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Tenno Lightsaber?


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Hi Tenno, 


since a while I started reading star wars books again and I determined again that lightsabers are barely the most beautiful and elegant weapons of destruction. I really love our current meele weapons, but in my opinion a lightsaber with maybe some modular handles would be pretty awesome.


Whats your opinion?

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We already have a similar system, just look at the Gram / Plasma Sword / Machete (Wraith).

And they perfectly fit in the Warframe universe. A true lightsaber is 1: probably copyrighted 2: would look odd is excal's hands.

Edited by Valfunde
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I can understand why you'd want them.

But come on. There are countless ideas to put into the game in terms of weaponry so why go for a lightsaber of all things?
Why not base one off the swords from metal gear rising, which are extremely effective in doing what they are supposed to do.

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We already have a similar system, just look at the Gram / Plasma Sword / Machete (Wraith).

And they perfectly fit in the Warframe universe. A true lightsaber is 1: probably copyrighted 2: would look odd is excal's hands.



The current plasma type stuff we have now honestly looks pretty bad.  They're just pieces of scrap metal and bad wiring with florescent lights along the sides.


And stop spreading misinformation about the lightsaber being copyrighted.  Only the name is.  If the weapon itself were truly copyrighted then any book, show, movie, or game that has any type of "energy sword" would get the bejeezus sued out of it by Lucas and now Disney lawyers for the copyright infringement.  

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The current plasma type stuff we have now honestly looks pretty bad.  They're just pieces of scrap metal and bad wiring with florescent lights along the sides.


And stop spreading misinformation about the lightsaber being copyrighted.  Only the name is.  If the weapon itself were truly copyrighted then any book, show, movie, or game that has any type of "energy sword" would get the bejeezus sued out of it by Lucas and now Disney lawyers for the copyright infringement.  

Stay objective, I can say the star wars's lightasaber look bad, and I would be perfectly honest.

And I have not spread misinformation, I supposed, do you get the "probably" ?

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Stay objective, I can say the star wars's lightasaber look bad, and I would be perfectly honest.

And I have not spread misinformation, I supposed, do you get the "probably" ?


I'm not saying the Star Wars lightsabers don't look bad, I'm just saying that I'm sick of people coming on here and saying a  lightsaber can't be done because it's "copyrighted".  An exact Star Wars lightsaber is copyrighted but there are tons of ways around this.  All that would have to be done is to change the name.  


For example Super Smash Brothers has the "Beam Sword".  It's pretty much the same thing as a lightsaber only with a different name.


As for the lightsaber looks themselves, I'm not disagreeing with you saying that they may look bad.   Each lightsaber is supposed to be custom and handmade by the user to suit his or her personal preferences and fighting style.  Some look cool and some, in my opinion, do look bad.  


The main thing is that it would be pretty cool to get a true energy based sword in the game if it could be done right.  Sword and board is a good start as the sword is made of energy.  I personally think it would be cool to expand on that and make a sword only version with a  longer "blade" and new combos.  

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The main thing is that it would be pretty cool to get a true energy based sword in the game if it could be done right.  Sword and board is a good start as the sword is made of energy.  I personally think it would be cool to expand on that and make a sword only version with a  longer "blade" and new combos.  

I would be satisfied with an energy katana / greatsword

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We already have a similar system, just look at the Gram / Plasma Sword / Machete (Wraith).

And they perfectly fit in the Warframe universe. A true lightsaber is 1: probably copyrighted 2: would look odd is excal's hands.

Tell that to Square Enix with Kingdom Hearts 2 :3

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I can understand why you'd want them.

But come on. There are countless ideas to put into the game in terms of weaponry so why go for a lightsaber of all things?

Why not base one off the swords from metal gear rising, which are extremely effective in doing what they are supposed to do.

Sword? Pls, I want Sundowners dual machetes!

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For me personally the fact that a lightsaber would cauterize the wounds & that we would'nt see blood isn't that dramatically. 

The Plasma Sword, Machete/Wraith and all the other stuff with glowing blades might be cool, except of the wires or some other weird looking things on these weapons, but the point why a kind of lightsaber is nice, is because you just have the sleek handle of your weapon and while you fight you get a blazing energy blade, it doesn't have to be plasma or somehting else. In combination with a nikana stance it would be a perfectly fine weapon and it hasn't to cut through everything immediatly, that would be much too op.

Edited by Kestr3lx
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I can't believe people are taking this thread seriously... Do you know how many other people asked for a Lightsaber in this game? Probably more than asked for Stalker Prime... *sigh*... It's not gonna happen guys, sorry. Why not ask for something serious and not something you already know is too ridiculous and overrated for DE to add?

Edited by Novashank
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