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This Event just shows how lazy warframe players are


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5 hours ago, IggySnow said:

Not liking AFK players is fine, but saying "if this problem isn't addressed im going to be a part of the problem." is a childish way to react.

"If you can't beat them, join them" is a 100% valid response to bad behavior that impacts you negatively. In fact, it's the basis of accelerationism, and is often the only way to get selfish people to realize that what they're doing is unsustainable... Or failing that, make them suffer the consequences of their own behavior.

If you let other people take advantage of you, what you teach them is that doing the work is for suckers, and that selfishness is rewarded. If the people on your team wont do the bare minimum, neither should you.

This is, by the way, the reason why strikes were an effective means of collective bargaining. There is nothing childish about it.

Edited by XaoGarrent
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The difference between grabbing boosted pickups and normal then keeping it fed with boosters reduces the mission time by 1/3.

Not sure what people mean about it only takes 2 Tenno. My Clan can complete 3 missions by the time it takes for one "casual run".

And Like I mentioned before the Riven Slivers were crazy. I wish I screen shot it. 32 in one mission.

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7 hours ago, 2003kamil said:

The belly of the beast event is a total joke, easily 60% of the missions i either get someone afk or someone sitting with a revenant in the middle of the elevator doing nothing(same thing) or having people just sitting killing enemies and not collecting a single piece of fuel(loot is more important)

Can we please just do something about it because i might start just going afk too if it just doesnt matter, either add some kind of barrier that moves with the elevator some distance below it so people cant just stay on the spawn or far down and if they do they get teleported to the elevator, the afk issue would be nice to fix too, if they start to afk for too long they will get kicked.

If nothing gets done about the lazy afkers i will start afking myself so my team gets to carry me every mission because i dont see the point try harding all the time.

Thanks DE

I do not frequently play Warframe, so am I lazy about that?

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2 hours ago, XaoGarrent said:

"If you can't beat them, join them" is a 100% valid response to bad behavior that impacts you negatively. In fact, it's the basis of accelerationism, and is often the only way to get selfish people to realize that what they're doing is unsustainable... Or failing that, make them suffer the consequences of their own behavior.

If you let other people take advantage of you, what you teach them is that doing the work is for suckers, and that selfishness is rewarded. If the people on your team wont do the bare minimum, neither should you.

This is, by the way, the reason why strikes were an effective means of collective bargaining. There is nothing childish about it.

So if someone robbed your house, you should rob their house in return as an example? Totally not a slippery slope.

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hace 7 horas, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily dijo:

The mission plays best with a few AFK players. There just isn't enough "things to do" for a full squad. Full squads with all active players, most boring variation of the mission.

And DE lowered the enemy spawn because according to some players there were too many jade eximus, ha!.  You literally stand still and a single player can clean without any problem because 30 enemies appear at the same time but the room is too big for that small number of enemies. 

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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6 hours ago, _Eclips3_ said:

It's not your role to control how people play, why do you care what other people do? Besides, not everyone has the energy to jump around like a squirrel on pre-workout. Some people want to play games to unwind and take it slow.

Here OP, here's one to add to your ignore list to avoid the leechers.

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily said:

Sorry folks, but the mission is an "afk" mission. "Wait here to progress". Get a few green things, then AFK till the elevator gets to the top. I'll be Trying to be active and play but, one or two fast Tenno can easily get all necessary green things, and I'm left just hopping around or waiting on the elevator.

Enemy spawns are low and spread out, and slaughtering enemies doesn't make the elevator go faster. One or two fast Tenno can easily end enemies, and I'm left just hopping around looking for enemies or waiting on the elevator. 

I like the event and mission, I really like the big elevator shaft with floors full of enemies, with the ability to freely parkour all around the elevator shaft. I like it, but after a few hours, it's actually kinda boring. It's a waiting gamemode.

The mission plays best with a few AFK players. There just isn't enough "things to do" for a full squad. Full squads with all active players, most boring variation of the mission.

That's why its hilarious and infuriating at the same time.  I like the mission, its not the best, but I appreciate the new tile and the effort, even if its minimal (or is it, it's not overly complex).  It's still new and not a rehashed old tile and gameplay.  However, they should obviously understand that is a massive tile, and not everyone is built to tackle that kind of mission or even has the ability to easily do it (they obviously do that's why jump pads were installed).  I've seen more AFK play in this mission than any other mission, so obviously from a gameplay perspective, it's not the type of engagement they claim to want. 

Then knowing this, they create the Jade Light Eximus, and then nerf it into the ground where it doesn't even do anything.  I don't mind collecting, but it's annoying to find all 3 sister beacons, and I come back and no one has even started the elevator.  I am glad they allow boosted ionic charges to stack so I don't have to babysit the elevator.

If I load in to a rescue fissure late, collect the reactant, but I'm really far from extract and can't make it in time, well you shouldn't have to move there.  I don't believe you should have to hustle up.  The mission has been completed, you contributed, and now you run to extract.  It is not that uncommon for the extract timer to fully wind down.  There are a number of reasons why that happens.  For example, you could have found a whisper, gotten it, then have 20 seconds to get to extract that is 800m away (and other players don't care or can't be bothered).  That seems like a reasonable spot to wait it out, but it's also reasonable to go for it.  Since there is a countdown timer, and you participated in the mission and weren't there just to leech, that should be taken into context in reports, but it often isn't.

Then, the player that is actively looking for loot during the extraction timer is holding up the mission with intent (their interests over the groups).  I'm never going to report a guy for this, and they should be free to do this.  How do you know the guy that went AFK, just decided to wait it out because Warframe can be a taxing game, and they know they can't get there in time?  Why is this player punished, but the guy that purposely waits out the full timer every time for his own goals is not?  Ultimately, the extraction timer is a design feature of Warframe, but that's when you are often reported because players are antsy to get out of the mission, and have nothing better to do but watch your icon move or not on the mini map.

Sorry for the long rant, but yes I am very puzzled by the design of the mission, which is obviously going to promote AFK because of how its designed.  I mean you are riding an elevator.  JLE was a good counter to force people off the elevator, but after the hotfix, it's not really a threat.  I don't know why people keep talking about it.  If a player is truly leeching, it will show in their repeated behavior and players that aren't moving at all should face consequences.  There's just a big difference between loading in, with intent to stay at the spawn area and receive rewards versus someone stopping here and there for various reasons.  There's also players that are always moving, but are essentially AFK farming more than players that are contributing, but stop here and there.

All I'm trying to say is that movement itself is not a good indicator to show whether a player is AFK farming or not unless they are never moving and I don't mean in the extract window.  There's plenty of players that are contributing less than a player that makes periodic stops, but they are always moving minimally and doing practically nothing.  Both of these two types of players should be free to play those ways.  You should also be free to look around in the extract window.  Movement alone should not validate you as "not AFK" in the same way that a lack of movement alone, should not validate you as an "AFK player".

They have plenty of time to brainstorm about gameplay and mechanics, so if they are truly worried about AFK and a lack of contributing, then they shouldn't release modes like this when they don't have a sophisticated anti AFK system or even a fair one.  They shouldn't nerf JLE.  They shouldn't release overguard, much less have it greatly accessible because that potentially minimizes the need to move.  If you want players to move, then you need to incentivize them to do so with the gameplay, not the opposite.  That is their problem to fix, to provide movement incentive that is fun and not just a 50m doom wave if you aren't running in place.

TLDR - All this AFK stuff goes away with more engaging mechanics and gameplay.  Players will move if they are in a mission that promotes movement.  Ascension, clearly is going to have issues in this department and they probably could have been addressed before release.  It is very close to a mobile defense mission, where pretty much going AFK for the full mission was the gameplay for as long as I remember (except I never defined that as AFK play, but what exactly is putting up a limbo bubble and waiting out the timer doing?).  When you have all these tools to enable you to be "AFK" as loosely as they and the community define it and the very nature of the mission itself, then it doesn't make sense to pretend to have a hard stance against AFK. 

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The moral of this thread and all the identical ones before it is that it is not your place to decide what is and isn't okay in pubs. If someone is doing something that really bothers you that much then just leave or report them if you think it breaks the eula.

Nobody is playing Revenant with the goal of upsetting you, and if you have a decent build it shouldn't really matter anyway as you can easily solo the mission objective.

Edited by Quest
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I apreciate all of the responses and i want to add few things.

If people are bored of the event to an extent where they afk, just be bored solo and dont be a leech that i have to carry.

If you want to be afk you can pick something usefull AND be afk, get Jade and spam her 2nd ability for ANY buff, pick wisp throw her motes on the elevator, or literally pick any frame that can actually do something isntead of sitting on the elevator and watching your phone.

And yes the event is boring i expected more of it than just 1 minute defense, ride on an elevator, killing a sister of parvos that can randomly one shot you with something or do 0 dmg, and then following the thing until the end, the whole lore was also boring since we didn't learn much, he had a kid and that's all.

I have no clue what happened but after i made this post I'm finally getting players that don't afk as much.

So please if the event is boring, if you want to afk just throw some abilities at least otherwise more people will start afking and it will be unplayable

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13 hours ago, 2003kamil said:

Can we please just do something about it because i might start just going afk too if it just doesnt matter,

It does matter, if someone picks up on what players are doing, they can report it. It's not the kills that matter, but the overall activity, if you get the most kills but afk to do so, you might get yourself warned, it's not worth it.

There are a few stories in the past with ember in defenses with players simply exausting the energy and then becoming idle by using the 4th ability (world of fire worked differently back then) and those users did ocasionally complained about the warns, despite having the most kills.

Never, ever do anything that goes against the rules of the game, doesn't matter if it's a meta tutorial posted somewhere (like aya hunting in the plains) or some youtube video. If the contents state that you can just afk and farm X or Y item, then don't do it.

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It's just such a poorly designed-mission. Kills don't matter. The elevator is maxed with one person doing the work.. It's annoying when people leech/afk but also I can't really blame them when this mission is a waiting simulator for the most part. Ramp up the spawns of enemies, the lack of enemy density on this mission is really sad even on SP. Then reward players for high KPM by speeding up the elevator. Make it meaningfully faster for good performance as well.

Related to this, this is why CC won't ever be meta again in well designed content, because when players aren't encouraged to interact with enemies it creates such a boring gameplay loop.

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28 minutes ago, (XBOX)K1jker said:

Leeching, afk and automated play. 

Woah woah woah. I'm not automating anything. If someone's doing that report them. Refer my previous post.

"If someone is doing something that really bothers you that much then just leave or report them if you think it breaks the eula."

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb 2003kamil:

The belly of the beast event is a total joke, easily 60% of the missions i either get someone afk or someone sitting with a revenant in the middle of the elevator doing nothing(same thing) or having people just sitting killing enemies and not collecting a single piece of fuel(loot is more important)

Can we please just do something about it because i might start just going afk too if it just doesnt matter, either add some kind of barrier that moves with the elevator some distance below it so people cant just stay on the spawn or far down and if they do they get teleported to the elevator, the afk issue would be nice to fix too, if they start to afk for too long they will get kicked.

If nothing gets done about the lazy afkers i will start afking myself so my team gets to carry me every mission because i dont see the point try harding all the time.

Thanks DE

that's how it is everywhere. so there's 1 carry + 3x follower or 3x leecher. because people are always leveling up stuff. I have no problem with that at all.
actually works almost everywhere. so it's actually the devs' job to adapt the gameplay if they've been going down this path for years.

but since the update I see that they live in a fairytale world and think that now _suddenly_ and _unexpectedly_ all 4 players are playing as a serious team??? huh? because they're bringing alchemy into circuit (nobody wants to collect the rubbish) and some weird event that's extremely drawn out with console hosts???

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39 minutes ago, Quest said:


I think they're referring to your initial comment about Revenant just chilling on the elevator.  Even though he can do this, DE still wants you to actively engage in the mission.  So a lazy revenant should at least pick up nearby dropped charges and do some contribution.  You can't dictate how people play, but if they are just using revenant to ignore the mission, that's something that is against the EULA, but I think you agree and clarified that in a later post.

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has nothing to do with the player base. this game by design only lets 1 or 2 player in a squad actually have fun. the other 2 will always be afk with nothing to do. 1 person can carry an entire squad even in steel path.

it has always been a design/dev issue. they could make it so each player can have fun and be impactful in mission, but they refuse to do this so this is what we have to work with.

Edited by latetier
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