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If You Won't Change Them... (Login Rewards Feedback)


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...could we at least see the probabilities for the login rewards?


This is an issue I've been rather vocal about and I hate repeating myself, but I've seriously been reduced to farming the daily login for the Gorgon blueprint. The Gorgon is the last item, period, I have left to obtain, and I have no control over when I do.


So if it won't be moved to the market (as I very seriously believe it should) could we at least see the likelihood of each reward? The 3-6 day rewards pool is much more succinct than the 7+ day one, and can roll blueprint rewards, so if my chances are even marginally better I will reset my login once a week until I get the gorgon, but as it stands I have to assume I'm just as likely by continuing my streak.


Ballparking here, but I'd estimate the 7+ day roll percentages to be something along the lines of:


Affinity: 90%

Credits: 9.99%

Platinum discount: 0.005%

Void key: 0.002%

Forma/blueprint: 0.001%

Catalyst/Reactor: 0.001%

Blueprint: 0.001%


And I am not being facetious in the slightest. I've maintained my streak for... three months? More or less.

I've gotten one void key, a banshee blueprint, I think two or three platinum discounts and otherwise strictly affinity (for my rank 30 gear, it won't even have the decency to roll for my gear between formae) with the more occasional credit reward.


So if the real problem won't be fixed I'd at least like to know if there's a more effective means of farming this.


EDIT: I will now be logging my daily login reward rolls here. Still maintaining my 7+ streak.

15 May 2014: Primary Weapon XP

16 May 2014: Suit Item XP

17 May 2014: Banshee Research (!)

18 May 2014: Sentinel Item XP

19 May 2014: Sentinel Item XP

20 May 2014: Primary Weapon XP

21 May 2014: Glaive Blueprint (!)

22 May 2014: Banshee Research (?)

23 May 2014: Suit Item XP

24 May 2014: Secondary Weapon XP

25 May 2014: 48-hr 20% platinum discount

26 May 2014: Secondary Weapon XP

27 May 2014: Sentinel Item XP

28 May 2014: Sentinel Weapon XP

29 May 2014: Suit Item XP

30 May 2014: 10,000 Credits

31 May 2014: Suit Item XP

1 June 2014: Forma (!!!)

2 June 2014: Forma (!?!)

3 June 2014: Primary Weapon XP

4 June 2014: Sentinel Item XP

5 June 2014: Primary Weapon XP

6 June 2014: Suit Item XP

7 June 2014: 48-hr 20% platinum discount

8 June 2014: Sentinel Item XP

9 June 2014: Secondary Weapon XP

10 June 2014: Sentinel Item XP

11 June 2014: Forma (...)



And for clarity's sake, this entire post is largely caustic sarcasm / satire. I am not truly so disgruntled about not being able to obtain a terrible weapon for my own sake - rather, I'm seeking an explanation for why it is the way it is, or for a fix, for the sake and prosperity of this game I so dearly love. I want this game to do well, truly, but it's damned near insulting to new players.

Nothing should be exclusive to an RNG lock like this. There is no gameplay involved in obtaining a Gorgon blueprint in its current state.

Edited by Seele
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I feel it worth mentioning that there are RNG locks within the RNG locks.


I simplified the list above, but obviously the 0.001% chance of rolling a Catalyst or Reactor is split to a 0.0005% chance for either.


Throw in the absurd amount of blueprints which are available on the market or alerts anyway and the numbers get hilariously small. How do I do a little negative exponent thingie on here? Is there an alt code for it?

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i have received probably 3 or 4 gorgon bps.. and more 20% plat discounts then i could ever keep track of.. but then again i had the 7 day login rewards for 3-4 months straight lol

I'm glad the system was kinder to you than it's been to me.


I just don't see the reason behind rolling these loaded dice, only once a day, for the sake of completion. The weapon isn't even worth it, it's completely inferior to the Gorgon Wraith, which is again not the best weapon in the game either, rather far from it.

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I rolled a Forma and a Void Key both on 1-Star rolls this past week, I was like "Woo-hoo I musta hit the lottery!" I didn't even know it was possible to get Forma/T1 Keys on a 1-Star roll.

Edited by Xylia
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And i though i was going to open the topic and see another "If you won't change them" + "Then i will stop playing". :P


I dont see why i would want access to a list of possible drops of the login screen. It wont ease your frustration if you get Weapon XP on a Rank 30 weapon anyways.

I think they should add more 4 stars and completely remove Credit/Affinity drops for those tiers.

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And i though i was going to open the topic and see another "If you won't change them" + "Then i will stop playing". :P


I dont see why i would want access to a list of possible drops of the login screen. It wont ease your frustration if you get Weapon XP on a Rank 30 weapon anyways.

I think they should add more 4 stars and completely remove Credit/Affinity drops for those tiers.

Ease the frustration, no. But as I mentioned in the OP if I would be even slightly more likely to get the Gorgon by resetting my login streak once a week, that's what I'll do.


Fourth tier rewards with no credit/affinity drops was one of my very first suggestions, but was largely ignored, as this one will be as well.

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So you're complaining that DE have left in a chance to get a retired weapon (you do know it got retired, right? Or are you just complaining without doing any research?) and that you aren't getting lucky. Woop-de-do.

I like that he mentions thinking it should be returned to the market in his post, and you kinda shrug, so it's not as if you even read what you're replying to?

The predominance of utter garbage in the login rewards has been discussed for a very long time.

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So you're complaining that DE have left in a chance to get a retired weapon (you do know it got retired, right? Or are you just complaining without doing any research?) and that you aren't getting lucky. Woop-de-do.

I've been rather outspoken on the whole concept of retired weapons as well.


Wraiths and Vandals, Excal/Lato/Skana Prime, I get it, exclusivity.


But there are exactly zero reasons the Gorgon should be as arbitrarily difficult (or rather, there is no difficulty involved, just random chance) to obtain and that Ether Daggers, Boar, and Machete should be impossible to obtain by any means whatsoever.


Snipetron I sympathize with because it needs an overhaul, especially since they've essentially replaced it with Lanka.


If you care to read my thread regarding this issue as well, here's a link: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/228433-the-lost-weapons-and-how-to-reintegrate-them/

Please refrain from mudslinging in the future.

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Holy crap! I got a blueprint for my roll today!

Not for the Gorgon, mind, but rather the second Banshee blueprint I've gotten (both after finishing Banshee).


To clarify, I'm not so selfish or short-sighted to drop this issue once I do finally get my Gorgon. This isn't about me. This is about the game.

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Wouldn't be a bad idea we could see the statistics. Might start logging mine here too actually if you don;t mind and a mod doesn't slap us both on the hands. Feel sorry for you too as i have a spare blueprint lying around. Only been playing 3 weeks, can you trade blueprints?

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Wouldn't be a bad idea we could see the statistics. Might start logging mine here too actually if you don;t mind and a mod doesn't slap us both on the hands. Feel sorry for you too as i have a spare blueprint lying around. Only been playing 3 weeks, can you trade blueprints?

Not for the Gorgon, no, though I appreciate the sentiment. You can only trade mods, keys, platinum, Prime component blueprints, and arcane helmets.


I suppose it's only a matter of time before limitations on trading become nonexistent altogether, but I still don't see that as a solution to the problem.

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It really would be nice if they finally improved this, weren't we supposed to have a choice of 3 different rewards (don't remember the video, but I think they showed something like that around the time they were showing PS3 gameplay)?


That or make Gorgon and Machete BPs tradable, I have the Gorgon Wraith and never cared for the original anyway, I'd gladly give away my spare copies of the BP.

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I would love the Gorgon BP.  Had it when I was a week old and was horrified by the wind up and reload time, so I got rid of it as fast I could.  Now, since the Gorgon Wraith, I want it again.  Need it almost.  It would be nice if they put it back on the market or at least gave it a higher drop rate for the dailies, I'd actually try to maintain more than a 3 day login rate. 

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Me and my boyfriend get 2.4k exp 99% of the time. I don't even know why those options exist. Actually, I don't know why the option to get a blueprint you can buy off the marketplace exists either.


These login rewards are completely $&*&*#(%&.

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I would love the Gorgon BP.  Had it when I was a week old and was horrified by the wind up and reload time, so I got rid of it as fast I could.  Now, since the Gorgon Wraith, I want it again.  Need it almost.  It would be nice if they put it back on the market or at least gave it a higher drop rate for the dailies, I'd actually try to maintain more than a 3 day login rate. 

Ohhh man. I was foolish and missed out on the Gorgon Wraith, but I've used my brother's, and it is frickin' sweet. Still kicking myself over screwing that up... I know the standard Gorgon won't even compare, but it still seems like it would be more fun than most auto rifles, and why the Hek should any of us have fun.



Me and my boyfriend get 2.4k exp 99% of the time. I don't even know why those options exist. Actually, I don't know why the option to get a blueprint you can buy off the marketplace exists either.


These login rewards are completely $&*&*#(%&.

See, if every login reward was something expendable - xp, credits, the rather occasional void key, forma, platinum discount, or potato - it'd be fine. It's a random, free little gift. When there is content exclusive to a slot machine you roll once every 24 hours and have less than a 1% chance of winning... I can't even begin to explain.


Warframe and weapon blueprints, including/especially those on the market, should be removed from the login roll. For most people it's just a 2500 credit reward they need to work a little harder for than the standard 10k credit reward.

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