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[Design Council] Melee Weapon Concept - Fujin - Translation


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Hi guys,


Some of you already know that this sword made it to the Design Council poll which consists in voting for the best 3 melee concepts of the 7 chosen by DE.


However, it seems that DE didn't think that a translation was needed, or maybe didn't have time or someone who could do it. I think it is quite unfair for this concept and here I would like to provide you a quick translation for you, Design Council members, and you curious forum users.


It won't probably change anything as the gap between the third most voted weapon and Fujin is already big. Anyway...






Fujin by V47_yu-ji

Faction: TENNO

Type: Long sword

Description: Fujin is a new sword based on a concept of a defense weapon that can turn into a one shot weapon.

By blocking an attack, this sword charges impact energy. This energy is then changed into highly condensed gas (plasma I think) and can be released in one blow.


This energy charge is structured in 6 blocks.


Two ways to charge the sword :

Blocking an ennemy attack = 1 block charged

Hiting an ennemy with a charge attack = 2 blocks


Two ways to release the energy :

Jump attack

Stealth attack (the target will explode, and the explosion will make AoE damages)

*The whole energy will be released in one attack, so it doesn't depend on how many blocks you charged.


Lore :

This sword was created using some Corpus retro-engineering about energy conversion.


When engaging the sword (taking the pose shown as the main illustration, 抜刀時), the entire sword should look like it was breathing as each block is charging (see illustration with smoke getting out of the block from two holes, and the sword's blocks movements in 7 steps ).


When a great hand and the sword spirit connect, the sword reveals its true power.



EDIT : If someone find some misunderstandings in my transation, just let me know please :)

Edited by matto
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OOh nice didn't see that one !


BUt which are the 6 others? their names  have to remain hidden or?


There's a thread about this melee concept in GD. Just check it, I think the names of the others are mentionned there.

Edited by matto
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Edited with more informations after the "lore" part.


SO let me get this straight , you can stealthily kill your enemies but then  blowing up your cover by blow them up ? seems absurd but awesome XD


Indeed, the most surprising thing about this sword is DE choosing it.


Don't get me wrong, I love the concept, but it's using at least 2 mechanics that are broken in Warframe : stealth and blocking.


Plus the fact that the author is saying that this sword should look like it is "breathing", with some animations. Also, it should require a kind of stance (see the main illustration with Excal's pose) during which the sword is using those special animations.


So yeah... fix stealth, launch Damage 2.0, and then you can make this sword.

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So THIS is the fujin. It's simple but simple is good when done right. The colored panels along the blade look like they would light up as energy charges.


Indeed, as I said, the author is talking about "highly condensed gas" or "high voltage gas" so I guess he means "plasma" which could explain why it is glowing.

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Awesome! Thanks for the translation. I voted for this solely for the level of detail in the image! I knew there had to be some amazing secret hidden in that text, since the creator put so much work into it, and that was enough for me.


It's too bad the Fujin probably won't be picked... It looks really awesome.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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