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So Who Decided Not To Buy Prime Access After Seeing The Patch?


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Your all a bunch of 5 year old whiners, seriously because something came out that you don't agree with because it takes to long or is too hard your going to complain about it?

I'm glad they did this, I was getting bored with lack of content lately and now I have a new goal. Granted the journey may be a long one but I'm at least guaranteed to play the game.

Playing and farming with friends is more enjoyable as well, you should try it sometime.

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Not as angry as some people but I am disappointed at the way it turned out.


On top of what looks to be extra layers of grind the decreased value of the Prime access while not decreasing the price wasn't a good move.


I might still end up buying the accessories pack but it's a little lacklustre too. The Syandanas were a much more impressive cosmetic.

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Your all a bunch of 5 year old whiners, seriously because something came out that you don't agree with because it takes to long or is too hard your going to complain about it?

I'm glad they did this, I was getting bored with lack of content lately and now I have a new goal. Granted the journey may be a long one but I'm at least guaranteed to play the game.

Playing and farming with friends is more enjoyable as well, you should try it sometime.

There's only so many times that you can enjoy doing the same missions. It gets boring after a while believe me. People want to enjoy the new items too but the wall of grind only gets bigger and worse, despite the countless promises to reduce it.

If the gameplay was challenging and rewarding we wouldn't be providing feedback about it. The gameplay only gets repetetive and tedious. But people still gotta do them because the drops are utter bs.

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Hype train crashed hard.


I'm glad I wasn't riding it.


I made a thread about the hype train crashing and it mysteriously disappeared.  Maybe it went into the void and Vor got to it, and now it's stuck behind a huge grindwall along with diluted drop tables.

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$50 U.S for a Sugatra and a Sentinel Pack [$110 Value!!!]     That's FIVE HUNDRED PLATINUM EACH for a COSMETIC.


You are forgeting to include the cost of the 90 day boosters.  90 days worth of boosters bought for platinum would cost about 1000pl each for affinity and credits.

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The current prime access outside of the accessories is kind of a joke.  You get less plat per tier compared to previous prime accesses for the same cost, you got a reskin of wyrm as the weapon is the same as the regular and the prime of wyrm is exactly like his regular counterpart according to the codex.  The only good things in the prime access is loki and bo and you can get those from the void.  My suggestion is save your money or just get the accessories.  

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+1DE have REALLY 'jumped the shark' with this one..     The 'Hype train' hasn't crashed, its gone off the tracks, ran over a schoolyard of special needs children, hit a busload of nuns before finally stopping, wedged inside a nuclear reactor... and then exploded.The straw that broke the camels back? $50 U.S for a Sugatra and a Sentinel Pack [$110 Value!!!]     That's FIVE HUNDRED PLATINUM EACH for a COSMETIC.Disgusted.

Your forgetting the bundled platinum with the prime pack. I guarantee if they either removed platinum entirely from the pack (or at least decreased the amount) it would be much cheaper.

In fact, DE just do that. Just lower the amount of platinum you give in the prime packs so it can be cheaper. I guarantee you'll get more sales that way.

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Why is everyone raging?

Something to do with RNG and the ridiculous pricing of the prime bundles.

Honestly if you want to rage about RNG play any of the borderlands games. (Farm for the best possible perlecent and then we'll talk about RNG rage.) Even the guns stats in those games are decided by RNG!

Which I guess is why I'm not to bothered by this game.

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Something to do with RNG and the ridiculous pricing of the prime bundles.

Honestly if you want to rage about RNG play any of the borderlands games. (Farm for the best possible perlecent and then we'll talk about RNG rage.) Even the guns stats in those games are decided by RNG!

Which I guess is why I'm not to bothered by this game.

So nothing new? People weren't raging this much ever since this prime access started... only now.

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The question should be: Who felt forced to buy the Prime Access after reading those patchnotes?


Me, but propably I'm not the only one. But still I was real man and dealt with it! I'm going to farm it! DE are not getting my money for that RNG wall!

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you can always hunt loki prime a part a week if your busy.


and not hunt it 18 hours continuously. get a life.


you whiners just dont have money or too impatient.



Edited by Ritchel
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I'm not a great Loki fan but I was considering buying this Prime access (I have the others)


But there isn't really any content I want to play right now. So I'll probably leave it until there is something I want to do.


I'm certainly not trawling the re-jigged void for those parts it's soul-destroying playing missions over-and-over again and simply getting tens of useless parts... if you're lucky.


Essentially making no progress at all, achieving nothing.

Edited by SilentMobius
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I know my update won't be along for a while yet, but the news still comes out with the PC game. I was going to have a good long time to hype myself up and get ready to buy prime access. It's a prime access that could not be any more made for me. Loki is my favorite frame, I like wyrm, it's the prime version of my favorite weapon dangle, I've wanted a prime sentinel accessory set since I saw shade prime on that poster.


I will not be buying it. I feel like doing so would encourage them to continue to do this to drops, to increase the grind and reliance on RNG, to make worse what they say they want to fix. I feel that they are intentionally harrassing players into buying prime access rather than putting it out as a way for us to give back and I will not support that.

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Your forgetting the bundled platinum with the prime pack. I guarantee if they either removed platinum entirely from the pack (or at least decreased the amount) it would be much cheaper.

In fact, DE just do that. Just lower the amount of platinum you give in the prime packs so it can be cheaper. I guarantee you'll get more sales that way.


it already is lower...last two prime accesses have given 4500 plat for 140$...this one is less and we got less with it as well.


we didn't even get a laser rifle prime

Edited by Zaresin
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Everyone was on the hype train for loki prime [...]


I wasn't on that hype train because I don't really care about Loki at all...


But apart from that I'll maybe take a look at the accessories when DE manages to impress me with U14. U13 didn't go so well for me... was like the bastard Update I nearly expected to go with that unlucky number, even I respect all the work that went into that Update.

Edited by MeduSalem
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