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Lotus eater: The hierarchy of power in the Warframe universe...is about to change. (spoilers...lol)

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I really liked when The man in the wall appeared before Lotus and screamed "IT'S EATIN TIME!" My Playstation 5 growled when that happened, truly a quest that was animated, and voice acted. 


this is what this quest felt like, Unnecessary dialogue, one minute circling around the mall following a cat, that lead us eventually nowhere.

a few minutes after the quest ends waiting for something new to happen but nothing.

we get a message from Loid telling us the exact thing we knew already 

we don't get anything that's crucial to the game or even a new weapon or mod.



it's exactly like the Rock overhyping Black Adam to the point of being comical.

I've defended this year of Warframe for a long time but this quest was laughable.


Let me clarify, I know it's a prologue quest, but in all honestly, IT DOESN'T EVEN COMPARE TO PAST PROLOGUE/INTEMISSION QUESTS.


In the Apostasy prologue we get to engage in the short map at which resides sentient Ballas, giving us important exposition that foreshadows the new War, then granting us a unique weapon that will help us kill the sentients and was a ...well, it could've been a crucial part in the quest.

it's just hilarious how we went from this to that.
I'm not even going to put this on feedback because it's just so hilarious there is nothing to report.


truly one of the moments in Warframe history.

Edited by Prof-Dante
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  • Prof-Dante changed the title to Lotus eater: The hierarchy of power in the Warframe universe...is about to change. (spoilers...lol)

Only thing we got out of it was the pager that does nothing, could've had something more badass like the bike early

The thing is, there is nothing to speculate about this quest, it had nothing to go for, it was just "Talk to Lotus, touch phone, teleport to a empty map, follow cat, go back to Lotus" nothing to do with HOW we're gonna get to 1999 at all, so what all we needed to do was pick up a phone call, like really?

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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Yeah I would've rather just not gotten any of this until it was rolled into 1999.

Why would you even give us a quest if that's all there was? All you did was waste my time.

Um, thanks DE, I guess? 

Edited by (XBOX)Graysmog
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12 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Yup , rather disappointing , like seeing a good chef serve slightly burnt toast before bringing the main course.

It is a disappointing start.

I'd say it's like an okay-at-best chef serving bland toast before bringing the main course.

Here's the thing: I'm not disappointed, because I'm not expecting anything particularly good from WF1999 or this whole MitW saga. I'm not wowed by any of it like most WF players. Gameplay mechanics aren't being improved. AI behavior isn't being improved. Animations, sound design, and lighting aren't being improved (haven't played the quest yet but watched it, and this quest takes place in the two areas with the worst lighting in the game imo). I wasn't wowed by the Tennocon demo either for these reasons and the environment of Hollvania disappointed me. So, all of that is to say, I didn't expect something interesting with this quest and I expect I'll feel the same about WF1999.

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22 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Only thing we got out of it was the pager that does nothing, could've had something more badass like the bike early

The thing is, there is nothing to speculate about this quest, it had nothing to go for, it was just "Talk to Lotus, touch phone, teleport to a empty map, follow cat, go back to Lotus" nothing to do with HOW we're gonna get to 1999 at all, so what all we needed to do was pick up a phone call, like really?

A phone call that has been ringing since WitW. In the Loid speech after the quest, Loid says no one heard the call but her. Um, we've heard the call for months. Even this prologue doesn't tell us why Lotus of all people is even contacting us about this. It could've easily been Loid handing us that phone, Loid who talks about the Chosen Operator but who has had no interaction with the Operator, Loid who actually has an interest in finding Albrecht, Loid who sends us an inbox after the quest.

But I've come to expect this when it comes to DE storytelling. I expect contradictory storytelling and surface-level writing that doesn't know how to utilize its characters or include the characters who make the most sense so that they can get character development that builds on their stories. I don't expect much that will excite me or pique my interest. I'm happy for those who are hyped and excited and interested. That's not me.

I don't think this prologue needed to give us any playable content. I think since they wanted to connect the Lotus to this, then they should've done a bit more to sell that. They could've had the Lotus involved in WitW since she interacts with the MitW at the end of TNW, but she's been absent. From the little they did, that should've been Loid handing us that phone, not Lotus. As with most DE content, it feels random to have her involved. The name of the prolonged doesn't even make sense. I'm not sure DE even knows what the lotus eaters are in mythology.

It's not like the prologue makes lotus a villain or presents the Tenno loyalty to the Lotus in a negative light. Teshin's early dialogue about the Lotus deceiving the Tenno does that better than this.

Last thing: people keep saying "DE cares about the game," "DE is passionate about the game". I usually expect more from those who are supposed to be passionate, and I've come to not expect that from DE because I don't see the passion for the game that others do. I see their passion for the community. I don't see that same passion for the game. I'm not saying they don't have passion for working on the game and working with their colleagues. I'm just saying that when I look at the state of the game, at the way they approach storytelling, at the quality of the core gameplay mechanics and features, the quality of the graphics, sound design, AI behavior, animations, lighting, I don't see that passion.

DE talks passionately about their community and about fellow devs, but when I look at their work, I don't see that passion reflected in their work. I see a studio that releases random, disjointed, often contradictory, unrelated content from update to update, that is often tacky and wacky and weird because it's the only way they know how to keep their players' attention and that is often underdeveloped and barebones. I think everything they've shown of WF1999 is more of the same.

I know most people disagree with me, but this prologue doesn't stand out to me as something different than what DE always does. It's not an outlier. How some of y'all feel about this prologue is how I feel about 90% of the game.

Edited by OniDax
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Honestly they should have named the Quest like Anime's now a days:

"Lotus gets a phone call and I went on a Walk"

Like, this quest had the creativity of a Grineer turd. 

I was expecting something to happen like Drifter getting captured or something, or Lotus being spirited away but nope.

They may have had more uproar by just having Drifter walking in the Entrati Labs, he stops and sniffs the air. 

"There's something...wild in the air."

The player then controls Drifter, picking up infested turds, sniffing them, until they reach a new room. Drifter raises an eyebrow and looks down a dark corridor, and go:

"Something big is coming..." 

Drifter enters the corridor, turn on a light, and something sounds off screen.

"Something came alive...under the neon glow..."

Drifter finds a portal...

"This is just the beginning..."

Sees a portal...

"It's Online..."

Enters portal...

"This is just the beginning..."

Quest ends on a cliffhanger.

At least then, we got questions and maximum cringe versus...whatever this filler is.

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19 minutes ago, Aerikx said:

"It's Online..."

You made type: On-lyne

Ok, I will go.

19 minutes ago, Aerikx said:

"Lotus gets a phone call and I went on a Walk"

That's too short:


"Lotus gets a phone call so I went back in time. I followed weird cat that showed me old phone."

Then translate to Japanese for more lols (using google):

`Rōtasu ni denwa ga kakatte kitanode, kako ni modorimaS#&$a. Furui denwa o misete kureta hen'na neko o oikakemaS#&$a.'

Record this with "manly" and exaggerated Japanese voice. When you interact that phone for the first time you hear above. You do that quest then later go for translation and hear whole quest. That would be nice joke.

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22 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Yup , rather disappointing , like seeing a good chef serve slightly burnt toast before bringing the main course.

It is a disappointing start.

They gave us burnt toast as a palate cleanser for the asbestos sandwich that was Jade Shadows.


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