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Update 14: The Mad Cephalon


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Just thought about something that has been an issue ever since we started trading, and has made it's way through U14.


Why didn't you guys make our inventory viewable from the dojo (where we trade) or as a part of the trade stand? I'd even go so far as to say since we have a ship, why have us go to the dojo at all to trade. We could still utilize what the Dojo has, but there could have been a "link" from the ship...


In any case it disappointing that with all the UI "upgrades" we didn't get that one little convenience that has been reqested ever since trading began...

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Infested Faction Changes:

  • All Crawlers move speed has been increased.
  • New animations for Infested Ancient reach attack.
  • Electric Crawler Attack range fixed, now more likely to attack with his lightning.
  • Lobber Crawler has new effects on his lobbed grenade, making it easier to see.
  • Infested Charger move speed increased.
  • Suicide Runners will no longer explode on death if killed by melee. The death explosion causes stagger, and damage scales up with their level.
  • Infested Leapers: Their leaping attack can be parried to nullify the stagger. Leap damage scales with their level.
  • All Ancients can pull targets (Pull can be blocked or dodged).
  • All Ancients - better anticipation of knockdown attack. It can now be parried to nullify damage and the knockdown.
  • Toxic Ancients - Do poison damage and gives all nearby enemies poison damage. Ancient and nearby enemies are resistant to poison and gas damage.
  • Healing Ancients - Links with nearby allies, any damage they take heals the Ancient up to 150% health, and it scales up to reflect having health > 100%. Also reduces damage that nearby allies take.
  • Healing Ancient now has Fossilized health, to be consistent with the other Ancients (was Infested Armour).
  • Leaper infested can dodge.
  • Disruptor Ancients - Aura that reduces radial and power damage taken by nearby allies. Attack damage energy, rather than completely drain it. Attacks of nearby allies have the same effect.


I think the Ancients were completely busted by this.

Ancient Disruptors still completely drain energy and shields, they just gave the same effect to everyone else.

Healing Ancients keep reducing my attacks to 0 while they're active. Blue zeroes, everywhere. 

While I haven't had much of an issue with it yet, I also don't think giving Toxic Ancients the ability to resist Gas damage was a good idea, since Gas is basically only useful against Infested, and now even that won't be true.


My big problem though, is that it's suddenly a nightmare to complete even 15 waves of a low level Dark Sector Defense since this update; you can't spit without hitting a half dozen Infested after Wave 12. It's just... incredibly unforgiving, even compared to the highest level enemies of other factions.

Edited by Archwizard
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Also, please, PLEASE add a message to the owner's screen for when their Kubrow starts bleeding out, as well as a red waypoint in the world for them.

Not just a countdown and map icon in the corners, but an actual message like when party members hit 0 HP, right in the center of your screen. Wave 10 of every Dark Sector, it always sneaks up on me that my pup tried to bite a Toxic, and if I look up to find my pup's 5 seconds from death, I still can't find them immediately regardless of distance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, please, PLEASE add a message to the owner's screen for when their Kubrow starts bleeding out, as well as a red waypoint in the world for them.

Not just a countdown and map icon in the corners, but an actual message like when party members hit 0 HP, right in the center of your screen. Wave 10 of every Dark Sector, it always sneaks up on me that my pup tried to bite a Toxic, and if I look up to find my pup's 5 seconds from death, I still can't find them immediately regardless of distance.


THIS, in spades!


I had to rebuild my Kuby's loadout to make her more survivable... I lost her in almost every single mission, save the Collar one. I never knew when she would get knocked down, and then could never find her once I noticed. Now, at least, we have the pet marker when they are alive, but I still could not get a revive done in time. I finally rebuilt her just to stop losing her. I removed Scavenge and had to put on Loyal Companion and Fast Deflection. Even removed her Protect precept, just to free up the extra 2 points to increase survivability.


Now that I have Link Health (got it yesterday), I should be in a much better position. But still... for a companion that has more enemies going after it than a Djinn with maxed Fatal Attraction, they sure are squishy!


BTW... why did the patch post for today get locked after only 6 hours??? I didn't have an opp to post earlier, and now I can't...

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i don"t really know what to say about this update since i started warframe few weeks ago.

but i can surely complain about castanas.


i understand (and it is legitimate) to put max munition to around 30 instead of 500.. for launcher but why only 30 for castanas? true that they are big and act like some electric timed bombs but they do very less damage than the launchers weapons. against lvl 30 or higher i must spam 4 or more castanas to kill... and 25 to 30 to kill lvl 30 special ancient and more on eximus... 30 ammo is getting very soon to 0. yes low ammo weapons normally destroy targets, casanas don't destroy anything. also it was fun to spend some ammo on party members to do kamikase on mobs or putting them in some way it would act like mines, trapping the ennemy in a wall of electicity... or just chain stun a big ancient eximus so he cannot ffight back, spaming those castanas to protect a cryopod or some fallen mates.


30 ammo max for this weapon is too few.

where is that usefull chain cc weapon on high level map? where is that fun trap / kamikase thing? when you need to count you can't know just throw them like this or you will just have no ammo to fight back.


at least it is true that you can find more easily handgun ammo but still 30 castanas goes very quickly ^^

Edited by thelasttand
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