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Post-Hotfix for Jade update has the Eximus' ability doing significantly more damage

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it has like a 1 second TTK now, barely enough time to even shoot it down if you are doing anything else besides waiting for it.

I'm also fairly certain it's deleting the objective during ascension too during the escort. only saving grace is that enemies stop spawning. By delete I mean it dies in an instant, slowing down the mission.

Don't stand on the defense objective when Jade Eximus are around TT

Edited by R2Lee2
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it look like type true damage now. ignore adaption, ignore shield resist,ignore damage reduce skill. i use nekro and got nearly instance death with call of the death active( which can give me enough tanker...).

Not only light jade eximus, after hot fix i go to mot SP to farm some argon, yes, they can kill me easily now with adaption+ call of the death!

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Personally I haven't had any issues with the Jade Light, as I've been running 3-sec shield gating and Vazarin's Protective Sling since Dante Unbound.

8-seconds of invincibility gives me more than enough time to find the Jade Eximus, and if not I can either blow out that stupid light bulb of theirs, or either back-dash or toss my frame forwards for another sling for 5 more seconds.

Meanwhile, 3 Jades at once? That's crossing into unreasonable territory.

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I think before you had a second before the damage started ticking, now it deletes your shield the moment it touches them and your frame is toast soon after if you don't move immediately.

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9 minutes ago, KazVN said:

it look like type true damage now. ignore adaption, ignore shield resist,ignore damage reduce skill. i use nekro and got nearly instance death with call of the death active( which can give me enough tanker...).

Not only light jade eximus, after hot fix i go to mot SP to farm some argon, yes, they can kill me easily now with adaption+ call of the death!

"Untankable damage" sure seems appropriate for the mythical Jade Light, but yeah as you point out, it needs a reasonable warning at least!

Edited by moondog548
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It did get a bit hairy in SP Ascension. First time I experienced a failure of the thingy moving even before reaching the platform apart from teammates dropping more on the way to the top.

But at least we got 25-27 Vestigial Motes dropping now compared to only 16-18 VM pre-patch.

PS: also after so many runs, an actual Jade part dropped for me...smh. I have more than enough VM now to make Jade.

Edited by Alpha_Tango
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Yeah. I can only assume these things are bugged. I get it's meant to deal somewhat with tanking frames, but it should NOT be able to instantly delete any tank frame who isn't Revenant in under a second. There's no useful warning or anything either, as they just show up and instantly nuke your shields. If your shield gate is long enough to let you avoid it, the burn proc instantly kills you. If not, you just die right there and then to the beam instead. Before the hotfix update, it gave you a bit of warning and was dangerous if you were dumb enough to keep getting hit by it, as it would ramp over time. Right now it just immediately does enough to kill pretty much every single frame. This has to be a bug. And, unfortunately, a pretty miserable one. My Zephyr, for example, was able to easily handle the entire mission solo on SP prior to the hotfix, but now that it's been applied, I just die constantly because it's a guaranteed 1-tap that has no warning and ignores Turbulence, her only real defense outside of a bit of shield gate. And given that, as noted earlier, it basically ignores those, my only real option is to constantly spam my void sling in an approximation of a shield gating build. Pretty sure that shouldn't be a required tactic for JUST SP.

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I've been recovering for a year from burnout. I've done pretty well with stress points, but after running a jade survival in steel path, I got triggered hard. It felt like being trapped in a small cage with instadeath beams coming at you from all sides. I really hope this is unintended behaviour, because if this becomes the norm, I'm going to have to drop the game because I literally cannot stand this level of stress-inducing anxiety.

Edited by Countess_Hapmuhr
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2 hours ago, Countess_Hapmuhr said:

I've been recovering for a year from burnout. I've done pretty well with stress points, but after running a jade survival in steel path, I got triggered hard. It felt like being trapped in a small cage with instadeath beams coming at you from all sides. I really hope this is unintended behaviour, because if this becomes the norm, I'm going to have to drop the game because I literally cannot stand this level of stress-inducing anxiety.

maybe try playing revenant or valkyr until this patch it.

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11 hours ago, PhiZero said:

Personally I haven't had any issues with the Jade Light, as I've been running 3-sec shield gating and Vazarin's Protective Sling since Dante Unbound.

8-seconds of invincibility gives me more than enough time to find the Jade Eximus, and if not I can either blow out that stupid light bulb of theirs, or either back-dash or toss my frame forwards for another sling for 5 more seconds.

Meanwhile, 3 Jades at once? That's crossing into unreasonable territory.

“Personally I have not been experiencing any issue as I’ve been pseudo exploiting the game!🤓” bro not everyone wants to shieldgate, it ain’t fun. It’s sweaty and keeps you on edge all the time, there’s people who want to have fun and there’s new players that want to get into the game and enjoy it, I know you want to prove that you’re good but don’t say “I’ve had no problems with it” as that can be noted as you enjoying or tolerating this horrible implementation

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1 hour ago, Vholran said:

“Personally I have not been experiencing any issue as I’ve been pseudo exploiting the game!🤓” bro not everyone wants to shieldgate, it ain’t fun. It’s sweaty and keeps you on edge all the time, there’s people who want to have fun and there’s new players that want to get into the game and enjoy it, I know you want to prove that you’re good but don’t say “I’ve had no problems with it” as that can be noted as you enjoying or tolerating this horrible implementation

Thanks for contributing, I understand you're having a terrible day, but I'm not that outlet for you.

I provided feedback and tips of how to deal with it, yes I've had fun with it, yes there is a problem and an answer as well...in a "Feedback" section.

By no means do I want to add any toxic vile, but there more types of feedback and opinions rather than unconstructive feedback and pointed words for figurative strawman arguments.

If you have a problem with me, take it to my DM and I will gladly take it to the parking lot; but, if being constructive is taboo, you're in the wrong section of these forums.

Edited by PhiZero
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This would explain the weird "Mission Failed" defense missions I was trying to run yesterday evening. 4 of us, merrily mopping up the waves & then BAM - game over, mission failed, lots of confusion as to why!

Ran a few other normal/SP missions after & same thing happened to me - Light Bulb of death appears & if you're not quick enough to pop it, the moment the beam of puke touches you, DEAD!! And definitely less fun when more than one Puke beam is active!!!


Saw this thread & the ol' penny dropped!! 

Fun times... NOT 🤪

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5 hours ago, Destructor7972 said:

This would explain the weird "Mission Failed" defense missions I was trying to run yesterday evening. 4 of us, merrily mopping up the waves & then BAM - game over, mission failed, lots of confusion as to why!

Ran a few other normal/SP missions after & same thing happened to me - Light Bulb of death appears & if you're not quick enough to pop it, the moment the beam of puke touches you, DEAD!! And definitely less fun when more than one Puke beam is active!!!


Saw this thread & the ol' penny dropped!! 

Fun times... NOT 🤪

Wait, the Jade Light can affect Defense objectives?

Yeah, that 100% doesn't sound intentional.

Thrax units had their damage nerfed against Defense Objectices in Duviri, as they could 5-tap the thing on SP.

OPM levels though? Pretty sure it will get similar treatment as the Thrax in Duviri.

Edited by PhiZero
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Also, the Problem DE have is the majority of Maps & Tiles just aren't designed for the mechanics of these new units. Even in the Ascension maps, the beams can end up clipping against walls & ceilings plus trying to then hunt out the unit it's come from.... 

 Though a simple solution to that would be an "attached" beam between the Eximus unit & the Jade light. 


Their current damage output though is indeed broken with regards to certain Map types. They should have kept the units limited to "Jade" specific maps - could've got away with the silly damage output then 😎


@PhiZero It's hard to say if they're doing direct damage or something weird is happening and a damage is bleeding onto the Defense Objective. Either way, I noticed that the Beams were always near, on or travelling over the Objective & then it threw up the "Mission Failed" screen.

 Annoyingly, it doesn't give the reason for failing so it's all conjecture & only DE will know for sure with their data logs... maybe..

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