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Yet another forum post about Stalker ...


No really, I read so many posts about this issue and did not really bother with it, till I got a stalker yesterday. I thought it's time to see what the fuss is all about ...


Well I got 2-shotted in about 1 second. First shot removed my irons skin (over 1560 points), and then I died from the second shot (1170 shields, 740 hp) ... seriously?!! What exactly are we supposed to do? Give us at least a chance or time to do something .. or should we just Alt F4 as soon as a stalker spawns? This makes no sense at all ...  le sigh ...

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Not get hit. JK

This is actually the strategy. 


Yet another forum post about Stalker ...


No really, I read so many posts about this issue and did not really bother with it, till I got a stalker yesterday. I thought it's time to see what the fuss is all about ...


Well I got 2-shotted in about 1 second. First shot removed my irons skin (over 1560 points), and then I died from the second shot (1170 shields, 740 hp) ... seriously?!! What exactly are we supposed to do? Give us at least a chance or time to do something .. or should we just Alt F4 as soon as a stalker spawns? This makes no sense at all ...  le sigh ...

The stalker is suppose to be a bad@$$. Dont complain about something that is working correctly

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So its 'working correctly' when he can spam pull and ragdoll you through the entire fight?

So its 'working correctly' when he prevents you from bringing in shade to any mission because of his dispel spam?

So its 'working correctly' when he can use pull/teleport without LOS making it so you cant even effectively run from him?

So its 'working correctly' when he can swap weapons instantly and fire them off and then swap back without an animation?

There is a lot about him that isn't 'working correctly' so dont even troll that he is.

And I really dont agree that he's 'working correctly' when he can 2 shot the tankiest frame in the game and 1 shot nearly all others especially when coupled with his dispel that lets him get off the shot with zero way for you to retaliate (You dont know he's coming and use invis as a loki then his messages start playing? Better hope that your ability ends before he shows up or you're dead with absolutely nothing you can do about it).

Edited by Tsukinoki
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The stalker is suppose to be a bad@$$. Dont complain about something that is working correctly

Working properly does not necessarily imply that a feature is designed well. The stalker is not designed well, and that is something to complain about.

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I've yet to be killed by this new stalker, and I usually run a lighter frame than Rhino.


Smells like exaggeration, or you're trying to face-tank his slash dash.


Sorry to disappoint you. There were no exaggeration. I gave a fairly accurate depiction of what happened.


The stalker spawned. I shot at it perhaps once. In an instant my Iron Skin was gone. The next instant I was dead, as I was pressing 2 to reapply my Iron Skin.  The whole thing took 1-2s from the moment he spawned till I was dead. He did NOT use any Slash & Dash. He was at range the whole time. Whether he dispelled my Irons Skin or shot it off, I can't tell you, since it happened too darn fast.


I will say that did not have a chance to roll or jump away, because ...

1. I honestly did not expect this much damage in that minuscule span of time.

2. I really had no chance to react as everything was over before I could realize what had just happened.


I also mentioned my exact stats: over 1560 points Iron Skin, 1170 Shields, 740 Health, (also 190 Armor).


So, yeah this guy is way stronger than any boss or mob in the game right now, as far as I can tell. I have killed the Harvester several times (Multiple Detron BPs, but no Detron parts yet), but I will just Alt F4 or run away when I hear a Stalker spawning.

Edited by Hadronox
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So I beat the stalker with a lv 14 Frost, using a set of potato'd Despairs.

What i did:


1) I moved


2) Kept eye contact


3) Dodge ( yes ladies and gentleman you can dodge)


4) Throw Despair at him


He kneeled down and I collected reward and continued on my merry way.

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Ive killed him twice since his buff. I just ran around like a chicken with its head cut off while the rest of my team shot him. Took about 20 seconds. Either finish the mission once he spawns or kill him while dodging his attacks. The second time he Slash Dashed at me and missed by about a foot. The first time he actually hit me and I survived with something close to 20 health. It depends on your luck and his level.

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He can be killed by a maxed out waframe if his target is level 0-10. If the target is fully leveled he's too strong to be killed at all.

No he isn't. Though relying on tactics such as buffs and debuffs will result in your dealth, he is immune/dispells those almost instantly. Though at the same time, twin wraith vipers can drop him before needing to reload after you dodge the slash dash but stay in mid range, aka out of range of hate.

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Out of the some 10 times I've had to fight the Stalker since he's become broken, only once did my team beat him. Why? They all had Pentas and just shot them at my feet and waited for the jackass. I'm sorry DE, you're a respected games developer and all, but you're out of line with the stalker. He isn't working correctly since you shifted us to Damage/Level/Invasion 2.0, and it would be nice if you guys stepped up, admitted you screwed up, either by not conforming him properly to the new system , or by just making him over powered as fk to the point no one even tries anymore to fight him.


It's gotten to the point where those my clan and circle just don't go fighting bosses, because they don't want to waste the revive, or time, on the stalker possibly appearing. That's not good game design, that's a game flaw.

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Ive killed him twice since his buff. I just ran around like a chicken with its head cut off while the rest of my team shot him. Took about 20 seconds. Either finish the mission once he spawns or kill him while dodging his attacks. The second time he Slash Dashed at me and missed by about a foot. The first time he actually hit me and I survived with something close to 20 health. It depends on your luck and his level.


Well, then YOU didn't even kill him, your team did >_>


For someone like me who solos 99,9% of them time, the Stalker simply feels hilariously overpowered. He needs a nerf in the realms of at least making him scale according to the amount of players in the game (with his current strength being more or less how strong he should be when you are 4 players, thus far less powerful when faced with fewer players).

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Managed to bring him down three times. Each time was with some friends. It's not that hard as long as everyone knows what he has to do.


If you're targeted, run.

If you're not, reload your guns, you will need them.


He announces himself three times before attacking, so get quick. If you're with random people, ask quickly for who's targeted, and tell him to run. If you're targeted it's more simple : "Gun him down ! I will lure him !".


Some warframes are better to face the Stalker.


- Vauban is quite good despite not being really tough. He has bounce in order to make the stalker's IA quite crazy. I managed to survive almost 5 plain minutes with him by runnng and without being hit.

- Excalibur have his superjump. It's useful to flee away without any risk of dispells.

- If you're not luring, casting a blessing with Trinity is really useful ! I wouldn't try it as the lure however, because I don't know if it can be targeted by dispell. And you can heal yourself too.

- Mag seems quite useful to replenish the lure's shield.

- Oberon can act the same way with health by using rejuvention and reckoning.

- Loki is really squishy, but he's the fastest frame in the whole game after all. You may be able to lure the Stalker quite nicely (and after all who cases about the squishiness ? When you die on him it's a OHKO anyway).


I would like to add Volt because he can cast speed, but I don't know if the stalker can dispell it easly, even if you're not the lure.


And think about mobility mods, who are REALLY useful as a lure. Be sure to have at least a nice leveled rush equiped (damn efficient with Loki, very useful elsewhere). Maglev can be useful too after that. Remember to have redirection and vitality too. Vigor if you have it. Some other mods can be very useful too, but I haven't all the wiki in my mind.


For weapons I would recommend Soma or Penta.

Edited by Einde
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Unless he gets stunned by Rhino's Stomp... Yeeeah, I can beat him...I think. 

Last encounter left my Rhino's Iron Skin obliterated and 54 hp left. I got 1.24k shields and 840 health, yanno. 

Also it was the last time I SAW him doing a combat roll. Dodged a Brakk shot at mid-range. Pfft. Wow.


Steamrolled through cells, high kicked those Grineers. Best and most frantic escapade ever. 

You think DE'll make a new Aura, named Kawarimi or something? Just to avoid certain death once a playthrough.


Btw, what's this 'kite' thing people have been talking about?

Edited by Shinobi-kun
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Managed to bring him down three times. Each time was with some friends. It's not that hard as long as everyone knows what he has to do.


If you're targeted, run.

If you're not, reload your guns, you will need them.


He announces himself three times before attacking, so get quick. If you're with random people, ask quickly for who's targeted, and tell him to run. If you're targeted it's more simple : "Gun him down ! I will lure him !".


Some warframes are better to face the Stalker.


- Vauban is quite good despite not being really tough. He has bounce in order to make the stalker's IA quite crazy. I managed to survive almost 5 plain minutes with him by runnng and without being hit.

- Excalibur have his superjump. It's useful to flee away without any risk of dispells.

- If you're not luring, casting a blessing with Trinity is really useful ! I wouldn't try it as the lure however, because I don't know if it can be targeted by dispell. And you can heal yourself too.

- Mag seems quite useful to replenish the lure's shield.

- Oberon can act the same way with health by using rejuvention and reckoning.

- Loki is really squishy, but he's the fastest frame in the whole game after all. You may be able to lure the Stalker quite nicely (and after all who cases about the squishiness ? When you die on him it's a OHKO anyway).


I would like to add Volt because he can cast speed, but I don't know if the stalker can dispell it easly, even if you're not the lure.


And think about mobility mods, who are REALLY useful as a lure. Be sure to have at least a nice leveled rush equiped (damn efficient with Loki, very useful elsewhere). Maglev can be useful too after that. Remember to have redirection and vitality too. Vigor if you have it. Some other mods can be very useful too, but I haven't all the wiki in my mind.


For weapons I would recommend Soma or Penta.

What if I'm the one who gets chased? He's got Pull AND Teleport. Superjump's not gonna get you anywhere. Or am I supposed to run all day long and hope he gets bored and leave? He's just too PERSISTENT HNNG.

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You're tips would be great if we could control when and where the stalker spawns.

As we cant control that...its not really so helpful.


-He can pull you down from a super jump and hit you instantly, and he can even pull you out of a ripline

-He can dispel blessing and speed, as well as hysteria

So if you cast blessing while a friend is targeted? He will dispel it from your friend, which equals a stagger + 100 damage.

-Oh and happen to like Shade sentinel? Well you're out of luck because its a "Kick me!" sign if the stalker ever comes calling.

Also, if you're a Rhino in a Thrak helmet and modded for survivability and powers rather than speed how are you supposed to kite him? Just never mod for powers and survivability and instead always mod for speed?

Thats the epitome of bad game design when a single random event can force you into a single build and prevent you from using core parts of the game.

And if you're solo? Well, you're royally screwed. I've faced him solo at level 15 gear while he was level 45. I didn't stand a chance.

I also learned in that encounter that he is immune to all weapon procs.

I was leveling the acrid at the time. He spawned and I thought "Hey, I will be able to slowly wear him down by poisoning him and win by attrition!" I found that he wasn't affected by a 100% toxic proc chance. Hek, every other boss in the game is affected by procs of elements. They might be immune to some of them (such as hyena not being affected by blast) but stalker is the only enemy in the game that is completely immune to all elemental procs.

He needs a complete re-design so that he isn't completely breaking the game and ignoring all of the rules of said game.

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What most people don't understand is that he is scaling based on warframe level (and, arguably, amount of formas in a lvl30 one). They just keep posting "What are you talking about, i just thrown a bit of kunai and he died", "I one-shotted him with my Hek!".


Now take a 3-5 times polarised and maxed frame, face him and put your brave words into the deep.


His AI looks to be dependant on frame level/formas as well. When you have a lvl10 excal, he is aiming at you. Later, he will immediately teleport you/teleport to you, and you are done.


So far, my success rate is about 60-70%, just because i'm always taking mah insane 6 times polarised Penta, and you know how much pain she can dish out. It's either i oneshot him while he is sitting or he kills me.

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I am actually able to handle it wherever he spawns if I am with my friends and if we are organized. Most of time, if I die as the lure, it's my OWN FAULT.


He's hard. He has to be hard. Even if he have pull/teleport, if you don't use your skills dumbly, you can still handle him. Damn please, I was able to lure him FIVE MINUTES IN A ROW ! It's just maybe quite great.


You can't kite him. You shouldn't be able to take him down solo. It's how it's supposed to be. Just a bit of teamplay will helps you. And a lot.

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And the argument:

You shouldn't be able to take him down solo

Is one of the worst ones ever.

Can you stop him from spawning while your playing solo?


I didn't think so.

Unless they put in ways that can prevent him from spawning he needs to scale better with the number of players as well as their gear.

As it stands he's just a dumb gear check that you cant do anything about and that will just steal a revive.

Since he can spawn solo he needs to scale so that you can beat him solo.

Since he can spawn while your leveling he needs to scale so that you can beat him while you're leveling.

Its as simple as that.

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