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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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See? This is why I don't buy into Hype.


I go into everything Pre-Disappointed. That way, if something is good, or decent, or whatever, I'm genuinely surprised. If not, then I lost out on nothing.


Still, I do find this to be in bad taste. At least FROMsoftware didn't mince things around when they were releasing demos of Dark Souls 2. At least they actually said "We want to release right now, but we can't get the different systems behind the game to play nicely with each other. So unfortunately the game has to be delayed until we can untangle the guts so that you get the best experience possible."


My advice, DE, if you'll take it: Run a rotating Skeleton Crew. Only the people who ABSOLUTELY NEED TO BE IN THE OFFICE should be in the office. The rest of the Warframe team should take some time off.

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You'd be surprised how quickly things can become out of your control completely when working on films and games.

Please do me a favor and stop acting so ''oh DE look at me I support you fully and im your best supporter, notice me DE-senpai''. You arent fooling anyone.

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if you can't meet a deadline, don't set a deadline.


Honestly, I was surprised when this website first went up, because I honestly hadn't been expecting it this soon, not with the numerous delays and their "we're not going to set a date" mantra. Hopefully they don't do any more of these. It was cool, certainly, but it's not worth it if it's going to end in disappointment.

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I'm not mad, though I was hyping along with everyone else. There's other games I can play in the meantime, especially since a friend explained to me how much I've been missing in PSO2.


Though, I am curious as to what happened to delay the update.

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Gotta say...all signs pointed to U13 being released today. I was thoroughly hornswaggled. The saltiness flows through me and my jimmies are rustled. 


That said, it's better that they told us that it's not happening this week (would have been easier for us for it to happen a couple days earlier...). It could easily have been worse by everyone counting down the seconds giddily only to have it...silently...not happen..

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We have a world falling apart, a president unable to lead, and a country that stood for two hundred and fifty years surviving a civil war and 2 world wars threatening to fall apart due to eight years of one man.


This world is #*($%%@ up enough that people can BELIEVE a company is THAT messed up.


I'm thoroughly confused as to the relevance of this post to update 13. I don't actually even know what it's talking about.

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Please do me a favor and stop acting so ''oh DE look at me I support you fully and im your best supporter, notice me DE-senpai''. You arent fooling anyone.

I don't give a toss about that. I just find the behaviour in this thread completely overly-volatile and immature.

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For the majority of you who are taking your anger out on the DE, please do realise that they are probably trying to get U13 done as fast as possible. I believe they didn't wanted to delay this either....

We are all hyped for the new update, I am hyped for the new updated as well, I am as disappointed as most of you on the forums now. Nevertheless I don't think we should react that way.

Another thing is about the apology alert, most of you are complaining that is it not enough. What is enough then? Release an unpolished update to be flamed once again? Think about it in a more collected manner, do you wish to see that happening? I am sure you don't, correct? Unless you do then I've got nothing to say.

"Don't expect, it's better to be surprised than disappointed." I guess this quotes really fit in now for the majority of you.



yeah but something really wrong actually



The count down.. a count down cant be done with RNG 

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Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.

For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.

Of course, anyone who actually cares about the game will be fine with a week! :) It was just the confusion of whether it was postponed or not that bothered me. There was no clear communication other than the word "preview" in the Devstream post and a timer in Grineer numerals that most people don't necessarily understand. I think to avoid backlash from core players it would be best to make a clear announcement regarding the delay rather than leaving it up to people to guess. Will there be any update today?

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I'm not mad, though I was hyping along with everyone else. There's other games I can play in the meantime, especially since a friend explained to me how much I've been missing in PSO2.


Though, I am curious as to what happened to delay the update.


Probably the same thing that's always happened: Melee 2.0 isn't ready, they want to add more stuff to make it "awesomer", etc. That, plus the addition of Badlands. If it's this bloated, maybe they're better off making a new game.

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whats one more month?  or two? like the previous ones?     im kinda , well not mad but , actually yes im mad scince im waiting for so damn long i mean i Can understand that its  ton of work to fulfill but seriously  im slowly getting tired of waiting :(


Oh man, trust me.  My first reaction to the timer at the end was, "Oh, maybe it's counting down the hours!"  But then an hour or two went by and the numbers hadn't counted down any further, and that's when the disappointment really sinked in.  It sucks.


But, what can we do about it?  We can't force them to release the update if they've replanned things.  So what's all the rage and bile and whatnot on the forums going to do?  What can we do but wait?  We're mad now, but what's going to happen when they do release Update 13?  Everyone's going to love DE again.  It's like watching sports fans watching their favorite team.  Everyone's all rooting for them when they do well, but one screw up and everyone's shouting at the TV.


And don't spout crap about me being some "white knight."  I consider myself a rationalist.

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By all means, take your time! I'd rather wait another week or two and get a polished, less buggy U13 than a steaming hot mess of broken dreams. :)

you really think if they NEED another week its going to be polished ? :DD sorry for sounding so bitter but yeah  lots of stuff where better in closed beta  less hype and more fun n stuff xD

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+1000000 If I talked to a customer this way at my job after messing up as badly as they just did, I would probably lose my job.

100% agree.  I would be fired on the spot.  They can't give us 3 alerts and expect everything to be smeckledorfin' ok.  It doesn't work like that.


At this point I don't know what will be first, Half-Life 3 or U13.

I'm guessing Half-Life 3.  If they delay it again I don't even know what I will do with the rage inside o' me.



It's not a game.  It's life.  Warframe is my life. Period.

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Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.

For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.


Sorry but you guys clearly should have realized much quicker it wasnt going to be delivered today and could have made the screen releases on the hype site be released later on, to make it at least look as if you didnt SCREW up.


Its quite disappointing, and this post is rather cold tbh. Not only that, its the only dev answer until now, which is ridiculous with all the hype that was built by DEs staff actions.

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