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New "hives" Map


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This is beyond all shadow of a doubt, the worst tileset ever created.  The nav points routinely float between telling you to go up, and telling you to go down.  With no ability to key in on your destination, each run of this "event" is an exercise in running around with no sense of direction, trying to figure out where you are supposed to go, seeing as how when you turn a corner, the destination is above you, and when you go up, you are told to go down through the floor.


To say that I'm disappointed is an understatement of nearly inconcievable extent.  Unfortunately, DE seems to believe that I'm in possession of incredible psychic powers, and can just "know" where I'm supposed to go.


I'm sorry Digital Extremes.  I'm not psychic, and I can't figure out where you need me to go.  I'd love to get the Prova Vandal, but I have no hope.  The graphics are very attractive, but the implementation and impossiblility of achieving scores of any meaningful value represents a new standard in frustration, to the extent I'm heavily tempted to outright accuse DE of trolling.


The tragedy is that this alert will stay on my map for 6 more days before I can move on and forget about this disasterous introduction for infested.


To say that this post is a complaint is an understatement akin to "Hydrogen Bombs get warm when detonated."


I'm begging you, please fix nav points.  Please, for the love of god, fix the nav points.  I desperately want player ships, I really really do, I'm looking forward to it on an extraordinary level, but if you promise to make nav points work perfectly first, I'm willing to wait 7 more months before I get a spaceship of my own.


I'd love to express how virulent my anger is, but to do so with any degree of accuracy would require a tirade of curse words and assorted vitriol extensive enough to get me banned from the forums permanently, and too many new players have been immensely helped by the guide I wrote.

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I unfortunately must say that I find this tileset full of nothing but frustration, confusion and motion sickness.


I can definitely appreciate the effort that went into making this tileset, and the extra branching paths in each tile. Visually there is a very good theme and a nice overgrown and corrupted vibe.


Gameplay wise I find this tileset an absolute nightmare. The areas are cramped and full of tiny invisible edges (that I am oh so painfully familiar with finding on your tilesets, it's cool though that's a polishing aspect I get that) to get caught or hung up on or accidentally bump your head on when trying to jump out of a hole. The areas are full of tight looping sections that seem to be designed to confuse your sense of direction. The map only exasperates this by being the most crowded and vertically uninformative map I have set seen. It is more vertically confusing than even the asteroid tileset was in U7 when you were trying out different versions of the waypoints system.


Which brings us to the waypoints themselves; these are far and away the most confusing flip flopping waypoints I have seen since the asteroid tileset. They say go up and you go up then they swap to down so you go down, then they go back up, and you wander off in a random direction in the hopes of tricking it into telling you the right way and eventually find the direction you need to go either through stubbornness or luck.


A positive for the tilesets is the hazards and having the destruction of the breeding nodes cause a random map mutation is excellent. It helps switch up the gameplay a bit and causes you to react to an environment change. What is not good is the Oxygenless  sections of the ship. I personally find this incredibly disorienting (most likely due to the medication I am having to take). When I encounter one of these areas the sudden change in sound and the sudden change in hue (may just be me experiencing colour bleed from the blue shield damage halo around the screen) combined with the twisty crowded layout of the tiles themselves makes me feel nauseous. The sad thing is I really like that you have added these oxygenless sections, however unlike the other areas in the game currently where you run into no oxygen (blowing out corpus windows and that one "spacewalk" in the grineer/corpus ship invasion) You have no warning it's coming. You shoot out a window in a space ship? No more air! Good, cause and effect. You go through a vent and see the outside of ship? Probably not going to be air out there, yup no air! Also Good, logical, foreseeable. You walk into a ship and see an area covered with infestation with a chunk open to space just like a bunch of the other areas you have previously walked through. Did the previous areas have air? Yes. Okay then this one will too, oh wait...it doesn't? There is also no clear visual indicator of where the section of airlessness stops. Right now this very much sucks for me, because it means If I want to play this tileset I feel nauseous. Now eventually I will recognize all the airless tiles and this issue will lessened or be resolved for me personally. I still think it's worth mentioning though.


The final issue I have encountered with this new tileset is related solely to using the enemy senses aura. There are so many infested in this crowded cramped map that it actually makes it hard to see the map beneath all of their symbols. This is solved by simply removing the aura, but it's still a shame that it makes if feel like you have to unequip it.


Edit: -_- jeez didn't mean to make such a wall of text.  


"A wall of text... A more elegant weapon from a more civilized era, wielded by only the most wordy of all forumites."

Edited by Drasiel
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The waypoints have always been messy.


I like the fact that there's TONS of tactical options, hundreds of fun ninja technique places, it's visually interesting, and logistically exciting.


The various twists and turns and strange geometry gives tons of ways to flank enemies from every side, allows you to selectively deal with issues, and under many self-inflicted nightmare modes, turn the map itself against the enemy.


It looks cool, it feels cool, and it's the first time "playing smarter" actually makes any difference at all.


As for the people who feel lost, it's the first time you've seen it. Give it a few runs, and you'll get used to it. It's a brilliant design, and I'm sure once you get the hang of playing it, you, too, will love it as much as I do!

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The waypoints have always been messy.


... and they DESPERATELY NEED TO BE FIXED.  DE should fix them before updating the new Phobos tileset.  Oh wait, too late for that.  Then DE REALLY needs to fix them before the Grineer shipyards are released on Ceres.  Oh wait, we're too late for that too.  Well, then I hope DE takes the time to fix them before the new infested Corpus ships show up.  OH WAIT, TRIPLE WHAMMY.



I like the fact that there's TONS of tactical options, hundreds of fun ninja technique places, it's visually interesting, and logistically exciting.


The various twists and turns and strange geometry gives tons of ways to flank enemies from every side, allows you to selectively deal with issues, and under many self-inflicted nightmare modes, turn the map itself against the enemy.


It looks cool, it feels cool, and it's the first time "playing smarter" actually makes any difference at all.


Tactical Options?  We get continually swarmed from every direction blindly trying to find the extremely hard to locate cancer pods, so Bring Nova, spam 4, Rhino Stomps, Oberon Reckons, and Ember sets the world aflame.  No, that's not "tactics" Llyssa.  Tactics are when you see your target, and then maneuver to engage your target effectively with minimal damage to yourself and your team.  If you can't find your target, you can't "tactically engage" your target.  Sorry.  If you find a target, and get swarmed by 20 other targets because you're searching for a gob of cancer, you "tactically" nuke your enemies because you can't find the gobs of cancer.


It DOES LOOK COOL.  I will not argue this point.  However:


As for the people who feel lost, it's the first time you've seen it. Give it a few runs, and you'll get used to it. It's a brilliant design, and I'm sure once you get the hang of playing it, you, too, will love it as much as I do!


NO!  THAT'S COMPLETELY WRONG!  If we don't have waypoints, then we have to scout out the map first to get the lay of the the land.  Then, after mapping out all the territory for our mission, we determine the paths to take to hit our primary and secondary targets. 


Warframe doesn't work that way, it's a fast paced bulletstorm, so we have to rely on waypoints that presumably, Lotus has been able to map out for us.


Your answer is to "Keep running the badly organized tiles until you memorize them just like you've memorized all the other badly designed tiles". (At least one of the hives is located in a room that I've NEVER found a cancer pod in, so my team mates eventually locate and blow them up, no clue where or when exactly, as I run around like a madman trying to see any pixels that might give me a clue, and the dead end hallways infesting the place help none at all.)


Why should I?  How about I just follow the waypoint to get me to my target.  Why can't we have NAVIGABLE MAPS?


DE has dangled a ton of cool frames, powers, weapons, and enemies in front of us, and they all look great.  I appreciate it.  I LOVE Lex Prime's mechanical operation and detail.  But drawing new pictures is easy.  It's time for them to finally do the "real" programming, and FIX CORE PROBLEMS.  Sure Nerfing the bejeezus out of Trinity was a risky move, but it doesn't change the way we get lost on maps.  You can balance the living hell out of all the frames until everyone is equally crappy, and that's expected to an extent.  But even the most unbalanced game can still be fun if you can FIGURE OUT WHERE YOU NEED TO GO.




How the hell are new players supposed to make this sort of adjustment?  Getting lost shouldn't be how we punish "worthless plebes who must git gud and lern to play".


I'm not saying that we should spoon feed them, but a sense of complete and total confusion is just abominable.


Or maybe my opinion is worthless because I don't have a thousand hours of mission time yet.  I'm only at 882 hours and a few minutes.

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This has to be the coolest tileset yet. Very creepy with all the details (dead corpus in chairs, the corpus ships being truly corrupted and not just some wormy things on the sides of walls). I can't wait to see the additions added onto it once U 14 hits.

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Couldn't agree more with the negative feedbacks above. I've played many many many games and never seen such horrible level design as this, it's mindblowing. In a fast-paced game, on a mission where you're supposed to rush and take out the objectives as fast as possible, you're filling the area with tight, broken, "tumour"-infested, red mist of death thingy-ridden, multiple storey corridors while copy/pasting level 70-80 ancients all over (at least thats how it was for me); it's unbearable and extremely frustrating.


It was a torture for me to play through the entire thing a couple of times. Mind you I'm not saying it's "hard", just very badly designed, didn't take me long to finish. I'll be taking a break from all of it since I'm done with the tier 3 reward now. I hope to see better quality content in the future.

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Hm. I've formaed my banshee twice during this event, using only the event to level, and only using a melee weapon. I'm not sure why people are saying "It's impossible for weak frames".


The parkour options are fantastic, and if you actually look at the room itself instead of gluing to the minimap, it's pretty easy to navigate. I suppose, if all you ever do is stomp around looking down your soma at stuff while blindly following waypoints, I can see how it would be overwhelming.


Try actually looking at the game for a change. It will help tons, I assure you.

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....as I run around like a madman trying to see any pixels that might give me a clue,



I will kindly ask that you read my posts.  As stated above, "looking at the game for a change" isn't possible.  I'm constantly looking at the game, until I get lost.  Then I check the minimap to find out where I took the wrong turn at, or which turn I need to take next.


Admittedly, I have no sense of direction and can't survive without a GPS, and before I had one of those, I had to make sure I had paper city maps and updated highway atlases for everywhere I was going, or written instructions with landmarks.  It is normal for me to miss a turn 2 times in a row.


I'm sorry I was born with such subhuman abilities, and this might be astonishingly easy for you.  In this case, I am jealous of your impeccable excellence.

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Hm. I've formaed my banshee twice during this event, using only the event to level, and only using a melee weapon. I'm not sure why people are saying "It's impossible for weak frames".


The parkour options are fantastic, and if you actually look at the room itself instead of gluing to the minimap, it's pretty easy to navigate. I suppose, if all you ever do is stomp around looking down your soma at stuff while blindly following waypoints, I can see how it would be overwhelming.


Try actually looking at the game for a change. It will help tons, I assure you.


I take all the time I can to look at new tilesets and explore them, I feel it's the least I can do for the level designers, programmers and artists that put all their hard work into making the tiles. This is the first one to cause me motion sickness and leave me with no desire to explore every nook and cranny.


I don't even use a soma, D: burstonprime4evah.


The maps do have lots of parkour options as you have said (when they are not getting messed up by invisible lips and edges), however until you have taken the time to familiarize/memorize the layouts of the room and the common spawn locations of the nodes and tumours the area is anything but easy to navigate and ridiculously easy to get turned around in.


I've forced my way through enough of these now that I don't get lost but I still sometimes find myself going the wrong direction while the waypoint system happily fails to supply pertinent directions before you have to back track.

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I unfortunately must say that I find this tileset full of nothing but frustration, confusion and motion sickness.


I can definitely appreciate the effort that went into making this tileset, and the extra branching paths in each tile. Visually there is a very good theme and a nice overgrown and corrupted vibe.


Gameplay wise I find this tileset an absolute nightmare. The areas are cramped and full of tiny invisible edges (that I am oh so painfully familiar with finding on your tilesets, it's cool though that's a polishing aspect I get that) to get caught or hung up on or accidentally bump your head on when trying to jump out of a hole. The areas are full of tight looping sections that seem to be designed to confuse your sense of direction. The map only exasperates this by being the most crowded and vertically uninformative map I have set seen. It is more vertically confusing than even the asteroid tileset was in U7 when you were trying out different versions of the waypoints system.


Which brings us to the waypoints themselves; these are far and away the most confusing flip flopping waypoints I have seen since the asteroid tileset. They say go up and you go up then they swap to down so you go down, then they go back up, and you wander off in a random direction in the hopes of tricking it into telling you the right way and eventually find the direction you need to go either through stubbornness or luck.


A positive for the tilesets is the hazards and having the destruction of the breeding nodes cause a random map mutation is excellent. It helps switch up the gameplay a bit and causes you to react to an environment change. What is not good is the Oxygenless  sections of the ship. I personally find this incredibly disorienting (most likely due to the medication I am having to take). When I encounter one of these areas the sudden change in sound and the sudden change in hue (may just be me experiencing colour bleed from the blue shield damage halo around the screen) combined with the twisty crowded layout of the tiles themselves makes me feel nauseous. The sad thing is I really like that you have added these oxygenless sections, however unlike the other areas in the game currently where you run into no oxygen (blowing out corpus windows and that one "spacewalk" in the grineer/corpus ship invasion) You have no warning it's coming. You shoot out a window in a space ship? No more air! Good, cause and effect. You go through a vent and see the outside of ship? Probably not going to be air out there, yup no air! Also Good, logical, foreseeable. You walk into a ship and see an area covered with infestation with a chunk open to space just like a bunch of the other areas you have previously walked through. Did the previous areas have air? Yes. Okay then this one will too, oh wait...it doesn't? There is also no clear visual indicator of where the section of airlessness stops. Right now this very much sucks for me, because it means If I want to play this tileset I feel nauseous. Now eventually I will recognize all the airless tiles and this issue will lessened or be resolved for me personally. I still think it's worth mentioning though.


The final issue I have encountered with this new tileset is related solely to using the enemy senses aura. There are so many infested in this crowded cramped map that it actually makes it hard to see the map beneath all of their symbols. This is solved by simply removing the aura, but it's still a shame that it makes if feel like you have to unequip it.


Edit: -_- jeez didn't mean to make such a wall of text.  


"A wall of text... A more elegant weapon from a more civilized era, wielded by only the most wordy of all forumites."

You stated everything I wanted to and more.

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I personally really like the set. Yeah, the waypoints can be a bit wonky, I admit. Though, as someone above aid, run it a few times, you'll get gist of it. I also admit the cramped spaces make it a bit difficult, but I personally like it. This map brings a little bit of fear back to the infested again, with the new music, sounds, the claustrophobic spaces, and Infested teeming everywhere, it makes you seem like you can get overwhelmed by the horde at any point.


Overall, I think this will be my new favorite map once we get to the normal missions.

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The waypoints have always been messy.


I like the fact that there's TONS of tactical options, hundreds of fun ninja technique places, it's visually interesting, and logistically exciting.


The various twists and turns and strange geometry gives tons of ways to flank enemies from every side, allows you to selectively deal with issues, and under many self-inflicted nightmare modes, turn the map itself against the enemy.


It looks cool, it feels cool, and it's the first time "playing smarter" actually makes any difference at all.


As for the people who feel lost, it's the first time you've seen it. Give it a few runs, and you'll get used to it. It's a brilliant design, and I'm sure once you get the hang of playing it, you, too, will love it as much as I do!


completely agree with this, honestly i dont understand where the ppl who are having difficulty navigating are coming from


i spent the first several hours of the event exploring the ships solo, so maybe i just familiarized myself with the layout gradually


pro-tip, running with a group in new content is usually a huge fustercluck of ppl getting lost, so i tend to avoid that if i can


ive had friends who have quit the game due to motion-sickness issues, but i dont think DE can really do anything about that, the game is fast paced and has a lot of different directional axis shifts

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