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Dear DE,

I love you guys at DE. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this game to make it good. I pay you compliments and they are rightfully given, but you guys seem to have made a mistake. The Magnus is not a dual weapon....something has significantly malfunctioned. 


All kidding aside, can we just get a dual Magnus and just get this over with? I put formas and a catalyst on my Vastos, also a catalyst on my lex, since the catalyst and formas don't carry over, it is very frustrating. If there is going to be a dual it would either be nice to have the catalyst transfer over or release the dual at the same time the single comes out. I hope someone there is reading this and taking pity on us, if not it is a minor thing, but being as either you farm catalysts and formas, which takes a significant chunk of time, or you paid for them. It makes it a hot button kind of issue.

Thanks in advance,


Sir Proper

Gentleman Adventurer, Maximizer of the minimum, Engineer of others defeats, and Profiteer

P.S. I do appreciate however the very reasonable price of catalysts and reactors in the market. It is a balm to an otherwise large frustration of mine. 

P.P.S. The exclusive scarf is really cool. I understand the draw for people to get exclusives and why it is a good marketing strategy, but no other scarf looks as good; it makes people who are spending plat, which cannot afford to spend another 100ish dollars, regardless of how much we wish to support the game, a little irked. 

P.P.P.S Thank you for your time and attention, I have enjoyed my time with you guys so far, and I look forward to a wonderful continued shared adventure.

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Yeah, I agree with method of fixing the Brakk and the statements made about mechanics. There are a lot of things about damage 2.0 that simply don't make sense to me. I think you over-nerfed the Brakk, given how difficult (read: time consuming) it was to obtain. It's also relatively exclusive. The delay in this nerf was far too long, imo, for there to be such a drastic change to the mechanics of the gun. I could see reducing the base damage a bit, but this damage falloff kinda sucks.



I was one of those persons who ran 100+ missions.


As much as I hate to admit it, you are probably right with your first point.


I Forma'd my Brakk once. That's all I needed to put it from "Awesome" to "This is Disgusting!" I quit using my Brakk because it felt like I was cheating. The gun still does more damage than a fully modded Strun Wraith! It deserved to be nerfed, maybe not with damage falloff, but for Pete's sake, it's about time it got made a little more balanced! Brakk is more disgusting than the original version of Quick Thinking + Rage, in my opinion.


As for the wasted time many people are complaining about: You got an exclusive sidearm that not everyone can get. You got another 3k towards your Mastery. You didn't even know what the stats of the Brakk were going to be when you were running those 100 missions. DE could easily have nerfed it down like this before the Brakk was given out and no one would have been the wiser, and we still would have had an insanely OP sidearm and probably been just as happy with the gun we got. 


DE needs to do more balancing, actual balancing. NOT Nerfing! NOT Buffing! Balancing. I don't feel like what has happened with the Brakk is entirely fair, but I think it does bring it closer to being balanced without actually destroying it. Here's what I would considered balanced:

1. All the frames are mediocre AND all the weapons are super amazing

2. All the frames are super amazing AND all the guns are mediocre

3. Both Warframes AND Weapons are slightly above average.

4. (I like this one the best) Warframes and weapons have superior capabilities in the right situation, but cannot function perfectly in all situations. You pick the right tools for the job or work with others to cover your weaknesses.


DE, you don't seem to be consistent in what sort of vision you do have for the game. The roller coaster of buffs and nerfs and tweaks has left me completely unable to tell what you are going for. I do understand that if something is horrifically unbalanced, you need to make a large change to figure out where the ballpark numbers are, but it feels like you are just using "solutions" that you can implement easily, rather than ones that may take longer, but ultimately fix the real problem. I'm not saying this is what you are actually doing, but this is what it feels like to me.


Here's another thing: You have created a Design Council for a reason! Why not say "Hey guys, we've figured out that the Brakk is OP. We've decided we need to ratchet it's power down a few notches. Which of these three ways should we use to do so? A. Damage Falloff (10-20m) B. Weight the Damage towards impact and increase spread. C. Reduce the base damage by X amount." At the very least, players could pick which options are the most appealing when it comes to neutering the Frames/Weapons we collectively favor most. (Note: This is just an opinion, not a statement of fact.)


Also, why does everyone keep calling it a hand cannon? It doesn't shoot hands at all.





Direction of the game? think mr. magoo out driving... in bat country

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grineer gonna be sorted any time soon?  atm any grineer above lvl 30 will take 1 dmg from anything that doesnt have a + in armor damage, wasnt the point of nerfing damage types to make all guns deal damage to everything? I mean... if you dont have corrosive, blast or puncture or something similar in your gun, forget the grineer. they are so bosses right now, no ice, impact, slash, magnetic, etc do anything to them.

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The main reason I feel annoyed about the Brakk nerf is that the evening before, i just formad for the 3rd time - and now it's hardly usable against anything else than infested - because of the fall off, which does not go hand in hand with killing corpus and grineers as they like to stay at a distance, and if you decide to go for it anyway, the damage was altered to be less effective against those factions.


I could live with a damage drop, i could also live with more spread. But falloff? C'mon DE, really?

Would not go as far as saying this is the main reason why i have decided to take a break from the game, but in the grand scheme of things it was the last straw.

I was very content with my weapons - they complimented each other very well, and using a weapon like Flux Rifle or Synapse together with Brakk right now just doesn't make any sense to me - as killing targets more than 30m away is rather impossible.


Since Brakk was the only all-round secondary weapon, I had constructed effective builds in dmg 2.0 with it to go up against all factions.

I've tried the Magnus a bit since it could be a very decent alternative against corpus, mostly because of the status %, but it reminds me of a sniper pistol with insane recoil.


Perhaps it is for the better i take a little break, then nobody has to listen to my whining and hopefully when i return there will be enough stuff to level to reach rank 15.





 i feel with you put yesterday 1 min before the red text came my 6 forma in the brakk to get it work with infested more nicely... now i feel cheated and wish really a option for 10~20 plat to get formas an catalyst back cause you really better only forma and potato your favorite frame and rest store in case something get *@##$ slapped so you can start for the very beginning....



hope they really read or even overlook this thread for now and set a new route for the warframe ship cause i think what happend here shows that really more interaction with the community is needed =/. AND may think about the word balance and what they make in name of balance 

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Your novice, stop accusing weeping, weeping alone because you are you did not get the deptron, by playing in the losing side!!

I'm sorry, but was that English, or whining? Because I can't tell which way you were trying to go with that sentence, so here let me reply.


The Brakk even with it's nerf, is still better then that crappy Detron Pistol. The detron is a shotgun pistol just like the Brakk, but yet it deals radiation, which is only good against MOA's. Against anything else the detron would've been a throw away pistol. Then everyone who wanted it so badly, would've cried about it till it got a buff. I fought for the Grineer, I wanted the Brakk. The Detron could've been good in Damage 1.0, but I didn't want it at all.


So what does being a so called "Novice" have to do with this?


Oh, I almost forgot. My rank is actually now higher then yours. So I Guess that means from the way you were trying to use it. You know nothing, you big baby. : D

Edited by ArchangelForcas
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Same here, that's why I practically NEVER forma weapons.

I guess it comes with being a Beta and such, but we need a system for this:

If you make serious changes to a weapon, give us the option to remove polarities and get our forma back.

Exactly. I know full well this is a beta, but its a beta with a cash shop. Formas are in said cash shop, and therefore they need to be held accountable for them.

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Exactly. I know full well this is a beta, but its a beta with a cash shop. Formas are in said cash shop, and therefore they need to be held accountable for them.


I don't know about you but generally I do not see a game that has a cash shop as still being in beta, an MMO is never ''done'' until it has shut down or has been put in the dreaded maintenance mode, that's not to say that new big updates don't have their own beta periods off course.


Anything we spend money on the company is accountable for as far as I am concerned, if I spend money on a weapon or frame only to see it nerfed into the ground, I damn well will complain, whine, *@##$ and moan about it, money does not come out of nowhere and we already know we wouldn't get a refund anyhow, so that leaves only raising your voice for it to be changed so that it is once again worth what you spent on it.

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Regarding the concept of the Brakk getting nerfed, I don't quite understand why people are complaining about the Brakk being made less powerful, it was undoubtedly overpowered and a bit of a God Gun, as well as it being unfair because only minority of people could get it. Overpowered weapons shouldn't be in a game, and I personally get frustrated about overpowered weapons, and when people complain about them being balanced I find it even more aggravating, its as though people are complaining about the devs taking away players easy mode, whats the fun in a game when you can kill lvl 50's almost instantly. People didn't complain so much about the nerf to the Acrid that the new damage system brought, and it was a free weapon, albeit taking a long time to acquire, not taking into account where and how people got the forma's they used on the weapon.


What I do not understand however is the manner in which they nerfed the weapon; as people are saying, it is now almost completely useless because of the effective range that it now has. Almost everything else in the game has some point in being used, because with the new damage system, everything has some kind of use somewhere, but now because of the silly range, the Brakk is only good for a niche area of combat. If it was nerfed to have range similar to that of the Straith, then I think it would be less of a taboo topic. Whilst I firmly believe the weapon should have been nerfed massively so that it was good against 1 or 2 factions, as opposed to all of them, I do not believe that the manner in which they did it was effective.

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I don't know about you but generally I do not see a game that has a cash shop as still being in beta, an MMO is never ''done'' until it has shut down or has been put in the dreaded maintenance mode, that's not to say that new big updates don't have their own beta periods off course.


Anything we spend money on the company is accountable for as far as I am concerned, if I spend money on a weapon or frame only to see it nerfed into the ground, I damn well will complain, whine, $#*(@ and moan about it, money does not come out of nowhere and we already know we wouldn't get a refund anyhow, so that leaves only raising your voice for it to be changed so that it is once again worth what you spent on it.

On that front I am not so much annoyed about the forma's I want my plat back from where I get Warframe abilities in my Dragon Mod packs, especially in cases where I already had the Warframe and numerous duplicates of the stupid Chaos mod...

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I can see being upset over the damage falloff with range on the Brakk, but complaining about the damage type shift is just silly...


Assuming you are running a set up with +180% corrosive damage...


Old Brakk vs Armor

50 impact+50 slashing+(50x1.5)puncture+(1.8*150*1.75) corrosive=647.5


New Brakk

67.5 impact+45 slashing+(37.5*1.5)puncture+(1.8*150*1.75) corrosive=641.25


Base damage boosts/fire rates/multishots/anti faction/crit mods boost all those numbers evenly, so % difference will not change.


The 50 base puncture isn't what was helping vs armor targets, its the high base damage and proper elemental slotting.  There aren't even really very many cases where you are going to slot the AP mod anymore, so that isn't a big deal either.


Most Brakks are something along the lines of

Anti-faction mod (third element vs corrupted)

2 elemental mods (to get the proper dual element mix for whatever faction you are fighting)

hornet strike

Barrel Diffusion

Lethal torrent

Target Cracker

Pistol gambit


Don't think a small boost to the pierce only component was ever going to add more than any of that stuff, so we are looking at a 1% damage change vs armor from the shifted types...


Unless I compeltely misunderstand the damage system, so feel free to correct me >.>


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Guys, guys, balance revisions are necessary to keep the game in-line with a difficulty curve. You all got way too spoiled with the power creep that happened before damage 2.0, where with each successive release of a weapon, they were more ludicrously powerful than the previous ones.

Secondly, the game is in Beta. You have to expect the game's semblance of balance or lack thereof to be in constant flux. Did I quit when they switched from passive trees to mods? No. Did I quit when Nyx got the Nerf-stick? No. Did I quit when Vauban was 'adjusted'? No. They were necessary changes because they broke aspects of the game's difficulty. The game feels closer than before to where it needs to be heading, where weapons all have unique purposes and functionality to differentiate them from one another.

Yes, weapons do kind of progressively become more powerful as you use them, that's the carrot at the end of the stick so you can go further and deeper into the game. That's okay. What's not okay is when the carefully crafted web of balance is slashed to pieces with new gear, throwing off the difficulty curve. That's why you get threads that pop up saying "Too easy! Too easy!".

Powercreep leads to numbers inflation. Powercreep leads to the path of least resistance, which leads to boredom with a game. I stuck around because of damage 2.0.

Edited by Vaskadar
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I can see being upset over the damage falloff with range on the Brakk, but complaining about the damage type shift is just silly...


Assuming you are running a set up with +180% corrosive damage...


Old Brakk vs Armor

50 impact+50 slashing+(50x1.5)puncture+(1.8*150*1.75) corrosive=647.5


New Brakk

67.5 impact+45 slashing+(37.5*1.5)puncture+(1.8*150*1.75) corrosive=641.25


Base damage boosts/fire rates/multishots/anti faction/crit mods boost all those numbers evenly, so % difference will not change.


The 50 base puncture isn't what was helping vs armor targets, its the high base damage and proper elemental slotting.  There aren't even really very many cases where you are going to slot the AP mod anymore, so that isn't a big deal either.


Most Brakks are something along the lines of

Anti-faction mod (third element vs corrupted)

2 elemental mods (to get the proper dual element mix for whatever faction you are fighting)

hornet strike

Barrel Diffusion

Lethal torrent

Target Cracker

Pistol gambit


Don't think a small boost to the pierce only component was ever going to add more than any of that stuff, so we are looking at a 1% damage change vs armor from the shifted types...


Unless I compeltely misunderstand the damage system, so feel free to correct me >.>

i agree with u completely dmg wise but they shouldent have added dmg fallout to the brakk, its a unique weapon that was a event reward for those that worked for it not anyother weapon that they add to the market and then realise its to powerfull/underpowered and go around messing with it. it would be the same as they now realising that prime chamber is to powerfull and changing the values on the mod. it was a reward for the ppl that had the time and the patience to get all those missions done they shouldent mess with that.

Edited by Canas
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errr nothing to say but i got realise sometime nova molecular prime explode on 1 enemy only but not the enemy beside it.... even i try at low level map the explosion now just go on random & yes, sometime the enemy beside the exploded one didn't die/take damage , either this a bug or a nerf ?

also the bug of arsenal can't be pressed when someone invite you when you are on the arsenal still occur, other than that please keep working hard on Strict Nat problem DE 

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