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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Did the quest, now I'm left asking...

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They made r34 warframe lore accurate 💀

I agree with the aftermath too , why would i play a revived pregnant mother after playing the quest , thats pretty dark .  I Cant wait to talk to the kid with Jade equiped ahahaha , you miss your mother ? SIKEEEE

They should make the belly as an auxiliary in appearance customisation , so we could equip it or not depending of our taste .

Edited by Thethunderviper
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10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

I'm sure the community will be very well-adjusted adults about that, given the notorious background the community has.
Expectations of degeneracy aside, I have to ask again:

hey, I've cut down a LOT on the edgy jokes in recent years.. still got some spicy ones for me and my closest friends, but nothing I'm gonna say on here, I don't need another strike.

I get the controversy though, "pregnant" typically isn't a physique type we get to see in games, so naturally it's gonna make some people feel uncomfortable. personally I'm not as bothered by farme appeareance because A; the kit and gameplay matters more and B: Liger or another artist is eventaully gonna bring out a radically different Deluxe skin for them at some point anyway, or C: they get Primed and then you can cover them in so much gold you barely notice the details for the bling.

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

"Oh yeah, just grab some spare parts from over here in this derelict"

you mean the DE-REL-ICTnot your best VO work, DE.

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Take the kid and move on. Not that my Operator seemed to have anything decent to say about that. Also, why the Operator?! I thought-- no I KNOW I had Drifter on! If you're gonna force it anyway, why even bother?!

I had drifter on too, so based on this quests, Operator is the "canon" version of us, while the Drifter isn't. a bit like in Genshin Impact how Aether and Lumine can both be the Traveler but like 99% of the promo material has Aether as the Traveler and Lumine as the Abyss Twin antagonist. Drifter wasn't introduced until much later so I guess in a way it makes sense, but I definitely prefer my Drifter.

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

what was with that extremely strange minigame?

friend of mine deliberatley wanted to see if you could "fail" it, turns out if you don't press anything it actually just does it for you after a while. you WILL be a dad, Stalker; player interaction be damned!

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

You have SO many plot holes to fill and plot lines to tie up already. Do we really need another one?

at this point, why not? if the plot is already swiss cheese, what's another hole in the grand scheme of things?

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Tau, the distant Sentient threat.

  • We stopped the invasion, not the source.


it's unlikely as hell, but I still hold out hope that after we stop Wally, or otherwise bring the Man in The Wall Arc to an end, we can finally jump to Tau and wreck some Sentients on a grand scale.

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:
  • Narmer and Pazuul, who still is at large.
    • Did we just collectively forget Narmer is STILL out there?

IIRC the Devs did allude in a devstream to Narmer coming back at some point, though I doubt we're getting a Pazuul boss fight or new Archons, as much as I'd like them. I'd hoped we'd have gotten 3 new archons, each with one of the new types of shard (Green/Orange/Purple).

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Alad, because we all know he NEVER dies.

  • Frohd Bek and Lech Kril can be included, because they are not confirmed to be dead. 


I imagine Alad is chilling on Jupiter and only doing experiments on his terms again now that the Ropalolyst is gone. I'm hoping for a Corpus Civil War to break out between Parvos and Nef's sub-factions and for Alad to get involved. he has the luxury of being able to pick a side, personally I think Parvos would like Alad for his drive and ambition, and Alad would show respect to the Founder, especially if Parvos started funding his experiments. there's a LOT of potential for interesting dialogue between them.

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

The entire lost parts of Duviri that were speculated to be a thing, but never were

also a missed opportunity IMO, at least with the scarier islands like Lorn or the Golden Hive. would make for an amazing halloween misison location at the very least. I really like the horror aspects of Duviri, but DE won't lean into all that far.

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

The Zariman and it's relation to the bit behind it.

The Zariman seems to be like a plug in a sink, preventing the void energy from the Duviri dimension from leaking out into the Origin System, and thus keeping wally at bay. it might explain why Wally started looking elsewhere for a way in, and ultimately found one somewhere on Deimos beneath the Entrati Labs, leading to the current state of that place. still not a peep out of the Holdfasts though, since their quest. I feel liek at the very least Loid and Yonta could start working together and sharing their knowledge of the Void with each other, plus Yonta would probably start fangirling about how Loid is the assistant to THE Albrecht Entrati and it'd be kinda funny IMO.

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Whatever the Lotus is going to do now, considering she's been taking a back seat for most of the game. (Not that I'm complaining.)

takign a backseat  and just telling us what to do is kind of her job really, things have to go VERY wrong for her to physically step in like in Second Dream and New War. she had a whole Arc about shaking off the shackles of her abusive Lover, I doubt she's getting another one any time soon.

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

The Entrati, whomst are said to be "put to complete denial of Albrecht's existence" which sounds to me like a glorified workaround.

It's only speculation, but given how often Necraloid and Loid have both emphasized how the family must NEVER know about the Cavia, Albrecht's Labs, his trips to the past etc. I've a strong feeling the Kavat will get pulled out of the bag one way or another. I envisioned it as the family getting a new miracle serum that gives them their legs back, allowing them to more freely move about the Necralisk, and discovering that the basement door is open, and leads to a room they've never seen before... 

also, interactions between Kaelli/daughter and Bird 3 would be kind of cute, and I'd like to know what Vilcor/Father thinks about a talking fish.. plus it would be nice to see the family reunited with Loid. who knows, maybe 1999 will have this?! again, TONS of potential for fun/interesting dialogue between the characters.

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

The exact reason Stalker hates our guts.

  • This was barely touched upon if it even WAS in the quest. We're to assume we did... something, but god knows what exactly.


I wanted a flashback to the slaughter of the Orokin, viewed from his perspective. sadly we neevr got it. I'm guessing the Tenno maybe had something to do with the decision to "warframify" Jade (that's a word now lol), though why Stalker still wants to bat for the Orokin after everything they've done to him is even more puzzling after the quest..

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

The Infested Strain of Arlo.

I guess DE might have forgot about that? because I know I did, until you reminded me that there was that whole Nightwave season around it.

10 hours ago, Binket_ said:

The rest of the Seven Executors.

Ballas got pulled into the sun, I'm pretty sure we can write him off. Karishh as well, since he got ate. Tuvul got ate too, or at least eviscerated so much by Voruna that I don't think he can come back in any menaingful form. also, he was just as evil as Ballas, if not more so, after Voruna's Leverian, if he comes back I'll gladly kill him myself.

as for the other 4, maybe we got them during the Ceremony, but until we get a proper scene of it in game, who can say? I imagine at least ONE of the Executors had to be present that day, so there's 3 totally unaccounted for where we don't know if they escaped or not. 

TL;DR. you're totally right about the plot holes. the quest left us with more quetions than answers yet again. 




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11 часов назад, Binket_ сказал:

Was it just a fetish thing? Did we learn nothing from Citrine? I already feel uncomfortable playing Citrine, but this is something else.

A few devstreams ago there was a question "can warframes get pregnant", quite obvious which part of community such question came from, and it also obviously lived rent free in Reb's head ever since, same with Voruna, not sure about Citrine tho, haven't looked at her too close.

Even without it, quite obviously this quest is another example of poor writing, do they just not have a competent writer on the team? They need to at least re-read the script before giving it a green light.

My issues with this quest:

1) I'm not a writer myself, so I can't remember how this bad trope is called, but it's prevalent in movies and video games - where a main character is a murderous psychopath in action scenes, but when faced with the main antagonist suddenly says "I'm not a murderer like you, I won't kill you". We are the villains in this world, and Corpus suddenly decided to let two of ours go.

2) "I won't kill an enemy because it's a child" situation: Well that child is a guaranteed monster who will grow up and kill millions of your colleagues, and your future children as well, how stupid are you? You won't hurt a monster with an offspring due to some morals of yours?
How about children in Fortuna and similar debt colonies? You literally dismember them alive, and they're actual children of your own kind, not some infested war robot that strives on suffering.

3) Stalker forgot he could turn invisible (or teleport, or stun target, or form an inpenetrable bubble of energy around him), and just decided to murder all in his path and eat lead, why did he suddenly got the severe case of single brain cell? He wasn't carrying a human child, so it wasn't because he was afraid to harm it with void energy.

4) Our MC involvement was forced and meaningless, we didn't save the day when Stalky was being shredded, and Corpus somehow immediatly knew what Stalker was after, yet demenita seems to hit an all-knowing Hunhow, and he couldn't help with Jade's condition just so we could do so instead.

For quite a few quests now they try to push for emotions, and it always feels awkward and out of place, if you want players to relate to characters, introduce powerless side characters (Like in New War), don't try to make us relate to immortal void demons, murderous psychopatic 500 year old children or warcrime dispensers.

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9 hours ago, Binket_ said:

what depth?

I don't know what his motives were but going forwards I know one of them will be protecting baby yoda̶~ I mean protecting baby frame, it was good enough for mandalorian and season one and that was at least well received.

Sorry to say I am not a HUGE lore buff I don't read all the wikis, codexs or books ( if they have books ) I found out stalker used to be a man that he isn't a tenno (the corpus say that at least) so he is something like umbra? or maybe one of the protoframes, that he had a love an they were going to be a family but that was taken from them? maybe he blames the tenno for that? maybe something else ... could be more story is coming eventually?

I agree we are left with ambiguity but I don't think that is a bad thing, sometimes over explaining can ruin elements, also I am amazed DE manage to consistently keep warframe feeling engaging and with free updates too!


Why would I not call them out on it?

you are within your rights to critique it, as I am to defend it, I don't hate it, I like it, it's cute? I think "baby yoda" not thoughts of evoking 34 but I am sure someone does and that's my point, it's an issue with them and not us right ... right? people like all sorts of messed up things we can have an opinion on but not change. so other than have a discussion about it nothing else will really change?


9 hours ago, Binket_ said:

but unless I can channel them into a useful medium

I mean the concept we are talking about is babyframe? then exactly my point they didn't think "lets try a prggo frame, the degens will get a kick out of this" they probably have a whole story planned out for babyframe, which adds to the stalkers lore and the lore overall


9 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Jade on the other hand? Yeah, no. Now you have a whole other being in the belly there to ask questions about.
Is IT alive? Clearly it must be, if we manufactured another Jade-- who's to say that one isn't a possibility to create?

unless she has the ability to summon one in combat or they scripted an event to make her pop one out I am just going to lean on the side of manufactured jade does not have a living framebaby inside of her nor can she reproduce again, I think it was implied (I can't be bothered to check) that she was transformed into a warframe while pregnant and that also transformed the fetus? you can assume otherwise but you probably diggin for something to be outraged at?

9 hours ago, Binket_ said:

But than I ask... if we have a copy, why did we build her like that?
Outside of the lore, I ask the same question... but to DE, why would you do that?

I guess I will try the car analogy you rebuild a classic car with an electric engine, all of a sudden you have a HUGE space where the old engine should be but a tiny motor, why did you build the car like that? well it does not have the huge fossil fuel engine but it's built how the original looked, clone jade does not have to have the baby its build how the original looked?


hey could have easily given us a copy- or even an alternative skin if they absolutely must- that kept the belly.

if they hadn't I would have come here asking for an ephemera to add it so we can look like jade in the cutscenes, but it probably wouldn't work her whole design is a specific shape that does not make sense without the belly, it's transparent you can see inside of it, its just like green swirling void energy, would you be happy with an option to turn that light off? I don't think you would be I am curious to hear what you think?

Edited by _Anise_
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Can we breed frames soon ?

Like helminth 2.0, so I can play with what would come out of Revenant and Saryn, and forget about using any other ?

I don't need a story behind it, thank you.

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Rebecca stated that their goal for the Jade Shadows quest was to bring the Stalker's story into the post-New War world, and that they're expressly working to get all the characters "caught up" to the present day. It's fine if you don't care about these characters, but we already know that the main story will be progressed in Warframe 1999 coming at the end of the year - so it's not like you're in a state of limbo waiting for "something relevant".

As for the pregnancy? Honestly, I think it's pretty on-brand for Warframe's usual level of body-horror for it to be revealed that Ballas turned a pregnant woman into a Warframe. We can speculate whether or not he knew she was pregnant - but it was Ballas, and the quest explicitly told us that Jade and Sorren's conception was a crime. It would be completely in-character for Ballas to turn Jade and her baby into a Warframe as a deliberate, perverted punishment for Jade and Sorren's crime. Heck, Sorren may have also been converted into Stalker for the same crime - and this could also be the Stalker's origin story being shown-not-told. 

Sure, the ferrosflesh baby is weird. I definitely didn't have Steven Universe in my 2024 checklist for Warframe.

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12 hours ago, Tenuit said:

Guys, the reason people are jumping to "fetish" is because there's no other reason for this. What does this do for the story? The characterization of anyone? You learn more about #*!%ing Parvos and Ordis than Stalker and Jade. Gave Stalker a baby and gave us a perma-preggers frame that we know nothing about. I've never been more disappointed in an update.

If I could pin this right to the top, I would.

This is basically something I couldn't put into words myself, but it's so essential.
The Quest is a hodge-podge, a fanfic, a mess-- whatever you want to call it.
Designed in such a way that I can't help but feel it exists for the sake of existing... as if someone tried to justifying self-inserting some fetish into the game.


I don't hate the game, but Reb's direction for it has been... questionable. (I say her specifically because she IS the lead in that department.)
Especially because I know she's not exactly subtle with her preferences, which is fine in the right time and place.
This is Warframe however, we're here for space ninjas and combat. If you want to add something like Jade, do it properly.

Realistically? I feel someone from OUTSIDE the DE team needs to sit some of those employees down and level with them.
I can't say for certain how their environment works, but it really feels like some of these things would have AT LEAST one person on some team speak up.

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Man, im really starting to miss the feeling of old warframe. It had such a cool sort of vibe to it. So mysterious and actually thematic. Now it feels like fortnite without the IP's part. So much stuff that doesn't really go together is just being cramped into itself without much rime nor reason.

Im not saying that i dislike the game itself, in fact quite the opposite. But i do wish we could go back to the more grounded, grim dark sort of spec ops feel.

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5 hours ago, Rantear said:

4) Our MC involvement was forced and meaningless, we didn't save the day when Stalky was being shredded, and Corpus somehow immediatly knew what Stalker was after, yet demenita seems to hit an all-knowing Hunhow, and he couldn't help with Jade's condition just so we could do so instead.

This whole thing just seems so strange. Like most other quests. Not even in the subject matter, but in the fact that it just seems like it was made in a week, Once we got stalker to converse with our tenno, i was for sure thinking; "this is the part where we get to play as stalker and have our tenno help alongside us. Maybe a cool fight scene including our own frames?" But instead it just seems like padding. Nothing to do with the helminth? Really? Like i was 100% sure that our helminth would have some interaction with the stalker but no.

Idk. The stalker has been a character that ive been theorizing about since i was a kid. And idk how i feel about these new revelations we have now.

Also, holy hell. The voice i use for my tenno, the voice actor is not very good lol.

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3 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

you are ok with a talking fish but draw the line at infested reproducing?

See, as the girlfriend in question, talking fish and pregnancies are very different things. Namely, one exists in real life and is a formative possible experience that evokes many feelings due to its significance (whether desired or not), and talking fish don't exist and do not tend to garner such feelings.

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3 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

you are ok with a talking fish but draw the line at infested reproducing?

Talking animals? Typical sci-fi stuff I can write away with suspension of disbelief. It's the handling of the entire matter with Jade's pregnancy that rubs me the wrong way, since some people IRL dont have that option and have complicated feelings about even if they would like to one way or the other. To imply that those two are the same is outright disingenuous and brushing away the feelings one could have around such a big event IRL. Unless you think pregnant people don't exist IRL? This storyline could've been handled leagues better than it was.

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44 minutes ago, Venobird said:

To imply that those two are the same is outright disingenuous

warframes are not people, to imply they are could also be disingenuous? to imply that green ball of energy above is a baby when you don't know is also disingenuous

you want to talk morality, lets try find a more comparable example? you have killed 112,000 grineer and 86,000 corpus people, not all the grineer are bad some of them defect, induvidual corpus shown they can be morally good, you're fine eventually killing over 500k people but you draw the line at playing as a warframe with a big glowing green belly?

Edited by _Anise_
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After letting this sit for a bit, I do feel the need to talk about it.

So yeah, from what I can gather among my circle of Warframe-playing friends, reception of this update has been "controversial" at best. The writing has been bashed all over, but for me, I mostly feel the need to talk about... well, the rhythm game in the room.

You have this emotionally laden sequence of fighting for a pregnant loved one's life, only for it to culminate in... a rhythm game? And since we can't have the game throw a "MISSION FAILED!" screen at you in this vulnerable moment, it of course can't even be failed. So... why is it even there in the first place? That moment felt so tasteless, it actually reminded me of loss.jpg.

And to add insult to injury, upon completion of the quest you're rewarded with the "blueprint" for the deceased pregnant Warframe, only so you can clone it in a permanently pregnant stage and field it as an instrument of war? ... yeah, I'm usually quite jaded when it comes to stuff like this, but this is about the worst tonal mismatch this game has ever landed.

I'm also left with the question: Going forward, how will you handle people who decided not to play the quest after the initial content warning? Will you make sure the quest is never going to be a requisite for anything in the future? Will the ability to purchase her blueprint from Ordis (and access to the Ascension game mode to earn the necessary Motes) be independent from completing the quest? Or do you plan to lock content behind "passing a content warning"?

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Also mechanically the pregnancy has nothing to do with jades kit! 

(Maybe the second aura slot) 


The design for jade seems split on one hand you have an Angel themed frame using Angel themed abilities like healing and condemning and flying and gazing down casting divine vengeance. And then you have the quest where she just lays around screams gives birth and then dies... And then we build her and she is now eternally pregnant and also totally fine? 

Is it just me or does anyone else think that Jade is just (the Angel frame) with pregnancy tacked on? If you wanted to make a mother frame I'm all for it but the kit should reflect the design and lore at least!

In this case it just seems like we had an ability kit and a theme and this new lore story and someone thought how about we just smash those two things together. It just gives off this weird feeling like something is just off.

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Oh, my... This quest it is just another addition to my personal "Known issues WF-lore list":

1. Warframes.
As known from Umbra`s story, warframes are "human body (if orokin daxes still are humans at least)+infestation (also known as TECHNOcite, gybryd of biological & ciber (nanobotes) agents)". So, warframes it is kinda humans, infested by technocite. Not just nano-suits, robots etc., not like necramechs for example. But... We still forging warframes in our foundryes, as we assembling MOAs or hounds. We need no even "breed" them as our cats and dogs in incubator. No any "genetics", only assembling from spare-parts known as "chasis/sysytems/optics". Just like any weapon from our arsenal. Even Prime versions, "originals from Orokin era", it is just 3 parts, just like any damn rifle or archwing, just artifical tool and nothing more. So, who warframes are at least? XD

2. Void.
As known from all pre-Whispers story, orokins are not creators of void at all. In void they are just inwaders, guests from original system. Also as all orokin-themed "corrupted" grineer, corpus and infested units.
As known from post-Whispers story, true "locals of void" it is misterious entity "Man in the wall (of bones?)" with all his servants and envoys of "murmur" faction.
But... Who coming to original system from void fissures, directly from raw void? Who droping void reactant for our orokin relics? Truely void-themed "murmurs"? No, it is orokin-themed units "corrupted", literaly "veiled by orokin". So, from void in oroginal system even after Whispers still spawning not void-themed, but orokin-themed units. Also weird thing that in fissures missions "corruption" enemyes are looks like "corrupted" by orokin psy-tech influence, but not by void "magic".
From Angels of Zariman story well known that post-human entityes from original system, who "corrupted by void as its prey", should be like Angels of Zariman, or like our demonic children, who "corrupted by void as its partners", but not like "enthralled by orokin neural sentry" at all. Very unclear story, as for me XD

3. Weird "magic" warframes.
Some warframes as Dagath (most obviously example of this case, imo), it is just like... Idk, my english to bad for explain this in two words. Well, it is like error, when instead Sheppard you see Frodo Beggins on "Normandy" captains deck. To eazy switch before sci-fi and fantasy, it feels like misunderstanding. Zombie dax-girl with hole instead of face and her ghost-kaithes? Realy? Well, yeah, it is good horror grandma`s story for children, but how this story may exist as playable warframe, it is great mistery. Where is Ballas, where is technocite in this story? When i lost this moment, when Warframe has ben declared by DE as "techno-magic" universe, where is all possible like in WH40K, for example?

4. Defence objectives.
11-year old "Warframe cryopod" from... CBT era, i guess. Well... Warframes like Umbra, as "infested human bodyes", may be frozen for survive long periods of inactivity, ok. But forged from spare-parts like MOA or rifle - what a reason in cryo-hibernation? Just put-off its battery and place it in box, lol XD
But most weirdly part, it is who actualy is in "warframe cryopod". Hey, it is obviously that is some warframe here, right? Heh, keep your eyez open, Kiddo, and you`ll see - it is some indefined "operative", one of this noname hostages from regular rescues. Label says "ammo box", but you see that in box only popcorn. But, who cares? It is WF, Kiddo XD

It is not my full list of weird things in current Warframe. Just some tipical examples. I have to notice, that i`m not hater of WF. I play it 11 years and i do love it 11 years, but i think that we must be honest about wrong directions where our favourite things moving=(

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20 hours ago, Binket_ said:

There are parallels to the real life equal to the issue (abortion) and they're not always fun, happy and crude ones.
Often times they're tragic and filled with misery. Be it for the one involved or someone else.
It's a touchy subject and I know a few friends of my own who would probably get extremely stressed out if I talked about it to them.
Hell, I'm getting stressed as is and I'm not the one with THEIR trauma. I can only imagine the hell it must've been for them...

excellent job stigmatizing abortion. This is the kind of stuff this all boils down to, the kind of thinking that also leads people to feel uncomfortable with pregnancy or think it's degenerate. It's women stuff, ew. Hide that from site, put her in the shed so we don't have to be witness to any of the processes those gross femoids deal with with regards to their bodies. And if they don't feel ready to handle the thing, make their lives hell or chain them to the process. Anything to wrest their autonomy from them.

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2 hours ago, Juuyon said:

So yeah, from what I can gather among my circle of Warframe-playing friends, reception of this update has been "controversial" at best. The writing has been bashed all over, but for me, I mostly feel the need to talk about... well, the rhythm game in the room.

what did you want them to do, exactly? It's a metaphor. They couldn't rightly show you her legs spread apart wide and the baby crowning could they?

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2 hours ago, Juuyon said:

And to add insult to injury, upon completion of the quest you're rewarded with the "blueprint" for the deceased pregnant Warframe, only so you can clone it in a permanently pregnant stage and field it as an instrument of war?

^ This!

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24 минуты назад, 0bsi сказал:

^ This!

"Quills dont makes mistakes. It is always AGENDA. ALWAYS"@Little Duck.
So, it is also in this case, i guess. And it is not simply agenda:
1. In vide philosophic sense: In case when someone`s born is require someone`s death, who must die - "cause of new life" or "new life"?
2. In concrete example, agenda may be is:
Women who die during childbirth are like angels, so the high risk of death during childbirth in cases of difficult pregnancies is not a reason for abortion if the woman is guided by maternal instinct more than concerned about self-preservation.
3. New "western" generation it is mostly childfree, hihikomori, LGBTQ+ etc. So, maybe devs try to say to WF-community something like "hey, kiddo, what about your own kids? It may be painfull, risky, high-responsible, even scary... But look at this beatifull Jade light of new life! Is it not worth to took all this riscs and responsible in the name of this wonder?".
4. At another side, also likely than they try to tell us something like "hey, do you undrstand how many terribles consists in this mess with children? All this pain, suffering, unsure in cruel real world with all this hatred, wars, economic crysises, untolerancy and oppressing, etc... Who care about your baby, if you`ll can`t? Come on, just pick your digital Sirius/Orion baby from our bountyfull hands and dont worry about all this parental mess in real life;) Happy pride!" XD
I sure, it is definitely agenda, but each highly likely will be affected by only this spear which closer to his own heart and mind=)

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5 hours ago, DstroyR said:

"Quills dont makes mistakes. It is always AGENDA. ALWAYS"@Little Duck.
So, it is also in this case, i guess. And it is not simply agenda:
1. In vide philosophic sense: In case when someone`s born is require someone`s death, who must die - "cause of new life" or "new life"?
2. In concrete example, agenda may be is:
Women who die during childbirth are like angels, so the high risk of death during childbirth in cases of difficult pregnancies is not a reason for abortion if the woman is guided by maternal instinct more than concerned about self-preservation.
3. New "western" generation it is mostly childfree, hihikomori, LGBTQ+ etc. So, maybe devs try to say to WF-community something like "hey, kiddo, what about your own kids? It may be painfull, risky, high-responsible, even scary... But look at this beatifull Jade light of new life! Is it not worth to took all this riscs and responsible in the name of this wonder?".
4. At another side, also likely than they try to tell us something like "hey, do you undrstand how many terribles consists in this mess with children? All this pain, suffering, unsure in cruel real world with all this hatred, wars, economic crysises, untolerancy and oppressing, etc... Who care about your baby, if you`ll can`t? Come on, just pick your digital Sirius/Orion baby from our bountyfull hands and dont worry about all this parental mess in real life;) Happy pride!" XD
I sure, it is definitely agenda, but each highly likely will be affected by only this spear which closer to his own heart and mind=)

There were no quills involved in this...


Do you really think DE was pushing a pro-life agenda with this quest? Really? Would any childbirth quest have meant the same thing? If a mother dies in childbirth does that mean she's pushing a pro-life agenda? Can you tell me when the last time you saw an abortion clinic in this time in this solar system was?


I think timing this during Pride month was a bad idea, but I sincerely doubt DE was extrapolating to this point when they planned and implemented it. I think that's a little much.

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7 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

what did you want them to do, exactly? It's a metaphor. They couldn't rightly show you her legs spread apart wide and the baby crowning could they?

What the actual love makes your mind go there? All I said is that the rhythm game comes as a jarring disruption. No need to change anything else, the cutscene works just as well without the mini-game (time-stamped video):


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12 часов назад, SpicyDinosaur сказал:

Do you really think DE was pushing a pro-life agenda with this quest?

I just try to observe all possibilityes which may be contains in this agenda, but i have no doubts that it is agenda, and not just someones flash sentimental exprompt at all.

12 часов назад, SpicyDinosaur сказал:

I think timing this during Pride month was a bad idea, but I sincerely doubt DE was extrapolating to this point when they planned and implemented it.

In case with pro-life agenda - yeah, even if not bad, anyways so weird idea to release this during pride month. But in other case - just look at this point again:

18 часов назад, DstroyR сказал:

4. At another side, also likely than they try to tell us something like "hey, do you undrstand how many terribles consists in this mess with children? All this pain, suffering, unsure in cruel real world with all this hatred, wars, economic crysises, untolerancy and oppressing, etc... Who care about your baby, if you`ll can`t? Come on, just pick your digital Sirius/Orion baby from our bountyfull hands and dont worry about all this parental mess in real life;) Happy pride!" XD

So, as i noticed before, we can only create some theoryes about what this agenda is, but still obviously, that


18 часов назад, DstroyR сказал:

it is definitely agenda, but each highly likely will be affected by only this spear which closer to his own heart and mind=)

Edited by DstroyR
To bad english, i`m sorry
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