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Ammo Nerf Protest


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and why u dont play like everyone else with ammo transmute in? use ammo boxes if have problems? or still pic up the ammo which is enaugh dropping?

and in missions where enemys don´t cluster up , u just selected the false weapon




like u said to forma them FOR DEFENSE and SURVIVAL

so u want a weapon which is in all game types against all enemys superior?

Because maybe that's HOW I challenge myself, by not playing like everyone else, heck I don't even use ammo regen on my soma OR bows... and TBH people fail to see that this ammo nerf has made rox only viable to Defense while everything is still viable for every mission, EVEN SHOTGUNS WHICH SUCK, Are still usable for everything else... because they're ammo efficient... Try using a rocket launcher for survival, sabotage, exterm, spy, etc. you'll see how quickly you'll burn through those ammo reserves... and FYI, you still cannot use mutator mods on launchers :/ ...

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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The purpose of this nerf was that you aren't supposed to main a launcher. 

It is a conditional weapon, you aren't supposed to solo levels with it. It is meant to only be used on large clusters, situations when it is very hard to miss(Although I wouldn't mind seeing a little extra ammo to the penta, it is designed to have multiple grenades out at once and map geometry can really mess with bounces for accurate placing.) 

If its a primary weapon, I should be able to main it. Period.


This nerf did the most damage to Torid which doesn't function at all like the other launchers.

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Because maybe that's HOW I challenge myself, by not playing like everyone else, heck I don't even use ammo regen on my soma OR bows... and TBH people fail to see that this ammo nerf has made rox only viable to Defense while everything is still viable for every mission, EVEN SHOTGUNS WHICH SUCK, Are still usable for everything else... because they're ammo efficient... Try using a rocket launcher for survival, sabotage, exterm, spy, etc. you'll see how quickly you'll burn through those ammo reserves... and FYI, you still cannot use mutator mods on launchers :/ ...

like u said, a challenge that u sett urselfe,if it doesn´t work it´s not a reason to say all about it is bad

btw shotguns are amazing

and that u can´t use mutator mods will probably be fixed soon

Edited by Vernoc-EGT-
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Ask yourself something... should I then main the SOMA like everyone else, should I main a BOW like everyone else, WHY CAN'T I main a launcher, WHY SHOULDN'T I... cause people don't like it... cause they hate people stealing their kills... cause it's too broken... You know what, if I wanna main a launcher then why not... and if everyone else wants to main whatever else, then why not... but why this drastic nerf, will 20 rounds really be helpful in the long run, and rarest ammo being it's pickup... and FYI, sometimes enemies won't cluster up like you'd want them to except in Defense missions... so by the time enough are grouped up to not waste a rocket on 1 or 2 people... you're surrounded and/or dead... also FYI, not everyone is rich or foolish enough to waste their platinum on Boosters, some of us don't have the money to anyway...


I like maining semi-autos. Quit your whining and start aiming.


I'm tempted to just buy and six Forma the Penta from scratch if only to prove a point.

You've been spoiled so long with not having to exercise any discretion whatsoever that you're just paralyzed at actually having to do that.


Oh no, with an Ammo Mutation mod, you might actually have to fire a couple more rounds more than usual to indiscriminately sledgehammer everything into the ground. Just like any other weapon with ammo efficiency problems.

Edited by PlayGooYa
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like u said, a challenge that u sett urselfe,if it doesn´t work it´s not a reason to say all about it is bad

btw shotguns are amazing

and that u can´t use mutator mods will probably be fixed soon

The tigris is my fav shotgun and as much effort as I put into it I still cannot kill infested ancients passed wave 10 on DS despite it doing like 3k gas dmg and 2k Slash with no crit... they have yet to buff a lot of the shotguns which amongst all primaries are (or were) the worst when it came to DPS (the Brakk and the Boar prime being the only exceptions). And tbh I'd rather challenge myself than Have DE tie my hands behind my back and then tell me it's fun cause it's more challenging now... and LOL to the person that told me to get good and aim... FYI Rocket launchers are projectile weapons so try sniping a moving target with it... same with bows which btw I'm very good with even with heavy cal equipped... but OH SO MUCH SKILL NEEDED TO AIM with a hitscan wep...

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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but OH SO MUCH SKILL NEEDED TO AIM with a hitscan wep...

^ dont feed the trolls.


i like hitscans just like everyone else.....but with the weapon variety that we have i prefer to play other weapons as well


specifically nerfing launchers without fixing other weapons or nerfing them leaves a bad taste in my mouth


this nerf was not properly tested for everyones unique situation as well


thats great if you like your auto or semi auto weaps...or your hitscans....but people who play a video game get bored of time to time....we have variety for a reason....so that not everyone plays the same weapons and everyone can deal damage in different ways


if they want to have fun with an OP weapon or with something that allows them to have fun.....i do not believe that it should be balanced....but balanced properly.......

Edited by sekushiiandee
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everyone is arguing because this whole hotfix is dumb. lowering primary ammo would be fine, but then making it rare makes your weapon NOT Primary. Because u won't have ammo. I don't want ammo pods. if someone does that's THEIR choice and I shouldn't be forced to NEED them. Besides the primaries can use rifle mutation which makes the nerf POINTLESS. The primaries are now terribly ineffective in non-defense missions.

And this whole patch has raped the angstrum to around 13% actual use for a whole map. (Try it w/o pods, and no I don't miss)

This hotfix is dumb because it wasn't done correctly. if you want to limit the launchers just lower the max cap. sniper ammo is not launcher ammo (neither is rifle ammo)

I'm upset this wasn't thoroughly thought out or implemented. People HAVE made good suggestions about ammo but none of which was done. My favorite weapon out of Bout 30-40 was the angstrum, now it has 10 real charges. period. This whole patch is a dread oversight and is like putting a dirty towel to compress a wound. Its hard not to be upset at DE. I could implement this better so I'm bothered a game I like that has done so well put out a botched fix.

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and why u dont play like everyone else with ammo transmute in? use ammo boxes if have problems? or still pic up the ammo which is enaugh dropping?

and in missions where enemys don´t cluster up , u just selected the false weapon




like u said to forma them FOR DEFENSE and SURVIVAL

so u want a weapon which is in all game types against all enemys superior?


And why don't we treat Launchers as if they did not have any drawback even before the nerf and make them so situational that their longevity makes me not choose a them over a standard rifle? Did they not have much lower single target DPS and have a main, unchangeable damage base which has negatives against Ferrite Armor, the armor type for the most common heavy unit, heavy gunners?


Want to claim I am spoiled by high ammunition reserves? I've played with an Amprex. It's ammo drain is justified. It has the sustained DPS of any high end weapon on single targets, also has an AoE, has Electricity, one of the most versatile elements, as a base. Its tradeoff? Ammunition Economy to the max. Simple. Just like launchers previously had multiple tradeoffs for AoE.


Why don't you promote railroading everyone into the same cookie cutter builds by telling them to just throw in said specific ammunition mutation?


Why don't you assume everyone's launchers has all the maximized mods that it can kill most enemies in one hit so ammunition is not an issue?

Why should explosives only be viable in defense and survival? Why are rifles not limited in viability to Exterminates and Captures? 


Please, think through your arguments before making some foolish claims. You are not the only one who plays the game. And personally, I would prefer if you used proper grammar to make yourself legible.

Edited by Arabaxus
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The tigris is my fav shotgun and as much effort as I put into it I still cannot kill infested ancients passed wave 10 on DS despite it doing like 3k gas dmg and 2k Slash with no crit... they have yet to buff a lot of the shotguns which amongst all primaries are (or were) the worst when it came to DPS (the Brakk and the Boar prime being the only exceptions). And tbh I'd rather challenge myself than Have DE tie my hands behind my back and then tell me it's fun cause it's more challenging now...

the mistake is that against ancients corrosive has 75%+ dmg and gas none

if u can´t kill them in wave 10 ur weapon is just bad modded

and now u have another challenge, try the same with the nerved weapons, use ammo boxes and maybe..yeh maybe, use ur secundary weapon and melee too

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limiting the use of the weapon that way brings up more problems with the game


why should i be limited to using it only with clusters of enemies? it defeats the purpose of calling a weapon a primary weapon

Because it's a launcher, that is what launchers are meant for.

So then by that logic does that mean people can't main secondaries? And what does that make melee? People main melee, that makes their primary a backup/conditional weapon. As such the purpose of 'maining' primaries is already defeated. And what about the angstrum, can it be left at its 30 ammo count because it isn't a primary and thus doesn't need to be mained?

Primary/Secondary mean nothing to the ability to main a weapon. It is the weapons function that determines that, general use weapons are meant to be 'mained', they aren't spectacular at anything, but don't fail at others.

You can still 'main' it in some sense of the word, but only by applying it more often/effectively with skill more than someone who doesn't main it, who will only bring it out in clear cases of necessity. 

They are very powerful weapons(Well, I don't know about Torid and Miter yet), just because they can't be used solely for a whole mission, doesn't make them underpowered. 


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I hope you know that each warframe is permitted a secondary weapon to use, along with a melee.  Sorry you can't EZ mode with infinite rockets anymore.


please comment on torid and castana....


these weapons are definitely not infinite ammo and play differently than other explosive weapons

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I hope you know that each warframe is permitted a secondary weapon to use, along with a melee.  Sorry you can't EZ mode with infinite rockets anymore.


I hope you know that each Warframe is also permitted the option to omit two weapons of three.



the mistake is that against ancients corrosive has 75%+ dmg and gas none

if u can´t kill them in wave 10 ur weapon is just bad modded

and now u have another challenge, try the same with the nerved weapons, use ammo boxes and maybe..yeh maybe, use ur secundary weapon and melee too


The actual mistake here is that these nerfs were made on the assumption that everyone that used Penta/Angstrum/Ogris has the mods to "mod correctly", which itself is an issue.

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And why don't we treat Launchers as if they did not have any drawback even before the nerf and make them so situational that their longevity makes me not choose a them over a standard rifle? Did they not have much lower single target DPS and have a main, unchangeable damage base which has negatives against Ferrite Armor, the armor type for the most common heavy unit, heavy gunners?


Why don't you promote railroading everyone into the same cookie cutter builds by telling them to just throw in said specific ammunition mutation?


Why don't you assume everyone's launchers has all the maximized mods that it can kill most enemies in one hit so ammunition is not an issue?

Why should explosives only be viable in defense and survival? Why are rifles not limited in viability to Exterminates and Captures? 


Please, think through your arguments before making some foolish claims. You are not the only one who plays the game. And personally, I would prefer if you used proper grammar to make yourself legible.

who cares for dps?

what stops u to mod ur weapon that it´s good against ur enemy?

if u can´t handel the ammo cansumption u have to use ammo mutation( if its availabel) or ammo restores

now u are kidding, most weapons are limitated to exterminate or capture. They have much to high ammo consumption or to less dmg/proc to play long missions

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The actual mistake here is that these nerfs were made on the assumption that everyone that used Penta/Angstrum/Ogris has the mods to "mod correctly", which itself is an issue.

to get the mods and gear, max them and ur build, is atm the aiming of this game, we have nothing other to do

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They are very powerful weapons(Well, I don't know about Torid and Miter yet), just because they can't be used solely for a whole mission, doesn't make them underpowered. 


so are you okay with other powerful weapons having a higher ammo limit than the launchers? i do not believe that powerful and underpowered belongs in the conversation of balance because there are many strong, strong weapons that are clearly overpowered

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to get the mods and gear, max them and ur build, is atm the aiming of this game, we have nothing other to do

The problem here is DE is being hypocritical about what they wish to change because they're wanting to change the need for BAND AID mods and now rocket launchers are forced to have a Band Aid mod (Sniper ammo mutator when it works) in order for them to become viable for any mission other than defense, Not even the amprex with it's unholy ammo consumption needs a mutator mod for exterminate because it uses rifle ammo and therefore is less likely to run out before the mission is finished... But now what about rockets?...

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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who cares for dps?

what stops u to mod ur weapon that it´s good against ur enemy?

if u can´t handel the ammo cansumption u have to use ammo mutation( if its availabel) or ammo restores

now u are kidding, most weapons are limitated to exterminate or capture. They have much to high ammo consumption or to less dmg/proc to play long missions


1. Players who care about DPS exist and have just in any right to build the way they want to do as much as you want to do.


2. The only thing stopping anyone from modding things towards their enemies is the fact that the base damage is Blast, and this is unchangeable. Even then that goes on the assumption the player has all the mods required to do so. What's a good element to counter Ferrite Armor? Corrosive. What is Corrosive made of? Electricity and Toxin. What is left after Corrosive for elements? Fire and Ice. What does that create? Blast damage. What is the main issue of using explosives against heavy units? Blast damage.


3. I personally can use ammunition mutation or ammunition restores, but not every single player has a collection of mods as large as mine or several million credits to expend on crafting ammunition restores. Newer players exist in this game. Please do not forget that fact, as many seem to have.


4. Name some weapons that are limited to exterminate or capture, and perhaps I will take this statement for more than blowing steam right out your arse.

Edited by Arabaxus
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^ not constructive dude



and you cannot apply your gameplay style and preference to everyone else. please be mature about this


Oh please. My style has inherent but workable drawbacks. I actually know how to conserve shots and effort, something that Penta/Ogris abusers don't have. So yes, I can apply that to them. And I just roll my eyes at all the entitled players who still don't see that their weapon is still King of Murder Mountain even after they've had to take off a precious damage mod for Mutation.


Even Soma-users couldn't spray-and-pray without a Mutation mod. The alternative actually being, don't spray-and-pray. Suddenly, the launchers have to operate under some kind of efficiency restraint and then it's too much work.


How about you actually let your team actually kill the thing that was going to die a second later anyway instead of dropping three rounds on it to make sure it's really really dead?

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Even Soma-users couldn't spray-and-pray without a Mutation mod. The alternative actually being, don't spray-and-pray. Suddenly, the launchers have to operate under some kind of efficiency restraint and then it's too much work.

^it goes back to the argument about dps that is floating around


i am one of the individuals that care about dps because i go for a lot of end game play.....switching out one mod can make a huge different whether it be status chance or a few hundred damage points (considering multishot damage increase)


one mod always makes a difference and one mod always matters



also can you apply your same argument for launchers to torid and castanas? which require several shots to properly kill mobs, unlike ogris and penta with their higher explosion radius

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The problem here is DE is being hypocritical about what they wish to change because they're wanting to change the need for BAND AID mods and now rocket launchers are forced to have a Band Aid mod (Sniper ammo mutator when it works) in order for them to become viable for any mission other than defense, Not even the amprex with it's unholy ammo consumption needs a mutator mod for exterminate because it uses rifle ammo and therefore is less likely to run out before the mission is finished... But now what about rockets?...

band aid is ammo mutation?

if yes: like u said, this mod is a must have if u want to play this weapons in other game modes ( that tis mods doesn´t work IS a big mistake atm)

to the amprex, it is the direct opposite of launchers.For ext its okay, but for def or surv u need the mutation imo

Imo u just have to mod the weapon right for the situation and it will work(and again yes, that ammo mutation has to be fixed)

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