in it's own right, provided it's within it's own confines. This is not following that idea and it's causing issues.


22 minutes ago, L3512 said:

Some lazy Stalker retcon and he is now a father, not sure why he was really included though.

There really does feel like a dozen points or character you could remove from this quest and nothing would change.
If anything did change, it'd be of little importance or for the better.

At that point, the Quest kind falls apart narratively and feels redundant at best.


17 minutes ago, Feneroe said:

Warframes aren't a dead body. They're a type of infested. Not all empty either, see Umbra. Also, Sentients were made by humans.

I think you're missing the point of theirs.

Warframes are- in terms of function- pretty much a dead body without something puppeteering it.
Exceptions like Umbra (and MAYBE Stalker, would've been nice to have lore on that, huh?) exist, yes. They are however designed to be such.
Without a Tenno, most standard and Prime Warframes kinda fall down. Only responding to the whims of the Void otherwise.
Second Dream is speculated to have the Tenno remotely pilot the Warframes, can be seen as foreshadowing for War Within with transference.
While yes, Warframes are made of Infested tissue-- they are no more alive than a plant. Quite literally in a vegetative state due to a lack of a controller.
It's like if possessed you, are you still alive? Yes, but are you capable of moving to show it? Probably not.
It's a matter of perspective on what one considers "Life"... or more aptly, "cognition."

Either way you look at it though, it feels weird having a belly bump in what is essentially what I just described above.

As for Sentients? Yeah, they were made by the Orokin. They WILDLY shifted to their own whims however once deployed, creating what is essentially their own race.
One could associate that with Alien life, given it's more "unique" origins compared to the rest of the system.


13 minutes ago, L3512 said:

Even worse is that the Tenno are children, not some form of biologist/doctor. Why do they know what Cortichrome is or why it would help? Why does the Corpus captain immediately know what it is the Stalker is after and why? Must be common knowledge so the Stalker must be dumb as a brick.

Only thing I liked about the quest is that they introduced a new character (Captain Xeto) that was ruined in the second mission by going Karen ( A DErELiCt) and will promtly be forgotten about even though she basically defined Parvos orders.

I actually didn't even take that into account at first. While I do believe Operators are merely children in appearance, they can't possibly know EVERYTHING.
(Given their life experience and how the void may have stopped their aging that is? we have no idea their canonical age... if there even IS one.)

But the fact that the Corpus know of it and immediately knew what he was looking for is what tips me off.
That must mean- as you said- Stalker is extremely dumb... or they flat out didn't known what they were writing.

As for Captain Xeto? I figured she was just a stand-in for "high-ranking Corpus baddie" so they can have some degree of a threat.
I'm more impressed they used the Scrambus guy from Phobos' Archwing mission for dialogue. You really had to go out of left field for THAT one.

Still, it kinda sucks this is about as relevant to me as Octavia's Anthem.... which also feels like poorly written fan-fiction.
(Seriously, "shielding Sentients from the void" using the... "power of Cephalons"?! Yeah, that makes sense. Totally.)


7 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

I disagree it added some additional depth to stalker, maybe even sort of a redemption to him? warframe is very episodic how do you know that don't have big plans to do something with this new first of its kind "born" warframe? you don't?

... what depth? Parental status? All that "depth" would have been valid if they elaborated more on it.
Explain- or even allude- to him having more background. We were kinda left with as much ambiguity as we initially started off with.
Him having a wife doesn't explain his vendetta to the Tenno. In fact, it only complicates things further.

Why does he hate the Tenno? We clearly did SOMETHING, but what? Surely it wasn't the Orokin because his loved one was still with him.
A Warframe, yes. Still there and very clearly recognizing him.
She may be dying, yes. No reason to inherently hate the Tenno though.
Was it something only the Orokin could fix? Maybe than, but hardly reason to go out and start chopping off heads.

"Redemption" feels just as pointless in that case. What is he "redeeming" from? Murdering us?
If there was no reason given as to it in the first place, why would there be any notion to have a change of heart?
Plot twist for the sake of plot twist, much like how we got a Quest for the sake of a Quest.

You get excited for Stalker getting a Quest because of how enigmatic. You get answers, maybe not direct answers-- but SOME answers.
Instead, all we got was some loose pity-party and freak-of-the-week as the spotlight.


You can tell me Warframe is "episodic", but who's to say this isn't just some one-off quest ala Octavia's Anthem or the Silver Grove? Limbo Theorem?
It is for a Warframe after all, we got Voruna and Grendel tied directly to Orokin Executors (Tuvul and Karishh respectively) yet they're also Leverian entries. Not even a Quest.
... and given how hastily written this is? I don't care if it's episodic or a one-off. It's shoddy either way and gave us one big ethical question of a Warframe.

15 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

I find it an really interesting concept

Concepts are cool, but they must be executed correctly.
I have more concepts for gameplay mechanics- be it for Warframe or otherwise- for my own good.
... but unless I can channel them into a useful medium? They may as well be worthless, for better or for worse.

I thought Duviri was a cool concept when it announced way back when. A whole environment of raw voidly energy taking form to mimic our life.
It was guessed that the Void was "curious" as to what we were. Using the Tenno as puppets to learn of what we are for instance.
We were half-right, but Duviri is nothing like what we expected. I was expecting some kinda "subspace bubble environment", not "kingdom of emotions".

TLDR: Monkey's Paw exists and it's powering DE's servers. Unless it's a 100% confirmed, don't count on it being good or bad... it'll just be confusing.
After all, DE's logic is as consistent as it inconsistent. Like a Monkey's Paw.

19 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

I don't care about your stupid screenshot you already fed 50 other warframes into the meatgrinder and they are supposed to come from real people but studdenly you have a conscience?

Yeah, see. There's the curiosity.

We all know Warframes are- as far as we're told- lifeless puppets that work as a conduit for a Tenno's power.
It's no more alive than a potted plant. Maybe it has life, but nothing we can really ascertain for sure.

Jade on the other hand? Yeah, no. Now you have a whole other being in the belly there to ask questions about.
Is IT alive? Clearly it must be, if we manufactured another Jade-- who's to say that one isn't a possibility to create?
If that IS the case... would using Helminth be lethal? Would it cause problems?

It's just a pandora's box of questions that- quite honestly- leave me just uncomfortable answers.
Maybe it's just a game, sure... but it's not like these kinda questions stem only to the game.
There are parallels to the real life equal to the issue (abortion) and they're not always fun, happy and crude ones.
Often times they're tragic and filled with misery. Be it for the one involved or someone else.
It's a touchy subject and I know a few friends of my own who would probably get extremely stressed out if I talked about it to them.
Hell, I'm getting stressed as is and I'm not the one with THEIR trauma. I can only imagine the hell it must've been for them...

With regular Warframes? It's still ethically questionable to some degree, but it's most clouded by too many questions that CANNOT be answered.
Jade is rife with questions that you may not WANT to answer... because you may end up being right and that's not something you want to happen in this case.
Than there's the issue even outside of Helminth. Remember, this is WARFRAME-- it's in the name! War! Long treads of violence that take far too many lives!

I've always questioned my actions in this game. Yeah, maybe they're not always good ones.
... but the Corpus are war-profiteers who will probably shoot me if I don't shoot them. It wouldn't be illogical for them either.
... the Grineer are clones built on servitude, there's no guarantee they'll change their mind even if I could try.
... the Infested are mindless hive-minds. They'll devour everything, including me.
Pretty much every faction is going to try take a piece of you. The mass-destruction of Warframe is natural.
Helminth is supposed to be your Warframe-repair station, but it is a bit grotesque. Implying that the Warframe won't feel the pain. (You might though)


If you're going to judge my morality on prior Helminth functions? Rest assured, I've already gave it far too much thought.
But Jade? If Jade is supposed to represent life, I feel nothing but a perverse notion from her. The very word "life" contorted and twisted in a disgusting manner.
Ironically not because of Jade herself, but because of the baggage she brings with her.

34 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

canonically I assume the Jade we have is just a copy

But than I ask... if we have a copy, why did we build her like that?
Outside of the lore, I ask the same question... but to DE, why would you do that?

If you think about it, the only thing stopping DE from the whole pregnancy thing- especially on the copy we get- is DE themselves.
It's their say, they had full control over it. Why would I not call them out on it?
They could have easily given us a copy- or even an alternative skin if they absolutely must- that kept the belly.
It'd be questionable, yes. I'd probably still raise an eyebrow to it, but far less so if it was an OPTION.

Just because you can doesn't mean you should. If you do anyway, you'll find consequences.
It baffles me that the one character repeating "Your actions will have consequences" seems to have this phrase go right over DE's head.


32 minutes ago, Famecans said:

i have no affinity with umbra history and i know that there is something inside excalibur umbra.

For the short of it? Ballas voluntarily chose to keep a portion of Umbra's progenitor body's mind intact with him.
As a sort of punishment, having to live with a single memory for a very long life. (That memory being him forced to kill his own son by Ballas' word.)

This also is the reason he's an exception. He's quite literally built different, transference bolt and all.

34 minutes ago, Famecans said:

the only thing i'm convinced of is that sentient and tennos are truly innocent, adults are guilty and sentient is an alien race existing and adapted with the universe without getting involved with the void's ambitious problems.

I wouldn't say either are "innocent" exactly. Tenno are merely seen as the good guys as they try to openly assist colonies of civilians and defend them.
Unlike the Grineer or Corpus, who would actively exploit them. Be it slavery, extortion or simply just slaughtering them all.

As for the Sentients? They're more of the mind that they've "splintered off", becoming their own culture and society when they're to themselves.
Of course, they also know the Orokin won't just be polite for an answer on that. So they prepared a war ahead of time, which is the conflict we see boil over today.
They assume the remnants of the Orokin (be it any current faction) will likely follow a similar line of "We can take their territory".
We are in a dying system after all.

38 minutes ago, Famecans said:

the void is also a human product, the universe has bowed to the power of man and delivered the last unknown god to him, himself against it. the void is the last thing humans need to study because everything has been studied except the unknown of themselves.

No, the Void is a universal force as far as we're aware. It's a cosmic entity in the same nature as Cthulhu or Nyarlathotep.
It was however DISCOVERED by man, specifically Albrecht who made first contact with it accidentally.

There's a lot more to it than that, but I'm keeping the short of it as it is somewhat getting off-topic.

41 minutes ago, Famecans said:

sentients are the most peaceful alien form in the game, sentients have no ambition for the void, they are all united and adaptive to problems around them, sentients recognize that tennos are also innocent in the human war, the war of humans who have forgotten to be children.

... I mean, Erra (a Sentient) is a pretty good definition of "ambition" as described by Lotus and Hunhow.
It's less that they lack ambition and more that they simply don't want their old home invading their new one.
We have no idea what Tau looks like, we have little grasp on their culture even... but it is there.

One could say they evolved and adapted similar sins to us, often with the trope "man or machine" somewhere around there...


7 minutes ago, Snowbluff said:

I think they might be suffering from a JJ Abrams style "Mystery Box" addiction.

And y'know what? I'd be fine with a lot of these "what-if" scenarios or just one-off tangents if they kept them to like.... obviously non-canon material.

Like, if you absolutely must? Just make stories like these some sort of a "extra quest" that's explicitly said to be "non-canon".
Make it framed like the Tenno is recalling a game from their ludoplex for instance.

I find that would be a great outlet for all the cool ideas Warframe has-- but can't really make work in the story.
I've had a similar idea where they take "Abilities that don't really fit a specific Warframe" and slap it into Helminth.

I don't mind DE being experimental and I don't mind them being wacky... but there's a time and place and this is CERTAINLY not a good way of presenting these topics.

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I'm drunk right now so give me a break if this post is incoherent and rambling.

The reveal of jade in the quest having a warframe baby made both me and my wife bust out laughing when we played the quest. It feels comically heavy handed and downright silly but also extremely unwilling to actually explain the implications properly. "Hey tenno, did you know warframe can become gregnant? how warframe gregnant??????? don't think about it too hard ok" Cmon DE. I can't believe we got a seriously set up quest out of this warframe pregnancy meme. Thanks reb very cool.

I assumed at first jade was stalker's wife when he was a low guardian and he somehow saved her and his unborn child through the same method in which he became a warframe, but that doesn't quite follow with the angle that jade apparently met him as stalker and spared him? That seems to imply jade was an actual tenno or something that met stalker later (and then had a weird warframe kid with him)  some more clear cut explanation of stalker and jades circumstance would have been welcome.

Was stalker's wife made into the warframe body of jade? Did he then meet the tenno controlling her or something? Did that tenno know and choose to spare him? Did the babbo survive the human who became jade becoming jade somehow and thus get born as a weird warframe baby? Or is it just that stalker had a weird warframe kid with a tenno he fell in with later (puppeting his transformed wife?)  in some extremely strange sci-fi tryst?

A little bit more specificity would've gone a long way towards getting the actual point they wanted to get across to work instead of just leaving me wondering what on earth they wanted to convey with this. Tone down being avante garde and speak clearly. It won't hurt you, especially if you have some point to make that you want to be understood correctly.

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I'd say original Jade comes from a human, just like Umbra, and Stalker. She got converted at early pregnancy (first 4 weeks) and the fetus got converted into warframe. As pregnancy goes her energy gets drained more and more. And the quest was her on the last days of her pregnancy cycle.


Also it seems she is more like Umbra than Stalker in the sense her cognitive ability is dead, and she's controlled by instincts.


In the quest we also see how Stalker's cognitive ability works since he is incapable of talking in complete sentences. He only speaks in short sentences. Whatever branded him only unlocks his shackle and didn't fully woke him up. It seems like he only has this part of "must avenge, tenno bad" working completely while everything else isn't. As both stalker and acolytes can speak coherently during mission.



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22 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

No, the Void is a universal force as far as we're aware. It's a cosmic entity in the same nature as Cthulhu or Nyarlathotep.
It was however DISCOVERED by man, specifically Albrecht who made first contact with it accidentally.

There's a lot more to it than that, but I'm keeping the short of it as it is somewhat getting off-topic

maybe it sounded wrong but that's exactly what I wrote, I mentioned the product of something that was derived from an action, the same as the term "action and reaction", in history void is a universal power but it would not be exposed without the action of man (I'm not mentioning character names to simplify the facts).


32 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

.. I mean, Erra (a Sentient) is a pretty good definition of "ambition" as described by Lotus and Hunhow.

you mentioned Erra maybe a Ballas ally?!?!? sentients remains the same faction, some characters are deviating from tradition for reasons not yet revealed.

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41 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

Either way you look at it though, it feels weird having a belly bump in what is essentially what I just described above.

yep this is a point really seriously strange on this quest☝️🙄

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This quest? The Jade quest? The quest about Jade? Is it about Jade? Does she have any lines? Does she do anything? No? She's just pregnant? She's been pregnant laying there for 1000 years? Such a great quest. Learned so much about the Stalker and Jade. I learned...checks notes...well she's pregnant. And you can make a copy of her dead...pregnant body to play? But there's no baby in there. But idle animations rub her belly. So...huh? She's forever pregnant. You get the play the pregnancy warframe! Woooo!


The quest was just about life and death (topics that are both beautiful and painful).

Every warframe quest is about life and death. All of them are about that. People are trying to make this more grandiose or beautiful than it is. Can there be pregnancy in well-written in warframe? Sure. It could be pulled off! This, however, is a mess. I have no idea what people are reading if they think this was a good story. This was a narrative catastrophe. Rushed, sloppy, contradictory, and tells us nothing about the characters. Jade doesn't even have lines. She doesn't even do her own childbirth. She gets Transferred into and the tenno does it. This is bizarre and does nothing for the characters. Just having a baby doesn't make a story beautiful or profound. It's so incredibly obvious this was rushed out for Tennocon.

Guys, the reason people are jumping to "fetish" is because there's no other reason for this. What does this do for the story? The characterization of anyone? You learn more about #*!%ing Parvos and Ordis than Stalker and Jade. Gave Stalker a baby and gave us a perma-preggers frame that we know nothing about. I've never been more disappointed in an update.

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29 minutes ago, Tenuit said:

This quest? The Jade quest? The quest about Jade? Is it about Jade? Does she have any lines? Does she do anything? No? She's just pregnant? She's been pregnant laying there for 1000 years? Such a great quest. Learned so much about the Stalker and Jade. I learned...checks notes...well she's pregnant. And you can make a copy of her dead...pregnant body to play? But there's no baby in there. But idle animations rub her belly. So...huh? She's forever pregnant. You get the play the pregnancy warframe! Woooo!

Every warframe quest is about life and death. All of them are about that. People are trying to make this more grandiose or beautiful than it is. Can there be pregnancy in well-written in warframe? Sure. It could be pulled off! This, however, is a mess. I have no idea what people are reading if they think this was a good story. This was a narrative catastrophe. Rushed, sloppy, contradictory, and tells us nothing about the characters. Jade doesn't even have lines. She doesn't even do her own childbirth. She gets Transferred into and the tenno does it. This is bizarre and does nothing for the characters. Just having a baby doesn't make a story beautiful or profound. It's so incredibly obvious this was rushed out for Tennocon.

Guys, the reason people are jumping to "fetish" is because there's no other reason for this. What does this do for the story? The characterization of anyone? You learn more about #*!%ing Parvos and Ordis than Stalker and Jade. Gave Stalker a baby and gave us a perma-preggers frame that we know nothing about. I've never been more disappointed in an update.


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Not offended by it, but it was just meh. Like the Zariman and Veilbreaker quests. They exist to get you acquainted with the new game modes and should do more than that.

I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say about it later but oh my god the event is so good and requires my attention. All is forgiven for now.

Edited by Quest
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Wholeheartedly agree with your points here, me and my girlfriend were REALLY looking forward to this update and the warframe given a shared name and now it just feels entirely mishandled, not to mention gross. Like, who thought it was okay for us to be playing a PREGNANT warframe in ACTIVE COMBAT?!? That alone feels hella weird to me, not to mention that the quest supposedly about Jade had her barely involved with what, two lines in the flashback and In memoriam sequences?

To do all this and then just to fridge her like we're a poorly written comic/fanfic from 2005? What the hell happened with this quest??

We both just want to minimize Jade as much as possible in the game now due to the feelings evoked by the whole thing, which is a shame cuz literally EVERYTHING her is cool, from the design (outside of baby issues) is hella cool, and her kit looks like a blast, but all the other issues just weigh things down entirely too much imo

Edited by Venobird
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10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

This was barely touched upon if it even WAS in the quest. We're to assume we did... something, but god knows what exactly.

The way I figure it:
We know the Tenno were responsible for the downfall of the orokin empire.
We know Sorren and Jade were a part of it.
We know that as loyal as they were, they did break some taboo or rule by being together.
We know the orokin have severe punishments for breaking the rules.
Sorren implicates this point by saying something like "If they find out.."

We know from Ballas that Warframe candidates were both willing and unwilling.
We can safely assume Jade wasn't a willing candidate, she probably had plans to spend more time with Sorren as herself. If true, then she was an unwilling candidate.
From there, we can guess that her being a warframe was a punishment from the orokin or from Ballas himself.

Now, if Sorren knew this information, we can safely assume he would be very upset with the orokin and take revenge.
We know this because as Stalker he's absolutely capable of revenge. So why does Stalker focus on the Tenno so much?
If we assume Jade's punishment by the orokin was unknown to Sorren, he would maintain his 99% loyalty to the orokin.
But what would happen if the orokin empire were to fall while Sorren was unaware of Jade's fate?
What would happen if he couldn't find her in the chaos of the downfall of an entire empire?

He would assume the worst, or be led to believe that Jade's disappearance was caused by the Tenno.
But not just Jade, their baby too. The destruction of a family. That was our crime in his mind.

Edited by DrLego
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Also, at first I was thrown off by the pregnant-ness of the warframe when I first used it in the undercroft.

But now I tend of think of Jade's physical condition in a similar way to how I think of Grendel.

Grendel carries around a payload of a weapon that is his stomach.
Jade does the same thing, except instead of an empty stomach, it's a containment field of Jade Light energy.

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