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People Ignore Mind Control


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Is it just me, or do people completely ignore when you've mind controlled an enemy as Nyx? Because I just spent energy to turn that leader into an ally, and you just killed him, when he could have taken down half the squad that nearly overran us. You know, no big deal. I know Chaos has a similar effect, but it costs 75 energy to use, opposed to 25, and I often don't have that much or I want to use it for something else. Really, it needs to be more obvious when an enemy is under my control so that my teammates don't kill them.

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Yes they do they also ignore energy vampire and well of life it is not going to change.


It is just a reflex kill, when I see a leader I don't think "oh he is glowing he is an ally" no I think "Oh god oh god kill it fast".

Edited by BrotherIcarus
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When i see an enemy under the effect of Mind Control, i kill him immediately on purpose.


Nyx shouldn't waste her energy on this useless ability, that's for when you play solo.

Edited by RexSol
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The main issue is that with the pace of the game, it often takes valuable moments to notice if an enemy has been mind controlled. Moments which are usually spent mowing down enemies indiscriminately. I've been a victim of having my freshly controlled victims killed, but I've also been a perpetrator of many of their killings.

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 The main problem is that it is awfully hard to identify those in mind control.

 Sometimes even myself kill my own controlled minion if I am not paying careful attention.

 I made a suggestion a couple of times about this, but my posts go largely ignored most of the time.

 For now we will have to bear with this...

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DE could make them become actual allies like with invasions, but this would be problematic to players doing said invasions or exterminates, because it could extend the length of the mission. These powers are useful but hard to use with other players, sadly. If you want to use them well with other players, I recommend finding friends that you can let know about your intention to mind control

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Make it work like Frosts SG does now; give it a few seconds of invulnerability when it's first cast. Keeping the 'power in use' means that it will eventually be vulnerable, which prevents 'turn last enemy in wave or exterm into ally' trolling.

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1) This. The game kind of teaches you to pixel hunt and kill the glowing ones. Elite enemies glow. Debuffed enemies glow. HP/Power return comes from glowing enemies.... Ash and Nyx are just unfortunate to be the rare exceptions. Even other effects that are good to avoid are sometimes a grey area, as some people will want you to target to alleviate 'Power in Use'.


2) Kill hogs permeate the whole game, and they just don't give a flying fart in space about you or what you're doing. In their mind XP is shared so you're a noob/idiot/troll for caring if they rush ahead of you and vaporize the whole game. You are just there to spawn more mobs for them. Obviously that's nonsense. XP range is limited and XP is shared BECAUSE game developers know that people are tools, not so that people can be tools. 


3) There's no reason to mind control anything or care what is mind controlled. In a really bad situation it could be considered good CC. When we have a game mode that's hard enough to care, I as a reasonable team player type, will start to avoid shooting them. Until them I'm with #1 and #2 on this.

Edited by VKhaun
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When i see an enemy under the effect of Mind Control, i kill him immediately on purpose.


Nyx shouldn't waste her energy on this useless ability, that's for when you play solo.

A Leader, Grineer heavy unit, or an Ancient can really help a team. They need to make the Mind Controlled enemies unkillable until the effect wears off.


So don't be a $&*^ to other players. $&*^.

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You know, what would actually be a cool idea, is if mind control was as such:


You cast mind control on an enemy, and it causes them to become an ally, completely--they cannot attack your team, they cannot be attacked by your team, they act just like any invasion ally we have.


The catch would be that they take steady DoT, such that when the power expires, if no enemy has killed them yet, they perish immediately.


The damage should probably be exponential such that the longer they're under mind control, the more damage they take--a set percent of whatever they have left, with the final tick being 100%. So, say, 5 ticks, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, all measured against "how much HP they have left", so a fresh minion would only be harmed slightly, but older ones would be highly vulnerable.

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Everyone Shoots Mindcontrolled units, and chaos units (unless its the last one that prevents you from using chaos)

They will also prematurely kill Vampired and WoL targets.

And Bladestorm Marks

And frozen enemies about to get hit with the second part of Avalanche

Also enemies that are about to get hit with the damage portion of Crush.

This also include anything you are about to sneak attack.


This is because they look different and/or shiney, therfore they should be shot first.

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Re: the team-switch idea... no. Just no. Do not feed the trolls.


Imagine running into an Exterminate Invasion for a Catalyst BP reward, and your team has a Nyx that keeps immediately casting Mind Control on the last living Bombard. Over and over, as soon as it expires, it's cast again, not allowing you to kill it.



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 The main problem is that it is awfully hard to identify those in mind control.

 Sometimes even myself kill my own controlled minion if I am not paying careful attention.

 I made a suggestion a couple of times about this, but my posts go largely ignored most of the time.

 For now we will have to bear with this...


Trust me. Even if your teammate know that enemy is mind controlled, they'll still kill him without hesitation.

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Re: the team-switch idea... no. Just no. Do not feed the trolls.


Imagine running into an Exterminate Invasion for a Catalyst BP reward, and your team has a Nyx that keeps immediately casting Mind Control on the last living Bombard. Over and over, as soon as it expires, it's cast again, not allowing you to kill it.



Actually, once you've used mind control on an enemy, it seems that you can't use it on the same one again.


I, personally, am I fan of the "ally when controlled, die when effect wears off" idea.

Edited by Basilo
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Re: the team-switch idea... no. Just no. Do not feed the trolls.


Imagine running into an Exterminate Invasion for a Catalyst BP reward, and your team has a Nyx that keeps immediately casting Mind Control on the last living Bombard. Over and over, as soon as it expires, it's cast again, not allowing you to kill it.



Mind control, at that point, should kill the enemy after its duration finishes. Sort of an exploding neural system.

Edited by Vaskadar
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When i see an enemy under the effect of Mind Control, i kill him immediately on purpose.


Nyx shouldn't waste her energy on this useless ability, that's for when you play solo.


Making a Bombard or Ancient Healer fight on your side is a useless ability? Interesting strategy you have there.

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If only it people would act like its a normal enemy. I would call it an improvement, but just like energy vampire most think its some kind of "SHOOT THIS GUY" effect and stop everything they do just to kill this one shield drone or buffing leader.

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