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Isn't It Time To Raise The Mod Slot Amount On Frames And Weapons?


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Because there is no variety


Mods like intruder , maglev, stamina mods should have 2 or 3 slots of their own and their own polarity.


They shouldn't interfere with the main build.


And even the mian build isn't diverse enough

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So you think it's cool that 90% of the community will share the same build on everything and that half of the available mod pool is ignored because its sub par?

Its not like Im asking to just add free mod slots...What I want is a chance for those weak mods to actually get a chance.


Or they could actually make those mods useful and worth the slot. You want a slot for Mag slide? Intruder? You know what will happen? Everyone will stick on Rush and stamina increasing mods or Parry and Reflection and still run a full power build. Nothing will change.

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Seriously....so many people aren't even reading the thread and rant about how I just want to make the game easier by adding more free modslots....EH.

Being able to read is a powerful skill.... try doing it sometime xD.

On the other hand...darn...this blew up.

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You would be right except reasons were given it wasn't just No. How about addressing the point instead of dismissing it as stupid?

Because that first response guy didn't seem to have read/understood what I wanted.

The limitations right now are actually too harsh because there are too many essential/strong mods.

Intruder, Maglev, Single Resists, Aviator and many more mods will never find a real reason to be used. Not allowing us to use those correctly is not a limitation....but cutting away MORE than half of the mod pool...and the biggest part of the mod pool just being there to dilute the loot tables.

Example: I think Im going to use the Provoked mod in my build...because I'm definitely going to be killed more anyway now that I replaced my redirection mod with that. (yea....thats pretty much what happens if you use those oddball mods) Then I add Undying will so I can stay in the bleedout state even longer and deal mad dps with nothing but my pistols while stuck in some corner...HELL YEA...wait...no....that's actually terrible.

(Let's not mention that bleedout only happens in party play...so while solo playing I just waste 2 mod slots..huehuehuehue)

Edited by Shehriazad
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a suggestion i have would be to turn the damae-mods (hornet/pointblank/serration) into a separate slot akin to auras, right now those are just a mandatory slot you will never be able to use differently

they wouldnt even have to give power, just not cost power...

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Because that first response guy didn't seem to have read/understood what I wanted.

The limitations right now are actually too harsh because there are too many essential/strong mods.

Intruder, Maglev, Single Resists, Aviator and many more mods will never find a real reason to be used. Not allowing us to use those correctly is not a limitation....but cutting away MORE than half of the mod pool...and the biggest part of the mod pool just being there to dilute the loot tables.

Example: I think Im going to use the Provoked mod in my build...because I'm definitely going to be killed more anyway now that I replaced my redirection mod with that. (yea....thats pretty much what happens if you use those oddball mods) Then I add Undying will so I can stay in the bleedout state even longer and deal mad dps with nothing but my pistols while stuck in some corner...HELL YEA...wait...no....that's actually terrible.

(Let's not mention that bleedout only happens in party play...so while solo playing I just waste 2 mod slots..huehuehuehue)

I see your point (and I read your post) I and the poster I was defending just do not agree with you. You want more mod slots so you can use your utility without sacrificing the so called "required" mods. I do not believe any mods are required. Though the the tendency is to take the path of least resistance it is still a choice. Yes removing some mods for more utility will hurt it also adds challenge. It is completely possible for a player to become good enough to not need some of the required mods it just necessitates them rising to the challenge.

Despite your stated intention of not making the game easier you are failing to see that is in essence what your suggestion would do. Because you can't see that point somehow doesn't mean that people who can didnt read your post.

Beyond that yes you would be silly to use a bleed out mod in solo. That doesn't change with your utility slot. (So I wasted your utility slot huehuehuehuehue snark is unbecoming)

To give you an example my rushing Loki is all utility and duration. It works quite well for what I designed it for and wouldn't if I included more than 1 or 2 "essential mods" depending on what mods you classify that way.

Edited by NevanChambers
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I see your point (and I read your post) I and the poster I was defending just do not agree with you. You want more mod slots so you can use your utility without sacrificing the so called "required" mods. I do not believe any mods are required. Though the the tendency is to take the path of least resistance it is still a choice. Yes removing some mods for more utility will hurt it also adds challenge. It is completely possible for a player to become good enough to not need some of the required mods it just necessitates them rising to the challenge.

Despite your stated intention of not making the game easier you are failing to see that is in essence what your suggestion would do. Because you can't see that point somehow doesn't mean that people who can didnt read your post.

Beyond that yes you would be silly to use a bleed out mod in solo. That doesn't change with your utility slot. (So I wasted your utility slot huehuehuehuehue snark is unbecoming)

To give you an example my rushing Loki is all utility and duration. It works quite well for what I designed it for and wouldn't if I included more than 1 or 2 "essential mods" depending on what mods you classify that way.

You're still ignoring the fact that at least half of the mods in the game are never used. And if you're so against giving them their spot, then DE should just delete them.

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So you think on frames the 2 shield/health mods are not required?

And on primary and secondary weapons the damage base mods are unncessesary?

Then tell me how you plan on fighting any of the missions as soon as the enemy level is above 25.

The only frame that could somehow get away with that is Trinity. Every other frame gets shafted.

Survival and Defense Missions will also become impossible as you will be unable to kill anything fast enough.

Things will oneshot you pretty fast as well.

Seriously....this is not about not wanting to sacrifice anything so I can use the utility mods. Either you use the essentials...or you can not run certain content anymore. (Tell me how it's going to be possible to run long survival or defense beyond 15 minutes/20 rounds anymore)

Even kill missions would becomse insanely hard to a point where it becomes frustrating...

You're acting like using those base mods would only be an option...while it's pretty much required if you want to get anywhere with a high level.

I dare you to do a 35-70 minute survival without any damage mods and without the shield/health mods equipped...

To give you an idea:

Let's take away Serration and Multishot from the Boltor Prime. We will add Hush and Rifle Aptitude.

Dps before 17K

Dps after 3.2K

Good luck with that weapon. Not only will you be out of ammo after killing 1 highlevel heavy unit...you will also have problems actually surviving a battle with that heavy unit.

Edited by Shehriazad
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You're still ignoring the fact that at least half of the mods in the game are never used. And if you're so against giving them their spot, then DE should just delete them.

Yeh...I don't see how there can even be a "no" as answer to making unused mods into utility mods...those wouldn't even necessarily give you any real power boost (which is the main reason they aren't used).

People just fear change in general it seems. If they really stood behind that decision then they could just ask for the deletion of all of these mods and remove the fake diversity...

Which would be a shame...because the mods for diversity exist...just not a realistic way to use them without screwing yourself over.

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Didn't read, but:


Primary Aura Slots:


Increase weapon capacity for all players.


Increase reload speed for all players.


Decrease recoil for all players.



or if that doesn't work:


Weapon Stance:


Increase firerate while decreasing damage/accuracy.


Decrease firerate while increasing damage/accuracy.


Increase proc chance while decreasing crit chance/damage.





You know?

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To give you an idea:

Let's take away Serration and Multishot from the Boltor Prime. We will add Hush and Rifle Aptitude.

Dps before 17K

Dps after 3.2K

Good luck with that weapon. Not only will you be out of ammo after killing 1 highlevel heavy unit...you will also have problems actually surviving a battle with that heavy unit.



Or you could do something like adding the the stealth damage multiplier too hush, to actually make it worth a damn. 


Adding extra slots doesn't change that the mod is still crap, what mods are you going to select as utility mods? Anything which doesn't include damage? Rush? Clearly it's utility, it's also one of the most useful mods in the game. So what's your selection criteria going to be? It looks like you're arbitrarily selecting mods which aren't useful and letting people add them.


Which people won't because it sucks up capacity, or if you're going to increase capacity, people still won't because it's better to equip actual usable mods without having to use a forma. 


This is what I mean by gimmicky crap, a lot don't actually do anything and wanting to stick them in doesn't fix anything and just increases the frame capacity to push in more mods or higher rnk mods without formas

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Oh this one again...


I'll just leave that here:




Grey slots would be obtained through Focus or Super-Forma/Super Catalysator or whatever somebody could come up with. The rest is pretty self-explanatory.


Polarities resemble which type it is... Utility/Ability/Elemental/Reliability/Aura and so on... Forma'ing wouldn't change the polarity on a slot anymore. They are fixed, but what Forma'ing does is halfing the Mod-costs for that slot.


Would only need to change the damn polarities on the mods to work and some basic rebalancing of some mod values.


But the major problem with all the complains and feedback on the Mod/damage system and as to why there's nothing going to change:


DE doesn't think about the problem anyways so it's pretty much wasted time because they don't think there's any problem with build diversity. Instead they continue to sh*t out some more Damage mods and eventually people end up only using V-mods + V-polarized weapons.


I bet some plat on the fact that the next Event where they release some new Dual-Stat mods will be again something damage related with V-polarity.

Edited by MeduSalem
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In my honest opinion, the problem is not the mod slots restriction, it's the fact that some mods really need some buffs (fast hands, Quickdraw, ammo drum, etc)

I don't think you even fully evaluated what you are saying. Even if my reload is less than 1 second, even if fast hand mod gives me the ability to not reload (like it ever would) is it even logical to trade away about 90% of your damage for that ability? It is firstly not even logical, and thus it would base on statistics not even affect the decision of mod usage.


Although some people may use the mods, no 'logical' player(which consist of your playerbase majority) even consider trading damage for an ability that does not add to any form of damage, worse it lowers your overall total damage you can dish out with a slight change to your damage per minute ,maybe?



Oh this one again...


I'll just leave that here:




Grey slots would be obtained through Focus or Super-Forma/Super Catalysator or whatever somebody could come up with. The rest is pretty self-explanatory.


Polarities resemble which type it is... Utility/Ability/Elemental/Reliability/Aura and so on... Forma'ing wouldn't change the polarity on a slot anymore. They are fixed, but what Forma'ing does is halfing the Mod-costs for that slot.


Would only need to change the damn polarities on the mods to work and some basic rebalancing of some mod values.


But the major problem with all the complains and feedback on the Mod/damage system and as to why there's nothing going to change:


DE doesn't think about the problem anyways so it's pretty much wasted time because they don't think there's any problem with build diversity. Instead they continue to sh*t out some more Damage mods and eventually people end up only using V-mods + V-polarized weapons.


I bet some plat on the fact that the next Event where they release some new Dual-Stat mods will be again something damage related with V-polarity.

I would not say that DE doesn't think it is a problem, they know it is a problem, the fact they know is how they are struggling with distributing mods in current enemy pools and receiving complaints. The fact they are not implementing a new damage mod system is that it will take alot of time where alot of coding, like alot upon lots of coding will be changed and alot of resources, hundreds of hours upon hours of assets will be thrown away, from UI layout, models, scripts of how the mod system actually works to make room for a new one like this. On top of that there is going to be hundreds of hours of more coding and work which means it is going to cost them alot of money.


The reason DE wishes to not change from their current modding system is that when they did change from the skill tree system, it had cost them alot of resources to do so and as such they know it is not very efficient unless it is 100% necessary. Although your suggestion does try to work on their current system without having to remove as much assets as possible, it is still going to be very costly, and if it is not going to be worth the companies growth and stability, it is never going to be implemented.

Edited by Jacate
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