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Protea and her 4th ability(once the timer is up)


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After playing a lot of Protea I can say with out a doubt that I hate waiting the 4th ability "rewind", with fun augments that revolve around her 4th and the need for high duration mods the rewind can get pretty long and very spastic.

I don't think a rework is needed just let it be instantaneous.

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41 minutes ago, Conlisis said:

how was I suppose to know that?

By reading the Abilities Page, by highlighting the Warframe in the Arsenal Screen and pressing the appropriate button. Especially by looking through all the "Tips" section in the bottom right corner of the Abilities Page. It helps explain hidden mechanics of a lot of Warframes.

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Well...after testing the cancel mechanic

I STILL HATE IT, holding the ability ever time before it expires is extremely annoying. I would have loved if it was reversed and holding the ability made it explode and not pressing anything would make it auto cancel !!!!!!!!!

Edited by Conlisis
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il y a une heure, Conlisis a dit :

Well...after testing the cancel mechanic

I STILL HATE IT, holding the ability ever time before it expires is extremely annoying. I would have loved if it was reversed and holding the ability made it explode and not pressing anything would make it auto cancel !!!!!!!!!

You can change tap/hold button per frames in the game's option.

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Temporal Anchor just needs a rework full stop. It is currently not an ability worth using, much less one worth 100 energy. (Basically) anything is does is done better by Dispensary, the explosion has completely borked LoS, and the physical rewinding is just atrocious.

Edited by Traumtulpe
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il y a une heure, Traumtulpe a dit :

Temporal Anchor just needs a rework full stop. It is currently not an ability worth using, much less one worth 100 energy. (Basically) anything is does is done better by Dispensary, the explosion has completely borked LoS, and the physical rewinding is just atrocious.

But temporal anchor is a death cheat.

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2 hours ago, dwqrf said:

But temporal anchor is a death cheat.

No it's not. Also that's what your shield satelites are for.

Just think a moment what you're even saying, you are proposing that as Protea you should keep casting an ability that costs 100 energy and protects you from death for 6 seconds, but with massive downsides (rewind, knockdown, hold-to-cancel every 6 seconds).

Assuming you don't need it because of the shield satelites, you just wasted 18 energy per second and a lot of meaningless button presses for nothing.

Assuming it actually procced you just got rewinded to somewhere you don't want to be, are still down 100 energy and are lying on your ass.

It's just lose-lose no matter what you do with this ability.

Edited by Traumtulpe
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9 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

Temporal Anchor just needs a rework full stop.

they're kinda stuck with it since it's The ability for her theme and lore, which is why both her augments are trying to get people to use it and stop subsuming other abilities over it lol

what i could see them doing is getting rid of the rewind  being fully animated(which just looks goofy and takes way too long) and replace it with a quick teleport to cast point, maybe replacing the knockdown when it saves you with a stagger? idk really

could also do with a few tweaks like not being able to pick up certain resources like energy/health orbs and ammo if above a certain threshold for each to avoid wasting those when you get rewinded, cause well, it kinda defeats the purpose of undoing your energy expenditure if you also collect every orb around, worse if you got rewinded violently  after being downed

but its still gonna be conceptually screwed with being a rewind in a game that is about going fast in a lot of missions types, so you're still gonna have to cancel it

7 hours ago, dwqrf said:

But temporal anchor is a death cheat.

sure but it's way easier to be immortal by constantly shield gating yourself infinitely with your already infinite supply of energy

and it doesnt knock you down when your shields break

Edited by TKDancer
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1 hour ago, TKDancer said:

they're kinda stuck with it

They could just have it last indefinitely, with what is currently the duration changed to an interval at which a new save point is created. At least then you didn't have the whole "hold to cancel, then recast for 100 energy every couple of seconds" nonsense going on that the ability kind of expects you to do as it currently is.

I mean *clearly* you don't want to get rewinded during gameplay, basically ever, so the rewind should really only be something you actively activate when you want and a failsave on death, not something you have to constantly struggle with to avoid.

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Il y a 8 heures, Traumtulpe a dit :

No it's not. Also that's what your shield satelites are for.

Just think a moment what you're even saying, you are proposing that as Protea you should keep casting an ability that costs 100 energy and protects you from death for 6 seconds, but with massive downsides (rewind, knockdown, hold-to-cancel every 6 seconds).

Assuming you don't need it because of the shield satelites, you just wasted 18 energy per second and a lot of meaningless button presses for nothing.

Assuming it actually procced you just got rewinded to somewhere you don't want to be, are still down 100 energy and are lying on your ass.

It's just lose-lose no matter what you do with this ability.


Il y a 3 heures, TKDancer a dit :

they're kinda stuck with it since it's The ability for her theme and lore, which is why both her augments are trying to get people to use it and stop subsuming other abilities over it lol

what i could see them doing is getting rid of the rewind  being fully animated(which just looks goofy and takes way too long) and replace it with a quick teleport to cast point, maybe replacing the knockdown when it saves you with a stagger? idk really

could also do with a few tweaks like not being able to pick up certain resources like energy/health orbs and ammo if above a certain threshold for each to avoid wasting those when you get rewinded, cause well, it kinda defeats the purpose of undoing your energy expenditure if you also collect every orb around, worse if you got rewinded violently  after being downed

but its still gonna be conceptually screwed with being a rewind in a game that is about going fast in a lot of missions types, so you're still gonna have to cancel it

sure but it's way easier to be immortal by constantly shield gating yourself infinitely with your already infinite supply of energy

and it doesnt knock you down when your shields break

Ho, I didn't know you had to chose between satellite and anchor. You guys are funny.

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1 hour ago, dwqrf said:


Ho, I didn't know you had to chose between satellite and anchor. You guys are funny.

So you're telling me you want to spend 100 energy *just in case* you die within the next 8 seconds, and if you would have, you *want* to get knocked down in a compromised position, likely getting you killed anyway?

Now *that* is funny, because I just throw down three shield satelites for 25 energy and don't worry about all of that crap.

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il y a 20 minutes, Traumtulpe a dit :

So you're telling me you want to spend 100 energy *just in case* you die within the next 8 seconds, and if you would have, you *want* to get knocked down in a compromised position, likely getting you killed anyway?

Now *that* is funny, because I just throw down three shield satelites for 25 energy and don't worry about all of that crap.

What not using both ? Press 4, spam abilities including satellite, rewind manually/expire/die, ignore knowdown with PSF, full energy refund, repeat. What's the issue ?

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24 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

What not using both ? Press 4, spam abilities including satellite, rewind manually/expire/die, ignore knowdown with PSF, full energy refund, repeat. What's the issue ?

Tell me you've never used Temporal Anchor without telling me you've never used Temporal Anchor.

PSF does not, in fact, ignore the knockdown, for once. Just go and play Protea, and you will *very* quickly stop using Temporal Anchor. And then you'll subsume something else over it since you're not using it anyways.

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To @dwqrf : "What's the issue ?"

The issue is it lack DIVERSITY build as Duration is too short and need to be boosted,

The issue is that Protea Ultimate is a boring as Ash's old Ultimate but far less efficient,

The issue is that Protea build with Max Range give you an too short duration for her Ultimate to be usefull,

If you do 0 "recorded damage" (too short duration) / all enemies within range are dead (blazed artillery at max range) it's an useless Ultimate,


Her ability should be continuous like Nyx's Ulti with Explode upon manual Trigger/Out of Energy OR Rewind upon Death,

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il y a 11 minutes, Traumtulpe a dit :

Tell me you've never used Temporal Anchor without telling me you've never used Temporal Anchor.

PSF does not, in fact, ignore the knockdown, for once. Just go and play Protea, and you will *very* quickly stop using Temporal Anchor. And then you'll subsume something else over it since you're not using it anyways.

Right, PSF doesn't work, which is a detail I didn't notice while playing protea for a long time 4 years ago, since you know, I don't die that often when I play the game. It would still take you effin' far from the combat zone, generally at a safe starting spot with dispensers and satellite ready to be picked up again.

And yes, I did subsume over Protea's 4 with Roar, not because I don't like the ability, which I find is one of the funniest ability in the whole game, but because I needed the three other abilities much more to do damage or to support the team.

Is it a bad spells tough ? Nah, it's great for ressource recovery, death cheat, and most importantly : extreme fun. But it surely doesn't work well in fast missions.

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il y a 17 minutes, RLanzinger a dit :

To @dwqrf : "What's the issue ?"

The issue is it lack DIVERSITY build as Duration is too short and need to be boosted,

The issue is that Protea Ultimate is a boring as Ash's old Ultimate but far less efficient,

The issue is that Protea build with Max Range give you an too short duration for her Ultimate to be usefull,

If you do 0 "recorded damage" (too short duration) / all enemies within range are dead (blazed artillery at max range) it's an useless Ultimate,


Her ability should be continuous like Nyx's Ulti with Explode upon manual Trigger/Out of Energy OR Rewind upon Death,

Please don't write with colors, it's really difficult to read your post as a colorblind.

Also, the augment makes 4 complement your dps kit quite strongly, making it much more a self buff/recovery than a dps ability itself, which was never good in the first place. If DE wanted to improve it as a dps ability, they could have done so with an augment doing like multiple explosions on the way or something, but they made it utility instead.

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12 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

It would still take you effin' far from the combat zone

It doesn't do that either in my experience. You can totally die right at the end of the rewind.

Why exactly are you defending an ability that you are clearly not using, but from your complete inexperience of it, and by your admission that you *do* in fact have subsumed over it? Shouldn't you be like "Yeah, I got rid of Temporal Anchor because I never used it anyway, *exactly* like you said Traumtulpe. You are 100%  correct in your assessment."?

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il y a 3 minutes, Traumtulpe a dit :

It doesn't do that either in my experience. You can totally die right at the end of the rewind.

Why exactly are you defending an ability that you are clearly not using, but from your complete inexperience of it, and by your admission that you *do* in fact have subsumed over it? Shouldn't you be like "Yeah, I got rid of Temporal Anchor because I never used it anyway, *exactly* like you said Traumtulpe. You are 100%  correct in your assessment."?

Because I didn't subsume over because I had problems with it, but just because 1/2/3 were too valuable to function as a dps/support, and I was truly saddened to lose such fun part of the game.


So no, I don't think you are right, I think you are angry. You have the right to have your opinion, but that doesn't make you objectively right. Remember that a lot of players play without helminth, and it's a part of her kit.

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Well, we haven't heard from a single player in this thread who is using Temporal Anchor. So I guess it's just trash then.

And you in particular have just been wrong about everything, like your "helpful tips" of preventing the knockdown with PSF (which doesn't work) or to switch the tap/hold setting of Temporal Anchor (doesn't work), or you judging TA to be very powerful because it's Protea's "cheat death" ability (it isn't).

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7 hours ago, dwqrf said:


Ho, I didn't know you had to chose between satellite and anchor. You guys are funny.

you dont but, A. satelite shield generation should cover you in most content and is not as wonky to use as temporal anchor and B. you could also just subsume eclipse over it to get 75% DR if you're that worried about dying, or any other survivability helminth ability and have a smoother time

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il y a une heure, Traumtulpe a dit :

Well, we haven't heard from a single player in this thread who is using Temporal Anchor. So I guess it's just trash then.

And you in particular have just been wrong about everything, like your "helpful tips" of preventing the knockdown with PSF (which doesn't work) or to switch the tap/hold setting of Temporal Anchor (doesn't work), or you judging TA to be very powerful because it's Protea's "cheat death" ability (it isn't).

Yes I was mistaken. I definitely though PSF would work in that case and that tap/hold would also work. Because it make sense it would work. If it doesn't, fair enough, I made a mistake. It happens, I'm just human.

Now, tell me again how Protea's 4 isn't a death cheat.

il y a 14 minutes, TKDancer a dit :

you dont but, A. satelite shield generation should cover you in most content and is not as wonky to use as temporal anchor and B. you could also just subsume eclipse over it to get 75% DR if you're that worried about dying, or any other survivability helminth ability and have a smoother time

And not everybody has access to Helminth and play vanilla frames just fine ; hence using 4 as intended.

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