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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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I'm lol'ing so hard right now! The forums are a complete mess! 40 plat for an ember prime!? Awesome!


*just thinking about those poor bastards that spent all that cash on Prime Access*


Well they got more than just the prime gear you realize? With all the plat they have they could buy all the other prime gear in the game. Or just generally work the market until they double their plat.

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you can buy frost prime (complete, the four parts) BP's for 60 plat, right now, in the trading channel, go!!!

Well, damn. I was wrong. And people are incredibly stupid. I'd sell that stuff for at least 100. AT LEAST.

No need to check, I'll take your word for it. I'm not really in the mood to look through the mess that is most chat rooms.

My apologies good sir.

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So, DE makes trading Prime Parts a "thing" and it's like Tupac rose from the dead declaring that Justin Bieber is our lord and savior.


Instead of declaring that RNGesus is dead, or suggesting that everyone go play a different game because there's no way a game that experiences major updates every 2 months, and innumerable hotfixes, patches, and mini updates in between, can come back from this, why not be constructive?


Like this guy: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/182369-prime-parts-trading-the-possible-solution/


Which is, in my opinion, a very reasonable solution.


If you're still adamant about this trading fiasco, and think it's all game breaking, there's really no point in making threads that serve no purpose other than to let the rest of the community know how PO'd you are.


So, I think it's time to calm down, think logically, and start flooding the forums, not with "umg Warfram is ded!!1", but with "DE, we're pretty sure you know this is a problem, allow us to help"


I await to upvote your brilliant suggestions, because in all honesty, I got nothing other than this here motivational speech.

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this prime part trade is exactly what i said i was against having....then what do you know! i log in to warframe to find market simulator 2014, and people selling things that i spent weeks to get for like 5 plat....oh god why, this really needs to be taken out, now people who havent even seen the void have prime weapons, i can only hope that bp trading isnt going to be a thing.

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I'm lol'ing so hard right now! The forums are a complete mess! 40 plat for an ember prime!? Awesome!


*just thinking about those poor bastards that spent all that cash on Prime Access*

I happily bought the Prime Access. They could give you Ember Prime for 1 plat, and I'd still be happy. One, I like supporting the game. Two, I liked all the other stuff that came with the Prime pack. And my sexy prime cape thingy! :P

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We all hate RNG and the void drop tables. It's probably going to take a little while to move away from RNG rewards, but in the meantime, DE can alleviate the pain a little bit.

So they add trading to help out a bit, your rare bit you don't need for their rare bit they don't need. Or this for plat or whatever. Either way, RNG can be less painful now.


And what do you do?


Say the game's pointless now, screwed over the vets, and that Warframe is now Pay to win.


First off, How the Hek does any of that make any sense?

The game's pointless because people don't have to wrestle with RNG and spend more time than they really should be on getting that last little piece? If you really think that, then I have no words. If you want to go through that, by all means go ahead, but don't throw a fit when people decide to pay for convenience, which is a business model DE wants to aim for, or if people want to swap something they don't need for something their friend doesn't need.


Second off, Screwed over the veterans? Maybe.

But it's not all about you. Just because you went through the pain and frustration of RNG, it doesn't mean we shouldn't provide an alternative to people who ain't got no time fo that.


Lastly, Pay to Win?

Pay to Win?

Do you even know what it means?

Pay to Win is where a player can pay for a direct advantage over another, and warframe has basically none of this, unless you count the Founder's kit, but I personally don't count that as it's largely situational and provides a negligible bonus, Though I hate how items with unique stats are exclusive like this. But, I digress. People being able to pay for convenience is not pay to win.


Calm down, think about how it actually affects the game, stop throwing around Pay to Win like it's a catch-all-term for a business model you don't like, and provide some proper constructive feedback as opposed to whining.

Sorry for the rant, but the response i've seen to prime trading has been just appalling.


Also, DE, if you're reading this, Please do not remove prime trading. It will benefit the game in the long term and alleviates the pain of a rewards system we all hate and you want to move away from. I don't know how long it will take for you to get away from RNG, and how much you'll be able to, but this will alleviate the pain for now.

Edited by MechNexus
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