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Extortion At Its Finest.....must Read For All Up And Coming Players!


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I agree with some stuff, yet why only bp's are more expensive? they aren't any more special then any other part, and they are rare as any other part.


Also i do sell my orthos prime blade for only 100p and not less, its a rare as hell drop.


To end, it is also a free market, why wouldn't ppl pay and sell for how much they want? if there should be fixed prices DE could have made those.

Yet yes, common sense is needed for either selling or buying.

100 p?

Sold about 6 orthos blade for 5 p each.


If any of you need orthos blade, whisper me and ill sell for 5 p each.

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If price is too high for you, you dont buy then. Same with selling. If you arent satisfied with offered item or amount, you dont sell.



Nobody is forcing you to buy anything, it is your decision to do so. But some prices are really stupid, and because of that i traded new primes BPs or parts for other BPs or parts. I dont see any point in selling new primes, and i trade my extras just so i can get parts for my clanies.

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     Let me first say that i really appreciate the DEV team expanding the trading system and that I really enjoy that you can now trade for prime pieces and such...However there in lies a problem for many players.  I know farming is annoying and un-fun but honestly it will save you alot more trouble than the ridiculously crappy market ruled by children (from what it seems like).  I have been monitoring the trading channel for about 2 weeks for about 5-10min a day just kind of watching whats going on and butting out tests and offers to see  whats going on and have been really frustrated with the results.


     Short and sweet.....people are extorting the market for their gain and forcing new players to pay ridiculous amounts for plat for tiny pieces of warfarmes and guns.  New players may get taken in by the appeal of the primes but for the most degree they are only slight damage increases of their non-prime gun counterparts and the warframes are nothing special at all other than 1 more polarity and a tiny cosmetic change.  Players can get the same piece they want with alittle more farming or even a forma or two which will cost you way less than the "going rate" for most of the stuff on the market.  A regular warframe is about 200-230 plat and im being asked to pay 150 for a prime piece?.....that is ridiculous.  Please people, dont pay that for pieces and dont bend to that level of immaturity when it comes to the trading channel.  Pieces should be going for 50 or less plat and only the blueprint should be going for 100-120.  Adding its all up at each piece at 50 and the BP for 120 comes out to be 270.....which is reasonable as your gonna pay a tiny extra to skip the hours of farming.  But 150  piece?....that is 600 plat at least and not a single warframe or prime item is worth that much....EVER!!! You can get the same exact warframe for loads less than what people are asking and you can get a comparable weapon for alot less aswell.  A good example of this is people who sell off rare mods for 1000 plat and then with alittle farming get them back so now there a people (i know a few) sitting with 10,000 plat and nothing to do but let it sit there and to me thats pretty stupid.  


     So people and new players, please have some sense when trading or buying and if you've been frustrated by the lack of sense then sell with reasonable prices. Please dont be immature children and continue this pathetic pattern cuz its ruining the trading system and it is a poor reflection on your common sense.  If the tables were flipped i dont think you would want to let 150 or more plat go for a single piece.  There are a few things worth over 100 plat and they are maxed damage mods, multishot mods, and hammershot and primed chamber.  Next time your trying to buy a prime piece and you see somebody ask for 150 plat....laugh them out the door and tell them to grow up.  

DONT LISTEN TO THIS MAN! he is ownly trying to help you out in the long run, you totally dont gain exp from farming, or credits, and you dontget resource to help build things you cant buy. He is a good tenno master, burn him!

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the most i payed for anything in this game was 100 plat for the rhino chassis, and i know would be less if i wait a few weeks (so everyone paying high prices is because they lack patience, their problem in the end).


honestly i dont know why some people complain, if you are paying so much as you say for something, in the end you are not understanding the market (pay more for new shining stuff, wait until the market is flodded and you will pay less).


also you have an option, keep grinding, or you can sell stuff for plat.


i would agree (maybe) if this trade thing being the only way of getting stuff, but is not.


we have been grinding for a year now, trade is here, and is a good thing as it is.


i guess the nerfer's new objective is the market now =)

Edited by omega_phoenix
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I agree with OP but I would only pay 15p for the rhino parts 25 at max (and only if I would REALLY need it)

But I think it's so stupid that people only go for the new stuff... It's so hard to sell older prime stuff for the rhino parts

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I don't even... How in the ... ? 100-150 plat for a piece ? I'm sorry but other than the NEWEST and MOST DEMANDED 2-3 parts in the game currently, nothing is asked for that much. That's right, ASKED for, that means the real price that you can get it is way lower.

For example, the Rhino Prime Chassis (T3 survival part) was going for 50p which is pretty hard to get, the systems is next to free and the others aren't much more expensive either. And another example, I bought Mag Prime, full set, for 15 plat, then I needed 2 parts for Frost Prime, got them for 5 plat each. For weapons, the same, never payed more than 5-10 plat for a piece.

I really don't know how can someone pay over 100 plat for a part. And I don't even usually look at Trading chat, unless I want something. Write "WTB <whatever you need>" and wait a bit. You'll most likely get a PM with a ridiculously low price.

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I already had frost prime on the PS4, I bought all four of his parts at the weekend on my PC account for 130 plat.

I bought Sicarus prime and Braton prime for a combined total of 100 plat (I had farmed these also on the PS4, I saw no reason to have to do them again if I could avoid it).


The prices for parts are not that bad, I find the best thing to do is to WTB - whatever, have your price in mind and stick to it.


I was happy to pay those prices, 130 plat is like £5, (price of a sandwich and coke) so its not a huge amount of money.

Edited by (PS4)atpbx
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just make a market UI with buy orders and sell orders

that you can set for a given duration, tax/escrow included in the transaction process thru the UI 


special contracts can be made for combined items


then the market will take care of itself 

why has no one upvoted this?

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Watching the trade chat is like fishing for a good fish. You cast your line with what your looking for and when you get replies its pretty much catch and release.

ADHD version: don't listen to one guy, get multiple offers and pick the best one.

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    "Please people, dont pay that for pieces and dont bend to that level of immaturity when it comes to the trading channel."

Too late,idiots with money already did and they are doing it since the begining of the microtransactions and by extention @(*()&#036; the whole f2p and game industry in general,allowing game companies do whatever they want because there will be enough douchbags around with wallets ready to be easily open.

But is the essence of captalism,you pay what you think is fair an for some with much plat and lil brains 200 platinum for a rhino prime bp is fair enough ¬¬.

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This happens with any player-driven economy. Without a baseline set by developers, it will run however it &^$% well pleases.


Yes, when a new prime comes out the prices on hit are sky high, but ive always just bought the keys i need for them off of the trade market.


I dont really mind selling my Legendary Cores for 300p a pop, it saves me my paycheck in the long run.

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I personally like price gougers. Someone wants 200p for something I have an extra of, I immediately post the same item for 20. I get a little plat, someone gets the part they need. Life is good.

Auction house = the Devils playground.

What we need is a farmers market style trading system. I want to sell Continuity for 5p. So I place it in my virtual stall. Whoever is looking for continuity clicks on my stall and inserts 5p. It mails me the 5p and removes Continuity from my stall and mails it to the purchaser. You can even cap it out the same way trades per day now works and you put items up for sale through the trade kiosk in the dojo. You would be allowed to set your price, plat, creds, mods, keys.

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I personally like price gougers. Someone wants 200p for something I have an extra of, I immediately post the same item for 20. I get a little plat, someone gets the part they need. Life is good.

Auction house = the Devils playground.

What we need is a farmers market style trading system. I want to sell Continuity for 5p. So I place it in my virtual stall. Whoever is looking for continuity clicks on my stall and inserts 5p. It mails me the 5p and removes Continuity from my stall and mails it to the purchaser. You can even cap it out the same way trades per day now works and you put items up for sale through the trade kiosk in the dojo. You would be allowed to set your price, plat, creds, mods, keys.

except smart people dont post price in their wts ads. 

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i'd gladly pay 50 or 100 plat for a part i want /right now/ and can't get, and really don't care if it sells normally or the next day for 10. I have thousands and don't care. some have never purchased plat or packages that come with plat and earn it a few at a time with trades. they care because they don't have thousands to spare.


pretty simple stuff eh? You may as well tell me and people like me not to buy stuff so it will be more accessible and cheaper for you. to you I say no. :P

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