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The Update 12 Anticipation Megathread


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... Sigh.

But more on topic, don't expect U12 until late January at the earliest. I would actually guestimate that U12 will be in February.

What he say , is neither true ,neither False , the forum have a big "DE loving "I'm not against , since i don't hate them (Yet , i know where to run !)

But , let's not forget that they did'nt get set up the game free , neither did it for charity or anything like that , they made the game because they like it , they work with it , they earn money with . Now back to U12 mid january seem good , but what about Sync with PS4 ? still never happened...

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Im an advocate for giving DE getting breaks but lets not forget we owe them nothing, they owe us something. Who gives them those numbers that put food on their table. Now if they don't update this week or even next week, im fine but, lets not act like this isn't their job.


We get entertainment, they get money.

Your logic works if the item we are speaking of is sneakers or a hat...


I don't want to be exposed to a rushed creative endeavor.


To quote Miracle Max, "... You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles."

Edited by Padre_Akais
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Hey DE and everyone happy new year. 

So last month in one of the livestreams I think there was something about a " new mean of transportation" in warframe coming in update 12.


What do you guys think it is or has DE spoken about it ?( or am I imagining things XD) 



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- Rhino Prime with an Hologram HORN kind of like Ember's fiery thing. That would be AWESOME !


- You need a Lion/Tiger or LIGER Warframe as well !


- Dragon Warframe


- Master of Shadows Warframe


- 4-legged walking sentinels


- Combination of level-4 abilities the (strongest powers of warframes) creates massive nuclear shockwave (standardized effect to facilitate design, gameplay and implementation) depletes all energy and shields for all players involved but destroys all enemies regardless of levels.


- Buy reinforcements using credit "in-mission" -> like airstrikes or drops of equipments & amunitions or a STAR that makes you invincible like in Mario Bros.


- Rage Mode all (warframe) Add a 3rd rage-bar (health, shield and rage) that counts your kills, shots and actions when at maximum push a button to turn the skies Dark and boost your abilities. 


- facilitate chat/invites the communication dashboard is still so lame


If I find out you used any of my suggestions without giving me 10,000 platinums, I will sue you for a million platinum at the Lotus Supreme Court. I am not joking !

Abiola Alabi from West Africa.

-rage mode, loving the idea will make solo and defense missions a lot less annoying

-dragon frame, kind of pointless since weve already got ember

- 4 legged sentinel, good but i think its time for a prime sentinel cos its the only thing that hasnt been primed yet

-and imust admit holographic accessories sound cool aswell

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A new planet would be awesome!


Just simple: No!

The tilesets already too boring and too general. They need a LOT of new tilesets on the current planet systems. Already too boring to walk around a tileset and straight away know which way to go, where is what, and you can play the game almost with closed eyes, since the randomization is very minimal in the tileset currently.

This is a lot of work already.

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U12 should be ONLY bugfixes.


There are so many bugs which ruin my day. Namely Corpus heads being nearly invulnerable to damage, crits not working as a client with certain weapons, countless invisible walls and spots where you can be stuck etc.

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U12 should be ONLY bugfixes.


There are so many bugs which ruin my day. Namely Corpus heads being nearly invulnerable to damage, crits not working as a client with certain weapons, countless invisible walls and spots where you can be stuck etc.


Haha, oh the impenetrable Corpus Crewmen heads. I thought that in one of the patch notes from before, they mentioned fixing this a little bit. Either way, it's a little weird that they can soak up damage to the head from Tenno weaponry.

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