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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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I can't stop laughing at this happening after April Fools.


The coincidences.  And I don't even believe in coincidences.


But damn.  I feel DE's pain.


It is straight bullS#&$....not the fact they delayed it but the fact they were forced to..I know they didn't want this to happen

This is true but even though I know it is not their fault doesn't change fact that I am saddened by the delay.  And to DE may the issue be easy to resolve and fixed in a timely manner. ;)

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I'm reading through these posts and some of them are very angry. It makes me very sad to see a portion of the Warframe Community is so... vile.


"Oh! If there's not an update in the next 7 days DE will see a S#&$storm of mad!"


"Warframe keeps me going! It keeps me from killing myself. You're making me want to kill myself."


I mean, come on guys. DE wanted to cater to the demands the community has been throwing at them. They decided to do U13 MEGAUPDATE, featuring three times what we normally get. We should've expected a bunch of hiccups.


Let them do it right, so we aren't all screaming about the glitches and demanding they hotfix every ten minutes.

So very, very true.

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I know this will just get buried under every other post here, but I'd like to give my final stance and post on this thread.


Back in late January/early February, there was talks and soon release of Melee 2.0. I didn't expect anything except for a few new melee and animations, at the most.


Now, over the past 2-3 months, because of all this hype created by the forums, DE has been delaying it constantly, over and over. Sure, they wanted to add some new melee system, new weapons, animations, and then it exploded.


Now we are expecting not only melee 2.0 in U13, but also new tileset, Warframe and possibly even new bosses(Grineer Queens) as well.


DE, I still don't expect much out of U13, honestly I'm only looking forward to the new Warframe, but this is seriously getting out of hand. You can't promote a week long teaser, then delay the update again, without telling us why. Why was U13 delayed? Why are we being left alone in the dark? Was it the new Warframe that caused the delay? Melee 2.0? Tileset bugs? WHAT?!


At the end of it, my excitement(there wasn't really any to begin with) for the new update has gone down so much that I feel like going on hiatus again, for the second time. DE, let Rebecca do her job. Let her tell us what is going on and why it is happening, that's her job as community manager.


As to everyone saying "it's just a game", yes, you are right, it's just a game, but not everyone that plays video games also has other forms of entertainment. I refuse to watch TV because of the asinine ads and lack of content, so I play video games and watch the occasional anime that interests me and watch a couple YouTube videos a day. So video games are a big part of my life and have been for the past ~15 years(I'm a senior in high school btw).


To me, and many others, video games are our only source of entertainment, and I enjoy playing video games. Warframe has been the only game that is fair and challenging. I've sunk in ~940 hours so far, and I've been around since U7/8.


DE, I'm disappointed by the lack of communication provided here. When you don't communicate with us, you make us feel as if we are talking to CoD devs, giving us vague responses and explanations.


Good luck with the fixing of the update, I might be able to enjoy it next week, but I'm already going to guess it's going to be delayed, again, next week.


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I really think they need to give a PSA about what caused the week delay.   Did they know about this delay yesterday?  Or 3 days ago?  Did it literally happen just NOW?  If it happened just now then why wait an entire week?  But..I dunno..judging from the threads and comments I don't think the Head Hancho's will make an announcement. 

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I know this will just get buried under every other post here, but I'd like to give my final stance and post on this thread.


Back in late January/early February, there was talks and soon release of Melee 2.0. I didn't expect anything except for a few new melee and animations, at the most.


Now, over the past 2-3 months, because of all this hype created by the forums, DE has been delaying it constantly, over and over. Sure, they wanted to add some new melee system, new weapons, animations, and then it exploded.


Now we are expecting not only melee 2.0 in U13, but also new tileset, Warframe and possibly even new bosses(Grineer Queens) as well.


DE, I still don't expect much out of U13, honestly I'm only looking forward to the new Warframe, but this is seriously getting out of hand. You can't promote a week long teaser, then delay the update again, without telling us why. Why was U13 delayed? Why are we being left alone in the dark? Was it the new Warframe that caused the delay? Melee 2.0? Tileset bugs? WHAT?!


At the end of it, my excitement(there wasn't really any to begin with) for the new update has gone down so much that I feel like going on hiatus again, for the second time. DE, let Rebecca do her job. Let her tell us what is going on and why it is happening, that's her job as community manager.


As to everyone saying "it's just a game", yes, you are right, it's just a game, but not everyone that plays video games also has other forms of entertainment. I refuse to watch TV because of the asinine ads and lack of content, so I play video games and watch the occasional anime that interests me and watch a couple YouTube videos a day. So video games are a big part of my life and have been for the past ~15 years(I'm a senior in high school btw).


To me, and many others, video games are our only source of entertainment, and I enjoy playing video games. Warframe has been the only game that is fair and challenging. I've sunk in ~940 hours so far, and I've been around since U7/8.


DE, I'm disappointed by the lack of communication provided here. When you don't communicate with us, you make us feel as if we are talking to CoD devs, giving us vague responses and explanations.


Good luck with the fixing of the update, I might be able to enjoy it next week, but I'm already going to guess it's going to be delayed, again, next week.


everything in this post applies to myself as well

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I know this will just get buried under every other post here, but I'd like to give my final stance and post on this thread.


Back in late January/early February, there was talks and soon release of Melee 2.0. I didn't expect anything except for a few new melee and animations, at the most.


Now, over the past 2-3 months, because of all this hype created by the forums, DE has been delaying it constantly, over and over. Sure, they wanted to add some new melee system, new weapons, animations, and then it exploded.


Now we are expecting not only melee 2.0 in U13, but also new tileset, Warframe and possibly even new bosses(Grineer Queens) as well.


DE, I still don't expect much out of U13, honestly I'm only looking forward to the new Warframe, but this is seriously getting out of hand. You can't promote a week long teaser, then delay the update again, without telling us why. Why was U13 delayed? Why are we being left alone in the dark? Was it the new Warframe that caused the delay? Melee 2.0? Tileset bugs? WHAT?!


At the end of it, my excitement(there wasn't really any to begin with) for the new update has gone down so much that I feel like going on hiatus again, for the second time. DE, let Rebecca do her job. Let her tell us what is going on and why it is happening, that's her job as community manager.


As to everyone saying "it's just a game", yes, you are right, it's just a game, but not everyone that plays video games also has other forms of entertainment. I refuse to watch TV because of the asinine ads and lack of content, so I play video games and watch the occasional anime that interests me and watch a couple YouTube videos a day. So video games are a big part of my life and have been for the past ~15 years(I'm a senior in high school btw).


To me, and many others, video games are our only source of entertainment, and I enjoy playing video games. Warframe has been the only game that is fair and challenging. I've sunk in ~940 hours so far, and I've been around since U7/8.


DE, I'm disappointed by the lack of communication provided here. When you don't communicate with us, you make us feel as if we are talking to CoD devs, giving us vague responses and explanations.


Good luck with the fixing of the update, I might be able to enjoy it next week, but I'm already going to guess it's going to be delayed, again, next week.

The reason they had to delay was because they found a major problem or something in the update that just appeared today and thus could not release it because it would have ruined the update. Better they fix and then release next week and I agree the delay could have been handled better but o well.

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Perfect use of the gif.


I expect nothing today. The alert isn't worth doing, not worth the hassle of getting the BP then farming the resources to make it, especially when I have 20+ Forma BP I still need to make and have ZERO Neruodes and Neural Sensors. 

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I don't think they need a week to fix I think they need a day but the have to release updates on Wednesdays


The whole reason update were moved from Fridays to Wednesdays is to give time for testing and getting out hotfixes before the weekend hits. Let's say this big issue is fixed by tomorrow afternoon and they can theoretically release - that's still a whole day and a half to seek out large issues that need immediate hotfixes - most of which are discovered within the first few hours of a large update being released.


Alas no, they don't have to stick strictly to the Wednesday schedule religiously, especially under these volatile circumstances. I'm convinced they really need all that time to make repairs from now till next Wednesday.

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