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Starvation Strike, Until De Reacts! (The End)


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Even though I may end up killing more kubrows, I will not post more. 


We had fun, and DE got the point.


Oh well then... ^^


He may be a naysayer but you are being overly dramatic and have a rather distorted view on the issue. 


Won't deny that I might have a weird perspective on things sometimes, but I don't know what's distorted about stating that I had fun with the game in the past year and that's why I helped founding Warframe because I wanted to see more of exactly that (what it's been past year). Saying that I want to take it a step further: When I signed up for Warframe I didn't buy a ticket for a possible future Las Vegas trip because that's not been one of their proposed initial goals back then.


But that's pretty much how Kubrows turned out to be. Either you waste a lot of Plat on stasis slots (so you can breed on your own) or you waste a lot of Plat on Imprints on the Trade channel (with the record of 3400 plat for 2 imprints what I've seen on the trade subsection so far) or you've to live with ugly bastard mongrels you get for free with literally no choice because it's random. That's how it looks like, even DE hyped the customization part in the Livestreams in advance. Even the one column in the default color palette for Warframes/Weapons when you start out offers more of a choice. So literally this is a Veteran toy for high-Plat-rollers.


On top of that there are multiple tiers of cooldowns (like switching between Kubrows), the degrading DNA system (which is somewhat better now that the decay has been nerfed) and that you can't get rid of all the unavoidable excess Kubrows (that DE was pretty much aware of when they made breeding this random on purpose) in a better fashion other than starving them to death or by storing them into the fridge and getting even more Stasis slots you've to pay Plat for. No wonder many people are somewhat disappointed/upset about how that turned out.


If something like that would have been released a year ago at least some people would have avoided the game much in the fashion people in the western world avoid Korean-style ultra-grind&premium-currency-gated-MMOs because they are in an awkward disadvantage to the player and might as well be slot machines dressed up in a better graphically representing outfit.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Oh well then... ^^



Won't deny that I might have a weird perspective on things sometimes, but I don't know what's distorted about stating that I had fun with the game in the past year and that's why I helped founding Warframe because I wanted to see more of exactly that (what it's been past year). Saying that I want to take it a step further: When I signed up for Warframe I didn't buy a ticket for a possible future Las Vegas trip because that's not been one of their proposed initial goals back then.


But that's pretty much how Kubrows turned out to be. Either you waste a lot of Plat on stasis slots (so you can breed on your own) or you waste a lot of Plat on Imprints on the Trade channel (with the record of 3400 plat for 2 imprints what I've seen on the trade subsection so far) or you've to live with ugly bastard mongrels you get for free with literally no choice because it's random. That's how it looks like, even DE hyped the customization part in the Livestreams in advance. Even the default color palette for Warframes/Weapons when you start out offers more of a choice. So literally this is a Veteran toy for high-Plat-rollers.


On top of that there are multiple tiers of cooldowns (like switching between Kubrows), the degrading DNA system (which is somewhat better now that the decay has been nerfed) and that you can't get rid of all the unavoidable excess Kubrows (that DE was pretty much aware of when they made breeding this random on purpose) in a better fashion other than starving them to death or by storing them into the fridge and getting even more Stasis slots you've to pay Plat for. No wonder many people are somewhat disappointed/upset about how that turned out.


If something like that would have been released a year ago at least some people would have avoided the game much in the fashion people in the western world avoid Korean-style ultra-grind&premium-currency-gated-MMOs because they are in an awkward disadvantage to the player and might as well be slot machines dressed up in a better graphically representing outfit.


You're not wrong to feel disenchanted. This game has taken a path that I'm not really willing to follow it down, and that's true for a lot of veterans.


Don't let disagreement make you doubt yourself; we're very much doing the right thing as consumers to be demanding. Yes, even when we're borderline unreasonable.


Creators have to make peace with this. Art is like a child. It grows up and talks back to you. You don't get to decide what the world does with it once you've put it out there. You can try to make it behave, but the human analog is all too appropriate - eventually, you will lose control.


If you're going to make things and show them to people, the burden is on you to handle the responses you receive. It's that simple.


TL;DR - Be demanding; it's in everyone's best interest.

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Don't let disagreement make you doubt yourself; we're very much doing the right thing as consumers to be demanding. Yes, even when we're borderline unreasonable.


I guess that's one of the main problems the game industry suffers from nowadays.


Too many undemanding people are taking everything that Publishers/Gamedevelopers spit out as granted or something that's "okay" the way it is even it is clearly not when looking back at past games and that's why many games even in the Triple-A sector lack quality/fairness in the recent years. Too many of those companies got away with every bullcrap moves they pulled off in the past years.


Not saying that DE is one of them, because if I would have thought so back last year I wouldn't have started playing Warframe, neither would I have spend money to found it.


I don't have any problems if DE monetizes convenience like rushing a weapon in the foundry so you don't have to wait 24 hours or buying finished stuff in the market like entire Warframes and packages... but if they start building an entire game mechanic (like the Kubrow breeding) around how much Plat they can make out of it before everyone gets sick of it then it's a bit over the top in my opinion.




But now I guess a mod should close the thread since it served it's purpose and 7grims stated that he won't continue sacrificing another Kubrow and the only thing we are doing now is de-railing it with our subjective opinions. ^^

Edited by MeduSalem
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kinda hilarious that Ordis could at any time, clearly eject a kubrow out the airlock, but refuses to until the poor creature dies of space-cancer-aids


then even though we know Ordis hates the kubrows, he says he hopes you'll raise another? like wtf? WHAT A SICKO!


Ordis/DE just wants us to raise more kubrow, so they can slowly watch them die of space doggy cancer-aids, knowing the whole time that we want to put them out of their misery, but they refuse, instead forcing us to slowly watch them die, only to have their rotting carcass tossed out into space unceremoniously, then to encourage us to do it again..... barf


DE/Ordis have no soul, and are sick, sick, sick individuals, someone call PETA

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kinda hilarious that Ordis could at any time, clearly eject a kubrow out the airlock, but refuses to until the poor creature dies of space-cancer-aids


then even though we know Ordis hates the kubrows, he says he hopes you'll raise another? like wtf? WHAT A SICKO!


Ordis/DE just wants us to raise more kubrow, so they can slowly watch them die of space doggy cancer-aids, knowing the whole time that we want to put them out of their misery, but they refuse, instead forcing us to slowly watch them die, only to have their rotting carcass tossed out into space unceremoniously, then to encourage us to do it again..... barf


DE/Ordis have no soul, and are sick, sick, sick individuals, someone call PETA


Seems like they already understood that a sell or release option is needed.

Just dont get how it was completely forgotten, or why they decided to not include any sell/release since the beginning.

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Wait I Read adoption somewhere in their why can we not put our Kubrow up for adoption....it needs 3 requirement DNA 50% or lower since that mean you don't want him and cannot pay him for him,he need to be in stasis ,and he needs to be unranked with no imprints left on him (or imprints both still on him not sure how to work that out)but u put them up for plat or credit that would work with the system we all think DE is trying to run

Then Goat could have been adopted by someone who would not have tried to use him to make a Poin

PS I decided not to kill my kubrow but just keep him around I am kubrow fanatic

Edited by Leavith
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Wait I Read adoption somewhere in their why can we not put our Kubrow up for adoption....it needs 3 requirement DNA 50% or lower since that mean you don't want him and cannot pay him for him,he need to be in stasis ,and he needs to be unranked with no imprints left on him (or imprints both still on him not sure how to work that out)but u put them up for plat or credit that would work with the system we all think DE is trying to run

Then Goat could have been adopted by someone who would not have tried to use him to make a Poin

PS I decided not to kill my kubrow but just keep him around I am kubrow fanatic


Adoptions would be in sync with the rest of the game logic.

Just like you cant sell or trade any fully crafted weapon or frame.


This logic is kinda good, to stop players of offering a made weapon/frame to someone who cant built it or doesn't have the resources, and to stop players of circulating weapons/frames that they have used to max level and discarded.

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Is this Goat Jr., Little Goatee, or...?


Haven't start thinking on names yet, also cause i don't know if its a female or male,

but yah, i might just honor Goat, and call this one Goat 2.0

Isnt a goatee something related with porn?

Edited by 7grims
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Haven't start thinking on names yet, also cause i don't know if its a female or male,

but yah, i might just honor Goat, and call this one Goat 2.0

Isnt a goatee something related with porn?

Not without an 's' in there it isn't.

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Is that so? Then I wonder why DE acknowledge it, and even linked it into the survey:



Yes, i wonder, too, care to explain?


This whole thread is everyone screwing around.

There are plenty of other threads where actual discussion is happening.

Not saying that this thing isnt  entertaining to some but this has nothing to do with feedback.

The math was already done on how long the dogs last without feeding, we dont need a picture or day-by-day breakdown of it.

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Yes, i wonder, too, care to explain?


This whole thread is everyone screwing around.

There are plenty of other threads where actual discussion is happening.

Not saying that this thing isnt  entertaining to some but this has nothing to do with feedback.

The math was already done on how long the dogs last without feeding, we dont need a picture or day-by-day breakdown of it.

So you'd rather we just ignore the fact that the only way to get rid of something DE touted as heavily cyclable resource (breeding that perfect pup) is to wait first ten days and later 20 days to clear space for the next wave? Hopefully they're working on a way to expedite the process, but the best way to ensure they do is to bring as much attention to it as possible.


And if the community moderators deemed we were just screwing around this would have been shifted over to general discussion ages ago.

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