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Dear DE: The Extreme Boredom Kicks In #4

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We REALLY need something to do in the off-season.

My alliance just had a competition to see who can survive the most waves in a defense. And I did it. Twice.

If that doesn't tell you how starved I am for something to do idk what to tell you.

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Maybe it's time to take a break and do something else, play another game from your steam stockpile, get into a new hobby like art, and come back later when WF has new stuff to do

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1 minute ago, Pakaku said:

Maybe it's time to take a break and do something else, play another game from your steam stockpile, get into a new hobby like art, and come back later when WF has new stuff to do

🙄 who could've predicted this lame comment? Stop 🦜

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Well, based on that retort, maybe it's your attitude.

But if you don't simply enjoy the combat loop enough and you don't want to complete any number of things you surely haven't yet in the game, then what @Pakaku said is right on the money. Everyone reaches a point where they need a break because they don't feel like doing whatever lingering things there are.

But whatever, if you're just going to insult people that reply, then have fun not having fun I guess.

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Just now, Hobie-wan said:

Well, based on that retort, maybe it's your attitude.

But if you don't simply enjoy the combat loop enough and you don't want to complete any number of things you surely haven't yet in the game, then what @Pakaku said is right on the money. Everyone reaches a point where they need a break because they don't feel like doing whatever lingering things there are.

But whatever, if you're just going to insult people that reply, then have fun not having fun I guess.

Lol. People spew that line whenever they don't want to engage on the issue itself. I seriously can't believe people still vomit that out on here. It's so disgusting, it doesn't take into account anything at all, not the player's interests, their time, their schedule, nothing.

'Get lost' is the lazy forum user's answer to someone bringing up a real issue. Are you trying to deny there's a content drought problem?

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Try hoarding platinum during in between releases, if money is an issue that is.

There is no pressure, you're free to start from what you got and work your way to collecting prime sets, arcanes, ephemeras etc. you can sell. You don't even have to target farm just enjoy what you want to do. When 1999 comes e.g. you got something you can buy with.

Otherwise, if trading is not to your liking, there ia a lot of other games out there you can try.

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Just now, Alpha_Tango said:

Try hoarding platinum during in between releases, if money is an issue that is.

There is no pressure, you're free to start from what you got and work your way to collecting prime sets, arcanes, ephemeras etc. you can sell. You don't even have to target farm just enjoy what you want to do. When 1999 comes e.g. you got something you can buy with.

Otherwise, if trading is not to your liking, there ia a lot of other games out there you can try.

'Get lost' again ey?

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2 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

'Get lost' again ey?

What? there was an actual suggestion there. Maybe you need to go find answers somewhere else?

nvm. not even trying not worth my time lol

Edited by Alpha_Tango
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Just now, Alpha_Tango said:

What? there was an actual suggestion there. Maybe you need to go find answers womewhere else?

Uh, so.... your response is 'get lost' AGAIN? lel... you guys are funny...

Sigh, sorry for pointing out something incredibly obvious, didn't know it would be so controversial. Must have hit some kind of sore spot, why you guys trying to get rid of me so hard?

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8 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Lol. People spew that line whenever they don't want to engage on the issue itself. I seriously can't believe people still vomit that out on here. It's so disgusting, it doesn't take into account anything at all, not the player's interests, their time, their schedule, nothing.

'Get lost' is the lazy forum user's answer to someone bringing up a real issue. Are you trying to deny there's a content drought problem?

There will always be a point in the game where you have less to do, especially if you're also expecting to rush through everything at the same time. We're not telling you to get lost, we're telling you that it is okay to take a break, especially if you're at the point where you feel like you need to force yourself to have fun (which leads to frustration and burnout)

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4 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Uh, so.... your response is 'get lost' AGAIN? lel... you guys are funny...

Sigh, sorry for pointing out something incredibly obvious, didn't know it would be so controversial. Must have hit some kind of sore spot, why you guys trying to get rid of me so hard?

I don't think it's getting rid of you just suggesting that if you don't feel like you have anything to do then it's probably better and more healthy to find something else while you wait for new content.

This isn't exclusive to Warframe, many games tend to reach a point where you do everything or even just everything you personally wanted to do.

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It happens to all kinds of games and you are burning out. Switch to something else or touch some grass and wait for the next update or whenever you feel like doing anything in Warframe again. It has always been the core game loop.

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7 minutes ago, (PSN)ErydisTheLucario said:

Guys...I don't think he wants suggestions. But just to shoot my shot, what exactly are you looking for challenge wise? That'd be a good place to start this type of conversation.

Hey! Someone who wants to actually address the issue. TBH I wasn't sure if anyone like you would show up, kinda thought it would just be trolls for 5 pages.

Well, some possibilities off the top of my head:

  1. Genuinely repeatable quests. (yes, ik, you can technically repeat quests, but none of them are actually designed for that)
  2. Overhaul events. Dog days / Fomorian / Razorbacks are mostly jokes, we've outgrown them long ago.
  3. Empower clans so that they can generate content / events on their own (and maybe clan wars/competitions)
  4. Challenge players, recurring - extreme nightwave basically
  5. PvP pipe dreams
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Ok, then go ask DE for what you want. There's no outcome from complaining about it in GD that'll change anything except for getting different perspectives and advice on the issue. Go articulate your issue in a feedback thread instead or make your complaints through a channel that has a chance at getting DE's attention. 


As for contributing to the discussion of what to do about it right now; go do something else. Like no, really, even if DE started working on whatever it is you want right now it'd take time to happen. Thus all you can do until then is find other goals to work on or spend your time elsewhere until then. 

However, the more realistic outcome is that you'll always have downtime in this game. As if you have no intrinsic goals within a game then you'll always be up against the dev cycle for content to add more extrinsic goals. That's simply the reality of game development as players can and will outpace developers.

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5 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Hey! Someone who wants to actually address the issue. TBH I wasn't sure if anyone like you would show up, kinda thought it would just be trolls for 5 pages.

Well, some possibilities off the top of my head:

  1. Genuinely repeatable quests. (yes, ik, you can technically repeat quests, but none of them are actually designed for that)
  2. Overhaul events. Dog days / Fomorian / Razorbacks are mostly jokes, we've outgrown them long ago.
  3. Empower clans so that they can generate content / events on their own (and maybe clan wars/competitions)
  4. Challenge players, recurring - extreme nightwave basically
  5. PvP pipe dreams

1. I can't speak on the repeatable quests, but do you mean repeat it for other rewards like in games like D2?

2. I totally agree, events should be something more than load in, use your event item, kill the boss, and exit. Not sure how they'd go about reworking it to make it more playable, but I do agree they need something more.

3. A way to generate clan content would be pretty cool, but I imagine that the devs see what players are doing now and think that's good enough. Not hating on the devs, they just prefer to work with new stuff instead of fixing the old stuff...which they should consider doing at least a little.

4. More challenging Nightwave stuff would be cool, but I imagine the community would push back heavily on something like that. After all alot of people can't even finish the New War. Idk how, I'm not them. I personally wouldn't hate harder nightwave chores.

5. Pvp, if it worked like people wanted it to and if DE bothered to balance it, would probably solve the point you made on point 3. But you know...pvp as it is, isn't worth touching.

I tend to spend my time just unlocking relics and making platinum. Obviously that's been offered as something to do, but it's been shot down. I'm not saying it to hurt or offend, but others are right. Why not go spend time on another game and just wait for more content? Maybe you'll get your wish for something you listed.

Edited by (PSN)ErydisTheLucario
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I legit do not understand these posts whenever they show up. I have thousands of hours in this game already and still find things I could do that I haven't yet. I never thought I'd be interested in -- until I was: figuring out stat sticks, finding all kuria, building a house of prex cards in drifterator camp, codex scans, glass fish, soloing tridolons, mass-unveiling rivers, farming all ephemeras, mentoring... I seriously could fill pages of stuff! I get that players aren't going to be interested in everything there is to do in the game but if someone gets "bored" that's definitely not Warframe's fault.

Edited by (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn
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25 minutes ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Uh, so.... your response is 'get lost' AGAIN? lel... you guys are funny...

Sigh, sorry for pointing out something incredibly obvious, didn't know it would be so controversial. Must have hit some kind of sore spot, why you guys trying to get rid of me so hard?

I mean, what were you expecting from these forums exactly?  Besides, taking small-ish breaks from games is a healthy option, as it allows you to stick with the game for a longer period of time rather than trying to force yourself to it as often as possible and resulting in you becoming as condescending as you have been toward other posters here attempting to give you helpful advice.

We're not saying "get lost".  We're suggesting that you take a short respite; a vacation if you will.  Try some other games for a bit, go do this "touching grass" thing I've heard so many wonderful things about, maybe even develop a fun or interesting hobby like origami or coin collecting, anything to exit that aggravation of feeling like there's nothing worth doing in the game.  Then once an update comes around, pop back in, shake the rust off and enjoy whatever that update brings without feeling like an addict.  Heck, even I'm taking a break from the game until the update coming in hopefully a week or two because I'll be dumping forma on my shiny new Sevagoth Prime like the platinum market crashed.

In short, if you can't find something worth doing, take a break for a while and then come back.  Always better to take a break from something than it is to keep forcing yourself into it and ultimately burning out.

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15分钟前 , (PSN)Cephalon_Scarlet 说:

What is this thread about? I don't understand.

Something that is more entertaining than the game itself.

Sit back and enjoy, my fellow Tenno. The night is still young.

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What do you expect from a game thats about collecting? The entire point of warframe is to get everything there is to get. Once you do it there is very little reason to force yourself to play. Its ok to take a break and come back once there are new things to farm. There will never be something to keep you occupied for years, everything gets boring after a while and new content takes months to make. Its not realistic to expect DE to make it faster than players can consume it. The best thing to do is really to take a break for few months.

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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

I legit do not understand these posts whenever they show up. I have thousands of hours in this game already and still find things I could do that I haven't yet. I never thought I'd be interested in -- until I was: figuring out stat sticks, finding all kuria, building a house of prex cards in drifterator camp, codex scans, glass fish, soloing tridolons, mass-unveiling rivers, farming all ephemeras, mentoring... I seriously could fill pages of stuff! I get that players aren't going to be interested in everything there is to do in the game but if someone gets "bored" that's definitely not Warframe's fault.

"I get that players aren't going to be interested in everything there is to do in the game" - hm, DO you get that though? You seem to be saying you don't get it.

If I suggest you go get the high score in flappy bird are you going to do that? WHY NOT BRO? No really, why not? <------------ really ...........

If I suggest you build and put 5 forma into every single kitgun and zaw combination are you going to do that?

Is my codex complete? No. Do I own every mod in the game? No. Am I interested in doing that? Well, maybe .... BUT people need A REASON to go do things normally. An excuse to go do it.

Some people will just go do things for no reason I guess - why? idk, completionism? - and that's great, but I doubt that's the majority. Why do I doubt that? Because most everyone leaves until new content comes. New content comes and suddenly there's a flood of players. It's farmed - whooosh, they're gone. I can't believe I'm out here explaining this to people after a decade of it but here we are, doing it again.


I just... want something to do. What's the problem? Why is this controversial?


We're not saying 'get lost'.... we're just saying get lost

Lol ok 😆

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1 minute ago, CrownOfShadows said:

I just... want something to do. What's the problem? Why is this controversial?

Because you will get bored of this new thing within week or 2 anyway. You have unrealistic expectations.

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1 minute ago, kuciol said:

Because you will get bored of this new thing within week or 2 anyway. You have unrealistic expectations.

Not quite. Yes, I agree, there's no such thing as a truly endless content - except maybe for PvP but even then it needs infusions of rewards/events.

BUT there's a world of difference between a release of content a few times a year and modes that are BUILT to be replayed throughout the year.

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