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Are We Infested Or Are We Void?


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Now to my knowledge from the lore bits in the codex (look Ember and Exalibur codex) the Tenno were children sent to Void and returned with powers. Right?

Armed with that piece of info we can assume that the things that the old J4 golem and Phorid say (or used to in golems case) are now, null and void (pun intended). Right?

So with that in mind why the hell does Lotus say something like this?


What Lotus says here is that Tenno are, indeed, infested.... partly...

The only thing i can come up with this is that: 1) Tenno were infected as children and sent to the void.

                                                                        2) Tenno came from the void with powers and armor put on them was made from infested cells

                                                                        3) all of the above.

                                                                        4) something else.

At this point DE i ask you: can we have some consistency here?

Edited by Alinna
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When I faced Lephantis, he said something about him being the same as tenno. i dont quite remember since its been quite some time now since i faced him. but yeah that could be true, that we might be "infested" organism that were modified to fight for our masters and such. dunno, thats just what i think.

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I would like to add to the fact that with each "frame" release..they keep getting weirder....more complex...and more...abstract looking.......could just be my own personal lore but I think "warframes" are forever changing due to the void..soon we will be like the Grineer......

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Lotus never says that the Tenno are part Infested.

The infested were made from the Technocyte Virus, of which the Orokin used to create the Warframes, BUT, it is a controlled variant, and thus differs from being an infested.

The Tenno are actually Orokin, who gained powers from the void, and became a new race, the Tenno. The Infested are just Corpus and Grineer who have been taken over by an uncontrolled strain of the Technocyte virus, and become deformed, ravaging beasts.

Edited by Stormandreas
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Lotus never says that the Tenno are part Infested.

The infested were made from the Technocyte Virus, of which the Orokin used to create the Warframes, BUT, it is a controlled variant, and thus differs from being an infested.



So we are "HIV" and they are "AIDS."


Oh ok.

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I don't understand how she is saying the Tenno are infested...


She is simply saying, if it isn't a Tenno then kill it. What am I missing in this that indicates we are infested?

She is not exactly saying it. She just says: kill all infested UNLESS its a Tenno. When i put it that way now one can also assume that there are either rouge Tenno around or something else.

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She is not exactly saying it. She just says: kill all infested UNLESS its a Tenno. When i put it that way now one can also assume that there are either rouge Tenno around or something else.




our frames are part alive  (frame are made from infested)

Tenno are in symbiose with the frame


therefor Tenno+frame= half infested


i believe even if they can take off frames, when they are pluged  they become one with the frame


and that's the void power that prevent Tenno to be really infested and control the suit,


the suit itself being a catalyst for the void powers



just.. i can be wrong

Edited by Tsoe
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It might just be a leftover dialouge from the Dark Sector prequel era. De seems to have droped Dark Sector being a prequel to Warframe seeing as how Tenno ahve gotten their powers from the void as opposed to Hayden who got his powers from the Technocyte Virus.

Edited by Septin
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Look at what's needed to build a Warframe. Plenty of Technocyte parts.

It's like the Bydo from R-Type. They're the big bad infestation, but were born from human bioweapon experimentation. Now we're just using the Technology with all it's benefits as suits without being infected.

It's not too far-fetched.

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At our base, we're all human: Tenno from the Orokin side of things, Infested from the modern Grineer and Corpus that are descendants of whatever they were during the Orokin era. It's possible that's what they're referring to - given that the mind of the Infested is probably a warped Grineer/Corpus mind rather than the mind of the T-virus itself.

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She is not exactly saying it. She just says: kill all infested UNLESS its a Tenno. When i put it that way now one can also assume that there are either rouge Tenno around or something else.


I think you might simply be thinking into it too much and seeing what isn't really there. I'm not saying that as an insult or anything, but I think it's just a simple saying for briefing somebody.


I have played numerous military games where you are briefed with "The area is crawling with -insert country- soldiers. If it isn't friendly, kill it." or something similar.

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1. The Tenno are afflicted by some kind of sickness/disease from the Void. This could be the Technocyte virus, but it may not be.

2. The Warframes are biological in nature, and made up out of Infested "goo" like Nano Spores and Neural Sensors.


So there are two possibilities as to why the Infested see the Tenno as kin.

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"The area is crawling with infested."


"If it's not a tenno, eradicate it."


You don't have to read these two sentences as related, just because they're said by the same person.


It makes perfect sense to relate these sentences, because Tenno's are (partly) infested.

Golem even says it himself: "Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh.".

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It makes perfect sense to relate these sentences, because Tenno's are (partly) infested.

Golem even says it himself: "Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh.".


I think this is probably because the infested and tenno are the probably same species; human.

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i believe lore said something along the lines of sentients using orokins own technology against them, so maybe technocyte technology is orokin but transformed by the sentients voids knowledge into a virus, then the orokins looked to the void and perfected their own technocyte technology and build the frame around the tennos aflicted by the void.  So the tenno use technocyte armor as their flesh without it being a virus, it would make sense of the infested to say you being of the same flesh, and tennos don´t have their bodies overriden by the technocyte so they are not infested.

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We're infested inside Warframes. Tenno are specifically that. The infested aren't wearing Warframes. It's like saying there are a bunch of rectangles in the room. Remove the squares. That's not saying that all rectangles are squares. But all squares are rectangles. All Tenno are Infested, really, but not all Infested are Tenno. I think that, in the Warframe lore, somehow the infestation got into the Void before the Orokin were there.

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