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Coming Soon: Livestream #20


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I have too many questions (some of them are fairly harsh) to put into one post, so I will just ask this:


Do you ever want a Community Representative present with active discussion during a livestream?

The Community manager is there all the time if you didnt know Rebecca is the manager of the community

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When are you planning on addressing the issues that you said would be addressed since the dawn of Update 10? See all of the Community Hot Topics. It pains me how few of them have actually had their issues addressed.


You guys even locked the Nekros Feedback Thread, saying that you had enough information, and then changed nothing.

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Will we see the story mode soon or has that been scrubbed off?


Last time I heard anything about it was just after U9 when Steve explained why it wasn't part of the update as was planned at first.


Clarification - Story Mode = Vor's Revenge, and any other mission that gives us the story of the Tenno

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Why do you guys like to nerf everything that's fun? It's getting out of hand at this point.

Want to go fast? NERF. Just because a portion of the vocal community dislikes people rushing through missions does not means everyone feels that way. There's a reason that there's public and private room options. (I'm looking at you speed aura)

A weapon has good dps and is actually viable in high level missions? NERF. Why even have mobs over level 100 if you can't feasibly damage them?

Biggest question though... When the hell are we getting that mythical bridge up between the PS4 and PC? . I hate having to start over on the ps4 after spending nearly 300 hours on the PC.

Edited by Reduxe
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I'll keep it short and simple:


1) I miss the founder Tshirt and headband give away. Is there another similar give away in the future? Or maybe selling Mug, hat and/or merchandise and allow everybody to buy it ( not just founder ) Maybe for example buy a Teeshirt + mug + plat + rare mod for $$$


2) The new Drakgoon flak cannon is too similar to Miter: charging sound, mechanic, and it look too much like penta with a giant cowbell. Are you going to make any design change to how it perform? Or is it going to stay the same as it is now? oh btw I think cannon and shotgun is two different weapon. Correct me if I'm wrong.


3) Is there ever going to be a new pvp system? the conclave and dojo just doesn't feel right. (Suggestion: Something like grineer vs corpus and tenos can pick a side much like the old event. Except its a 3v3 + supporting fractions NPC battling it out in open field, team with most kill when time runs out win.)


4) How are you guys holding up? It seems like everyone is really worn out and tired during every livestream. It feels like you guys are working for the game and not making the game work for you. I like having a team that really care for the player and new update every once in a while. But the real question is what can you do to make the game more enjoyable and less grindie. Feels like the constant update with new frame and weapon is just to keep people playing. Teno doesn't need more weapon reinforcements, we need more challenge. Sry I went off topic again.


Anyways thanks for all your hard work and keeping us upto date. Keep it up! love this game, its diamond in the rough.

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1) RNG, when are you going to focus on it?


2) Melee 2.0 as it has been dubbed, how is it going with it?


3) AI improvements?


4) Could extractors get an upgrade? Like, being able to mod them for increased performance?


5) Like.. isn't it time to actually start doing some heavy lore implementing soon? We got enough warframes, weapons and whatnot already. 


6) So.. more flexible and awesome mobility? Wall-running and the parkour that exist in this game is so still and bland. The game is just about run and gun, at the moment. Its sad for a game who claims itself to be "NINJAS in space". 


7) Your communication with the player-base SUCK. When are you planning on improving that?

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Hi, what about new sentinels or a Option to build do make one in the Clan dojo or to built rare warframe too? Will a infested warframe come in the near future.


Great game, love it.

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The biggest problem I have with the game at the moment is helmets (I'm looking at you Vanguard Rhinos).


You've said you regret adding stats to helmets in the first place, and now any new helmets are strictly cosmetic. I agree stats was a bad move, and it's great that you don't add them any more, but what about the helmets that already exist?


Imagine a new player, coming into the game and discovering alt helmets. They'll see that their starter frame and many others have 2 alt helms with stat changes, but then there are other frames and in time possibly the same frames with statless helms. 

That new player isn't going to know what went on with helms and why they no longer have stats.


The community has come up with a variety of ways to fix this whole helmet problem, most involving stats being separate from cosmetics.

It is my strong belief that the best thing to do, and staying in line with what you are doing, would be to put your foot down and remove all stats from helms.


In the end I just want to know if you have any further plans for the helmets of past and future. Because let's face it, they're not fixed yet, and the longer those stats linger, the worse any "fix" will be.

Edited by Bleghy
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Will Mag's crush be buffed? Seeing that it's the most lackluster ulti, only doing damage and yet not much. 

Will Pull ever get back to V2? If not, please tell us to rest our minds.

Will Flux and Supra, Rivals in the earlier patches, ever see the light of day again? Both even get outclassed by Mastery 0 Grakata. 

Will the ammo pool problems ever be fixed? Example, Ogris gets a whopping 540 ammo while Dual Vipers 210, wiped out in a flash. When even ammo mutation is not enough, you know something is wrong.

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I remembered you mentioned that enemies are having AI improvements. How's that coming along?

With weapons becoming 'equip-able' and the new melee combo system, how will these changes affect how we will use melee weapons in higher tier missions?

Right now running up to corrupted enemies, screaming while waving Fragor overhead during tier 3 void missions is highly not recommended for such behaviour is strongly correlated with shorter life-expectancy.

And can we has holiday pics, please?

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Questions for Livestream #20:


1. Can we get one warframe slot and two weapon slots each time you reach a new rank?


2. Can we go to earth from the cicero crisis and kick the evil master mind of the behind the crisis?


3. Can some enemies have a small chance of dropping little amount platinum when kill?


4. Can we have platinum prizes in defense, survival, and alert missions?

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now, prime-items vs normal-items differing only in shape and be more outside the polarities only even prime weapon is widely acknowledged that the weapon is worse than normal , so I want to make suggestions : 

for Prime - Frame 

should have added a new item to add slot works only for Prime - Frame , but only add a maximum of one slot Aura ( aura into two slots than normal frame 1 only ) and add a maximum of two slots per often ( in 12 slots compared to the normal frame 10 only ) 

for Prime - Weapon 

should have added a new item to add effects such as Prime - Weapon slot ( only for Prime - Weapon ) , but only add a maximum of 2 slots ( 10 slots become ordinary items compared to only 8 slots )


and make sure the maximum level of the prime items ( prime and prime - weapon - frame ) from lv.30 to lv.40


so -called Prime, actually think that things in the Void for more difficult times longer than normal for things that do not get much stronger , arduous Our suggestion therefore I was extremely essential , and hope you consider implementing it as soon as possible , thanks

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My question is how exactly did you remove rainbow builds if we can still have multiple elements equipped, for the majority of the weapons we can have 2 combo elements on, and a few(namely ogris and penta) can have 3 combo elements.  Is this intentional (if so then what are the requirements to be a rainbow build) or is this a work in progress.

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