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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Since it wont let me quote jerzeycj (im at work mind you) you put it best, I love my saryn and ember (DAT &#!!!) and play them quite regularly. Yes Typhus and Typhis are team players, reducing the amount of health that you have to aim upon (especially at mobs lvl 65+, you know since I do use an ember in 1 hr+ long T3 survivals) make killing S#&$ sooooo much easier. Thanks for putting it out there Mr. JerzeyCJ!

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That covers maybe 20% of what I said. You think the theme is original and unique, I don't. But I have yet to read something related to how useful such a pure dot based warframe with some self heals would be. You do know that whatever the MMO is, any class with no team aspect, be it heal, buffs or bonus will be considered as garbage? This one is no different, see how many people play ember or saryn, both DoT based almost purely offensive frames in an endgame environment (let's say a 1h 3 survival). Now see how many people play nova, trinity, nekros, nyx, rhino or even loki... All of them having some more or less strong team oriented powers. think I made quite a long post about it already so I'm not gonna quote myself. No team bonuses in a coop game... How's that good design... A nice skin but a frame people will only play for solo lvl 15 content? Well the blunt me says it's a waste of good dev time. There's already Valkyr for that.

pretty much every thing my friend JerzeyCJ said. plus to put some stuff into perspective, Nova is a pure damage no team play frame if you want to use your logic, plus Paladins in almost all MMOs are considered to be some of the best Solo classes out there because they have a high survivability, your argument is invailad because you and a few of the tryhard elites that like to go beyond the devs balance level with OP frames, think that just because other frames would have a harder time using that that the frame sucks. Typhus/Typhis is a different play style, deal with it. And with the amount of support he currently has he will be quite popular. Have you played him? have you tested wether or not he would work? no because he hasnt been put in the game yet. And the other 80% of what you said was mindless rambling and baseless comparisons. 

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FAQ: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/176524-warframe-concept-typhus-parasiteviral-type-update-kabuto-03042014/?p=2405436

Note: Tysis and Typhus are two very different things. Compare the Following: TYSIS is an infected pistol, the name of which is derived from - Ptysis, which is spitting up of matter. TYPHUS is a parasite/viral Warframe Concept. The Information is listed in a spoiler in the OP.

Typhus  -  The meaning of the name

Typhus is any of several similar diseases caused by Rickettsia bacteria. The name comes from the Greek "Typhos" meaning smoky or hazy, describing the state of mind of those affected with typhus. The causative organism Rickettsia is an obligate parasite bacterium that cannot survive for long outside living cells. Typhus should not be confused with typhoid fever. While "typhoid" means "typhus-like", the diseases are distinct and are caused by different species of bacteria.
The first reliable description of the disease appears during the Spanish siege of Moorish Granada in 1489. These accounts include descriptions of fever and red spots over arms, back, and chest, progressing to delirium, gangrenous sores, and the stink of rotting flesh. During the siege, the Spaniards lost 3,000 men to enemy action, but an additional 17,000 died of typhus.
Some of the symptome include:
Extremely high fevers
Boiling blood
Severe muscle pain
And death.



Glass-Cannon/Leech (Weak, but uses abilities to weaken enemies while buffing himself)


Short Bio

He is a parasite/viral-type Warframe that uses organic cutting tendrils and viral compounds to take the power of the enemy and turn it against them, bolstering his own inherently weak Armour and shields with the bodies of his victims. Typhus is a leech, a parasite that knows only how to take from those around him to support himself, rather than his allies.

Typhus is inspired by parasiticism; the result of incorporating more biological matter into the operation of the Warframe. The Warframe enters into a mutual parasitic bond with the wearer - Typhus not only feeds off Void Energy in order to manifest its abilities, it also makes use of the Tennos own biological matter to do so, and in return replenishes the Tenno using biological matter from their foes.
Typhus is, however, as far removed from the Infested as can be; where the Infested seek to consume all biological matter and mutate it as a way of reproduction, Typhus leeches the biological matter off enemies, only to support the wearer.

The infested are the all consuming flames; desolating all in its path.

Typhus is the controlled fire, searing away the weeds so the forest may grow strong.






Mecoptera Syndana:

A unique insect-styled Syndana for Typhus (similar to the Mortos Syndana for Nekros).


Full Samurai version:



Typhus' Kabuto


This is a detailed look, of Typhus's helmet for the samurai version.





1-Devour: Typhus shoots out a tendril from his hand which latches to an enemy target and it tears of a huge chunk of flesh. Then the tendril will withdraw back into Typhus' arm and he will begin digesting, in turn replenishing his health.
2-Boiling Blood: His armour becomes unstable, pressure rises, his blood boils over and at the peek he erupts in a display of gore and showers the enemies around him with shards of his armor and his own blood which burns through metal and flesh like an acid, reducing those caught in the gory rain into puddles of slag and bone. (The Boiling blood deals a certain amount of damage to himself.)
3-Cannibalize Armour: His ribcage opens up from his back and bony spikes eject from his body, seeking the nearest target, either tearing them apart or violently taking their body apart away to restore or improve his own. If he targets Grineer, he improves his armor. If he targets Corpus, he improves and restores his shields. If he targets Infested, he improves and restores his health. Image


4-Cataclysm: He punches the ground and tendrils eject from his wrist and they enter the soil. Once inside they will turn into large sharp spikes that will erupt from the ground and impale all enemies around him. Enemies that get killed by the spikes will have their life essence sapped away by Typhus, in turn rejuvenating him. Those that get impaled will be pumped full of viruses, so even if they do survive the onslaught they will start to suffer great torment and die off quickly.
Additional Powers

These abilities are "Additional Ideas" and serve to add more options to the Warframe. There is no specific order, They're just potential optional abilities for Typhus.
Delirium: Typhus unleashes a virus that makes enemies around him delirious. They turn hysterical and start attacking anything around them while they are suffering from Viral damage. Enemies affected by this ability will not only attack their allies, but also inn-animate objects, because they are suffering from horrid illusions. The illusions they see are so vivid and so terrifying that they start fleeing for their lives.
Mimic: Typhus takes an enemy and violently tears them apart. He then extracts some of his victim's DNA and takes on it's shape for a short period of time. When he is in this state enemies will not be alerted by his presence. Additionally when he attacks in this state his cover will be lifted. This power only works on stealth kills. He has to kill a humanoid enemy (not MOA's, Ospreys, Rollers, Regulators etc.)
Viral Mines: Typhus lays down a few biological explosives (similar to those thrown by the Ancient Infested Lephantis head). When an enemy steps on one it deals tremendous Gas damage. If nobody detonates a mine it will wither away and die over a short period of time.
Meat Shield: Typhus shoots out several tendrils that grapple a target. Typhus then brings the victim closer to himself and uses it to block incoming attacks, letting it take the damage for him. Afterwords, if the victim is still alive, he can finish it off.
Eviscerate: Tendrils made out of parasitic worms launch themselves from Typhus' wrist and form into a bony drill that pushes forwards, tearing, ripping, shredding and gnawing anything that crosses their path (a melee type attack where he charges to a target and punches the tendrils through it).
Heavy Fever: Typhus unleashes a disease that wrecks the immune system and all around him suffer a burning fever. Enemies around Typhus have decreased movement and attack speed and are also suspect able to additional damage.
Symbiosis: Typhus is never alone, for he shares his body with a host of parasitic flesh-eating worms. When he gets struck in melee by an enemy it will deal Viral damage.
Parasitism: Typhus rapidly consumes the remainder of its current host for a surge of energy. By redirecting all remaining and surplus biomass in its system into its muscles, Typhus vastly increases his strength, speed and durability. This, however, causes the system to forgo repairs, causing the Warframe to begin falling apart, thus it needs to find and merge with new host quickly or else the ‘Frame will fully decay.


An exoskeleton is the external skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body, in contrast to the internal skeleton (endoskeleton) of, for example, a human. Some animals, such as the tortoise, have both an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton.
Exoskeletons contain rigid and resistant components that fulfill a set of functional roles including protection, excretion, sensing, support, feeding and acting as a barrier against desiccation in terrestrial organisms. Exoskeletons have a role in defense from pests and predators, support, and in providing an attachment framework for musculature.
Exoskeletons contain chitin; the addition of calcium carbonate makes them harder and stronger.
In-growths of the arthropod exoskeleton known as antipodes serve as attachment sites for muscles. These structures are composed of chitin, and are approximately 6 times as strong and twice as stiff as vertebrate tendons. Similar to tendons, antipodes can stretch to store elastic energy for jumping, notably in locusts.

Typhus' skin radiates a sickly glow because of a chemical reaction produced by the toxin injected by the parasites that reside within his armor. When this toxin comes in contact with living flesh, it will make the skin seem transparent, revealing the tissue, fibers and even bone.
Typhus is not invincible within his exoskeleton. When he receives substantial punishment his exoskeleton begins to chip off, bit by bit. Its a feature I want to apply to him as a way to see your damage in addition to your health-bar. He replenishes his Armour by absorbing the bones of his victims.
The exoskeleton that covers Typhus isn't molded to his body.  Underneath the plate there are hooks and barbs that dig into his flesh, keeping the Armour in place.  He's constantly in pain, even more so when he moves.


Symbiosis - long-term interactions between different biological species, which can be mutualistic, commensal or parasitic.

Mutualism - where both organisms experience mutual benefit in the relationship.

Parasitism - where one organism benefits at the expense of another.


More information on the matter↓

Symbiosis (from Ancient Greek "together" and "living") is close and often long-term interaction between two or more different biological species. In 1879, the German mycologist Heinrich Anton de Bary defined it as "the living together of unlike organisms."

The definition of symbiosis is controversial among scientists. Some believe symbiosis should only refer to persistent mutualisms, while others believe it should apply to any types of persistent biological interactions (i.e. mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic). Current biology and ecology textbooks now use the latter "de Bary" definition or an even broader definition (i.e. symbiosis = all species interactions)

Traditionally parasite referred primarily to organisms visible to the naked eye, or macroparasites (typically protozoa and helminths). Parasite now includes microparasites, which are typically smaller, such as viruses and bacteria. Some examples of parasites include the plants mistletoe and cuscuta, and animals such as hookworms.

Parasites that live on the surface of the host are called ectoparasites. Those that live inside the host are called endoparasites (including all parasitic worms). Endoparasites can exist in one of two forms: intercellular parasites (inhabiting spaces in the host’s body) or intracellular parasites (inhabiting cells in the host’s body). Intracellular parasites, such as protozoa, bacteria or viruses, tend to rely on a third organism, which is generally known as the carrier or vector. The vector does the job of transmitting them to the host. An example of this interaction is the transmission of malaria, caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium, to humans by the bite of an anopheline mosquito. Those parasites living in an intermediate position, being half-ectoparasites and half-endoparasites, are sometimes called mesoparasite.

Unlike predators, some parasites do not kill their host. They are also generally much smaller than their host, and will often live in or on their host for an extended period of time. Both are special cases of consumer-resource interactions. Parasites show a high degree of specialization, and reproduce at a faster rate than their hosts. Classic examples of parasitism include interactions between vertebrate hosts and diverse animals such as tapeworms, flukes, the Plasmodium species, and fleas. In rare cases, a parasite may even undergo co-speciation with its host. One particularly remarkable example of co-speciation exists between the simian foamy virus (SFV) and its primate hosts.



Typhus utilizes a complex set of sensitive, mutated organs in the roof of his mouth to “Taste” his enemy’s vitality and strength, allowing him to pick out the weakest targets in a group, or harry a victim until it drops from exhaustion. In this manner, Typhus hunts in a way that is eerily reminiscent of the snakes of old earth.

Typhus’ enhanced vomeronasal system uses Amino-Complex acids to break down genetic material and provide a sort of “Trace” on a victim. By “Tasting” an enemy, a small tertiary lobe in Typhus’ brain performs rapid mathematical calculations utilizing “Kleiber’s Law” to relay heart-rate, metabolic, and energy emission information regarding the intended victim to Typhus’ eyes. Essentially allowing Typhus to “See” just how strong his enemy is, and how long it has left to live.

Typhus' tendril
Typhus’ tendrils utilize a small amount of mutagenic acid, which is forcibly injected into the victim’s flesh on impact, that breaks down flesh, bone and even Armour and cloth into a genetic slurry that Typhus can absorb and metabolize. This allows Typhus to repair his body and Armour by supplying new biomass, which is stored in a special organ in his chest cavity. This Biomass is then distributed as required by Typhus’ body, and secreted by the parasitic worms as a sort of “Organic Glue” which hardens into new chitin or flesh.
Typhus' Setae


This explains how Typhus can parkour and wall-run.


just amazing would love to play this frame

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OP's concept also has nothing whatsoever to do with sorcery, dark magic and the lot.

as has been said, he's a fragile, deadly parasite, not a dark mage or the likes.



Wow this is getting way too silly now. lol


You guys you need to realize that it doesn't matter any more. 

Just because one person thinks its crap doesn't mean its going to hinder me at all in designing Typhus. 

Just stop it and let it go, this is getting ridiculous.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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That covers maybe 20% of what I said. You think the theme is original and unique, I don't. But I have yet to read something related to how useful such a pure dot based warframe with some self heals would be. You do know that whatever the MMO is, any class with no team aspect, be it heal, buffs or bonus will be considered as garbage? This one is no different, see how many people play ember or saryn, both DoT based almost purely offensive frames in an endgame environment (let's say a 1h 3 survival). Now see how many people play nova, trinity, nekros, nyx, rhino or even loki... All of them having some more or less strong team oriented powers. think I made quite a long post about it already so I'm not gonna quote myself. No team bonuses in a coop game... How's that good design... A nice skin but a frame people will only play for solo lvl 15 content? Well the blunt me says it's a waste of good dev time. There's already Valkyr for that.



Okay, dude. Explain this to me seeing as this is probably the third time I've heard you mention Typhus and DoT. What power's specifically use DoT? So far most of them seem to be direct damage abilities that heal him. Now I may just have misunderstood something while going over the OP and the 60+ pages in this thread for the fifth time but it would appear that you don't quite seem to get that this isn't a DoT frame. DoT is like sayrn and her spores. DoT, is toxic damage. Damage over Time. I don't see much of that with Typhus/Typhis. Now if I missed something please point it out and I will retract this point but seriously, I just don't see where you're coming from dude.

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Wow this is getting way too silly now.


You guys you need to realize that it doesn't matter any more. 

Just because one person thinks its crap doesn't mean its going to hinder me at all in designing Typhus. 

Just stop it and let it go, this is getting ridiculous.

This one is still my favorite



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Wow this is getting way too silly now. lol


You guys you need to realize that it doesn't matter any more. 

Just because one person thinks its crap doesn't mean its going to hinder me at all in designing Typhus. 

Just stop it and let it go, this is getting ridiculous.

I agree we said what needed to be said, hes been schooled and proven wrong NOW. Let it go



and Reds all like


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Wow this is getting way too silly now. lol


You guys you need to realize that it doesn't matter any more. 

Just because one person thinks its crap doesn't mean its going to hinder me at all in designing Typhus. 

Just stop it and let it go, this is getting ridiculous.

You're right but, as I follow this concept, and the rest of your creations, very closely I won't let anyone insult someone that put so much effort, time and personality into a pure fan creation. At least, peoples should respect what you have done.

Edited by Cyriann
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a few quick thoughts:
1. as people have said, viral is good for team play due to halving enemy health (it's why I stick viral on my 100% proc Tysis (go figure right?).

2. Not everyone enjoys or want to play co-op games. Many people prefer to play on their own sometimes for one reason or another and right now solo play at high levels is very difficult.
3. DoT isn't very good in standard team play due to the mentality to "KILL EVERYTHING NOW" and rush through missions. When playing solo the same enemies will spawn but you have a harder time killing them off due to damage tending to be focused on one enemy, especially in higher levels. by inflicting DoT on some of them you can effectively damage more enemies at once making killing them off easier, especially with an AoE DoT.
4. A DoT frame with either stealth or tank qualities might be good for high level solo mission (not as relevant perhaps but still an idea)

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a few quick thoughts:

1. as people have said, viral is good for team play due to halving enemy health (it's why I stick viral on my 100% proc Tysis (go figure right?).

2. Not everyone enjoys or want to play co-op games. Many people prefer to play on their own sometimes for one reason or another and right now solo play at high levels is very difficult.

3. DoT isn't very good in standard team play due to the mentality to "KILL EVERYTHING NOW" and rush through missions. When playing solo the same enemies will spawn but you have a harder time killing them off due to damage tending to be focused on one enemy, especially in higher levels. by inflicting DoT on some of them you can effectively damage more enemies at once making killing them off easier, especially with an AoE DoT.

4. A DoT frame with either stealth or tank qualities might be good for high level solo mission (not as relevant perhaps but still an idea)

Typhus isnt DoT though.

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... I'm starting to think some people don't actually understand what DoT is...







Typhus/Typhis is not a DoT frame. If anything he's a burst damage. A glass cannon as has been stated plenty of times in this thread.

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So guys remember that time we had that "discussion" about "we ninjas, not samurai, there's no place for Typhus, in this game."  Well it looks like DE brought out samurai Armour for the Tenno, just saying.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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So guys remember that time we had that "discussion" about "we ninjas, not samurai, there's no place for Typhus, in this game."  Well it looks like DE brought out samurai Armour for the Tenno, just saying.


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So guys remember that time we had that "discussion" about "we ninjas, not samurai, there's no place for Typhus, in this game."  Well it looks like DE brought out samurai Armour for the Tenno, just saying.

now we have even more of a justification for Typhus!!!!

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So guys remember that time we had that "discussion" about "we ninjas, not samurai, there's no place for Typhus, in this game."  Well it looks like DE brought out samurai Armour for the Tenno, just saying.

definitely need Locust/Typhus now.

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Weiss re-design







Before he was the brutal warrior known as Typhus, Weiss was a noble, valiant Tenno that rose to prominence after the war with the Orokin.

Weiss was passionate towards finding and releasing the sleeping Tenno, as well as eradicating the vile Infested.  When his efforts lead the release of several hundred enslaved Tenno from the Corpus, a certain one of them named Alad V took it upon himself to not only rid themselves of a thorn in their sides, but to gain a valuable weapon.

Alad drew up an elaborate trap based around his Zanuka project, which Weiss was unable to ignore.  On Jupiter, Weiss clashed with Corpus soldiers until he was quite literally buried in the bodies of his enemies.  Unable to escape, Alad tutored and experimented on Weiss, transforming him into a horrendous monster.

When the Tenno made their attempt to rescue Valkyr from Alad, they were unaware that Weiss was also held in the depths of the Jupiter fortress. Alone and forgotten, Weiss became lost within himself, metamorphosing into something altogether new: Typhus.


* I did a little redesign of Weiss. If you guys didn't know, it was for a fan-fiction made by AmatsuNoir.  Keep in mind, she was given full creative control over Typhus. This does not in any way reflect upon the current concept lore, this is something completely separate.

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