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We Want A Railgun Megathread!


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What? How? Lanka only does 200 charge, right? How does that compare to 600 charged?

Keep in mind the Ogris uses blast damage base IIRC, which severely limits synergy. Since Lanka has electric base, all you have to do is throw max Serration, Point Strike, Vital Sense, some toxin, some electricity and some secret ingredients for obscene damage. In any event, Lanka does 250.

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It looks like... an assault rifle. Really. 1950 assault rifle (cranks? Really?). No offense, but we need to make it seem even more futuristic. Warframe doesnt really seem like a salvage-end of the world thing, right?

no its a special gauss rifle from Fallout NV you can only get it in the PC addition with codes I also miss spelled it, the Faderator is what I ment


Edited by Sasoka
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A rail gun could insta-kill yourself in a mission just like an ogris can but just way more op and destructive.

I like the idea of having a danger to yourself component in using the Railgun. Such a powerfull weapon should definetly be a threat to it´s user as well, just for firing it. Also since realworld Railguns destroy their own shell after 1-2 shots it would only fit the concept of the weapon!^^

A rail gun could insta-kill yourself in a mission just like an ogris can but just way more op and destructive.

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It looks like... an assault rifle. Really. 1950 assault rifle (cranks? Really?). No offense, but we need to make it seem even more futuristic. Warframe doesnt really seem like a salvage-end of the world thing, right?

When I posted that image, I was just saying that it was my favorite video game gauss rifle, not that warframe should use it's design.


On the topic of Gauss/coil guns vs rail guns, While the lanka might not be the rail gun it's advertised as... I believe we might actually already have a set of gauss guns in game:




It's kind of a stretch, but the spines on the boltors might not be just for decoration, they might actually be weird modified semiconductor coils, although the theory also falls short when you look at the bolto which doesn't have them.

Edited by rapt0rman
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I like this very much! Great Thread overall and i definetly think that either the MOA´s need to change completely, to earn their Name as "Railgun" MOA´s or the regular MOA´s are kept and a new heavy MOA Unit shall be created with an actuall Railgun on top of their hopefully more tanky body.

I´d love to see this, could even be made into a boss, that drops the part for "our" Railgun.^^

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I do have a concept for a form of a heavy weapon, not grineer, they have enough of those. The weapon is of Corpus design. It's pretty much what it would look like as a model(no UV Mapping has been done). If I get a chance to, I'll upload a image on photobucket and post it in a seperate thread. I think it would be a ok look for a heavy Corpus weapon.

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Another Passenger on the Railgun Hype Train! XD



Needs moar hype.


In seriousness, three things need to be addressed.  

First of all; people need to look at the Lanka and quit calling it a railgun.  The weapon description clearly points out it's a coilgun for anyone who knows the difference between such and a railgun.  


Secondly; a true railgun needs to be added to the game.


Third: The hype train needs to pick up more passengers.  

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Just saw this topic so I'll repost this here.




I think we should just tweak the Lanka to not suck so much and be a proper railgun. We have enough useless/mediocre weapons as is. Or just make a new model, whatever. I just don't want to see useless arguing over terminology, that's energy better spent coming up with neat ideas for gun functions first, then name it whatever.


Here's an idea/gimmick for the railgun:


-Fully charged shots can cause enemy shields to explode on impact (40% of the time or whatever)

-Shields exploded this way deal blast damage + a percentage of the shield's remaining "health" to all nearby enemies

-The stronger the shield, the more intense the explosion (larger blast radius and damage, fancier graphical effects lol)


It's a simple mechanism in line with the rest of the Warframe weapon designs, it's interesting, and it's useful. It would also look freaking cool lol


Uncharged shots have enough punch-through to pierce 1 enemy. Half charged pierce 3 enemies. Fully charged shots pierce 6 enemies or whatever.


The railgun doesn't have to be huge. The Dera would be sweet as a railgun for example.

Edited by DarkTails
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Just saw this topic so I'll repost this here.




I think we should just tweak the Lanka to not suck so much and be a proper railgun. We have enough useless/mediocre weapons as is. Or just make a new model, whatever. I just don't want to see useless arguing over terminology, that's energy better spent coming up with neat ideas for gun functions first, then name it whatever.


Here's an idea/gimmick for the railgun:


-Fully charged shots can cause enemy shields to explode on impact (40% of the time or whatever)

-Shields exploded this way deal blast damage + a percentage of the shield's remaining "health" to all nearby enemies

-The stronger the shield, the more intense the explosion (larger blast radius and damage, fancier graphical effects lol)


It's a simple mechanism in line with the rest of the Warframe weapon designs, it's interesting, and it's useful. It would also look freaking cool lol


Uncharged shots have enough punch-through to pierce 1 enemy. Half charged pierce 3 enemies. Fully charged shots pierce 6 enemies or whatever.


The railgun doesn't have to be huge. The Dera would be sweet as a railgun for example.

The Lanka is a coilgun, not a railgun.  it's stated in the description.  Please note my edit in my OP here; https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/208845-railgun-weapon-concept/ 


The Dera Model however, is close, but it's design in having non-parallel rails suggests it is a plasma rifle / PPC (particle projection cannon.)  A railgun requires parallel rails, however as a magnetic guidance and acceleration platform, the 3 non-parallel rails would work for the purposes of guiding plasma or subatomic particles.  

Edited by Evariskitsune
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I don't really care what the model looks like or what the terms are. As long as it works sort of like it should and the model sort of fits I'm fine with it, anything to just get the damn thing done. Focusing on non-issues is why S#&$ never gets done.

Edited by DarkTails
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I don't really care what the model looks like or what the terms are. As long as it works sort of like it should and the model sort of fits I'm fine with it, anything to just get the damn thing done. Focusing on non-issues is why S#&$ never gets done.

Except the Lanka does not work like it should were it a railgun (which it's not.) and the Dera fits the damage of a PPC alongside the model also showing this.  (aside from lacking magnetic damage, the puncture damage focus and design fit.)

Edited by Evariskitsune
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