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5 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

if it happens again please post the console output here as it may contain hints on what's going on if an error is being thrown

I forgot to mention that no errors were thrown into console when this glitch happened. So it must be... something even screwier.

I figured out the reproduction steps (it wasn't so hard as I thought, it's VERY SILLY actually):
1. Open any frame (only warframes and archwings are affected [for test I randomly chose Excalibur Prime]) 
2. Click on Forma icon
3. Put any mod that adds something to base stats in a slot (I chose Armored Agility)
4. Click on DETAILS, remember the value of the stat that the mod is affecting
5. Click on the mod to make slot polarity change prompt box appear, click on any polarity
6. Check DETAILS, the stat should be reduced now, repeat 5 to lower stat value even more
7. Pull out half to all of your hair on your head and yell: "What the hell... !?"

BTW, would it be possible for you guys to make all frame stats appear on the right side of the 8 slots, so it wouldn't look so empty, and I wouldn't have to click on DETAILS to check how stats are affected, and leave only abilities under DETAILS?

Edited by tape_drive_TS1140
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18 hours ago, tape_drive_TS1140 said:

I forgot to mention that no errors were thrown into console when this glitch happened. So it must be... something even screwier.

I figured out the reproduction steps (it wasn't so hard as I thought, it's VERY SILLY actually):

Thanks for the reproduction steps, the issue has been found and solved and the fix is now live. Let us know if there are any other issues with it!


18 hours ago, tape_drive_TS1140 said:

BTW, would it be possible for you guys to make all frame stats appear on the right side of the 8 slots, so it wouldn't look so empty, and I wouldn't have to click on DETAILS to check how stats are affected, and leave only abilities under DETAILS?

Honestly not a bad idea, this will be put on the to-do list, no ETA.


5 hours ago, tape_drive_TS1140 said:

Now I found a new error:
1. Open (empty) Kuva Bramma
2. Click on DETAILS
Click on DETAILS does not open DETAILS window, instead you'll get "Uncaught ReferenceError: chargeurTemp is not defined" JS error.

Thanks for the report, issue has been fixed and is now live, just like the other issue, do let us know if there continue to be problems. The more technical reason why this error is thrown btw is because we started using strict mode for javascript, which requires all variables to be explicitly defined. Prior to the site update they were just defined without explicitly declaring it and we weren't using strict mode. We had a long list of vars to declare prior to the update (we spent about a week on it off and on checking things randomly and messing around waiting for console errors to be thrown and used tools to help find them) but still ran into some being missed even after all of that. This is another one of those cases of a var being missed and tbh I wouldn't be surprised to see if there's another one or two in very specific cases that was missed.

Edited by Kalbintion
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On 2020-01-13 at 2:50 AM, Baksy said:

x2 multiplier doesn't seem to apply to heavy attack critical chance when Crit Chance mods are equipped.

(see comments below)

On 2020-03-05 at 2:22 AM, (NSW)H0rst said:

Sacrificial Steel doesn't seem to give x2 crit chance for heavy attacks.

A preliminary update has gone out for this now. There is a new row indicating the crit % for heavy attacks. Note that the multiplier is not affected so only the crit % is shown. The critical box also adds the critical damage calculations to these stats as well, so if u want to see what the base damage is without the heavy attack critical in it you will need to uncheck the box just like you would for not having the critical affect values as before.

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Rank changing arrows and +/- within mod tiles aren't working on any browsers, same with "Mods max rank" and "Mods min rank" all broken for me.
Also the conclave-only mods Explosive Demise and Impenetrable Defense aren't flagged as conclave/pvp mod in Warframe-Builder so they still show up in searches.

Edited by BrendanatorX
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Il y a 3 heures, BrendanatorX a dit :

Rank changing arrows and +/- within mod tiles aren't working on any browsers, same with "Mods max rank" and "Mods min rank" all broken for me.

The fix should go live soon.

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9 hours ago, BrendanatorX said:

Rank changing arrows and +/- within mod tiles aren't working on any browsers, same with "Mods max rank" and "Mods min rank" all broken for me.
Also the conclave-only mods Explosive Demise and Impenetrable Defense aren't flagged as conclave/pvp mod in Warframe-Builder so they still show up in searches.

The fix that Stoi did is now live.

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A possibly important calculation I just thought of but didn't find is finishers, is there any chance of Stealth Damage Bonus and Finisher calculations being added?
For example total damage numbers for:
Ground Finishers (Which are not true damage, but are damage multiplied and treated as a finisher for modding purposes, the multiplier being different depending on weapon class. Also stealth damage is typically only possible if someone else knocks the enemy down since you lose the stealth damage bonus for 3 seconds if you interact with the enemy and cause it).
Stealth Attack Finishers, Back Finishers and Front Finishers (Which are converted to true damage, Stealth Damage multiplied, and also finisher multiplied differently per weapon class and differently depending whether it is a Front or Back Finisher).
Plus Stealth Damage Bonus which is a melee damage multiplier based on enemies being either unaware of you or you being invisible and strangely the multiplier is dependent on weapon rank, eg. unranked melee weapons deal +100% damage while invis making it 2x damage and rank 30 gains +700% damage while invis making it 8x damage, even scaling up for the few melee weapons that scale to rank 40 which end up dealing +900% damage while invis making it 10x damage.

All of these can co-interact so ideally you would have listed something along the lines of:
Example Nikana
Base damage: 100
Stealth Damage (Rank 30 = x8): 800
Ground Finisher (Nikana: x10): 1000
Stealth Ground Finisher (Stealth Damage x Ground Finisher): 8000
Stealth Attack Finisher (Nikana: Stealth Damage x8): 6400
Back Finisher (Nikana: Stealth Damage x8): 6400
Front Finisher (Nikana: Stealth Damage x16 (x8, x8)): 12800

I don't have every bit of information down 100% but hopefully that much helps..

(I've updated the wiki info on Stealth Attack multipliers and such so they should be usable now. The only weapon's I've found not to strictly follow it's weapon class are the Kesheg and Dark Split-Sword, which do not share the multiplier's with Polearm, Heavy Blade and Dual Sword, though this can be seen on the page for finishers.)

Edited by BrendanatorX
Edited information to be more up to date.
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Adding Primed Cryo Rounds after two 90% other elemental mods seems to add the same value of cold damage as the two previous mods combined (180%). Removing the two 90% mods then fixes the cold damage value back to 165%. Switching them around also changes overall DPS (probably the mod acts as 165% when combining with other elements, but acts as 180% when alone after other elements).

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Il y a 11 heures, StormSaber1 a dit :

Adding Primed Cryo Rounds after two 90% other elemental mods seems to add the same value of cold damage as the two previous mods combined (180%). Removing the two 90% mods then fixes the cold damage value back to 165%. Switching them around also changes overall DPS (probably the mod acts as 165% when combining with other elements, but acts as 180% when alone after other elements).

I can replicate this. I'll try a few things when I have the time but not sure when.

I have something for this that is ready, should be live soon enough if no issues are found.

Edited by Stoi84
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20 hours ago, BrendanatorX said:

A possibly important calculation I just thought of but didn't find is finishers, is there any chance of Stealth Damage Bonus and Finisher calculations being added?


We'll add this to the list of features to do, no ETA to be given at this time.

13 hours ago, StormSaber1 said:

Adding Primed Cryo Rounds after two 90% other elemental mods seems to add the same value of cold damage as the two previous mods combined (180%). Removing the two 90% mods then fixes the cold damage value back to 165%. Switching them around also changes overall DPS (probably the mod acts as 165% when combining with other elements, but acts as 180% when alone after other elements).

Stoi's mentioned fix he did is now live. Let us know if there are any additional problems!

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9 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

Stoi's mentioned fix he did is now live. Let us know if there are any additional problems!

Actually, it's probably even worse now, the DPS change when swapping mods is fixed, but now the third mod adds more damage alone than the two combined before it, and not just for Primed Cryo Rounds, but any elemental mod, even 60/60 mods add more than they should. Adding a fourth mod reduces the damage to a proper value.
I tried a bunch of combinations and it seems the bug happens, when there is a combined element with a non-combined element, the non-combined element is always larger than it should be. Looks like it works fine with any amount of single element or combined element or two combined elements. So it's probably an error in elemental damage calculation rather than in a specific mod.


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Ok, just tried to calculate where that wrong value is coming from and it seems like the calculation for the third element is 1 + [third element mod value(s)], ie 90% is being added as x1.9 damage instead of x0.9, 60% is x1.6 instead of x0.6 and 90% + 60% of the same element is x2.5 instead of x1.5.

Edit: Just checked sidearms and melee and they're like that too.

Edited by StormSaber1
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23 hours ago, StormSaber1 said:

Ok, just tried to calculate where that wrong value is coming from and it seems like the calculation for the third element is 1 + [third element mod value(s)], ie 90% is being added as x1.9 damage instead of x0.9, 60% is x1.6 instead of x0.6 and 90% + 60% of the same element is x2.5 instead of x1.5.

Edit: Just checked sidearms and melee and they're like that too.

Fix that removes Stoi's copy/paste mistake is completed, I personally double checked the calculations for 1 to 4 mods being equipped and it all calculated out correctly. There are some other changes that are with this fix that I want to push out to live so it should be corrected in the next day or two. Just waiting on approval from Stoi on the code changes.

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Site Update - Bug Fixes

Edited by Kalbintion
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13 hours ago, tape_drive_TS1140 said:

PC update 27.2.0 brought Broad Warframe Armor Change: armor number of all warframes got buffed.


Yep! Got this all done, there's also a bunch of other changes that the update did. I am working on getting it all finished off. You can get a preview of this updates progress on this image: https://imgur.com/dnqUelI - image is of a private github repo PR of mine for the site, otherwise I'd of linked to it directly.

What's currently holding it back is the AoE damage information, may notice thats unchecked on there. I've gotten all the primaries done and am working on secondaries, melee, and hopefully to add the falloff data to archguns too. After that I just need to re-review the posts and assuming I didnt miss anything, should be live afterwards.

Edit: Got all the falloff data done, just need to double check a few things, make sure its displayed properly, etc then re-review the update posts.

Edited by Kalbintion
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10 hours ago, Tockity said:

Can someone explain this math to me? Doesn't seem to be correct.

With crit unchecked.

With crit checked. Another example.

If we crit 5% of the time, for 2x damage, the actual bonus damage expected per hit would be 5 additional damage. This is an averaging thing. If the crit was exactly 100% you would see the expected doubling of damage. Likewise for the 10x @ 5% chance situation. So it would be adding: (base damage * (multiplier - 1)) * percentage. Or if you prefer, total damage would be: base damage + (base damage * (multiplier - 1)) * percentage. I broke it down and took it basic math step by step (as if i was doing this by hand rather than being able to use a calculator)

So for the first example (2x 5%): 100 + (100 * (2 - 1)) * 0.05 = 100 + (100 * 1) * 0.05 = 100 + 100 * 0.05 = 100 + 5 = 105 damage

For the second example (10x 5%): 100 + (100 * (10 - 1)) * 0.05 = 100 + (100 * 9) * 0.05= 100 + 900 * 0.05 = 100 + 45 = 145 damage


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9 minutes ago, PrinceMeliodas said:

So it seems that the kuva drakgoon doesn't have the right Critical chance and Critical Damge on the site. On the site its CC is 7.50% and CD is 2.0 when in game the CC is 21.0% and CD is 2.5%. 

Appears to have been old values on the wiki when we pulled the information. As it also seems an undocumented change happened in 27.2.0 that changed status chance to 9% / pellet. It'll be updated in a few moments.

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