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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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The way I see it, if they take the deal, they'll earn a lot of money, but lose a lot of the playerbase. While this yields a profit in the short term, it will only come to bite them back later, as in the long term, they will be losing a lot of money.


We might not have a true voice, but our wallets certainly do.

for me at least, if they take this deal i wont touch another digital extremes game in my life. so this could activly ruin their company if many other=s are thinking along the same lines as i am.

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I don't get why so much players are so upset about this, as an proud player and gold member of CO as the greatst game of all times I can see no harm in Warframe getting taken over.



Besides as long they give us U14 before then oh well.

True pay-to-win and potentially pay-to-play changes for Warframe if Perfect World Ltd. decides to take over Warframe. That is not good at all. 

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Don't touch my game you blood suckers.

I'm sick and tired of free to play greedy a$$ mofo's following me everywhere I goddamn go.

It happened with gameforge and now perfect world wants to join in.



Hey. I've got a message for the CEO in charge of DE.

You do this and I can guarantee that many highly valued. High paying players will go. Me included.

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The only things i can think of are a mass uninstall spree and reversing any and all recent charges made to DE. The second will get your account banned. The big clans need to get together fast if they're going to have any chance of stopping this though.

Then let us do that! Everybody! Let DE Know that we are all done with them if perfect world comes in. They are a company of ill gotten goods built upon lies and empty promises, and we as players want no part in that. No matter what company buys you out, no matter how much you make at the end of the day your game is afloat because of US. Individually we may not account for much, but as a whole without us there is no warframe. Do not go out of your way to ignore us and go for the quick route to easy money, because all that cash will sink your ship. Listen to us, or else we as a playerbase are done, and gone.

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As someone who is a founder, bought two prime packages, and has almost 2000 hours clocked into Warframe. Has reported multiple bugs, with several being found attention to, and a successful fixes been found, as well as debates on what to do with Ash..


All I can say is. I've played with Perfect World.


They had, this one... kick.. @$$.. game.




Everyone, and I mean, EVERYONE I KNEW, was into it. It was like someone invented underwear for the first time. It was amazing, it was like a Monster Hunter MMO. It. Got. Hype.


Know what happened to it?


It didn't get any major updates, for like, over HALF A YEAR.


The game is dead. It is literately a ghost town. The game came out with a BRAND NEW, KICK @$$ CLASS, THAT EVERYONE WAS WAITING FOR.


I go on, try it for 5 minutes (after the over 1 year wait it made us wait, for no reason, and little to no updates). I saw like... 7 people. In the newbie area.




PWE has litteritly killed games.


RaiderZ, Neverwinter, Rusty Hearts. All OUTSTANDING GAMES. Now dead.




DE.. I'm not telling you what to do. I can't do that. What I CAN do, is give you a prophecy of the future.


If PWE gets their hands on Warframe. Warframe, your baby, the thing you nurtured and cared for, and turned into the master piece of what it is today, with quite litteritly unlimited potential.. It will turn to dust. Forgotten by everyone. Nothing but a memory.


"Hey man, remember warframe?"


"Yeah man, game was the S#&$, I loved it.. shame it had to die"


Please don't make me have to see these kind of conversations. I don't think I'd be able to bear it.

Edited by Shuuro
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That might be true but PW their image combined with the current -grindy- image of warframe won't blend well.

People already tell others not to play warframe, imagine what happens if they take it over.


If this is confirmed by DE in any form i dont care if they offer everyone 50k plat. I'm uninstalling the game and making sure i get my third infraction on these forums i will be done with this game for good. There is nothing that will be able to bring me back including PWE selling the game and removing all connections to it.


Only a flat out statement by DE that this will not and will NEVER happen is going to keep me around at this point. This is happening on my goddamned birthday. And you know what. Because of how S#&$ty my recent previous ones have gone i should have seen something like this bullS#&$ coming because NOTHING decent seems to happen on my birthday anymore it @(*()$ makes me want to go play in traffic over on I-78!

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I am way out of the loop with this type of thing but if even half of what you guys described is true I would drop the game like a hot potato.

You can have an effect on things like this. You spread the word and get people to voice their opinions. Kinda like your doing now lol.

Then tenno, our greatest adversary has shown their face.

We need to fight back and now is the moment we point our Skana's.


If our voice is needed to be heard, DE, then let us speak.

We will petition, we will riot, we will boycott. What ever is necessary to make sure this deal does not go through.

We will stand as one, and as Tenno.

Remember, brothers and sisters.



Ninjas Play Free.

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Of note, for those asking, if I'm remembering correctly, how PW style RNG works:


You want a potato, so you spend 40 plat to buy a casket. Opening the casket gives you a random item from the following: Reactor(5% chance), Catalyst(2% chance), 1000 credits(40% chance), 5 mods(10% chance), rare mod (13% chance), weapon part(20% chance), rare weapon part(7%chance), full weapon(2% chance), full rare weapon(0.7% chance), 5 reactors(0.18% chance), 5 catalysts(0.115% chance), SUPER PACK containing 10 catalysts, 10 reactors, 1,000 platinum, 50k credits, and 2 rare weapons(0.005% chance).


Oh, also, if you want to rank an item up, from 0 to 10, you can, 100% chance, using a rank up item each time. If you want to rank up from 10 to 15, you have a 75% chance while using 2 rank up items each time(20% failure, 5% chance for rank down), 15 to 20 is 3 items each time for 50% increase(35% fail, 15% rank down), 20 to 25 is 5 items each time(25% increase, 50% fail, 25% decrease), 25 to 28 is 7 items each time(10% increase, 60% fail, 30% decrease), 28 to 30 is 10 items each time(5% increase, 55% fail, 40% decrease)... and if you're lucky enough to have won rank insurers from rank item caskets(2% chance), you can use 1 to increase your chance of success rate by 10%. At this point, you can finally install a forma(50% chance of success) and start all over again!


Imagine what the RNG is like now, and then imagine that layer added on top. Then imagine all that S#&$ costs plat.

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Despite having poured a lot of hours together with my GF into Warframe, and a lot of money, the moment PW grab this game I am never touching it again. Ever. They're poison. And not the good kind, but the kind of poison that turns the innards of any game they touch into gooey, green, corrupted sludge.

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I don't get why so much players are so upset about this, as an proud player and gold member of CO as the greatst game of all times I can see no harm in Warframe getting taken over.



Besides as long they give us U14 before then oh well.

perfectworld internet defense force, go away

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Reading this topic after having watched

the other day just made me feel sad.

What i saw in that video and what I see here are massively at odds, yet everything here seems to check out, at least at face value.



I would very much like an official word on this


That video was actually the first thing I thought of after reading this.


If this is confirmed by DE in any form i dont care if they offer everyone 50k plat. I'm uninstalling the game and making sure i get my third infraction on these forums i will be done with this game for good. There is nothing that will be able to bring me back including PWE selling the game and removing all connections to it.


Same I will be out in a heartbeat.

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Sumpo Food Holdings, Ltd.?


Looking over the wording of the announcement, there's a certain chance that Warframe isn't yet completely and inevitably boned. It all hinges on which parties - and by parties, I mean individual humans - are being referred to by the label "Vendors."

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As someone who is a founder, bought two prime packages, and has almost 2000 hours clocked into Warframe. Has reported multiple bugs, with several being found attention to, and a successful fixes been found, as well as debates on what to do with Ash..


All I can say is. I've played with Perfect World.


They had, this one... kick.. @$$.. game.




Everyone, and I mean, EVERYONE I KNEW, was into it. It was like someone invented underwear for the first time. It was amazing, it was like a Monster Hunter MMO. It. Got. Hype.


Know what happened to it?


It didn't get any major updates, for like, over HALF A YEAR.


The game is dead. It is literately a ghost town. The game came out with a BRAND NEW, KICK @$$ CLASS, THAT EVERYONE WAS WAITING FOR.


I go on, try it for 5 minutes (after the over 1 year wait it made us wait, for no reason, and little to no updates). I saw like... 7 people. In the newbie area.




PWE has litteritly killed games.


RaiderZ, Neverwinter, Rusty Hearts. All OUTSTANDING GAMES. Now dead.




DE.. I'm not telling you what to do. I can't do that. What I CAN do, is give you a prophecy of the future.


If PWE gets their hands on Warframe. Warframe, your baby, the thing you nurtured and cared for, and turned into the master piece of what it is today, with quite litteritly unlimited potential.. It will turn to dust. Forgotten by everyone. Nothing but a memory.


"Hey man, remember warframe?"


"Yeah man, game was the S#&$, I loved it.. shame it had to die"


Please don't make me have to see these kind of conversations. I don't think I'd be able to bear it.

true that dude. i totally agree, i used to play PWI a lot & loved it but something about it just spitting out this content i could never catch up to & the way they built the games just always had to leaving. I didn't like it!! & I never get nostalgic about any of their games like i would warframe.

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From what I got, it's PW taking initiative and an interest in buying DE - There is no guarantee DE will agree, right?


I am usually the more optimistic person but if PW were to buy up DE, I will regret having supported Digital Extremes in their "beta" endeavours in the past... And many others may refuse supporting DE in the future if the rumors about this topic come true.

Edited by Kasamoto
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everyone here is trying to place "human emotions" onto a business....that logic doesn't work. If they can make a large profit from the deal, then they will.

Corporate social responsibility. 


Consider all stakeholders before making a decision in order to satisfy most, if not all, stakeholders. And since a major stakeholder (i.e.: the players) is opposing this, DE(L) should reconsider whether or not to sell itself to Perfect World Ltd..

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So if i understood correctly, DE will not have any decision power over Warframe anymore


If that is really the case, this means, all Warframe BP, Forma, Potatoes and Helmets may be removed from droptables and alerts.

Want a new frame? buy it, don't farm it.

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