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Directx 10


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correct me if i'm wrong... but isn't the ps4 using opengl?

wouldn't porting an openGL version to windows (or better yet, linux) be more or less trivial with that in mind?

(certainly would require effort, but openGL is openGL to a greater or lesser extent)


We do not use OpenGL on PS4.

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I've run Dx11 and 64-bit through derelicts for hours and hours -- no crashes here. I don't see any crashes submitted by you in a long time so without a WAR# to confirm I am unaware of any problems.

Of course not, I am running DirectX 9 to not have crashes ;-)

Would be problematic to run a Derelict mission only to crash somewhere in it, when you have other players with you.

But I guess I can start an Exterminate with DirectX 11, alone, to send you a crash report. Or maybe not, if it works.

[Edit: Crash Report sent for your convenience :-)]


Btw, the crashes with 64 bit version my wife had were in all missions, I didn't write that really clear.

And of course since with 32 bit version it works, there won't be (any more) crash reports from her too, because who wants to run missions with constant fear of crashing, just for the sake of sending a report? Only a few do.

Edited by Deus_X_Machina
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Lol so the DX10 didn't even work, still got the game running faster due to other optimisations 


Switching to DX10 now added some stuttering during mid-levels (probably needs more memory)  

Edited by Monolake
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Lol so the DX10 didn't even work, still got the game running faster due to other optimisations 


Switching to DX10 now added some stuttering during mid-levels (probably needs more memory)  


yeah, after the actual implementation my son's system is up another 10% or so.

he's probably gained an overall 15% increase in performance and more in load times. (which are obviously related to the better optimization)

very good patch =D

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The High Dynamic Range option was not working in DirectX 10 or 11; if you had HDR disabled in DirectX 9 and switched to 10 or 11 you might have noticed that the bloom was more accentuated -- I've fixed this locally and a future hotfix will restore feature parity.

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Mmh. Would like to get some clarification:


I have DX11 on Windows 7 Professional x64, on a Laptop with onboard Intel HD Graphics (Core i3 CPU) and additionally an nVidia GeForce 310M card, which is designated as standard device, thence presumably used by Warframe.

Both dxDiag and nvcplui display DirectX version as 11.


The Warframe launcher has two DirectX entries: 10 and 11, both are unchecked, 11 is greyed out.

Does this mean that Warframe uses DX 9 on my machine, and if then why?

Edited by Zsar
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And the DX11-aware nVidia driver does not autonomously decide what it can and cannot realise of the DX11 instructions it receives?

I would assume that this is part of a device drivers immanent purpose.

... This does mean then, that I am part of the group of people, who should activate DX10 in the launcher and hope for... improved performance?


Well, I shall try it then.

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And the DX11-aware nVidia driver does not autonomously decide what it can and cannot realise of the DX11 instructions it receives?

I would assume that this is part of a device drivers immanent purpose.

... This does mean then, that I am part of the group of people, who should activate DX10 in the launcher and hope for... improved performance?


Well, I shall try it then.

Direct x depends on hardware not drivers. There is no way to bypass this, so you will not be able to run dx11 on gt310. dx10 may or may not bring better performance for you, mostly because your gpu is really old :/

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If that were the case, surely I could uninstall the nVidia driver and rely on DirectX to interface with my hardware directly?

... No. No, I do not think so. DirectX interfaces with the driver, not the hardware. The driver abstracts the hardware to allow DirectX (or OpenGL for that matter) to handle e.g. nVidia and ATI cards in the same way (so far the theory; in practice this does not always work; mayhap this here is such a case).




Now, with DX10 enabled, the game crashed no three minutes into the first mission. Report sent. Feature disabled for now.

... Also had flickering screen when the game regained focus while displaying a Codex entry (Frontier Trooper), which does not happen with DX9, but might yet be unrelated to the crash.

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And I made a nice animated GIF to show how to get WAR#s.... and still you still failed to post a # like I asked... *sigh*


I dug around and found your crash the hard way -- turns out it's crashing in your nvdia drivers which are actually quite out of date (you're on 325 and 340.52 is the last WHQL certified for the model of your card).


I thought it should kind of go without saying but:


Please ensure you're at least running the latest drivers provided by Windows Update -- if you have problems you might want to check for newer drivers directly from the vendor of your graphics card (NVidia, AMD, etc).

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And I made a nice animated GIF to show how to get WAR#s.... and still you still failed to post a # like I asked... *sigh*


I dug around and found your crash the hard way -- turns out it's crashing in your nvdia drivers which are actually quite out of date (you're on 325 and 340.52 is the last WHQL certified for the model of your card).


I thought it should kind of go without saying but:


Please ensure you're at least running the latest drivers provided by Windows Update -- if you have problems you might want to check for newer drivers directly from the vendor of your graphics card (NVidia, AMD, etc).


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If that were the case, surely I could uninstall the nVidia driver and rely on DirectX to interface with my hardware directly?

... No. No, I do not think so. DirectX interfaces with the driver, not the hardware. The driver abstracts the hardware to allow DirectX (or OpenGL for that matter) to handle e.g. nVidia and ATI cards in the same way (so far the theory; in practice this does not always work; mayhap this here is such a case).


Not to get into very specific details but it works like:


You have a piece of hardware. Then you need a driver so that your operating system knows what it is and how it can operate.


Direct x is like a little helper, it has a lot of things which make developing applications so much easier. But it's not a video driver and it can't function like one.


Why old hardware can't support newest pieces of dx? Because you can't update that. Direct x doesn't support the hardware (not your driver. These are two separate thins, don't confuse them). Technology changes, and since your only way of updating hardware is getting a new piece of it as opposed to software where you can simply install a new update, you can get confused how much changes from version to version. It changes a lot in software, so old hardware and newest 3d software may not be always compatible.


EDIT: cause forgot to mention one last thing, direct x doesn't give instructions to anything. And there is quite a difference between openGL and directx. You need to understand that as new features come to both if them, your hardware will lack those in time.

Edited by CptFaustas
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And I made a nice animated GIF to show how to get WAR#s.... and still you still failed to post a # like I asked... *sigh*


I dug around and found your crash the hard way -- turns out it's crashing in your nvdia drivers which are actually quite out of date (you're on 325 and 340.52 is the last WHQL certified for the model of your card).


I thought it should kind of go without saying but:


Please ensure you're at least running the latest drivers provided by Windows Update -- if you have problems you might want to check for newer drivers directly from the vendor of your graphics card (NVidia, AMD, etc).

Ah, please excuse me about that number. I clicked too quickly and did not even see it.

(For the future: Is there any way to procure the number after the crash reporter has been closed already?)


... It does indeed go without saying that these are the latest drivers offered by Windows Update configured* to provide third-party driver updates. I could get a newer driver from the nVidia Configuration Tool but have in the past had bad experiences** using newer drivers on older cards.


The last time Windows Update offered nVidia drivers was on 14.12.2013 and I updated accordingly. The log entry claims that this update had been successfully applied and there are no newer entries pertaining to nVidia drivers.


I take this as "update your drivers" and will do so, placing trust in your recommendation, and then try again.


* - Yep, checked right now, everything in order.

** - To name them: horrible FPS drop, increased frequency and severity of lag, reduced visual quality




@CptFaustas: Okay, if you say so... not quite convinced but ready to consider it.

Edited by Zsar
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If performance drops with driver update go to nvidias control panel (right click drivers icon in the taskbar), go to 3d and check that it would go with max performance (power saving) and single display mode. It is a known issue that your profile settings sometimes reset when updating drivers.


And about my explanation i can make an easier analogy. Imagine your GPU is an artists color palette, your game is a picture, the driver is an artist and direct x is arts teacher.


Direct x tells you to draw something yellow, but your color palette doesn't have that colour. It's not how it works, but principle is the same.

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And I made a nice animated GIF to show how to get WAR#s.... and still you still failed to post a # like I asked... *sigh*


I dug around and found your crash the hard way -- turns out it's crashing in your nvdia drivers which are actually quite out of date (you're on 325 and 340.52 is the last WHQL certified for the model of your card).


I thought it should kind of go without saying but:


Please ensure you're at least running the latest drivers provided by Windows Update -- if you have problems you might want to check for newer drivers directly from the vendor of your graphics card (NVidia, AMD, etc).

In all fairness, about 1/3rd of the time for me, I get my connection refused, and the game just tells me that "no war # was generated because connection could not be made to the server".


They may have similar issues.

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just for clarification.. in the launcher I can check both DX10 and DX11 .... should I uncheck DX 11 and just check DX 10 for testing this, or leave both checked?  (the way I have been running warframe was with DX10 unchecked and DX 11 checked)  

By logic if you check both you should get dx 11 (since you can't run both anyway). You can TRY checking dx 10 only, and if it gives some boost in performance that you need you could use it. Otherwise stick with dx11.

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Alright, I updated to the driver version recommended (which was, incidentally, also the number nVidia Configuration offered) and in DX9 mode, Warframe seems to work fine. I got a short black flicker during one mission, which never occured before, but other than that nothing bad.


Now, I started the game again in DX10 mode and already have an issue: When gaining focus, the game does not instantly continue like with DX9 but flickers three times (one phase slightly less than one second long) between black and light grey, as if adjusting resolution and colour depth settings.

- It goes without saying that I do run the game in native resolution (cannot select colour depth, system default is 32 bit).


This (about 2.5 seconds of waiting upon granting the game focus) is a pretty hefty loss of comfort, considering that one of the most technologically impressive things about Warframe has always been for me that I give it focus and it just appears all ready to go, no lag, no recaching, no nothing.


Going to run a couple more missions in a couple of hours, see how that goes. The main improvement I hope to gain is a reduction of these completely unexpected lags where the game freezes completely (often, but not always, sound included), sometimes for several minutes; all is normally fluent before and immediately thereafter.




Running mission; no crash so far, nothing worse...

With DX10, the hacking symbols actually move instead of snapping into their new position. I had assumed this be due to lowest (on my Laptop) vs. highest (on my PC) settings, but mayhap it is DX9 vs. DX11?




And crash! Totally out of the blue. Happened when a Grineer Arid Hellion's missile barrage exploded.

- Sorry, again no number:


Connection Failed


No connection was able to be established with the crash reporting server and no crash information was sent.


Contact support or post in our forums if you require additional assistance.

I unearthed the EE.log and looked for interesting bits. This slice from the bottom (with crash info) continues upwards to encompass a couple of interesting notions, namely:

  • Tesselation is on, while in-game it is greyed out as not available. (line 70)
  • The focus delay I describe above seems to stem from some kind of fullscreen problem mentioned on lines 46-48.
  • non-existing xBox controllers are "enumerated" in lines 36-39.
Edited by [DE]Glen
Removed log -- it contains personal information. Next time send in a support ticket with it.
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