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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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Oh, by the way everyone... the company expressing interest in buying shares isn't PWE. It's PW. 


PWE is the North-American branch. PW is the original Chinese company.


Which means they're probably buying some shares because PW is going to be the publisher for Warframe on the Chinese Xbox Ones, and they need to invest some money in order to make money.


So there's that.



If i had a really good product i wouldn't want a company if such a bad rep like PW or PWE representing or publishing my product in China or another planet for that matter. 


I know u are trying to keep ppl calm but PW has a really bad rep... the fact that there is a possibility of DE doing any sort of business with them is bad and that's the bottom line of the issue.

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Oh, by the way everyone... the company expressing interest in buying shares isn't PWE. It's PW. 


PWE is the North-American branch. PW is the original Chinese company.


Which means they're probably buying some shares because PW is going to be the publisher for Warframe on the Chinese Xbox Ones, and they need to invest some money in order to make money.


So there's that.



I'm still gonna have to wait for an official statement from DE, but you just gave me a little more hope. Thanks.

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Who do you think a North American company would interact with?


Why would M$ need a separate publisher for a f2p title on its platform?

China. Friend. Chinese government is all sorts of uptight.


Chinese government is probably requiring all games for the Chinese version of the Xbox One to have Chinese publishers.


Which is why PW (the Chinese company, not the NA division PWE) is interested in doing business with DE, so that PW can bring Warframe to Chinese Xbox Ones.



If i had a really good product i wouldn't want a company if such a bad rep like PW or PWE representing or publishing my product in China or another planet for that matter. 

Getting a Chinese publisher is probably the only way for Warframe to reach Chinese Xbox Ones.

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I swear to god, i'll stop playing Warframe if a goddamn "Perfect World" get its hand on it... Warframe will turn to totally P2W game because of that... so please DE, dont let that happen to Warframe! :(

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TL;DR: do not log in to Warframe for the time being, thank you.




DE probably cannot stop PWE from buying it. But you can.


I think this is the crucial first point to start with. This isn't necessarily DE's fault and even if DE doesn't want it, they probably can't stop it. The shareholders decide DE's fate, and if PWE is paying them a lot of money, they are going to sell. They don't care about Warframe or its community, they only care about the capital gains they make on their shares in the case of a buy-out.


This means that we cannot focus our rage and anger at DE, we have to focus it at PWE.


PWE shops around for games based on a number of faceless metrics, such as logins per day, average session length, peak concurrent users, average revenue per user, etc. They are not buying DE because they think players will like it, and will not be dissuaded from their purchase if players complain. Words are worthless to PWE: metrics are all that matter.


Forum posts do not matter to PWE. Complaints do not matter to PWE. Petitions do not matter to PWE.


There is only one channel through which we can voice our displeasure about the PWE takeover, and that is metrics.


The only way Warframe players can send any kind of meaningful message to PWE to have them call off the deal is by causing a sufficiently significant change in operating metrics that would have to be reported to the potential buyer during the process of lawful disclosure during the MNA (mergers and acquisitions) process.


PWE will absolutely drop the deal for DE if Warframe activity metrics falter significantly.


This is a challenge between the power of the community to stand up for their game (by refusing to play it at all) and the apathy that PWE is banking on.


PWE probably expects a few people to protest or to quit, and if a few of us do then they go ahead and destroy this game.


This is the community's chance to prove that it can't be ignored. And I'm not talking about some symbolic 1-hour walkout or a 24-hour boycott. I'm talking about not playing at all, even if they release a massive content patch, until we are certain that PWE is out of the picture.


Everyone who logs in to Warframe, for whatever purpose, is currently supporting the PWE buy-out of DE. Period. If you want to keep the game PWE-free, do not log in. Clan leaders should log in, set their MOTD to a notification about not logging in, and log out again.


Stay on the forums, stay active and make yourselves heard here, but absolutely do not log in to the game. Show DE the empty desert they'll have if PWE buys them out and then you can all return to the lush oasis of Warframe once this 11th plague has blown over.


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I saw when this post started about 6 hours ago omg most comments i've ever seen in a thread and I agree with all of them saying that PW is NOT good for this game hopefully no matter what happens the dev's wont have to change what they are doing because its working pretty well. NO P2W and no exclusives that are game breaking to have. 

Example dont make a mod like serration that is an aura that makes everything do 100+% damage after all calculations that costs 10000 plat. That's pay to be op and no one needs that. 


While i was typing this there have been 30+new replies wow so many.

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Oh, by the way everyone... the company expressing interest in buying shares isn't PWE. It's PW. 


PWE is the North-American branch. PW is the original Chinese company.


Which means they're probably buying some shares because PW is going to be the publisher for Warframe on the Chinese Xbox Ones, and they need to invest some money in order to make money.


So there's that.




they need to buy shares to publish the game? i thought they would buy publishing rights to the game; Sony didnt buy shares to publish on the PS4 and neither would Microsoft for the Xbox one. Publishing rights and shares are two different things. one's permission to display content, the other is to own the content.

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Lets say this is all true, PW is buying warframe and lets say they still have a chance to back out of the deal and yet again lets say they did, would you still play? knowing they were going to sell warframe to a greedy company? knowing they might try sell it again to the next highest bidder?. personally i don't believe PW bought out warframe, they obviously bought shares but we don't know how many. I have faith both Warframe and PW are smart enough not to do this, it wouldn't really be beneficial to either of them.

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None of this makes sense. 

Did DE not make Warframe partially because they wanted a game they themselves were in control of without a big name backing it, deciding what's in and what's out?

Because Dark Sector turned out nothing like what they had planned?


They started the projected to be "independent", why would they start business with arguably the worst company on handling MMOs?

PWE is where games go to die. Yeah, the games produce a bit of money but do you think there will be a community like this one? It's not great but this game relies on its community.


I don't understand any of this. The game was made because of companies like PWE messing their plans up.



Asuming they still care (DE executives, not warframe developers, the ones that we know and are DE's face for good or bad).


The reason is the one that fuels the world. Money.

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Day in BL:R I put in 100 bucks and bam I can get the end game weapons and skills as well as armor, Stuff that is level locked unless you pay real cash,  WF you can't just buy a Soma it's mastery locked, you could trade for prime weapons and stuff but not be able to build it due to Mastery lock.  Unlike in BL where you can get the strongest parts for a gun at lvl 1 as well as stuff that is unloked at lvl 30 for free players if that isn't P2W guess Aeria is a good gaming company then.


At least Nexon gives out free Cash shop items at times as well as have some cool stuff in event.  PWE ehh.....Also I'm holding out it's just for the XBone WF since it'll be one of the few games that'll be in China from NA.  So it could just be that. 

Wait a second. So, in other words, 100 bucks don't buy you anything a max level player who played way longer than you can't get? That's totally acceptable. Now, if you could buy a gun with different stats that can never be acquired without paying real money, that would be different.

That means that in Blacklight purchases are worthwhile. You pay to skip months of progression. While in Warframe buying a frame feels stupid.

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Letter13, on 03 Jul 2014 - 12:21 AM, said:snapback.png

Oh, by the way everyone... the company expressing interest in buying shares isn't PWE. It's PW. 


PWE is the North-American branch. PW is the original Chinese company.


Which means they're probably buying some shares because PW is going to be the publisher for Warframe on the Chinese Xbox Ones, and they need to invest some money in order to make money.


So there's that.



Would be very cool if it really is the case *crosses fingers while waiting for official statement*

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they need to buy shares to publish the game? i thought they would buy publishing rights to the game; Sony didnt buy shares to publish on the PS4 and neither would Microsoft for the Xbox one. Publishing rights and shares are two different things. one's permission to display content, the other is to own the content.


Finally, a real voice of true reason.

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China. Friend. Chinese government is all sorts of uptight.


Chinese government is probably requiring all games for the Chinese version of the Xbox One to have Chinese publishers.


Which is why PW (the Chinese company, not the NA division PWE) is interested in doing business with DE, so that PW can bring Warframe to Chinese Xbox Ones.



Getting a Chinese publisher is probably the only way for Warframe to reach Chinese Xbox Ones.

This is a very legitimate point. China is rather... uh... odd.

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they need to buy shares to publish the game? i thought they would buy publishing rights to the game; Sony didnt buy shares to publish on the PS4 and neither would Microsoft for the Xbox one. Publishing rights and shares are two different things. one's permission to display content, the other is to own the content.

They need shares in order to make profits if they're publishing the game in China. Otherwise they'd be losing money. Sony and Microsoft in the rest of the world as publishers is a different case, they're invested in a different sense.

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Oh, by the way everyone... the company expressing interest in buying shares isn't PWE. It's PW. 


PWE is the North-American branch. PW is the original Chinese company.


Which means they're probably buying some shares because PW is going to be the publisher for Warframe on the Chinese Xbox Ones, and they need to invest some money in order to make money.


So there's that.




So thats why "DE" was changed into "DE Ltd" - sneaky.


In other words, there is nothing we need to worry about.

Changes of the game are still in the hands of Warframe's DEVs, PW can only request small things but not gravy changes.

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China. Friend. Chinese government is all sorts of uptight.


Chinese government is probably requiring all games for the Chinese version of the Xbox One to have Chinese publishers.


Which is why PW (the Chinese company, not the NA division PWE) is interested in doing business with DE, so that PW can bring Warframe to Chinese Xbox Ones.



Getting a Chinese publisher is probably the only way for Warframe to reach Chinese Xbox Ones.


Wow, that makes everything ok just because Chinese government is requiring this? Even more reason to be against this.

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