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New Warframe Confirmed (Mirage) Megathread


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Why are many of the warframes the same, or sharing re-animated versions of the same move? This is rediculous. 


Most of the warframes have abilities that are practically the same with a different animation and maybe a slight mechanical difference. Like Decoy and Molt, or the countless generic aoe damage ultimates that incapacitate enemies in one way or another for a few seconds. Oberon's, Saryn's, Mag's, Rhino's, Banshee's, etc. 


There are only a few warframes that seem to be pretty unique, like Nyx, Vauban, Frost, etc. But what the hell is with all this cloned and re-animated crap? It seems like anytime a Warframe is meant to kill S#&$, it has to do it the same way every other one does it, with slightly different stats. 


If Mirage's ulti is just another "aoe damage ability that briefly incapacitates foes for a few seconds" I will be a little &!$$ed. I know there is creativity at DE, but god damn some of it is just lack-luster. 

Edited by ExRedux
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Just because shes got the name Light and such, don;t make her a light frame,


My only guess is Time or Infested (due to the trap the DE talked about eats them)

Note I said illusionist, not solely light-themed warframe.

What does time have to do with trapping objects..?

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Why are many of the warframes the same, or sharing re-animated versions of the same move? This is rediculous. 


Most of the warframes have abilities that are practically the same with a different animation and maybe a slight mechanical difference. Like Decoy and Molt, or the countless generic aoe damage ultimates that incapacitate enemies in one way or another for a few seconds. Oberon's, Saryn's, Mag's, Rhino's, Banshee's, etc. 


There are only a few warframes that seem to be pretty unique, like Nyx, Vauban, Frost, etc. But what the hell is with all this cloned and re-animated crap? It seems like anytime a Warframe is meant to kill S#&$, it has to do it the same way every other one does it, with slightly different stats. 


If Mirage's ulti is just another "aoe damage ability that briefly incapacitates foes for a few seconds" I will be a little &!$$ed. I know there is creativity at DE, but god damn some of it is just lack-luster.

Wait for Thursday to judge

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IT HAS GLOWY EYES ON A WHITE MASK, now stop being such a d*ck.

It being a white mask does not make it look like a grineer mask. Obviously you can't see details, otherwise you'd understand what I'm saying and you would agree with me. IT IS NOT A GRINEER MASK.

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Her face looks like a Grineer Face mask.

As for her abilities:

1: Swaps appearance with the target, reverts when she attacks.

2: Its A Trap! Becomes a random object from the environment, leaping out at her will.

3: Yin-Yang: Confuses enemies, making them fight for the Tenno.(or something like that, or something totally different.

4: Fata Morgana: Summons a fireworks show, killing anyone too close and intoxicating any enemy nearby.

I hope that's not it... that would make two of her abilities 1 and 3 very similar to other frames... which would UK. . I hope she's really original and not just a rework of existing powers
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I hope that's not it... that would make two of her abilities 1 and 3 very similar to other frames... which would UK. . I hope she's really original and not just a rework of existing powers

What her powers are most likely going to be is:

1. She makes enemies attack the target or she looks like the target and the target looks like her. Why I say this is because the icon looks like a person in the sights of a gun and a person outside the sights as if to say, "Look she is over here!"

2. Ability is by no doubt her ability to turn her environment into traps for the enemy. The symbol is clearly a jack in the box. (Side note it also looks like a chest burst to me)

3. This about is probably mirror images of her. They an probably attack too. If not, the second suggestion for the first power.

4. This one I can't figure what it does do, by I can say this, it's that laser disco ball from the teaser. Notices it doesn't just have laser, but also some wispy energy stuff. This power is probably a CC and damage ability

Edited by silkygoodness
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I have no idea about her first ability and her third ability and we all know her second by now so I'm just going too guess on her last ability for the fun of it. Iv noticed its definitely the ability shown in the 18 second teaser trailer and that it also appears to be a trap similar to a bouncing betty were you place it down someplace and enemies somehow get attracted to it (thus the name mirage, something you see as good when its really just a trick) then the trap springs up killing all enemies within the blast radius or something similar too that. Her name after all is Mirage and I agree with many people that all her powers including this one will make the enemies think they see one thing when its actually another.

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In other news, Volt may be replacing Loki as a starter.


EDIT: Yes, I'm aware that Volt was a starter in the past. Doesn't change the fact that Volt may be replacing Loki as a starter.

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