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There's a couple of different voices I'd like for my AI :T


Announcer, from TF2

Joakim Broden, Sabaton's lead Singer (This one's a major yes for me)

Would love Stanley Parable's Narrator

The Narrator from Powerpuff Girls. just, all the comedy.

Oh, and Zoidberg as well.


Obviously, none of these are options, but those of us on Steam MAY get GlaDos, or Announcer as a Community tradeable item eventually.

I'd also add the Rucks from bastion

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The weapon that gets pieced together looks like a 2-piece thing. I wouldn't call the long curved part a handle, that seems more like tubes (power cables?) that connect to what might be a generator...


And the top part seems more like the silhouette of a large assault-rifle-esque weapon. 

I think we're getting a submachine gun. :v

And the bottom's just because not enough or too many characters.

Edited by Sidathe
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I must be missing something? What's all this about a countdown to a countdown? And when did they say the update was going to be released Wednesday?


Not sure I think something happened with U13 that got delayed alot or such and everyone got really angry, like really really angry. Think of the PW thing that tpye of angry and each mod at to sort topics out.


and lol to you btw "when did they say its going to be blah blah blah"


Its is unless they want to repeat U13

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Not sure I think something happened with U13 that got delayed alot or such and everyone got really angry, like really really angry. Think of the PW thing that tpye of angry and each mod at to sort topics out.


and lol to you btw "when did they say its going to be blah blah blah"


Its is unless they want to repeat U13

Ummm I understood the bit about U13 getting delayed so thanks.

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Ummm I understood the bit about U13 getting delayed so thanks.





Ok so bacily. Update 13 was delayed, and I assume like the Perfect world thing that happened not a while ago was the same reaction to the delayed update 13. And The mods like Letter13 and Dragon and Einde (oh hi) had to sort it out alot.


a headache for them I guess, and what I said is that I don't think DE will be silly enough to do it twice. So Update 14 IS comeing out this Wen, but only if nothing bad happens. Never can tell but 99% it is.


Unless DE desire to troll us just for a laugh. 

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I was reading the page source code of https://warframe.com/theliset/ with a friend... We've found strange comments like this one (the first one):






There are other comments like this. Leaving only the comments by removing all the code we have this:



AAAAKAKAAAziiiiiicAAKAKKsssnyzzyciiiiiiiiiiyoooccciyznzAAAKAKAKAAAKAKAAAAAKAAAAAAAKAKAKAKAAAyzAAnzneaddppKpzi icoiiiii iiiiiiiiiyedane ii     ii
                                            iAAAKdKacKAKKsdKAcwdayAznwdKKpAziaAKAAAKAKAKAKAAAKAAc            iAKAAAKAKAKAKAAAAAAAKKAKdapewiiii        
                                              KwsAKiiAszzziAKzKn ciiiiiiiy        iAKAKKAAAd                                                          
                                              AapKi AsyiiiKKzKA  icisyiiii         AAKAddKA                                                           
                                              KAna dKoiiiaAcinA  iiiiiisy          AApKaAA  
                                              iKAondeKsiiKA     iAAKddpwwnnnnzAiiiiKAAAKnoKKi                                                         
                                               AKAcapedc iKA   iAAanznyyyyynwwaA iiiciiyKddAAi                                                        
                                               iAAsoepddi zAK iKAAwczzseeswneddKA iiiinoiiiedA                                                        
                                                KAAyzwpAKiinKAKKApznawysdAKAKAKAKAdnyi   ieAAK                                                        
                                                iKAAynwedacieKAdccynzsAKAAAKAKAAAAAi   wApKKAKA                                                       
                                                 iAAKyseaKKwsKAAciyzwAAiiioiiiyaedKiiiAAiiicoK si                                                     
                                                  dKAKzspdKdeKwAAynzAAcycadppewzzozdciiiiioKAK  ii                                                    
                                                   AAAdnepadKKKdpyisapewnycccciyyzdKKoiiczii iyiini                                                   
                                                   ipAAdzseaKKAAddi wsnzceAKAKAAAAAKAKAKi     iiiicii                                                 
                                                    yeKAKzwaeAAAKnAisnzcAAKnadadKAKAKAAi ii  i i icaKec                                               
                                                     nwKAKzeenAKAcpdynyKAi iiizapaddespsiiiiiiicnzyi                                                  
                                                           i      iiiiizsyi  i i     
                                            iAndweiiAi          Kncwzc                                                                                
                                            iAnaeaiiAi          Awcnyi                                                                                
                                            iAzpwei Kn          AKinoo                                                                                
                                             Azaewi wK          yKcyca                                                                                
                                             Azdedz iAi          Aocosi                                                                               
                                            AAzeepe iKi          Azincc                                                                               
                                            AAnweawi Ka          Adizcp                                                                               
                                            AKpydnKi iAi         iAocnzc                                                                              
                                            iAAoaepw iKd          AezwKn                                                                              
                                             AAzsppKi iAi         iAei  iiiiciiii iiiii                                                               
                                             AAAyaedzi KK          AA     ii    icysKAiaKi                                                            
                                             iAKyspeKi iAc         iAiAsiindoiiiyoiiiiiKAK                                                            
                                              KAdydaapi nAi       inpnepKaywKKKyi  iyioizAK     
                                              AKKi KsiiiKKiyiiiiiiiiiiii          AAppKAA                                                             
                                              KAnpiidiiieAeKpdwswiiiniiii       iAKKKAKA                                                              
                                              Awaesizzsiiiii iAAAdAAiiiKKAAAKpziii i                                                                  
                                              AndzdzKA          diinniAc                                                                              
                                             yKeann Aa           Kszip                                                                                
                                             KdpaniiAi          iAsspe                                                                                
                                             AndweiiAi          KAywsc                                                                                
                                             KnpssiiAi          AKyasi                                                                                
                                             AndnwiiKi          KKoani                                                                                
                                            iAspeeiiAi          Aeoeni         
                                                                  ii                                        si                                        
                                                              zAAKasncyoyczpddKKAAKKdasnyyyospAKAKdKwyii   cciiiii                                    
    ioKAAAdAKAKanzii                                         ewwiiwsnnzyyoicyococoonyyzoiciyaAdsKAdwpwcyniiAiiiciiAAdi                                
 yiiiiii iiii  iiiiiiiiiiiiiii                              dAei iiiiiiiiiiiiii i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAsiiiiiiiAAKAAAoii                          
 yAdciiidAKdiiii  i ii   iiiiziiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiici   AAiicoznnwszzoiyiiiiossewycnwAAKpzi  ii  i iiiniiiiiiiiiizedwsnapawzyyociiiiiiiiiii       
  iAe iAAK  wewoiiiiiii           iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiii AKAAAAAAAAAKAAAKAAAKAKAAAAAKAKAAAAA      iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccyynzy iii   
   AA  yszdApnyniiiiiiiiiiiiii                       iiiiii Adinyiii  iiiyccizcyAAKAAAAAKAAAAAiiiii iAKiyi iiiineiiiiiiiiiiciciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i  
   iAKi iii   iiiiiiiiiii  iiizspdpdKKKddddpddKpawaapdeyiicpAKAAAAAKAasnsnnzyyciiiiiiiiiiceiii  iweKAAAwKKdpKKdasoiyeappdddKAdAAAAKpasycoiiiiiiidKizi


Edited by 041.Vento
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