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New Ui Feedback From Ui/ux Designer: Visually Nicer, Slower To Use, More Clicks To Do The Same Task


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I doubt they will offer this since they just replaced it, but what I would love is a console within the ship that popped up a similar mouse-friendly, and static, UI for at least Arsenal, Mods, Foundy, keys etc. If I could have my ship AND functionality I would be in heaven.


 That's what I suggested on another thread and quickly got called childish and that it was an unreasonable option.In my opinion is the most sensible option to keep everybody happy.

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An option to go between the floaty (worse) UI and something like old one would be the best thing for DE to do. Sadly this is DE, and that'll never happen, so enjoy the change.

Hopefuly some degree of change/fixes happen to adress certain problems with the UI, but I don't see them changing it drastically, or really at all.

The thing with this is DE mentioned about the tenno floating over the sol system for no real reason, if the old overview UI was added to the holographic display style of the current navigation it would be reason enough for the tenno to actually be that way, and  players could have either UI to choose from.



DE_Pablo already said the old one isn't coming back.  They will tweak this one and improve it though.

Thats kind of a bad attitude to have when making games/software, you have to at times just realise an idea didnt pan out or achieve what it was meant to and go with something that does work (no matter how much you personally like it).  Kudos to them for them trying something new, but building on broken/rocky foundations is never a good way to go.

I guess time will tell to see how it is recieved by the PS4 crowd.

Edited by Loswaith
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I won't read everything, I will just add my little comment(since I cba to start a rage thread):

The new UI is g** as f**k, period.

To select missions, I need to play Wheel of Fortune.
Top that, no more auto-joins for alerts, just manual, ****.

To select mods, I need to get tri-monitor setup and another pair of eyes to see left and right.

Crucial things like party state and logout are now hidden in segmented menus.

No more ESC to quickly drop a bloody pug.

As if mandatory double-space to skip GRATE PRIME wasn't enough, now we have ships! Seriously? This game will reduce my SPACE durability by 1% on it's own.

Can't say more, because I'm stuck on prologue glitch.

If there is ONE thing I could be happy about - it's the player holograms through obstacles. That's... marvelous. Great, DE, you've invented a bicycle! Maybe in the next year of beta, you will invent nameplates as well!

P.S.: Everything CAN get used to. And I won't deny the visual splendor. But as comments go here - some people like me don't give two hugs about UI, lore and bling. I play this game to farm mastery, to shoot stuff. And the old UI has been steadily improved from something like Windows 98 to good old XP. AKA the [---] to (----) UI.

This seems like one big Vista in the history of Warframe, the A for the effort update. Ambitious, but... overhyped.

Hopefully in some patches they would tweak new UI to resemble old, not force players into main menu minigame...

Edited by Wrathinside
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This doesn't even touch upon the distracting movements.


A static image with plain text is much easier to read than an image that is constantly animating and moving around based on mouse movements. That does nothing but distract or worse, nauseate.


Edit: Sorry, I just noticed that you did in fact cover this issue. Still, I'd like to emphasize that it is a very significant issue brought on by something completely unnecessary.


Overall new UI is preety but is slow awkward to use inconvenient and causes unnescary eye strain which can lead to headaches and nausea


User interfaces are meant to be user friendly, this is anything but.

Oh god my eyes get so tired and i have a headache after looking at the new ui for 5 minuites it is AWFUL i would even play plat to get the old ui back Atleast make it a choice lets us have the OLD ui But with a Button that takes us to our ship so we can pet our kubrow. thats the only advantage.


I doubt they will offer this since they just replaced it, but what I would love is a console within the ship that popped up a similar mouse-friendly, and static, UI for at least Arsenal, Mods, Foundy, keys etc. If I could have my ship AND functionality I would be in heaven.


I too would be happy with the old style static menus but be accessible from the ship, i like the ship, i dont like the ui just make it a toggle in the options old or new ui or whatever they decide to name the two.


I despise the new starmap so much old starmap you can drag and look over the whole star system after zooming in. now i have to click a planet and if i clicked the wrong planet or chanegd mym ind i have to exit out find the planer i want then rotate the planet till i find the mission,

finding a node when you cant remember what planet its on (eg forgetting kappa is on sedna) is awful. on the old starmap i could just go hey i remember it was up and to the right a bit drag find boom easy.


Overall new UI is preety but is slow awkward to use inconvenient and causes unnescary eye strain which can lead to headaches and nausea


User interfaces are meant to be user friendly, this is anything but.

Edited by Avlaen
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(I honestly find it less annoying to walk around the ship)


Exactly. xD


They should get rid of the nested bullsh*t. Just place buttons in a grid for every friggin sub-menu directly within the Main menu. There's enough space to do so. The text doesn't need to be that big either... It feels like I'm playing the game on 320x200 pixel Classic Doom mode or something and my monitor is perfectly capable of 1920x1080. Even Modern UI under Windows 8 feels better than this sh*t and that's something I thought I would never say because that's one of the biggest (if not the greatest) f*ck ups Microsoft ever pushed to the Desktop. :P


Also a row with smaller buttons like we had pre-U14 on top of each window to directly access any other menu from within a menu wouldn't be too bad as well... so we don't have to back out to the main menu all the friggin time.

Edited by MeduSalem
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+1 OP.


I doubt it will change though, console UI, plain and simple.

Are DE the first company to ever make a PC game, port it to consoles, then make console appeasing design changes to PC to test it on m&kb users, with the intention of dropping it on consoles and gamepads later?


Someone insert that guy with the crazy hair saying "logic" please....

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 That's what I suggested on another thread and quickly got called childish and that it was an unreasonable option.In my opinion is the most sensible option to keep everybody happy.


It's perfectly reasonable. Why can't we have the awesome ship and immersive menus, but also have some quick-link functionality from the old UI? I made a quick mock-up using the new firefox hamburger menu:



BAM! Functionality! (and puppies too)

Edited by StrahlTiger
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Here is the Quick Fix Idea:


UI14, Liset and UI13 can live together. 


Devs can add special place to the ship. Lets call it meditation spot. Then player use it, everything blackens out and u get back the old update13 style of ui. It can be stylized in update 14 fashion, but keeps all the Quality Of Life features and easy mouse navigation from UI13. Such way player is not carried away from update 14 expirience and have a choise of how he want to experience warframe.

Edited by MaxMS
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It's perfectly reasonable. Why can't we have the awesome ship and immersive menus, but also have some quick-link functionality from the old UI? I made a quick mock-up using the new firefox hamburger menu:



BAM! Functionality! (and puppies too)


 That would work,or since its already done and tested,just open the old UI screen on a ship terminal.

As some people posted already,this UI smells like the W8 metro fiasco(replace touchscreen devices for consoles),and look how well that went for MS...

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Found another issue; you can't use the arsenal while you have the navigation open, I frequently switch setup to suit a mission, and well you can't without first exiting the navigation, opening the arsenal (using esc or the 3 line button) with the navigation open does nothing, until you exit the navigation, then you're catapulted to the arsenal.

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I don't know whether the idea has been posted yet, but obviously the UI had to be changed "to make the game open to a wider spectrum of players" (e.g. "to make more money on PS4"). We have to accept that, whether we like it or not! So here's my suggestion to make both sides happy:


DE, can we please pay PLATINUM to get access to the old UI? I would be ready to pay ~50 plat a month just to be able to play the game on PC in such  a meaningful way!!!!

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Found another issue; you can't use the arsenal while you have the navigation open, I frequently switch setup to suit a mission, and well you can't without first exiting the navigation, opening the arsenal (using esc or the 3 line button) with the navigation open does nothing, until you exit the navigation, then you're catapulted to the arsenal.


Well that makes it sh*tty to switch loadout and to chose a mission when in a party. :s

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I don't know whether the idea has been posted yet, but obviously the UI had to be changed "to make the game open to a wider spectrum of players" (e.g. "to make more money on PS4"). We have to accept that, whether we like it or not! So here's my suggestion to make both sides happy:


DE, can we please pay PLATINUM to get access to the old UI? I would be ready to pay ~50 plat a month just to be able to play the game on PC in such  a meaningful way!!!!


Just, no. No. This was not the reasoning behind the new UI, and the only people who are saying it are the people who will take any excuse to go after console players. 

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Just, no. No. This was not the reasoning behind the new UI, and the only people who are saying it are the people who will take any excuse to go after console players. 


Then i would love to hear what do you think was the reason behind the new UI? This is the only logical reason - otherwise nobody will be able to excuse this UI. And consequently the new UI would be a total disaster, because it is inferior in nearly every aspect to the old one.


And i cannot understand why someone would have something against a console player? this is no contest and we do not even interact with each other. why should there be any hate between the two "factions"?

Edited by Atvir
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I totally agree with ALL the points of the OP.


The new UI is flashy, shiny, but really, REALLY less user friendly that before.


The 3 worst points for me being:

1) Mods/Codex/etc being "inclined" and hidden by the character make it awfully uneasy to use

2) Starmap nightmarish: can't recognize the planets, looking for mission in planet uneffective.

3) the need to go to 3 sub-menu to fidn friendlist/etc.


From my point of view, it's a HUGE step backward on use fo a (useless) tradeoff on look/feel. Or maybe is it more oriented towards pad use? I don't know.


I find the W8 metro parallel is perfectly suited.

Edited by Marnus
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Found another issue; you can't use the arsenal while you have the navigation open, I frequently switch setup to suit a mission, and well you can't without first exiting the navigation, opening the arsenal (using esc or the 3 line button) with the navigation open does nothing, until you exit the navigation, then you're catapulted to the arsenal.


Hit the button to the left of your icon to bring up the arsenal.

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There is a way to finagle the arsenal open from the Nav screen. I've done it once or twice, but the finagling is more difficult then just backing out.



DE, can we please pay PLATINUM to get access to the old UI? I would be ready to pay ~50 plat a month just to be able to play the game on PC in such  a meaningful way!!!!


Absolutely not! This is not something that should be held hostage for Platinum under any circumstance. Why would you even suggest this idea?

Edited by Brasten
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Agreed with OP. Some changes can be good, but for the most part of this update, I find everything went back a step. Before you could easily choose/drag planets to get to missions of your choice, now it's a constant click/esc to get around.


The ship is nice and all, but why do we need it honestly? it's a 20 foot walk from Nav to Mods and you can just access it all via the esc menu.


The order of the planets are just odd and the fact it's 3D and you have to scroll around them to find your mission is annoying.


The constant chatter of the Grinneer "visa" people is beyond me. first time I heard it, I chuckled but I want to tear my ears off now.


Also the double mission synopses is odd too. just let me get back to the menu to check out the stats/loot.


At this point I'm just complaining, but I don't get why this had to be updated the way it is. U13 was nice, it worked well, menus weren't nested all to hell.


One of the other posts said this layout may be better for the Playstation crowd, well and good but don't take our PC layout for their improvement.

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