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New Alad V-Infested Event Speculation And Hype Megathread


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Nowhere was it written that there'd be another event.

Yes, but you know, alad v is just being alad v, no foreshadowing involved, for reals yo

In the next update they remove Alad V from the game to remove all doubt.

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Aww that's a shame, I feel fire and infested is a really hot combination.

This next event is more likely still corpus based with implications toward the infested around the corner, the large scale infested event won't be till later, that's when the Fire stat mod will be really handy.

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I hoped for ATLEAST the Event starting today.. but as it is now it's another boring, contentless, "wait till sunday dojo research" reinforcement with a ugly weapon, no balance changes or other interesting stuff.


See you next week i guess.

Edited by Namacyst
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Guys when rhino prime was released the grineer shipyard event was attached to it, also the fact that the teaser video for rhino prime was one week before that update. They are going to ship it altogether next week. 

That would make sense, though this weekend might have a little something for us, who knows?  We do have a Livestream coming up after all.  =)

Edited by Erelas
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No, the event was last weekend. Yes, that was the event.




Was there any clan or even personal Leaderboards? No. Therefore it wans't an event, not even an operation.

Just a bunch of alerts + lore.


/your post


Edit: missed letters

Edited by Riccoshot
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laaaaaaaaaaaaaaameee saaauuuccee


I knew better than to fall for this BS but I did... again!


I am ashamed.


Put out awesome alerts to foreshadow an event.. then don't deliver event on update day (Yes I know they didn't say there was one coming today.)  There was absolutely nothing related to the shipment alerts what-so-ever.  


Leaves a sour feeling. 


Gonna go play something else while I learn my lesson, again.

Edited by Judge_Hellboy
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laaaaaaaaaaaaaaameee saaauuuccee


I knew better than to fall for this BS but I did... again!


I am ashamed.


Put out awesome alerts to foreshadow an event.. then don't deliver event on update day (Yes I know they didn't say there was one coming today.)  There was absolutely nothing related to the shipment alerts what-so-ever.  


Leaves a sour feeling. 


Gonna go play something else while I learn my lesson, again.


Seriously? The alerts were the event. Learn the lesson not to believe the crap that this wasn't an event.

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Seriously? The alerts were the event. Learn the lesson not to believe the crap that this wasn't an event.

He was talking about when Alad V would allude to something much bigger during suspicious ship missions.


Learn the lesson to actually interpret plain English -.-

Edited by xelle
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There was no promise for an actual event. The idea that there would be an event this week is purely speculation created by us, the players.


Well, people expected, you know, a follow-up in the update following the week end extermination missions.

It seemed logical.

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No, they said that those alerts were the event. They said that. Confirmed. Accept it. I'm sure another event will come whenever the infested tileset drops, but those alerts over the weekend were called an event. You can be in denial over it. You can choose not to accept it. xelle, I know English very well. And these alerts were not meant merely to overshadow some other event. They, in themselves, were an event. You should learn to take DE at their word. When they call something an event, that's what it is, regardless of whether or not it contains all the features to warrant it as such in your eyes.

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Seriously? The alerts were the event. Learn the lesson not to believe the crap that this wasn't an event.

Seriously? Have to be an &#! about it?


After the "event" aka suspicious shipments ended I got a lotus message from the lotus with the last part stating:


"For now we must wait and prepare. When Alad V makes his next move, you must be ready. The real battle is yet to come."


This is called foreshadowing. Meaning some type of event is coming. Be it more shipments or whatever that is what was stated. Given that this event happened over the weekend instead of the usual Wed update, expecting it to come the following update day was not too huge a stretch.  No it was not guaranteed but there was a buildup and foreshadowing. 


Excuse me for being excited about it.

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There was no promise for an actual event. The idea that there would be an event this week is purely speculation created by us, the players.


There was no promise for When the actual event would arrive; this much is true, but please remember what Lotus told us:


A New Threat

Unfortunately, my suspicions have proved warranted. We now know that Alad V is up to something and it involves the infested. Your attacks on his shipments will have set him back but the Origin System is a vast place and I fear some of his vessels escaped detection.

For now we must wait and prepare. When Alad V makes his next move, you must be ready. The real battle is yet to come.

-The Lotus

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No, they said that those alerts were the event. They said that. Confirmed. Accept it. I'm sure another event will come whenever the infested tileset drops, but those alerts over the weekend were called an event. You can be in denial over it. You can choose not to accept it. xelle, I know English very well. And these alerts were not meant merely to overshadow some other event. They, in themselves, were an event. You should learn to take DE at their word. When they call something an event, that's what it is, regardless of whether or not it contains all the features to warrant it as such in your eyes.


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Seriously? Have to be an @$$ about it?


After the "event" aka suspicious shipments ended I got a lotus message from the lotus with the last part stating:


"For now we must wait and prepare. When Alad V makes his next move, you must be ready. The real battle is yet to come."


This is called foreshadowing. Meaning some type of event is coming. Be it more shipments or whatever that is what was stated. Given that this event happened over the weekend instead of the usual Wed update, expecting it to come the following update day was not too huge a stretch.  No it was not guaranteed but there was a buildup and foreshadowing. 


Excuse me for being excited about it.


I'm not being an @$$. It was nothing but crap that there would be an event immediately following this one. That was made up by players. I expect that the follow up will come with the new tileset. I'm not going to presume that this will happen next week, but seeing as the shipyards came with Rhino Prime, yes, it's possible. But I've seen nothing where DE has been ready to release that yet. The whole thing about a follow-up event coming today stems from people who couldn't accept the alerts as an event simply because it wasn't released as yet another leaderboard event. And again, there's nothing wrong with being excited for Alad V's return, but to some how say DE isn't "delivering" is wrong. They weren't ever going to deliver today, and those who actually figured it out pretty much came to the conclusion that Alad V and J3 Golem are coming back with the new tileset, which no one really expected to be this week.

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