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Coming Soon: Livestream #20


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Livestream 20. Wow. I intend to be there, timezone allowing.



 - How do we get the Harvester to spawn? (Yes I know this has been asked before, but the more that ask, the greater the chance or this being answered!)

 - Has any consideration been given to fixing RNG issues and drop tables.

 - How the [censored] do you find the Banshee Helmet? I have the rest of her, just can't seem to find the helmet.

 - Will there ever be a suggestion box or open thread in Design Council for us to put suggestions/comments?

 - Will Dojos be getting an update soon?

 - Will there be any updates/fixes/workarounds to the Strict Nat problems that some people still have?

 - Will the Jackal ever drop mods again (aka Tactical Pump) or failing that, where can we go to find it?


Thanks for all your hard work.

Edited by DarkSunnies
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1. Why exactly devs think it is ok to never release founders pack on PS4 but still keep related codex entries in the game and why they believe that Sony will allow pc to ps4 account transfer if that's the case?

2. When will ps4 loading times (which seems to be not actual loading but some kind of network sync for a minute after level loads) be fixed?

3. Why devs think it is ok to offer exclusive skin on US psn, never offer it on EU psn but still allow US play with EU?

4. Considering general treatment of ps4 version I have to wonder how revenue streams from pc and ps4 version stack.

5. Why PS4 interface is a mess? Even psn friend list is not properly integrated, you have to add your existing friends again. This is insanity.

6. Vita remote play controls are broken - melee and zoom are unusable. When will it be fixed?

7. I have seen myself and others reported that Vauban's vortex can actually crash the game. When will this be fixed and why is it there to begin with?

8. Have you ever tested PS4 build in-house?

9. Framerate issues. Why are they even there? You're not Bayonetta, one time purchase. You want people to pay you after they've seen the game.

10. Star map navigation is broken, when will it be fixed?


I know that S#&$ty treatment is not always intentional, but it's still S#&$ty. Yes, I've bought prime access, that's how we ps gamers are, not too stingy. Still, I'll be the first to admit this is undeserved support. But I like exclusive stuff, my Joker in batman AA, my Kratos in Mortal Kombat and my Misa sydanna which admittedly everyone and their dog are wearing at this point. So much undeserved support.

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1.- might be weird question but. Is there in melee 2.0 a chance that we get the option to Throw a the weapon? or maybe a frame that empower that with mighty tenno powers? (i like the idea of throwing the melee weapon, maybe pick it up D: to)


2.- on the new HUD is there a place for the active auras?, just to not be asking to everybody which one they are using.

3.- can we get the option to right click people on the chats? like, on recruit? instead of people pre write /w to whisp 

i think thats all. thanks in advance

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1. Most PS4 members feel as though we are getting the short hand of the stick in terms of older exclusive items because of the great time disparity between the PC members and PS4 members, do you have plans to fairly distribute like-items (somethng similar, but not exact) in Warframe to help ease tension between the two different platforms?


2. The slow removal of the Infested in the planetary system has been ruffling my jimmies, more so because if I understand they were being moved so their wasn't any easy farming spots in the game, but I'm baffled that instead of making infested stronger or adding new infested enemies to help strengthen the Fraction your simply making them more rarer to fight. Why did the DE decide to move the Infested to solely invasions and the Ookin Dialect rather then making them more on par with other enemies?

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1. Will we ever have more than 4 powers for our Warframe? I don't mean that we have more than 4 equipped just have more choices to make it feel more immerse because with 636 hours played i can predict the way the level will play out just by looking at my team. 2. also will we ever see land based sentinels (to stop these guys from being stuck in walls just add a 5th ability to your Warframe armor that cost 5 energy that using Ash's teleports him to you)  BTW great job in the game so far this is the best game i have ever played. this was my first PC game. 

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Question #1: Why do you tell us one thing ("We don't like so much RNG") and then do the very opposite (the implementation of the Detron/Harvester in which you could potentially grind 1000+ missions and never see Detron)?


Question #2: Are you ever going to make missions that are NOT Defense and Survival actually be rewarding and/or could we please stop doing Defense-based events? I hate mission failures because some piece of cardboard (Defense objective) got destroyed, rather than the entire team getting killed. The Cicero Crisis is a very harsh example: the Toxin Injector was apparently made out of cardboard because the slightest tap caused a near-instant Mission Failure.


Question #3: Could we please buff the Air Pack drop rate in Survival? I hate having to extract early not because of performance issues with my team, but because the Game's RNG goes "THOU SHALT NOT LAST ANY LONGER!" and decides to only drop 1 air per 20+ enemies killed.

Edited by Xylia
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When will we be able to tweak our added polarities? And will we be able to change them? Some of our Pre update 11 polarizations need to be different and if we aren't allowed to change them (at least for a limited time) it'll just seem like the players are getting punished for changes we could not control.


Also on the subject of polarities what will be done about the defensive polarity on weapons? They seem obsolete to the "dash" and offensive polarities because they only support very small proc chance mods and ice damage mods.


What about ammo problems? Specifically with the launchers (miter ogris penta torid) and secondaries ( my brakk doesn't run out of ammo but my wraith twin vipers are constantly running out of ammo)

Edited by NuLycan
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I have one question:


Are you planning to increase the speed of changing, buffing, or even nerfing frames in the future? From my understanding this is a beta, but the rate of changes is extremely underwhelming in my eyes. Feedback continues to pile up, warframes continue to have abilities with untapped potential and other abilities only need the slightest nudge. Don't get me wrong, I understand that a lot of difficult choices and discussion must happen, but I can't help but feel that warframe changes are an aspect of this game that is kind of neglected despite even the recent changes. I basically sit around with a Nekros with desecrate, the one ability most did not want, which is his saving grace, a Valkyr that has become a crutch(Or liability, either word works) for those that mainly use hysteria since they cannot do much damage end game with unsatisfying other abilities, and many other warframes with damages abilities that aren't living up to par as they once were due to damage 2.0(or what followed).


So I ask again: Are you planning to increase the speed of changing, buffing, or even nerfing frames in the future?

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Is there going to be another hotfix to the way experience gets distributed? I find that after getting my weapons/warframes to rank 30, the experience still stays with it for example using rhino with his rhino stomp I see at times 30-40k regular experience NOT bonus exp and it seems to go nowhere. It does not get equally distributed to any other weapon I have equipped and/or seems like a waste.


If you can please elaborate on this further, it would be greatly appreciated & thank you for your time.

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will there ever be an upgrade on the AI's coding? what i mean is that in stealth missions you can shoot a grineer's best friend in the face and he'll watch him ping to the wall without so much ever batting an eye. will there ever be an intimidation factor in the game?


An intimidation factor meaning that once you do enough damage in a particular system you become sort of infamous, meaning that people will run at the sight of you not just to activate the alarm. the intimidation would make a good amount of sense especially when you kill the boss of that level.


on that matter, will you ever implement appearances of bosses like the hyena where in its description states that it is implemented throughout the system?



will we ever be able to have orokin-like tilesets in our clan dojos? 



Will the lore ever be implemented into a story line?


are we ever going to have a point where the tenno's get full closure with the stalker's hate?


will we ever get to experience what the "Great War" was like?


are you working on any new upgrades the the look of the lobby? will the clan dojo ever have a walk-in lobby? or be the lobby?


which one is coming first? the updated look on Vay Hek or the Eris boss?


will the lotus ever give us a hint to her motifs?


are we going to have an idea as to what the extraction team looks like?


is there a chance that we will come face-to-skana with the sentients or true orokin beings/ possible AI?


are we going to get the famous bell that the stalker mentioned?


with the implementation of equipable melee weapons in U12 will there be a delayed time in which we equip our melee weapons or will it still be the same reaction speed?


can we expect any missions in which we eliminate rogue tenno?


will we have any missions where we get to see any friendly colonies?


since corpus are known for experimenting on fallen tenno, can we expect any missions in which we discover and go through one of their tenno experimentation labs?


since the valkyr update with us "rescuing her" will there ever be a rescue mission in which we rescue tenno's like valkyr or just other tennos?


will we get npcs for training rooms with which we can duel?


will we get a hangar room in our dojos? or windows?


will we ever get to block vor's void beam just like in the cinematic w/ excalibur?


with equipable weapons now in the making will we ever have a chance to have an honorable battle with the stalker? meaning melee weapon against melee weapon? i mean he can't be completely dishonorable 


will mastery rank have any other benefits besides more drones and access to clan weapons?


i know tenno are in control of the technocyte virus unlike the victims of the infested, but will we ever get to see a tenno or even an empty warframe that has been infected?



Edit: more questions :D


will the trading tab be open to anything else not saying anything about selling warframes and weapons god no!


will we get a cape-like scarf?


will each warframe truly get their own prime eventually? it seems to be a pipe dream with how many we have now


will primes ever get any differences from their counterparts? it seems as though with all the grinding that we do that they don't stack up as much now i mean they are THE warframes, will they get some other plus that makes them worth it other than their bling?


will we ever get to see/ attack/ raid a grineer cloning station or a corpus "recruitment" station?


will there be a new damage system exclusively for the melee weapons?


will we get to have more tilesets/ missions to take us back to earth?


are we going to have any missions in which we learn more about the Great War?


are we ever going to see the J3 golem ever again? wouldn't it make sense for him to replace alad V in the instance of an infection breakout on jupiter?


are you currently brainstorming ideas for a real endgame type missions? not just on difficulty but unique missions? perhaps an all-out tenno battle?


*takes breathe*


will the mitter ever get it's own blueprint?


with phobos having its own different types of troopers? might we see new types of grineer in the coming days of tenno warfare?


will there be any story based missions other than the once in a lifetime events?


can we expect any downtime moments for tenno such as them coming out of their warframes?


will we ever get to see how a warframe opens?


will clan dojos be allowed to customize more in each room? will we ever get bigger decorations? any theme oriented decorations that effect the entire outlook of that room or even the dojo?


are you planning to make the parkour system more fluid in transitions?


will you ever implement environmental damge such as permanent scorch marks from energy weapons, holes or warped metal from heavy explosives.


are we ever going to have a more realistic effect when we destroy "reinforced" glass, such as people getting stuck out and our tenno grabbing on to something?


will we ever get to see the Lotus's base of operations?


i know you are working on the intro mission but will it also have a better introduction into the story like the Lotus saying "the great war is long over but now a new war plagues this system you must bring the peace" or something along the lines of an introduction to the lore/story?


after the stalker attacks after the first time are we going to eventually have the lotus give us somefeed back on him? such as her reciting the old lore on him "a rogue tenno with a misguided sense of justice ---- and so on?"  


even though you have given us a plethora of goodies, will future updates on this game have the introduction of more story implementation?


would you be so kind as to tell us if the Lotus has some sort of ulterior motive in awaking the tenno?


will we ever have an origin mission in which we either learned what happened in the great war or why the lotus really woke us up?


will we learn where the lotus was during the great war? is the lotus an orokin? will we learn why her symbol is built into orokin towers?


will we ever enter an orokin tower via ship infiltration? or using that orokin key require gate gun as seen in the cinematic?


will we get another weapon for the chemical lab? considering that everyone have detonite up to their knees and yet only 2 weapons in that lab.


new mission types that are part of a story line for each system?


will we learn more about the low guardians?


will the next boss of eris be corpus? and if so, will this possible corpus boss be a human with more combat experience and prefers honorable combat like that of tyl regor?


are we ever going to have missions in which we are challenged directly by someone and forced to take out your melee instead of gunning them down, a sort of honorable fight?


because we are supposed to be ninjas, are we ever going to have stealth missions in which we disguise as the another faction in order to infiltrate?





that is all my questions for now :D

Edited by DeathMavrik
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can we have the harvester RNG toned down a little bit, the stalker is bad enough but the 3 weapon bps he drops can be built with basic components, while harvester is even harder to find and you need to get 3 different things from him in order to make 1 gun

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Hi, here is the quastion:


how about open world location based on Livestream#19 where any number of players can play at one time. so each one could leave planet/world anytime and other players will stay and play. something like big location with different resourses/plants, not a mission. everybody can get there anytime he wants. there are dangerous things and traps there and if player wants to find resours he must do his best to get it and to stay alive.

sometheng like that


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I bet this question has been asked many times before, and probably in this same thread, but we'll keep asking until we get a


decent answer: Will the droptables ever be made public (for Void and Derelic mission mostly)? I remember once asking the same


to DE_Steve in a Design Council thread, and he answered that was his intention, but that was months ago and we still don't see


anything on the subject.

Edited by KatanaWielder
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Do you guys plan to have any major improvements graphics-wise? 




Character model tessellation / more world tessellation / tessellation slider


Better shadow quality / shadow map resolution slider


PhysX particle effects other than turbulence


Enhanced tuning for bloom / possible HDR replacement for DirectX11


Hi-Res/4K texture map


Proper AA other than FXAA


Ambient Occlusion (HBAO/HBAO+)


More interaction with environment(the water in the latest tileset is amazing)


Lights actually emitting light, not having a glowing lens flare overlay

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I just want to know why we arent able to access excalibur prime and his items 

in the game the main lore is the primes and what they did so i wanted to see this input in the game somehow

i dont want primes to be exclusive as its part of lore

I think it should be put in somehow like an event that unlocks new void missions and there is a rare chance of getting an excalibur prime 

He is the first prime and he still is the face of the game.

so my questions is,  

Will there be anyway we can get all primes at some point and if so can we get info on any new voids and maybe a return of the raid voids? 

As said primes are the main part of the Tenno lore,  Primes are the original and i feel they should not be exclusive i can understand the Titan extractor and the syandana and icons but warframes should not be exclusive and i know some will be fine with it and i would be too if when this game is out of beta it had all the frames back

to be honest i dont care if i have to start over again i just want him at somepoint


Thank you for your time,



(sorry for it being long)

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